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May 27, 1895 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-05-27

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._ . -. - The Miado is without doubt the
Time Table lfgvsed) May 15, 184. brightest and most popular of any of
. . *p*A.aas the operas which ade appeared ov"MC AC LN
Maland Ex . 3 W Mi' . ~ th aeo iletad2Olvn
F :s ?rblxi-Ited ,7 aaDuring te manlyyears it hasneenSTAMRS
D .Epes 5 40 Western Ex-- 2W tol.
G,I a ls.11 05 Chi.NS.Ex.::::10'8sfiedt rwlag uincs ohTourists Route.
GREx ---57on account of the amusing ireetic-:
s.Wruoa ,,, 1. .AYES, mn into 'whichl the action of tin SEM-WEEKLY FROM
i3. . B*T, Ag. Chiago. Ag.,Anu elir. .i.ients
T., A. A. & N. M. RY. iay frcos th' characters, and i the CLEVELAND, TOLEDO AND DETROIT
catchy music to which the dialogue is
Taking effect Sunday, April 7, 1894. set. -- ron-
Trains leave Ass Arbor an Central Stand A' full dress rehearsal of tile apea MACKINAC ISLAND, CHEBOYGAN,
aid time.
NORTH. SOTe, with orchestra acconpanimnt will be ST. GNAE,, APEA,
8:07a.5 0:1g.r. ien at the opera liautse thils eveninig. alPrso iiWs he iLk
. m.. 1:3}a. i. Andii ot n h'WtShr fLk
4:15 p. m 9:0p.. The tickets, for both eveigs pr- Htrn.
eta-OAT TANS. formualees freselling 'rapidly. tRc -________
oint Nothi at :5 a. m.
Goig South at 8:15 p. M. f4 eed seats can b Mii cres at tt . Remember ihis is the oy ]use gisig ps-
Trains Sunday rsii between Toledo and Brown's's and the Eib.rbach DugCoto eners te oporionity ci Sight seetsg aat all
liamburt Junction ony. of ormo~~ n tis oissice roue. Aso giing ss-
eTralnsrnn'between Ann Arbor and Toledo drug stores. The nusical art ffiesenere makit m cciiinnius trio six hosts
only.. tr-b o-pebcre, s crtedr. s o ro.otir famous Moisiac Islnd.-
ti-rlsdaily ecept Sunday, stiFrar ietis fcrc iets, including sesicandierths, nootier
B1. .GREENWOOD, Agent It. II enljifandA. L TBakr of epeses.
W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toedo . Chicago. will attend to the stage.111211 Cleveand to Macinac Islaod ad re-
;, ~ _ r urs, seve,-dy tris---5.14.00
A NNnBO &ePILNT sS. yagemet. Tldo p t iselol itoslad anid return,
ANtIDN~YSLNIS.ii i-gy tig- - - - -12to
:. -trit to Iisa~ctsIItnul cdreturn,-
-U7. OP A. CALENDAR. fve-Oyherip- - - - -lt0
Time Table, Mfay 26, 18. FiSa l~h atCoa Ticiets good to rr}? nriy time curing the
Leave Ypsilanti from Congress 51, :9o, :0 , ~- Cs,neeeihs et at a,:c ' Ila-t i sllst
and 1100 a. to" 12:45,:15,5ass, 6:5,l):30 and. sociai of tile season. semrs fsor (Aisego, Mil roser. I iositry,
I11 :m a.Fri;MAay tt.-Webster-Adelphi de- Saclt rte Maoielad gali psi::5 ~n LakebcMic-
Leave Ann Arbor June'tio, 7:0, :30 and ' gon,:,tae Sr toir, adutieneflo; ad at
11:10 a. a.; 1:1,2:45, :0, 7:1, 1:00 and 11:00 bate, a w lecture, room, S pI. 11. bt IgnaceswithiI) uSs & A. iytor all ponts
p' o.at., June -Coticert f01'tliellO ei cti thetUphrr Penisua and thest. rite
SUN15AY TIME. "y "inUniersiyfiari tun l. ot~ssolCiIicg
Leave Ypsianti from tCongressst.,1:30, 130, g 0 i 1 est al . .GUMNY-GnlMngr
:00. 0:30 and 9:00p. m, Sat., June L-Western ttercoilegi- U. GRANT GRUMMOIND. Pss. Agt.
