: ' I4HE° U. OF.M. IlAILY.-. g ie ____._. Pub lished Daily (Snday excepted) during THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Or cE: Times bslAhisgMain S., oposite EDITORS" J. A. Linto3;°', Iianging Edtor. A. W. Swrrm, Special, Assistant. W A.SPILL,'li,Aa5sltt. R. . SDERLuAND 9'i, Asssat. H. CoLauAN;'7;Atietic Editor. G. B. HAnuSO, 'Si L, Business Manager. L. i. ilAn, '511 L. Assistant. Associate Editors. H. A. Dancpr, '95.,.. E. L. Eans,'5 L. L. A. Prtt H. C tarie V. mtl'6. C. A. Hughtus, 'H ll. G. A. Heath, 'H P. I "Minnie Thuomps, '7. H. . Gamms '98 . Cii. Farrell, '9. . E. inappn,'9. To say that the result of the game with ,Chcago lst Saturtay was a it- appieilt-is putting itlightly. Af- ter all s ovei, it is 1asy to see thai it was ;a. mistake to atempt to crowvd so umuch trovellinig aindl tasblttl llayig in one week.;The teani found this- Out 'Thursdaly antI Friday, .iii the aul's witht Wisconsin and eloit, anti showed especial ;loss of foriIn 'he latter game. ,I.n -fact, had]--eloit's. team. been very strong, it would srly have wonl front us, so thoroughly tagged -oere or -isen. Chcago lasisy this victory placed erself a thue iead of tie Western, unxivestes in base- ball, but Oily es~porarily, as we a1e coalcl dlthjmeseturn amne sstiithem hee ,Juae1 lit denoutroate..Ay- cl ilisshe smay -maketo tieWestrn champioship aic as yet certainly re- T.Chose who aIre acquainted, with 'Al Charles ald's quiet but thoroughly effetive ways Of--uVos ig !ivo been coiifident that ie football department would yet be had fro, and tiis cu- idoeceis vindicted by he announee- went made 'hi this issue tat a game with Harvard? aa been arrauged for. net faurll- 'Tile etevlas-=^witli which Air. ald compleu)a~rage mneuts'is bul anuothr indorsenscuft for his adminstration of our football in- terests. Irt only remvains'1oe the Clni versity, atlarge-todd ,is shasT(lt{co- operatiton wifhthe "anaemet, and the echoes of -rls t falsicoriess alin not cease. Thme long awated oppr- tuity ;has,compe foit iclligtun ad. we must not :fail to take advattgeofit. In 1883 We tied.:larvard at fottall, and ha November, 1-5 we must de- cide that ti fSt AVlfITrr On the College Diamond. College gmues iiatrday r izted: Amherst 17 Driioih . Ofistgttpil eV~ -i, kae . Harvard i 97, ct°t. towa ti, t sa d. ' - Indian'a I.. urduae;. -, 'rind iu a~Eiyrtte 4 .. . Dox you wan t-,~)iihso, 'ad-. vertise your board in the Daily. MICHIGAN {OSE.; (Continued from first page) manext, Iticiigaliiien filde.vtry base, but ifusell iewout and Etoon- ingtots doubled Watkins at second. The score: AB. i. H. O. A F. Sexton p.and r. ... 4 1 21 1 0 Deassb - -95 0 1 21 1D5 Slsieds,e.f,- -1 t52i 1 0' Wtkis, padr.f.. 1 0 1 0 d I hussella.s.--_._._4 50ta 1 4 1 Bloomingtu, 210-.. 5 0 5 1 4 1 Mcltenze, 11)..-.._. 4 0 0 11 0 0 W'ftermn,. f__-a_ 0 1 0 0 0 Hoinese .--._- 4 0 0 1 0 U Totals ---------- 2 1 6,57 .11' C3ICAG, ...AuB . Ii. H. 0.A-. F. Nichoiss-a-------15 1 105400 Jone, e.:=--- 5-"1 1 74 0 Aielsib.------ 5 1 05 51 i0 Adknso,2bl..- 1 1 33 1241 1 tCiarke, p----- 5 210 0 10 Piler) - 5 5 2 :3:1 00 Wisto,3b_..--4 -5050 0 0 0 Herrig of - d----421 1 1D5 0 Gra t - a_______6 1 5 1 u 0 Totals-_______41 13 10iX271 3il 1 Inniugs - 1li3ld5 t7-8 N Muiigas. - 1 G 0.A00"0 01- Chicago.-----'-_.. 