THE U. OF M. DAILY. Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during the Colleg year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OFFCE: Times building N. Main st., opposite post office. - EDITORS. J. A. Lnltsv, '6, Managing Editor. A. W. Sauva, Specal, Assistant. W. A. SpL., '96 L, Assistant. E. R. SUNDERLAND, '96, Assistant. H. COLEMAN, '97, Athletic Editor. G. B. HAnaIsoN, '96 L, Business Manager. '. P EAc, 0'5 L, Assistnt L. R. HAMBLEN, '96 L. Assistant. Associate Editors. H. A. Dancer, '5. E. L. Evans, '95 L. L. A. Pratt,'6. D.Carrie V. Smith, 'S8. CA.Houghtssn, '6D. GA. Hleath'd P. Minnie Thompson,'97. H. B. Gammon '98 M. C. H. Farell, '8. S. E. Knppen,'98. J. S. Finlay, '98. THE MEET AT BERKLEY OVAL. The Intercollegiate Sports of Yes- terday and Today. The Intercollegiate Association of Amateur Athletes began their twenti- eth annual field day yesterday at Berk- ley Oval, New York, with reprsenta- tives of California, Princeton, Pennsyl- vania, Dartmouth, Swarthmore, Iowa, Williams, Yale, Columbia and Harvard in competition. There were over 600 entries for the scheduled events, the first of which, the hundred-yards dash, began at 2 o'clock. The follow- ing five men are left in each event contested yesterda.y for competition in the finals today: First trials, 100 yards dash (7 heats) -Allen, Princeton; Gonterman, Har- vard; Crum, Iowa; Patterson, Wil- liams; Ramsdell, Pennsylvania; Door, Princeton; Lane, Princeton. Second trials, 100 yards dash-Rich- ards, Yale; Crum, Iowa; Ramsdell, Pennsylvaiiia; Patterson, Williams. 120 yards hurdle-Dyer, California; Chase, Dartmouth; Hatch, Yale. Half mile run-Hollister, Harvard; Kilpatrick, Union. Two mile bicycle race-Howard, Col- umbia; Fearing, Columbia; Hill, Yale; Heidrich, Yale; Williams, Columbia; Manley, Swarthmore; Burdett, Harv- ard. 440 yards dash-Sterritt, Pennsyl- vania; Freeman, Pennsylvania; Koch, California. 220 yards hurdle-Bremei, Harvard; Perkins, Yale; Sheldon, Yale; Torrey, California. 220 yards dash-Richards, Yale; Big- elow, Harvard; Crumn, Iowa; Rams- dell, Pennsylvania; Dorr, Princeton. Throwing 1-pound; hammer-Hick- ok, Yale, first; Cicss,_ Yae second; Chadvick, Yale, third; Edren, Cal- fornia, fourth; Hiekok, Yale, fifth. Puttin 16-p6tnd shot-Hickok, Yale, first; Knipe, Pennsylvania; Brown, Yale; Kubli, Harvard; Cros, tL. Running broad jump-Sheldon, Yale, first; Stickney, :Harv'rd; liodgers, Princeton; Clark, Harvard; Dunlap, Harvard. Runoing high jump-Koch, Calie fornda; Becker, Cornell; Paine, Harv- ard; Windsor, Pennsylvania; Leslie, Pennsylvania. Pole vault-Hoyt, Harvard; Buck- holz, Pennsylvania; Thomas, Yale; Stewart, Pennsylvania; Tyler, Prince ton; Allen, Yale. In the two-mile bicycle race, It. E. Manley, of Swarthmore, broke, the as- sociation record of 5:10 in the good time of 5:07 3-5. In the field events, Hickok, of Yale, outdid himself by throwing the 16-pound hammer 132 feet and 10 inches, breaking his asso- ciation and college records, which were 123 feet 9 inches and 129 feet 5/ incheN respectively. In putting the 16-pound shot Hickok beat his asso- ciation record of 42 feet wih a score of 42 feet 11% iinches. CHI Pl CELEBRATES. Several Speakers of Wide Reputa- tion Speak to Fellow Greeks. The Alpha Epsilon chapter of the Chi Psi fraternity last night held a banquet at the Cook house to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of its exis- tence. It was the first secret associa- tion of university students organized at Ann Arbor, and had a hard strug- gle against the attempts to suppress it, made by the faculty. The frater- nity has a membership of about 2,500 in the United States, of which alboit 175 are alumni of the Michigan Chapter. Among the many visiting members who were present last night are, Wil- lhaim H. Wells,, W. W. Hannan. S. P. Duffield, Joseph C. Hart, of Detroit; Dr. L. D. Pullman, Charles Fo and I. L. Moore, of Grand Rapids; Dr. James F. Breakey, of Pontiac; James L. Duffy, W. L. Clements, H. C. Clements and C. It. Wells, of Bay' City. The speakers included Hon. Don. 11. Dickinson, ex-Senator Thomas W. Palmer, Elliott T. Slocum and Samuel Douglas, of Detroit; and J. Sterling Morton, secretary of agri- culture. Appropriation Bill Falls to Pass. Representative Waite yesterday