Leve Ann Arbr Junction, 2:0, 4:00, ast0, ate cinantinshihlsr Chicago. GnrlOteter:I dc:
7:00 and 9:0 p. m.1 I-, nGeeaOfisDtoMch
Cars run on city time Fare:: single trip 15. Wed,_June__________-field_'day,_Cal-__
cents;round trip tckes 5nltet' . JteT-DapGldsay Cl
W. F. PAau, Spt. ifarnia vs. Mriciganatiicfld YUDTIGGTOPTOEU
0 CLEVELAND FrezhAerln-auhall.it UCKNGIBOO
TQ St,June S-VarsityvsBeot
BU1r1F ,ALO. atletic fili, 3:30 :Is-in. L ONE THOUSAND MILES OF LAKE RIDE
Jlj ue. uti 11 -Sophonlcro-frcs1- AT SMALL EXPENSE.
VCIA "C.'& B. LINE." iiimin f id droy 4 p ii. Viit this Historial Iland, which is the
itlugatbcenit side-sliest steet aea Sat., Junio 15.'' rsty vs. Chicaga, grandet summer resort on the Great
State of hio ad Statd of iew York athletic fi: d. 3Zt) p u., l bs. It only costnsout $13 from
DAILY TIfUlE TA3 LL. - Dtroit ; $15.from Toledo; $10 froni
sUN DAY INCLUDED. WABASHI LoWtAT E ARVTEST Cleveland, for the round trip, including
Lv. Cirvniand----O:00P.M. "EXCiRiS10tN vote 19i muitiis aid berths. Avoid the heat l
Ar. Buffalo.t.:- - - -7tii a. u. ust by trveing on tD. & C. Sfoiting
Lv. _ iito- ---- t6:BIs p. m. 'Wil be run fromt all stations on the pi r ,;:ITe attractions of a trip to Ike
Ar. Cibreland -- - .-7:300 0.reiWabash IRailroad ion April 30th, Say niectec rgion are unurpassed, 'lbs
BTake the-,;.'&a fine" steamers and en- 2stesand Ju t nd1th tothwes.West. s, Nothll:iiet itself is a grand romantic spot, its
Soys refreshing nI'ht's rest wheno eroute to -'tSuh idSubvet . : sot etivgortig. w ns
Buffalo itrsail, tote Nwok, - :ei fsssngr slormes hav just been
aoston, Albany, 1000 Isands, or anyEstern 'For full partectlas, apily toe the In69 or ir tur rmlae route, csting
or Canadiab point. ueaest tiket agert sof the Wabash or ll:fttGl0 ech.th:W y are'.equipped with
CHEAP EUM 01SWEKLY ,0'IAfiYCA aFAI1 connectiog lines or to .very nodern cnvenience, annunicitor,
Send 4c postage for tourstpamphlet. mithi room, etc., Illunminated throughou
W. F. HERMAN. 'T. 5F. NEWMAN, .YC S-CRIAN, ireelectricity0 ad are guaranteed to he
Genf Pa.rS.At, OGe' lMausger. 7x. P. 1[,V.A. Wabash IIt. or egrandest argest nd sfes teameri
Cleveland, 0. LOST',,a rih vater. hent steanes favorably
ltlogtfeentrw steamship now eadereon- - lliit:0it util t@te reat cean liners in Coil.
stenetion for Gas route. - Betwsee Inglalhceand Pwcat sdsed ortisprwe
4 honroe, a snaI backa eather aind sil sioueaToledo, Detroit, Al~a, Maci
FLO E ~ . F OWRS hiaidbsg and i auts. IcViad 'r , ,t. gncri, Petoskey, Cicag, "oo,
for Everything and Everybody, Will confer a tag or byr5 rrunluagth \k- liqctta Duluth.n Daily ewe
26 . Uireelt, ave; ;te t NT. 4 I'el 1i 'sf 17 'it endsuitand Detroit, and Cleveland ant
COUSNS{ N 4 Ilro, ettrpoleil5 THU W' ABAS14 TiA ES Iiiec trsveiioig on these y oams pltam he en-derus tr
E 1T., ti~iccte and Paeth X- nin'descriptive pmhe. dra A.A
uT. oQ AIILORI8 diitloit -f . ois over thio New .Scnas , . P. A .;& C..Detit, Mi
A7rcians ludgi', thriby avoiting __________________
our f pin¢udcng ausr Woolens hio hot, stooe, disagrcestble ide
are now on sale. Prices Low. tlubtettnl c1Wh~f\ I
t11foligh the ruleelu .0A IEMPli, Sr[bIAL 08 MASTw
4S. State st..Seeend Flnr, AonnArbor. A ady of exTprence desires to at, _________
as ma'sron of a society house for theI:
22 Years ir-te Busiuassl- comning year. teferecs can be $0FO
t givn if desined. tnquire at Dats he0, 1~O
Mf. M. SEAB9lT, No20 tlua. . 'Lost-A hicof gold rhnued eye- t' y} ,
MERORAN'T*., 448"x , 1tiatIleic fieldi-Thuursd'ay.