22l3'I- 0 0 0sO -13 -Earned rus-Chiceago, 5; Itchias I.:Twe- lose hits-doses 8, o1aik, Pike, Sexto. Three-base hits-sbkiso:.. Home runs- Nohose. °S-en bases-Sexton, fussi. First- "dase on als-larke, ; ',tatiua .i. lity pi tdhei--XWatkinss:First -ass ox errors- Michigus ; Chiago. truch out-Sexton, ; W~tkins, U Clarh; ItDoble plys-NlcOl- ols,. Adinssu, Aels. Fuassed.buls--Jues. Wild pithes-Cluse, Seto. Tme, :0. Umpire, Stage. Atexsjace.4,000. -. FINALS,(TT BERKLEY OVAL, Yale Wins 1FJrst'-PS.cbn the Inter- collegiate Mot. Yale wi the Amerimiii itercoiheg- late'-hatoplousips at Nest YorkSat- urtlay The ointis wsere istrbutd as folost1s: Yale0, Nnuusyuvuaia 2, Ilars-urd 22, l oss- 10, Caifornht 7, Atiet 42;-Coluiishia 1.Prince-tonl 1. J. . ti-nm, of Iowa.lU., winer of the dashies at Cidaeo last year, to~k bothi tie 100 and 221)-,tshinefecrm Yale has "Prestedi against Tiii;°'a1- leging that lithadt done proessional rtu~iiig in Iowa. Thre,,eents anid ines were: 1600 bards-Cruii, ow, st; 11 iel-- ards, Yale, 2d; Ramsel, Penn., 3d. 10 s. 20 yards-Crunis, 1st; Richlards, 2d; Hamsdell, 3d. 22s 440 yards-Vtuuceit, harvard, 1s; Itotti, Califdnil, d; IMansield, iar- yard, 3d. 15 )'-W . : 1 -'-' - S80))"yards-Hollster ;HarvaurtFlid.., Ifilpatrick, Union, 2d; Rihel, Pen.. 1 Iile Or Pon; I'Pttn., 1t; Iilptcit, - nien, 2d; Jarvis, Penn, 3. 4 i. 23 0-Os.-- - e . 1111' walk'-Thu-Oll, Ymie,-s-i; Houhgh- i -Sr~, itmiert, I2d; Phillips, tarvard id. "7;i. 'A3-5 ".- 120 hrdles:-=Chafie1 TDatnsetuth, st; Dyer;- Cal., 2d; Torrey, Cal., 3d. iii '220 luuuidle rlrener, Iavard, lft Cady, Yale, 2d; Torrey, Cal., 3d. 24 2"-mile biyce-M'anrley, swrth msore, +*fo ; odendt., 21; eari g, High siump-leslie r'enn; "ht; Win sor, Penn., '2d; Paine, Harvard, 3d. 5 f~E fir 1%i. B~uad' junjs'.-=leldon;,'Tae,' IWO, Stickutdtj, Has4are7; 2d; ioges, Prince- tiVd"22 -ft. 8 ' in.- 'lRIM 0ut-Tlik i; 266, 1; KB PC, *t'na' nnd; Brown, Yle,3d. 42 f,.- IIamiii thee ---=Hi Lto1, Cat; .; Y 1C;' 21; Edgre , Cal, 3d. 135 ft. Widt, Haidfrd, 21; Thotmas, Yale, 3d. 11 ft. 2)j. in. VCokP4, ATh1LtIC G~oDS Sen The society orco which has its organization. Aee superior tn any, others. The Victor League Ball and the Victor Tennis Bally show the, finest con- " trnction and tht greatest duet- -bility. There is but one best our trade-mark guaranteea it. OVER-MAN WHEEL, co.- Makers of VictnS Bicycles. Boston. NewuYrk. Detroi. Denver. San :Francisco. Los Angeles. Portland. 10STAEBsiti,'Agrmit, 11 '&v.Wahingloist. DITSON MUSIC. Printed at theAg u s ArgisOffi~ce.. WE CAN SUIT YOUL1 ._ This space is resev1 for the Grand +O'ea House. Bly Frank it. Sawyer. TanslatiosfSixO j. 'i of Heine's Sineak lyrics- In esquisite musical FIRS~T IN ATiowAL BAMM. settings. Heavy Paper. 75 cents.-O N ABR "COLL EGE SONGS."!!- 0oganieed 1001. Tm standard collection .of College Songs. Capital, 4100,000. "Surplus and'Prefhs, W4,000 Over 3 000 sold. Heavy Paper. 50 Tranacts a - general banking ' b sibens. cents;' Clcsith, . $ .00.-:a' - Foreign exchanges Sought andasold. Fturnish. letters of credits. "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS," C. IBACKI Preo.. S. Wc nzb t1N~Csinher.: -Only buok 0of'the kind' published. The TZarag. le rrvat l songs og tie heading colleges for wumen. HavPpr, 1Q,,,}C : ,,ROYAL r)ELL1011 I;STIEiI[ 11111h, MUSIC £t.4 AE~~'~.ii~ Eighty-two piecrs for the iutar from the leosn anmcalS .bs~ore.A-splendid collectmon.Hn- r tag ' cd = - boe Covr. 50. cents. 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PARKER FOUNTAj PIE~, : Tour deler isi tyxh w et em, imle s n'tyie sxxus del s ed"te j Cnfrtto ux es s c nd. ' orhndmne illunstratd entalsgue free. FAI .iF,$ P sxOnm'AAx ." assssriieWI. u«.. "' } ". 1k'& *CO Exsive Agents for Ann Arbuor. ThA Fk Teaelers' Ag*enqy; EVERETT 0. FISK & CO., 355 Wabashi Ave., - 0- Chicago, Illinois. - A15ruro 'Iadc1 -70 lfthmAm ax ' 031 Twelfth Street, 355 Wabh' Lvensues '10STON, ASS.-N'W$. it .j.,Y. WASB ' GjD.C. HI.WILe.. "3 Church Street; 20 heIm ty:' d'g, ' --0k n; iib,124 'p iine' . rO11NTO, CAN. MINNEAPOLtS, MINN. WASHINGTON. 308 4i5$A.(1L.. Bend for .Agency Manual and Registration Bianks.