VOL V. No. 16. UNIVERSITY OF MiCHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1895. PR~icE-THREE CENTS. A. VERY CLOSE SCORE. a n d left this, worning for Itloit. Eol- liwing is the some. MICIIIGAN. MICHIGAN DID NOT WIN WITH- A.B. R. IH. 0. A. N Csts-.r f _-- 51 t3i50 00 OUJT AHARD STRUGGLE. I 2e i. ----4 0 3 0 322 \btisi - 4 0 2 '0 3 0 h_____--telli., ----- 4 0 0. 1 20 'Iietsidt'. f.------- 53 0 0 1 1 0 Dieans.Makes Two Errors-Condon lues bee-sos, 2t__-4 .0 0 4 13 Makes One-Sexton *%Does Good (;? 14f______04 2 1 501 Execution With tle~..Stick-Wat- Sioltei ----is. 41 11 00 kins Strikes Out Five Nan-The Totsr's..._______1?i 3ii 27 12 3 Hits Were Numerous -A Large WISCONStS. Crowd Saw the Game. GreB..Iet..1end0.II A. F. __ _ unalsls... ....4 1 2 .t 1 1 Itu i el --- ---- 4 1 0 2 3 0 'Varsity- played thte best gamue of wlt, likin bs ---- .12 1 20 t-mvio1. f-------- 2 0 1 ? 0 0 belIl ageist Wisconsin ycstert~iy af- -lodgono, I ------400 o b 'r t-~Enia,3b- 4 _.4 0 0 1 0' 0 bernoon that lhns yet been put np on talk, lb..- 4 2 105oIu Barrsel f------- 0 4 50 0 the vest.rn trip. The pielte wi-re ix- T-t-s.- -2 - - peltttig a Ytisosoi Victory sind In-ntngs ----I1 i 456789 dalI Vield wascrolwdted with wearers-ichioigan -----i- 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 i- 2 tliieeesomil-----0 0010 2 0 00- ovf the cardinal. The coachingt ti.Rarnted runs= ichlign i. Tao-hose hbus -isn 3ss;lDeans,IWatinis. Sacrieitle Pfelter has hail a wondetrfuiti effct or Watklo-, isitilel. sttin tao"-Wsats, le'alls. I+"'lest base o iballs-ifstkins. 2; t( tlae hattgrs intie the igin tu )niutunkol, 1. Fts l-e oerori-mictilgot, 2; Wiseotisiti. 2. Struckoltot-Watlilo-, 5; here the 115th tind u itt ill pu iiip itl- IbKunkel, 2.itas-seud balls-( re 1. I. Tico, 2 hoser.. tompire, Atilts. Attendance, S00. most (reirl ss gamle. Tue fieldinlg (:f- the two teames was the featture. of tl gare. McKenzie oit tirst played ti fine ~genie. (iodon nmadee toildi threw to thiirdl letting in Iiaruisalld Deans en tird is, creditedt withs a lair of v-ery bad breaks. The hits which -woo-c quite nttuierouts-ii-eoe well scat- tered. In the!Ofr-it innitig Sexton start it off With a two-bliger, Deatns followedI with e cleat ilht to rig ht debtd, Wat- 1-ros reachelicr ltst on an error and Six- ton canto int. Thetnext three tien were11 retired,.Shields being strnck out. The next two inningswon clilracter- hedn by. sharpi fieldittg on both siles, neither site scorinig, Waterman mtadle a pretty single!itt the; fonrth,. andu canile flying in ott a. two-bagger by Sextonr, who was pot. ant at thirdt.Itt the next ining Kuninel eaolgltt two flies and Darrel the third retiring the side with two tnttott bases. Int the fifth no on. scot-cd. Kommel began the sixtht'with a single to te exta-etie right field. Rutn,- kel wes retired- at first, Wltec-ihatt macho a .signgle toz left, wyhichi fell among te carriages.. ,Before Sexton conld find, the ,hell, Rookel toacied htome, while Wheelltan was passing oS- er thirdt. Cottdon caught- the. bal andt threw wild to tird,, allowing' itte basel runner to coeoAn.'The sco-e was now. tied.a-nf the excitetnent dur- ing the rest of te game was tat fet-er heat. ;Two toore inninxgs were'played a.nti nett!4er side lied scored, Wiscon. sin catme to bet first hot were qoickly retired. Thten Condon knocked a fly to the pitcher,; McKenz ie made a sin- gle, followed: by one of Sexton's usoal, two-baggers, wileni McKenzie reachkA home. Sexton Wasl lifted upon the shoulders o~f the team, whos0gaye..the triumphant yell of, Michigan. The team, relflalned over, night In Ma dison. Wisconsin's Field Day. AtNWisconsinit ttivsersitys anittal Mldtdaty Wedneitsdtay fosuit re-cois iste iketn, thmile twastlk, mltle ty- ol, 221) dasth atid shot pt's. 1he-fist- lowing is tile sumnmtary: 100l-yar d-idasht-Won by Miuyterry, timei10i2-5ts btilewillk-WtIott by, Nolritn, thn- 7:42 i-5s. 12-yrs rl-WllI,11 Io by, i 1, Ots 2:13 2-.)s Mile to icyleWeitsby ('itlitiad ti. timte 2:342-5s 44tt-yttiil-, i lt V ottnby SMontg,)-ii ely, ht-d 4 4 - 22tt-yaitut-. dash-Stoin'by =lMayterry, t ito-22 25s :'20-yar hurdtiitili rce-'ti ot.'