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May 24, 1895 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-05-24

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a= IGHTG) AN GENT'~I At the Grand Oenea House. IRMON' THAT
jj.(jl RM ODSTime Table (Revied)MSay 19, 1894. On Tueday and Wedneday even -
LASTM. WEST. A.M Inas of next week the Lyra society l
Malland Ex-..3150 Mal -- --.. 843 assistedc by Mss. Grafton G. and A. __
N. Y. Special.... 5 00 N. Y. SpecIal....70 AND --
Eastern Ex...10 1 N. S. Limited....25 L. Baker, of Chicago, will lnoducc t
AtatcE_..7 47 P. 5'5.h Grand opera house, the well
G.N.Express...I3 50 hWestersEs-2 510 28 iTourists Route. My sakes alive, ow the "Smalley" has
G. It. Express ...l5 07 known Colec opera "Mikado." Thie, ca eught on with the boys and girls, as well as
0. W. RUaGLES, H. W. BAYES, Solo paris tre in tho hands of well SEMI-WEEKLY FROM the "grown folks, and isn't it lovely, finishe
G. P. & T. Ag., Chicago. At., Ann Arbor. in the beatiful aluminum enamel-s secret
hT A 7. ~T~ known and thoroutghly ellienO locartl CLEVELAND, TOLEDO AND DETROIT poess known only to the makers of ahe -
J"" 'A ""A. N.X. I* singrs, while t1he conely pais will Smalley." tDe you get on to tie new methds
Taking effect Sunday, April 7,1894. hotkeicreoFyOhResr.Ba~.- at spking the wheels? Conibar gees on to
Trains leave Ann Arbor n Central Stand- etkncr fb tl ess a~r MACKINAC ISLAND, CEBYGAN, them and into them and eers on them;
ad time.O. Froml present Indtications the podneC- climbs up on to the fuel; crown and jumpssen
8:27a. m. no:15 am. lion of "Mikado' will be. fully up r ST. IGNACE, ALPENA, to tie crank hanger; swingu the wheel e-
lInap . 11:30 . m.- And all Prts n te W t Solsre of Lake tweo two boxes sd jumps on the frame an
4:15 p. m .8:.0p. M. titoh estimable perfortlialice of "Piilt- Hrun, the Smalley" Bicycle eems to lke i..
uw RAINS5. fore Never a squak, not a groan, never abreak
Going N torth at9:1am o . erOg n ~iihoa
Going Souths at :1 p.. Remember this i the only line giving ps- andteweght is 15 to 21 pounds.-Wernm
Tra inn Sunday run between Toledo and greeted with such crowded houses. oners the opport unity of sigit:ee Og lit all hardware Comanuo, Salt Lake City. ~tah..
Batmboeg Junction osly. The ast of characters is as follows: onoe o n oaconic. strAlo ivingops -_______
*Tralnrs run between Ann Arbr and Toledon - on the fomosakinae isd ANEA YSL R
only. Mikado. emperor of Japan.--.A1r. Ge. Bis Fare, Including Meals and Beth, no ther EA YSELR
All trann dal except Sunda Agenkt tPo, hs son dis~ied no a wander- expenses._
W. . BENNETT G. PA. Toledo .. . . . ..--- -- .M. G. G. Baer uneveedy tp g4O R.S RENOD.get t.inte.n oewt$1mYm000vlndt akia san n e The md e Of19
______________________________ Io-ito, Lord tHigh Executoner.. . . old t oetia bod s etr
Mfil. A. L. Baker o-l te aciulanlad 'etrn
ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. Poe-Boh,>Lrd igh Everythug lse.... ixDetroitrpSloe __hw tela::d __i__e1ters
_____ ishush aNoble Lord__. SlMr.F.Biscoec ive-daytrip - 1100
Kso Iel ayi h lkd' lklsodt eJ ~vrt ot~lePLYMOUTH CYCLE MFG CO.,
ha ldtvldinteM aoo' TiktgodtreunaytmduighihoTime Table, May 26, 1895 court. in love with N nki-1oo .Sao
. . . . . . . . . . .Isls. It. . itmp Cesoeecisgt asIarhisee 2 lefcwih all
Leave Ypsilanti from Congresn t,60000:00 Ym-Ym. Three little Mrads from Sh:ol steamers fer(Chicag, Milw nesore tPr tsi:ley, " PLYMOUJTH, IND.
and 11:00 a.in.; 12:4a,.:15,5:0, 6:45 9:30 ardlitti-Siing, siters, wards of to-ito. jut let Salt etc Marie. sd ol peits n LloeMc
1:00 p. M. ' Ieeps Boo, Iloose ieee a tdies'sEizb mhisa y in. l ,e nperiec. aid Geien Ba.y anrdt 0. Lppm.an, .gelt
Leave Ann Arbor function, 7:00, 030and 5I-sih raElaols Ma'ugh q.Inn.lesthv1) n.S S & A. Ri. for a11 poits {
p,1:' a. i.; 1:1, :45, :'0, 7:15, 10:00 an d 11:00. . ..--------"Mss laraJveos in the Upper tenisucla and the West Write46E'ilimS.
p. m I Mis Fleets Koch. fertie tae ble 46____E____William_______ St.__
Chors of 40of Yam Yum'ssel eelmstesand S. B. GRUMlMOND, Geol Mxonage.
