THE U. OF lvl. DAILY. Published Daly (Sunday excepted) during - he Colleg year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Grm: Times bulding N. Main t., opposite post offie. EDITORS. J. A. LEROY, '6, Mlanaging Editor. A. XW. SMTH, Special, Assistant.. W. A. SrLL, 'SO L, Assistant. E. I. SsNELAN, '6, Assistant. . CoLeAna, '7, Athletic Editor. G. i. HAnRION, '10 L, Business Manager. 1S. PEARL, '95 L, Assist nt L. R. HAssLEN, 9aL. Assistant. .Aociate Editor. H. A. Dancer, '5. E. L. Evans,'5 L L. A. Pratt, '.- Carrie V. Smith, '5. C. A. Hougihtou, '00 D. G. A. Heath, '6 P. Minnie Thompson,'7. i. B. Gammon 'S8OM. C.: H. Farrell, '0, . E. nappen,55. JS.Finlay, 'S. 98 Turns '97 Down. Nincty-eigtt oigaliced its freohmini yer by a Xictoy over th sopomorco yosterdaiy afternoon iitiic inter-ciasa series. The score at the entd stood iii to 9i in favor of te fresmin. Er- rors we-e icitlnliousliikewie' the hitis. hPiowevevr, iid decidedly tiic bct of it aii tirongh, taking the ial at tse start- and kcepig it safely tiiroughot tie game. Tie batris wre Kettiestringsand Gats foi '97 ansd Lazcnby and Heainso and Ca- kidns for '98. Cakins startd to caci iii the fifth, but gave way to Ilcases again on account of a smahd thn.b. There are nosy two 1m0r15gais lft in theiiterclas series to be played the first XXwei in ue. Tie first is betwveen '9 and 'PS and tiie Second between tiio winners of that game aiad tho '9 awv team. Unveiing Exercisen Today. The bust of Hioi. ThomaALS Coiey -wil be preseiited to the University by tlie seiior awv clamstis aternon. Th le folowing is te programi of th dedicatory xerciss, Xhici Xwil begin at 4 o'clock: T. Organ . . ..-------------Prof. Stanley 2. UsaVeiiisg . . . . ..---------------- 3. Addrecssnbehaf of te ass_-...tJ. Barr . Address onssbehaf of te law faclty... .......-----Deasn J C. Kowtoss . Remars--------------.residert Angei 6. Address.....................-- m. B. ioesbloser, of the N.';. Bar 7. Music. . ..----""-----Prof. Stanley 8. Address...........C_----ov. Join T. Rich . Mlusic..................Di---- GlesCl Chi Psi Conyntion The Cii Psi clans are gathering fo a great celebration of te fiftietii an- ivessy of the ocal chapter here to- mnorr'ow ,eveninag Arraugeoenlo are being made foi~ais elaborate -olebra- tioi, antin my mneobers of thesitp- ter will atteind from abroad, ianog them pronint mesl. A Crowd for.Chicago. An attempt is beingr made o ot tp a good party to o to Chiicago for the game XwitiCiicago University Satur- day,,,afternoon. If ifty 0111will.. rate of $5 for the trip will te nmae. If teo" or more g, tfa vLe will be Dr. Prescott will quiz thdelas In organllic emistry Monday opt mono- }basic acids. ., . OF M. CALENDAR. Fri., -ay 24.-Sophomore party at Grangers Fri., May 24.-Presentation of te Cooley bst by senior lawv claws. Frt., Say 31.-The ast Chorl Union sociai of the season. Fri, May 31-Webster-Adelphi de- bate, law lecture room, S p. m. Sat., June 1.-Western. Intercollegi- ate championships, Chicago. W~ed., Juno 5.-Dual -filidcay, Cal- ifornia vs. Miciigan, athletic field. Thurs., June t.-Faculy recital at Frieze Meiorial hall. Sat., June .-Varsity vs. Beloi, athletic field, 3:330 p. m. Tues., Juine 11.-Sophiomiore-fresh- man field day, 4 p. mn. Sat., Jnne 15.-'Varsity vs. Ciicago, athletic fild, 3:30 p. mn. NOTICE TO FRtATERNITIES. That very desirable, modern brick isouse at 47 S. Forth ave., co. of William t., is for sale or to rent on very reasonable terms, either furnish ed or nnfunissied. It is first class in every respect, and cntains al imodern imnpovements. For terms call at 47 S. Fonrtih ave. NOTICE Tt) TENNIS PLAYEIRS. All members of the Athletic asso- ciation desiring to use te tennis cors mst procure badges of te tennis conmittee. Tiic badges cats be procred by preseiting atiltici nemnbership tickets to aly of tise foilowingl persons: E. . Cakins, Tennis Manager, tat U Hense; H. C. Fritz, 27 E. Liberty t.; Ilsadore THil; Wi. . Hugihes, Phi Kappa Psi Honse. STAMIP COLLECTIONS. We want to buy stamp colection and will pay cash for the same on receipt if price asked Is saisfactory. Csollectins should be sent by regis- tered