THE U. OF M. DAILY. ]IGHIGAN CNTPA Time Table (Revised) May 19, 1894. EAST. WEST, Mailland Ex-..8 350 Maill--..--843 N. Y. Special-_. 5 00 N. Y. Special ... 70 Eastern E- 15 1 N. S. Limited.... 5 25 A. M. Pacific Ex.--1 57 Atlantic E._-_7 47 P. D. N. Exprees.... 5 40 Western Ex.l---- G. R. Express .--11 05 Ch. Nt. Ex-----10 G.R.Ex.----5 5 0. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor. T., A. A. & N. M. RY. Taking effect Sunday, A prilt7, 1894. Trainsleave Ann Arbor on Central Stand- ard time. NORTH. -SOUTH. 8:07a.m. '7:15a.m. 12:5 p. m. 11:0 a. m. 4:5 p.m :0p. M. SUNDAY TRAINS. Gog North at 9:5a.. Going Soeth at 8:15 p. -n. Trains Sunday run between Toledo and Hamburg Junction only. *Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. All trains daily except Sunday. R. S. GREEN WOOD, Agent W. H. BENNETT 0. P. A. Toledo O. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. Time Table, October 7, 1894. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st., 7:00,59:00 and 11:00 a. m.; 12:45, 2:15,5:50, 0:45, 9:00 and 10:30 p. m. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:30,9:30 and 11:30a.m.; 1:15,2:45,5:30,7:15,9:30 and11:00p.m. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypilanti from Congress t.,51:30,3:3, :00,6:0M and 900 p. m Leave Ann Arr .Junction, 2:00, 4:00, 5:30, 7:0 and 9:30 p. mn. Cars run on city time Fare: single trip 15 cents: round trip ticksu 25 cents. WM. F. PAaER, Spt. $2.50 CLEVELAND VIA " C. & B. LINE." Magnificent side-wheel steel steamers State of Ohio and State of New York DAILY TIME TA3LE. SUNDAY INLUDED. Lv. Cleveland----0----------------:-----:00 p. m. Ar. Bufflo,- - ----7:30a.m. Lv. Buffalo. . . . .----:-6:: lp.. Ar. Cleveland.__-~~-~~_.~-..--~--7:30a. . Central Standard Time. Take the "C. & B. Line" steamers and en- joy a refreshing nifhts rest when enroute to Buffalo, Niagara balls, Toronto, New York, Boton, Albany, 1,000 Islands, or any Eastern or Canadali point. CHEAP EXCUHSINS WEEKLY TO NIAGARA FALLS, Send 4c postage for tourist pamphlet. W. F. HERMAN, T. F. NEWMAN, Gen1 Pass. Aet. Gen'l Manager. Cleveland, O. sragnificent new steamship now under con- struction for this rote. FLOWERS, FLOWERS For Everything and Everybody. CUSINS & HALL, florists, 2 S.tnlveeityave. DIETAS & SCHANZ, U. OT M. TIZLOg.S Our Sprini and Summer Woolens are now on sale. Prices Low. Call and see us. 48 S. State st., SecondFoor, Ann Arbor. 22 Years in the Business.--MM9sg. CITY LAUNDRY M. M. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. MERCHANT TAILORING! Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing done neatly by - A VG. SCHOENEWALD, 26 E. Washtngtn, EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY ! 20 EAST HUREON STREET. Gnd WorkGruaranteed. Gods called for and delivered. -A. . COVET. Prp. THE ANN ARBOR SAVNGBANK Ann Arbor, Mich. Capital Stck,$50,000. Surplus, $150 000. Organized under the General Banking Laws of this State. Receives deposits, buys and sels exchange on the principal citem of the Untted States. Drafts cnahed pen proper identification: Safety deposit boxes to rent. OFFIERs: Christian Mack, Pres W. D. Harriman, Vice-Fes.: Chan S iscock, Casher: M .J. Fritz Assistant Cashier BUSINESS LOCALS. FOR SALE. Thee National Law and Collection association of Detroit. Just the thing for aly young lawyer desiring to set- tle in Detroit, furnishing plenty of collection busiess. Address National Law a.nd Collection association, De- troit, Mich. EXCURSION