SUNDAY TIME Japanese iiibeme. Sixty-ie dancers fros .GATGIMM ,Ps.At
Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st130 1-15 the court of the Miikad. Pine Orchestra and U.GATIIIMOD ss gt THE COLLEE OF
Le00, nn:30 and 900 p. m. "''calcium light effects. General Offices, Detroit, Mich. n 9y
Lev n rboe Jntion10040053, Ms 1 das9,ha- encoenPYIINoADSRE~
7 :00 and :30 p. m los7.Aaii,'rlss relelsl
cents;; round trip tcet 5cet. by thel. ~ PYIINSAD SUGOS
Carsrunoncity time Far:snl trip 15 titrustees of Washburn Colige. o soe
S Sf55f . F. RKnan, Snt. Topeka, 1(11., to tililte chir of Qai C U O\S ~O CHIC AO..
M E A D renchi and G~ermuan in that istrlritus Annual Session begis in Sepem-
$2 5 tdy' 3l. Miss Adheans51 beiin her ard continues seven mons_.
TO studying sibrotd for the past three Formerly with Gosrg Wahr, 19 Four years graded course. Labora-
BUFFA fL. Yasanld is nosy iSwitz'erand. E. Washiiigtorc t. Headquarters for 'oyC 'ncal and Dispensary ad-
_______Byas ________ everything a Studeilt needs ill tie toy, in
VIA "C. & B. LINE." BUSINESS LOCALS. line of Text Books, Stitioery and vantages exceptionally god
magniicent side-wheel steel teamers XUSO T OEO Micelaneo is Stork in general. For annual announcenent and
ofO1 tteo e ok Sudy, AlayON TO'ilir' T.,.D. . M RTNoher informaioll address Grre-.
SaeoOoadState ofNwYr Suayay2,teTkA.& M R I SCHALLER, ponding Secretary,
DYDAILY TIME TA LED. DTN.M Ity. willrii a aspecial (xcursioniD.BYADE LS
LAr.veanud. . ..--- ----6p.m. 1o TleoloG for the Toledo and ansas THlE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, 31 Washington St., Chlagea.
A. ffBuffalo . . . ..------------ p-..
A. BCflevelan....7 63_______:30.. t Ann l Arbor gat e.:30O'a.i ii. Facts for 1 E. Washinton st., one block
Central Standard Time. roundl trip 1.00. east iof Main St.
Take the "C. & B. Line" steamern and en- WV. I11:. NNTTP, :en. PASS. Ag.
}oy a refreshing night's ret when nrote to M -ORDTN 0T IT~rQ
Bao Niagara ails, Toronto, New York, WNE. i11001T19BOT)P .TBS1
Boston, Abany, 1,000 Island, or any Eastern K.TD ATD
or Canadah point. Soilleole to pilelast sha~re in en- jI0flKIN90IS ILO. T. & . C. Ry . & M. Ry
CHEAP ECUSINS WEEKLY T0 NIACAHA (AILS nis court. Terms reasonable. Lease Solid through tains between Toledo, Oio.
WFERASendR0Npstage for T .tourist pamphe.k , lasts throghou college course. Call ONE THOUSAND MILES OF LAKE RIDE srndhtrirestn, SW. V., via Columbus, theGn as.At Ge'Mngr.t20SUivstyv.ATMLLEPN.shtndoldrctou.
Cleveland, . LOST.
Magnificent new steamship now under con- 'OT.Visit this Historical Island, which in the Toledo, ..
struction for this route. Btlesen Ingals aindl Packard 011 grnidest summer resort on the Great Findlay, .
Monoe 1 ila~lblckleailr til sik r~es.Itonl cstsshut$11 from Kenton, .
Monoe smll lac letbe an sil:D:'le~erit; It$15 lyfrom ssToledo; ot$10 from
FLOW ERS.1., FLOWERS' hantdbagasd clltents. 'Tie inder Cl'evelnd, for the round trip, includiig Columbus, .