___ 7It"YAXf'1 t O . ING! tewm rd offered to finder at 20 S. UnI- f' Snlr.a,$
531 In PIga aosieisg v catty- a$v5i
A hbr o aFSae-I y lILiuiteel bieyie a.t- J. L. EE &,F. R, CUTCEON,,
EXOIJ]X) 4+A I)Y!mot ioKC$50 h Cali at Aeyrs I 51 t TONARus
10 ST14EL T L U R i , .. tod 41 Allam: - 17."
i~eiani gid elabe, ta I<s,t s I
Ann Abr, Mh.'CaptaAtlS, ,i 1,' i . iklsE500 .- 1 y y '
organised under the Gcblit RaningLaws S .LEAJ&E.LA1YN V Y O. +
of this Stati Rcevs depts buys and '
sels exchitltn off tcpthe If cities of the 1Hig pltdssand Psinvte ss
ttie Sae, e~scashed upon proper
ideniication. Safety deposit boxes to ret.
OersemaslChristian Mck tree.' WD- E. $.,SERVIS, Manager,
Harrinan. Vi-Print Chas. 1. flscek, ~81171FUT VNETADEff MRK
Claskier: 0. J. lFritzAssistant Cashier. a OT OBHAEU


My sakes ulive, howc the 'Smalhey" hals
cautgot on with thet buys wuod gtrlc, as well as
thet " growt folks, cud isn't 'it lovely,, tiishied
in the beautiful aluminum ename-a secreL'
process known oshy to the umabers of the
Smalley.:f" Do you let 00 to the new method
cf spoking the wuheels? "Conlbecr gets on to
them and into thirst nd teters on them;'
climbc up on to the turk crownf and jumps on
to ths cranoniloger; swings the wheel be-
twreen two boomesod jumps on the frame and2
the "Smalley" Bicycle seems to like It.
Never a squaok, not ai groan, never a i,'
anid thet weight is. a5 to 2t pounds.-W'estern
Hardware Comspauv, Salt Lake-Civ. Utah.
The Smalley of 1895.
0. Lipp~a.31 Agent,
46 E. William S t.
Annual Session begiiis in toeptem..;
her and continues seven nionibs.
Four years graded course. Labora-
tory, Clinical and 'Dispensary ad-
vanlages sxcsptionaliy good.
For annual' annoaneio~ent anid
other inforinathion address Corres-
ponding Secetary,
34"ti'noiingien OsC., Chf :tgc, n
T. &OQ.C. Ry. g. & M. Ry.
' Solid thimughotrains betwees Toledo, Ohio.
cuad Charleto,NC. Ye., via Columbus, the
3short aoiniouly directriiute.
T Toledo, 0.
Findlay, 0.
Renton, 0.
Ctolumhus, 0.
Athens, 0.
t. PlXatW iddleport , 0.'
s.Pomery, 0.
Richmond, -Va.
P'etershurg, 'V's.,
Old Poisit Comfort, V'a.
Williamsburg, V'sa.
Newport News, Vail .
r Norfolk, Va.
And all southeastern points. }Elesrni,
drawing reomucars ont all through trains."
For further information call' us your local-:
TIacket Ageot or write,
10 ~tLTON HOUK, Genl Pas.txA
W. A PEERB§ Mihig Toledo,f0.
V ~ ~ ~ a P .PTR, lib a ss. A gent, .
Detroit ' if.




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