TO TOLEDO. Sunday, May 2, the T., A. A. & N. M. Ry. will 11111 a special excursion to Toledo for the Toledo and Kasas City ball game. Traiin will ieav:e Ann Arbor at 9:30 a. n. Fare for round trip $1.00. W. H. BENNETT, Gel. Pass. Agt. JUST A MOMENT, PLEASE. To the Interchangeable Mileage ticket issued by the Ohio Central Lines, already the best in the markt, has been added the entire B. & O. system west of Pittsburgh, including the Pittsbrgh & Vestern Railroad, making it incomparably the best mile- age ticket issued by any line. If you want a ticket that includes the B. & O. system as well as Big Four, sueh tickets are issued by Ohio Central Agents only. MEALS ON WABASH PARLOR CAR S. Arrangements have been made to serve meals in Parlor Cars now run-' ning on trains 44 and 45, between St. Louis and Toledo, and passengers can hereafter get meals on these cars equal to any served at the best hotels, and at. moderate prices. C. S. ,CRANE, Gent1 Pass. A Tkt. Agt. Have you rooms to reno If so, ad- vertise them in the Daily. WABASH LOW RATE HARVEST EXCURSION FOR 195. will be run from all stations on the Wabash Railroad on April 30th, May 21st and June 11th to the West, North- west, South and Southwest. For full particularvs, apply to the nearest ticket agent of the Wabash or connecting lines or to C. S. CRANE, G. P. & T. A. Wabash it. R. -Wanted-A position as matron of a fraternity house. Apply at 15 N. State st., between 12 and2 p. in. 1t8 Do you want boarders? If so, ad- vertise your board in the Daily. 4Ii YOUR OUTNS GO TO PICTUBESQil J1lIOKIO ISLOO. ONE THOUSAND MILES OF LAKE RIDE AT SMALL EXPENSE. . Visit this Historical Island, which is the grandest summer resort on the Great takes. It only costs about $13 from Detroit ; $15 from Toledo; $18 from tleveland, for the round trip, including i"al' and berthsAvoid the heat ani ':ust by traveling on the D. & C. flotin 'laces. The attractions of a trip t othes lackinac region are unsurpassed. The iland itself is a grand romantic spot, its imate most invigorating. Two new eel passenger steamers have just been .1ilt for the upper lake route, costing 3800,000 each. They are equipped with very modern convenience, annunciators, oath rooms, etc., illuminated throughout .e electricity, and are guaranteed to be ::ie grandest, largent and safestteanmers n fresh water. These steamers favorably ompare with the great ocean liners in con- raction and speed. Four trips per week Between Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Macki :+af. St. Ignace, Petoskey, Chicago, "Boo,"' larquette and Duluth. Daily between Cleveland and Detroit, and Cleveland and Put-i-Bay. The palatial equipment makes traveling on these stealers thor- oughly enjoyable. Bend for illustrated descriptive pamphlet. Address A. A. cHAZOTz, G. P. A., D. & C, Detroit, Mich. BRUMMOND'S MACKINAC LINE STEAMERS. Tourists Route. SEMI-WEEKLY FRO-M CLEVELAND, TOLEDO AND DETROIT MACKINAC ISLAND, CHEBOYGAN, ST. IGNACE, APENA, And all Ports on the Westishore ofeLake luron. Remember this is the only line giving pas- sengers tie opportunity of sight seeing at al sorts on this popular route. Also giving pas- sengers mang a osisuous trip six hours on thec fomous Mckin:c Isi: d. Fares, including Meals and Berths, no other expenses. Cleveland to Mackinac Island and re- turn, seven-day tripp...---1------.----14.00 Toledo to laokhsacIsand and return, tlx- -y tri p..--. -. . 5---12.0 Detroit to MaekinaaIsIandanretor, five-ay trip-...