For Everything and Everybody. -woill coifer atfeavor by reurrirg te mea':ls and berths. Avoid the heat Ensi Athen, .
COSINS & ALL, liists9s ~e5Unis y ae. sasin to' No. 3 Packard at. 171 duist by traveling on the D. & C. floIg giddeport, .
11 eeyoe5. s+ilise. 'h'eiattractions of a trip tIc the PomeryO..,
"lStoudard" ccloisieers, accuate littkiou e egion are unsurpassed. Th'enpt. Pleasant, W. Va.
TIETAS & SCHANZ, and reliable, $2, at Meyers' ners-s'aanstd itself is a grand romantic spot, is Rihm
~. or~ . T ILO ~S stad. 1:to itite most invigorating. Two newadV.
stad.173a icmod, a.'1 " 3r3d TA LO S eel psuenger steamers have just been Petersburg, Va.
ForSa-toalLimite'dlicycle, al- isrilt for the upper lake roue, costing Old Point Comfort, Vz.
Our Spring; and Summer Woolens most n:"s; "50cash. ti tMyr'1000ec.Te r qipdwt
are now ott sale. Prices Low.CalaMees10000ec.TeareqipdwtWlimbugV.
Call and see us. ews staind, 4th William. 173 t ery modern convenience, annunciators omeciluiae hogotwiasbrg ew, V.
45. tate st. Seond Foor, Ann A rhr. Lot--A pair of goldinluled eye- ,vs'electricity, and are guaranteed to be Norfolk, Va. gassa tltcfed hrdy i rnet ags n aetsemr n l otesenpit.Eeat
22 Years in the Business -' - tovrd ofere'd to inder st 20 S. Uni -ttn fresh water. Theme steamers favorably dawing room ars ot al throgh trains.
O tisasre wihi the great ocean liners in con- Fsir further isformatiers call on your lana
CT LA N R , v trsipsav. tractionri nd speed. Four trips per week Titjent N\j1 Aget or write,KG' Ps;
CIY1AU DR , ated-Agent' for a. new article - tstere Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Maci- ' e H
M. K SEAOLTNo 4N. 4h a ee tded in every house. Noinelse 'itS' t. Ignace Petoskey Chicago, "Boo," W. A. t'ETERS Michigan Pa. Agent,
MikoMIL SendLte circular.an4tiifvrnry Marqete adDuluth. Daily between DetroitMch
likeIt. end or crculr an infrm- lvelnd and Detroit, and Cleveland and
MERCHANT TAILORING! tion. S. I. Robinson, Foid du Lac, Put-ii-Iisy. The palatial equipment .~..
lanIng. Pressing aad Repairing- Wis. snakes traveling on thes teamers thor-
doae neatly by ousghly enjoyable. end for illutrater - y
"ACO. StIiHOENEWALI, 26 E. lashngton "Standard" cylolcis 2.eall. dscsriptive pamphle. Address A A --9
S e(G. B. I rasoi, ,t the Daily alimee' SuAlT, G. P. A., D. & C.. Detroit, Mich.
EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY!T or -10 E.Wiliam St. __________
2S EAST igUUONSTREEST. 'Wated-A position as matron of a TRADE
Good Work Guaranteed. Gods called for -
and delivered. A. F. CoVlctwT Prep. fraernity house. Apply a 15 N. State
THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK 6i, ewen 2an 2p m 17
Ann Arbor, Midh. Capital tanck, X0,00A0'w2I .T MT p(-..(' / / ®. Is he LEDING5 SCHOOL OF 5BUSIES ad SHORt'r
Surplus, {150,111.MTA T I S . AND Magificetbhxddsg tea techer,ar4
Or ':salad under the GeneraiBakngte TflJ L7 LA,.tTND .R'Y P O 7G atendance; good dsipne; superor wek nd
of this State. Receives de Its, buys and sepesied readnyromdilyaesheeturers;e. ases,.
sells exchange on the prieripal cties of ihe gh (Goss s and Dmsslie Finish. vtingepiofns;esoeing tdentire pesuonxm-
United States. Drafts cashed upon roper - , iteond roiias to aycistuecti osipe'waws
-l"dentfcation Safety de it ifoxes tarest. - " ._ . SERVI farmlietroThes rts . per eed s ote .
Orencas: Christian ack Fes' W. D .s. S~b8, Ikaflagr, a ! T /", j r TU ~ils.Teerte eied t
Eiaretaas. Vce-rshaCs' E:-lisck , -R l, j(1[ fJ lJJ,,,jf b eandip. Pse Cataisgos ddrss
Cashtfer M. .J.Srit Assistsn Caahier. i23 SOUT.t F OURTI AVETNUE '-R,'--9 .CLFARY. Pew.

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