again brought up the University ap- propriation bill, which failed to pass by a. vote of 48 for, to 42 against, a lark of three votes fromn the 51 neces- sary for its passage. Do you want boarders? If so, ad- vertise your board in the Daily. Sensible The society or organization which has its PROGRAMS MENU CARDS. ETC.. Printed at the Argus Office. WE CAN SUIT YOU. A WELL DESERVED HONOR. PNEUMATIC BICYCLE SADDLES. (Continued from first page.) a letter from Gov. hich announcing his inability to be present. The Glee Club then rendered "Ann Arbor' '.:nd the exercises were over. The law class-s attended in a body sitting in reserved seats in the front of the house. The stage was prettily decorated with yellow and blue, flags, "The Perfect" Inflatable Saddle, prevents potted plants and palms. Jhafing, Numbness and Saddle Soreness. The- Cheapest, Easiest Riding Saddle intheWorid. For Pien. Women and Children. Circulars ;Tickets tor the Cornell Game. Free. Address, Tickets for the Decoration day gamne PNEUMATIC SADDLE CO., 17Chambers St., NeswYerk.. with Cornell at Detroit are out, an may be obtained from any of the di- rectors of the Athletic association. The price is $1.25, including adnission to the game. These are good only on the excursion trains, two of which will be run each way, going in at 10 and This space is reserved 12 standard time and returning at Ii and 12. for the Grand Opera. Sat., June 1-Concert for women's House. -yi. in University hall. DIT SON MUSIC. F !" {h "Six Love Songs," By Frank E. Sawyer. Translations of Six of Heine's finest lyrics in exquisite musical settings. Heavy Paper, 75 cents. "COLLEGE SONGS" The standard collection of College Songs. Over 100,000 sold. Heavy Paper, 50 cents; Cloth. Gilt. $1.00. "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS," Only book of -the kinde published. The songs of the leading colleges for women. Heavy Paper. $1.00. Eighty-two pieces for the Iuitar from the best ources. A splenuid collection. Hand- ome Cower. B0 tents. Any book sent postpaid on receipt of price OLIVER DITSON CO., 483-463 WashingtonS St., noston. rd C. B. Ditson & Co. N Y. ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS. Ladies' and Gents' Clothing Cleaned or Dyed. 3 W. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR. Members of Gua rantee Ticket Brokers' Asso- ciutios of C. S. Cosby & McKeon R. R. Ticket Agency 50 Adams st., Chicago. Reduced rates to all points. Branch The Kindergarten No.3 N. Main st. Ann Arbor Michian. FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING Corner of State and William sts., William st. entrance. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR. Organized 1863. Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Prof.ts, 54,000 Transacts a general banking business. Foreign exchanges bought andsod. Furnish leens of credit. P. BACI Pres. S.W1'. CLARKSONCashier.. To arrange for private or SPECIA L CLASS lessons in Dancing, call at Cr'ange 's,.& Office hours 11 to 1 and 4 to 8. No stairs to riount. MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S School of Dancing and Delsarte. Saturday, 10 a. m., Gentleman beginnersclass Saturday, 4 p. m., Lady beginners class. sonday,7:30, Advanced Class Ladies' and Gentlemen). Tuesday 7:0 p. m., Beginners Class (Ladies .and entlemen). . Private lessons by appointment. SCHOOL 46 S. STATE ST Platinotypfes. The latest thing in PHOTOGRAPHY at B ERR1Y M AN'S* 6 E. Huron st. Special Rates to Seniors. ATRER, UANGSTFRFR C g ~~ iona. IT'S . HARD TO DO WITHOUT "*l'rF'e4-W*pedfl'" CEO. S. PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN. rn T Your dealer is likely to have them, i hehasn't, write us and we'll send yos the inormati on you want sn4 our handsome ilustrated catalogue free. PARKER PEN COMPANY, JunesIle, Wi- SHEEHAN & CO. Exclusive Agents for Ann Arbor. The Fisk Teachers'Agency EVERETT 0. FISK & CO., 355 Wabash Ave., - - Chicago, Ilinois. Ashburton Place,* - 70 Fifth Avenue, 803 Twelfth Street, =- Wabash Avenue BOSTON, MASS. NEW YORY, N.Y. WASHINGTON, D. C. CHICAGO, ILL. 32 Church Street, 420 Cgntury B'ld'g, OLYMPIA. 120/ S. Spring Street. TORONTO, CAN. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. WASHINGTON. LOS ANGELES. CAL.. Send for Agency Manual and Regi-trationBlani.