THE U. OF XM" DAILY. HULLY GEE! yu oftot go, do wn and. se ellis The chi cag o tailor at the Kuk.,ions -.fie, hes a ,line uv-.guds toa sho w thet miakes- enyk budy fele gud. but not the same kinde as when yu git out an git tite. there hes bin a big. crowd uv ung peeple- there and there was sum there swot haint been yung' fer a gud while.. Sum uv the boys wus got up like their muther~s ot to be .shamed uf them and suns.brot their sweteharts tit help them chuse a sute the big gunls wor Kalico gowns ~and thare bare wus hanging rite down thare back like they wus skule girls and sum that was married did tu. The fellows wat hez wheels wer drest up offal an they didn't care a bit. Sum had close full uv hoals and Hum liet close wot must hev bin made for sum other fellew watt wuz- nt thare size, for sum wes to big an sum wus tu little fer them. Ellis hes the reputasion of makin close toi fit, an don't yu, fergit it. he has maid lots of c lose in anni Arbor an they all say "he is the peeple." Kall til P. in. May 25 _, _ _ AG S4PALDING&BROSI Athletic Supplies. BASEBALL, LAWN TENNIS, r' GOLF. Uniforms for All Sports. 8100, THlE SPALODING BICYCLES- .T.:ETLEADER FOR 18951 }HANDSOME ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE SENT FREE. VIEW YORK, CHICAGO, 'PHILADELPHIA. '951 0 LAWS!1 31AVE YOUR VA N9 NGRAFTED IWX. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. SW1EATE R S Adf& For Men and Boys, 41 RANKNITILAMB'S f r WOOL SWEATERS, in black, navy, white, gar not and' gray, for Boys, up to 32 r inch sizes, For Men, all sizes, Strawbridge & Clothier 1PH1LAD BL PHIA. Swater~s I I -II ~ ~ 4{ HIYLES. ARTE HIGHEST OF ALL HIGH GRADES. Warranted superior to any Bicycle built in tbe sorld, regadless of price. Ig o not be indueedto payC more money for an inferior wheel. on havIming bhe Waverley. Built and garanteed by te Indiana Bicycle Co. t a million dollar concern, abase bond is as good as gold. SCORCHIER, $85. 22 lb. LADIES', $75. H. J. 'BROWN, Exclusive Afgt. I-10W TO -ECON0iIVIJZE. Flour is going up. Tomatoes are going down. Eat Tomatoes. 3 Pounds Greenwood, 75 cents per dozen. 3i Pounds Peninsular. 85 renta per dozero. 3 Pounds Riverside, 95 cents per dozen. All good Fresh Goode. D EPLN 8& C0OAN Y 44 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Sopliociore social toniglt, at Gri-g E. C. Reid.fornierly 6of '97is visit- ing the Chii Psis fraterity. . The Webster-Adelplii ,debaite, will take place tonight in the law lecttire- The next issue of tine University of (,Chicago 'Wc ekly is to be ,a womn~aa-s 0. E. Scott, '94 L, is tisiiul-sosm- airer of the "Christian (5trilr," in Dallas, Telxas. Miss Gertrude Buck, '95, has, re- ceaived an Eniglisli fellowship at Chi- cago Universilty for the ensuinig year. Alson Moniday, Junier3, Dr.. Holier,%vill sail for Eturope,. where lie will spenud the. summier in Germany in special re searches. At the Sunday afternoon Booeting a1 N'ewberry Hal.Dr. Bnwdshaw >will give an address 'on "Ideals, ori the Heavenly Vision." Itec esit college gacies resultedi: Dartmiouith 12, Tufts '11; Williass9, Wesleyan, 4: ,Harvard Fl, Amherst 2. Brilain FPielId Club 12, Yale 11. Next week..Dr. Huber will quiz his clas in histology each day. 0O0 Sat. urda dy, June 1, at 9 a. iii. in the -loN;-er lecture roomn will occur the final es- ,amsination. Dr. ILombard will give a special examination for the, removal of, con- d4t1o0s in physiology, for. the firstJ SlHIieStl-r ini the t1I )POT lectureoim The-ii slooiore meiitcail class have adtoped a class caine. Insoerder to otan the cacnes it-is desiraleoSlut. oil who initenodlto liurelitod samue 1o hansd their niamies ho W. A. pslzley. t'ref., Knowltoun will not.letuire to she juncior lawn todany. Priof. (Griffin will lecture at 2:15 instead of 2:31). and the class wvilthicso;o in a body to the Cooley buist dedications. In the. accounit of the baseball. gaime between the: snitr andc junior laws in yesierday's Daily the batteries for the juntior lawni should. have: been Ander- son andi Huber and. hunkeir ands WNhit- te-gn. Eight hits wovre uspde oif- Hunker and one off Anderson. The sterecopticon lectures on .trav.els inz Califoinia to be given tomorrow night in tine Coigregatioinal church ts by a student in thme lite-ary depart- coien, class of .98.. Mr. Swvain has qluit, a reputationu-as a lecture r on this subject. His views ore aIl inade frosii photographs takens by himself. Yu -anmt Sn see tine ad, ov ellisTime, tailor uv cehicago on the top uv this paij. Ho is at the Kook Hoe s ume 1) and.;we reloomeud. euro frends to call an' so himu. 'Ho-1hen gt a jim doodie, line of ~sieings for 18.00 dol- ae ad : more. A,:msu, i$ often. judged .by the ;Stagy tionery. be uses,. -If you are using the CeiPIbriteSwap. ~i~Lineni you aeyusing a Gdeotl $onest"Jnper.i - 117 -AT- E. A. MUMMERY'S. NEW ART TILE SODA FOUNTAIN., Ice Creamd Soda, Vernor's G Qinger' Ale, and all popular drinks. A., E. MUMMERY'S DRUG, STOKE, Uor. Fourth Ars. and Washaington St.' CUT RATE RAILROAD TICKETS to nil points for sale by AN ARBOR RRB.TICKET AGENCY, 00 E. Hucree St. Mdeminer of American Ticket Broker's Asso- elation. AllJTrnseportatincs c.zar- anteed. Tickets bought and sold. SchaIIers Book store!, Forluierly with' George Wahr, 19 E. Washington St. fleadquarters for everything a Student needs .in the. line of Tex tBook s,,Stationery and Stiscellaneois stock in general. MAR TIN' SCHALER THE DOWN-THOWN BOOKSELLER; 19 E. W ashington-et., one block' east of Main St. MVOORE -&,"WETMORE 6S.1I Main' P.t, 4nd State St., com- -ner of William St., have a complete stock of~ UN! ESIY J[I1 OOKS fNew anid Second Hand., Noe Beeks sand-ocher Sted'eetg' Sappilee Flee Stalise'ery, Spiortlns Gfoods, etc., which they offer ut the 7wesiPrices., Call sand see us before purchasing. T E LAJIGTAILOR 4dIporter has, received the largdes;5t a>id - est select' stock of IMPORTED IdID OOEST W OOLENS . fo pigand Su, mer of'9 th cty and would be pleased to have 9,oti cell and e~kamlne ~U tDr ass5 Suits aSeily E. Wiishin'gto us t..- nearN il.-