mail or express with letter nam- ing price under separate cover. W send superior approval shots to re- sponsible parie. W. J. LAWRENCE & CO., Kalamazoo, SMich. WXANTED. Someone to purchlase shar in ten- iis court. Terms reasnabie. Lease lasts tihrougisout colege course. Caii at 20 S. University ave. LOST. Between Ingaiis and Packard on Mtoiiroe, a small black eather and sik iaindbag and contents. The finder wiii cofer a favor by retuining the satne to No. 43 Packard t.' 171 A iady of experience desires to act as matron of a society house for timo coming year. References can be givenf if desited Inquie' at -Daiy office 170 Sensible The society or organization wich has its PROGRAMS. MENU CARDS. ETC., Printed at the (PNEUMATIC BICYCLE SADDLES.. You H-avent Wings uYu-cau fyt(almost) if 'you ride a. Victor Bicycle weighing 19 pounds. ItS tances. ,Therlighiest .weighy .high - gmade bicycle on, the marke.4Try ite, XWeightl reduced by accumate tests made bythe. wonderfsl Victor. Dynamometer. k . OVERMAN WHttL CO. Sakers 5of itsr Bisycles. ;Bosion.. New,,,ork. Detroii.. Denser, Sari Francisco..Los Aisgeies. Pnrtiand. AS 5e.sLi5 Ag,,r11ii 55'ahiisgtonsat. I0"TSON MUSIC. "Six Love Songs," ny Frash E. Sascyer. Translations of Sin of Heise's inest iyrics in esqaiite musical settins. Heavy Paper. T5 cents. "COLLEGE SONGS." The sandard collection of College Sods Over 300,000 soid. Heavy Paper, 909 cents, Cinch. Gilt. $1.00. "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS," Only bosh of 'the hind..'published. The sons of the leadin~g colleges for women. Heavv Paper. $1.00. ssHGA~4 [L111H RTU IIT1 I(ThMUSIC Eighty-two pieces for the g itar from the hest sources. A splendiid ceti on. Basd- ome Cover. 90 cents. Any book sent postpaid os receipt of price OLIVER DITSON co., 453-463 WasbingtnSt., Bestoan. C. B. Ditson &Co. N Y. ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS. Ladies' and Gents' Clothing Cleaned or Dyed. S W. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR. Members of hsarssscee Ticket Brohers' Asmo- ciatios of C. S. Cosby & Mc~eon R. R. Ticket Agency 50 Adams at., Chicago. Rieduced rates to aii poinss.Btransch The Kindergarten 5o.3 N. Main at. Ann Arhor Miehigan. WIRE. R_ FU=,IXB3 FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING Corner or State and William sts., wilIlansat. eetrance. "The Perfect" isfialabie Saddle, prevents= chafing, Numtness and Saddle Soreness. The- Cheapesc, Easiest Biding Sadde in the World. Poeren, Tomen and Children. Circulaa Pree. Address, PNEUMATIC SADDLE CSO., 107 Chsambers St., New Ysrk.. This space is reserved. for the Grand opera. House. FIRST NATIONAL BAw.NK OF ANN ARBSOR. Organized 1803. Capital, $100,t00. Surplus and Pro~sa. $40100 Transacts a general bashing bustness.. Poreigo' exchanges bought andsole. Furnish, letters of eredit. P. BACh Pres. S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier.. To arrange for private or SPECIAL CLAS lessons in Dancing, call at Crangezr'z Academyr.. Office hours 11 to 1 aiid 4 to & No stairs to mount. MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S School of Dancing and Delsarte. Saturday, 10 a. m., Gentleman beglnnerelas. Saturday, 4 p.:in., Lady beginnersnelass. Monday, 7:00 p.m., A dvaneed Clas(Latesn sadGentlemen). Tuesday 7:30 p. rn.. Beginners Cus (Ladies anal Centiemes). Private lessons by appointmient. SCHOOL 46 S. S r'I'AT '!' Plati-otyp'es The latest thing in PHOTOGRAPHTY at BERRYMI AN'S. d Eacuon st. Special Rnte to Seniors. HANGSTERFER CATERER IT'S HARD TO "DO WITHOUT cive flTublarndtapertea6 C EO. S. PARKER- FOUNTAIN PEN. Touredeeilikeiy t hiavestei eaSsnt,ewrite so nde'iiseed reu tihe infrmaions emuseant. see hadsome illustrated cntnlogue free: PARKER PENS COMPANY , Jaurlik, WI&- SHEEH.AN & CO. Exclustve Agents for Ann Arbor. TEVERETT 0. FISK & CO., ~3b'$ " bash 4ve., " - Chicago, Illinois.: Ashbsurton Pla&e; - 75Fifth Avene, 03 Tweifths Street,.. li.a Wabanja &veep., BOSTON, SASS. NEW TORY, S. V-. ''WASBISFTON, D. C. CBAOO.IL. TORONTO, CAST. 'I 'MNAPOLIS,-MISS.- WA HIND;OOi. LOS ASOKJI, .AZ - WE CAN $UkYCU# send for Agency Manual and Reg istrationilanks.