-----------------11.00 Tickets good to return any time during the Season. Co:necting At Mackinac Iland with all steamers for Chicago, Milwakee, Petoske Sault Pte Marie, and all pints on lake Mic- igan, Lake Si: peror, and Green By; and at St. Ignace with D. S S & A . Ry. for all points in the Upper Peninsula and the West. \Write for tme table S. 1. .GRUMMOND, Gen'1 Manager. U. GRANT GRUMMOND, Pass. Agt. General Offices, Detroit, Mich. IHE 'NADASH BOUT -- -FOR HOT SPRINGS, ARK., TEXAS, LOS ANGELES -AND- SAN FRANCISCO. New Texas and California Sleeping Car Line. THE WABASH AND IRON MOUNTAIN RYS. Have inauurated a new Daily Line of FtRST CLASS SLEEPERS from CHICAGO TO LAREDO, TEXAS, Via Little Rock. Malvern, Tearkn, Pal estiue, Austin and San Antunio. Passengers for Hot Springs have only one change of cars (at Malvern, 9:50 a. m. next day, arriving at Hot Springs at 11:10 a. .in Six hours the qicklest through sleeping car line between Chicago and Malvern. Also daily line of Tourist Sleepers, leaving Chicago on same train, through to San Francisco via Los Angeies Cal. For maps, tickets and fuillnformation, apply to J. H. GREEN J. HALDERMAN, Michigan Pass. Agt. Trav. Pass. Ag TICKET OFFICE: 201 Clark st., CHICAGO F. H. Tristram, P. E. Dombaugh, Cen. Pass. Agt. Pass. & Ticket Agt Cor. 7th ave. and Smith- 807 Madison st., field st. Pittsburg Pa. Toledo, . TRAIDE N ARK ...._.-....._:.. 4.]N5 Et ABOR STEAM LAUNDRY CO. High Gloss and Domnestic Finish. 7. S. SERVISS, Manager, 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE Wanted.-Agents for a, new article needed in every hbuse. Nothing else like it. Send for circular and inform- ation. S. E. Robinson, Fond du Lac, Wis. T1HAT BEAIIFOL SMALLEY' AND-- A HUSTLING AGENT'S CONVICTION. My sakes alive, how the "Smalley" has caught on with the boys and girls, as well as the "grown folks, and isn't it lovely, finished in the beautiful aluminum enamel-a secret process known only to the makers of the skalley." Do you get on to the new method of spoking the wh~eels? Conibeaer gets SR to them and into them and teters on them; climbs up on to the fork crown and jumps on to the crank hanger, swings the wheelbe- tween two boxes and jumps on the frame and the "Smalley" Bicycle seems to like It. N ever a squak, not a groan, sever stbreak, and theweight is 15 to 21 pounds.-Western Hardware Comnany, Salt Lake City, Utah. AN EASY SELLER, The Smalley of. 1895. PLYMOUTH CYCLE MFG. GO., PLYMOUTH, IND. 0. Lipp~an, Agen.ts 46 E. WillianiSt. THE COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OF CHICAGO. Annual Session begins in Septem- ber and continues seven monthsa Fonr years graded course. Lahorm- tory, Clinical and Dispensary ad.-. vantages exceptionally good. For annual announcement and other informationaddress Corres- ponding Secretary, DR. BAYARD HOLKES, 34 As'ashington St., cheaegqs T. & O. C. Ry. K. & M. Ry. Solid thlroughtrains between Toledo, Ohio an~d Charlrstoii,XW. Vas., via Columbs, the short and only direct route. BETWEEN Toledo, O. Findlay, 0. Kenton, O. Columbus, O. Athens, O. Middleport, O. Pomery, O. Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. Pmr,0 Richmond, Va. Petersburg, Va. Old Point Comfort, Vec- Williamsburg, Va. Newport News, Va:- Norfolk, Va. And all southeastern points. Elegant drawsg room elcas on atl through trains. For further in~formation call on your local Ticket Agent or write, MOULTON HOUK, Gen't Pass. Agt. XV. A. PETERS, Michiigan Pas.Age, Deroit Mich.