(4w-et Rlichasrds atout Siilarld. t~me -7 2-5 s 5211--run-Won' by Pep.-, tithe 4:519. IRunitg high jumtpii-Tie betwett Siigle stnd Day; 11e-1h111 5foot 5 inches. Pttttittg tl tho -pqootttt sit--Wots by Coelmts, dtistince. 40 fetcty inch,,S. tonnting abroad jontp-WVon bytLet-s, dislttnceit9 foot Sy{ ittces. 'Throwing 1G-potttd hatsttter--W~oi bty Cocitens, distance 1t5 feet inches. plbvault-«Tdn by Jackson, fits- tnce 10 feot -1' inch. D. S. Luten Catled to Purdue. Micitigats io-u.boon. fantous for tosing lieuzx ittottuctors, for the Tbenefit, of othter tlvet-sities which are :willing to pay bettor salaries.Thtis: titme it is Mr. D.: B. Luten, '04, instructor. in Civil Rngineering, wito lis accepted the po- sition of assistant prefoosor of Civil Englneering at Purdoe'at a salary ef $1,400. Mrc. Luten has ma~eOa greet , occess of .his work finetog tepest year, being not only an unusually bril- heckt studetnt, hot showing teaching ability of a high order. Michigan.is, sopry to lIso.a, promising tpae her,. hot one cannot be blanted' for' accepting a battler place. wieta It olfera >ti-x ANN ARBOR OBJECTS. DETROIT WILL HAVE TO FIGHT FOR THE HOMEOPS. Hon, A. J. Sawyer Says the Rmov- al Bitl Is Unconsttutional-Counci Holds a Special Session-A Com- mittee Will Interview o. Rich- Will Rich Veto It? Yesterday a steciai sission of tte city- cotttcii was caled to tate teiet witth regarld to tito tassingtofettei tl to remov-e the schoo of totmeopty to Ditroit. Sptiehes -i-ire tmae 'by Dr S. A. Jottes, A. J. Sawyer. J. . Law- of whtomtiale optosd to lbe rttova. ,Atr. Sakwyeir 5saythe action would be mwtn Httt-ield it was decited to att- pintili 0.ooiiilitti e to coifr witt ftr goveernor as wotdtad bet-is received fi-otmtLaitsiiig GisttGovrnorRich-t woutli- eta cemmittee, fronm tere to- daty at tile stae hoes. Tie cottmit- ti-c attpointeit ctssts of tie folowitg citize-ts: Dr. S. A. Jotes, E. D. Ktinte, A. J. Sawyer, J. Fi. Lawvrelce, C. 1-. Iiiseochf. b. Aiitntditgr antd Stty- or AV. E. Watker. Aloha Nu Society. The Alphia Nut socioty h1a-rustngi-d titn, 5 esp tilyattractive iinsictl 11- grailtsfor ttu-xt Satn-daty evetiglbe-- gininlg at 8 o'clock. Tie orciestra will be c-stmtlisei of tte folowig gentli-tiet:Vioitt.s i-o,,sr.'Lohr- sterfi 1 111d1Slence;mflte,Sr.St(ttil- till-ineluiroiet. Sr. Wtghttiltt; cello, .ft.lBroks; cornet. i. Shock; piatnto, Ir. SteCtlellaa. 'fTle follwitg is te- liberary art of te progratm: Siyl-, readitntg, Sr. Duttclat; debate le- solved, thtat tile Aneictttt1p0010pleave delt jutoly end rightly withl thei-:t- litatl," aff., Messrs. Danfotht atd Nicol, neg., Messrs. Etutooy nd Adatms; cretie's rport. Omaha Bee Praises the Nine. Thtrottght tie courtesy of C. L. tite Daily has received a clipping frotl the Onmaha Bee= on the game 't te Uiversity elub thero last Tues- day. The Bo criticizes the icigan teatm severey. for objotitg so- tnh to the otmpire and cltins tat hits deeisions were all right. As to our players, the Bee gives thett the'igh- est praise. - It, says that Watis 'pitched a .geme tat wold have reflected cretdit on any of te big gotts of the National- League.:" 'Deans at third Is a star, and so is Bloomig- ston, and ,atligthr they constitute a-;sttf aggregation." SEE OUR WINDOW! "THERE MAY BE SOMEBT'HING IN IT." 51 South Main S. FASHIONABLETAILORING Elegant Gradutating or ight Suit ttade frotn Imported or Finest 3DO=.stio + 'Woolens for $2.0O and uip, Full ress Suit $27.00, wostomade at homes beats inspectiotn by coy high Class Taior end Cutter. With be pleased to have yu ral and be convinced. JOS.' W. KOLLAUF, 10 E. Washington st., up stairs. H~OT JLUITC8ZES LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES + TUTTLE'S, t48 S. STATE ST. JBUST ARRIVED!I A SHIPMENT OF Gents' rine Ian'Shes JACOBS & ALLMAND W..Sashlgtsa 1Blsck, Ass Arbor. P. S--See our Show Window. ED. A. cAD>IBUX. Latest Improved Barber Shop In the city F.Wahlsgon st., st door east atfSain st Ass Arbor. MAMMOTH:A PIPE SALE JOLLY & Co's 16 SoarS TATE ST. Don't fail to cost Ht avl coId.nhy at All thours, DUCK PANTS $1.60, $2.00 AND $2.60 BEST QUALITY. LAWN TENNIS GOODS.. SOLE AGENTS FOR WRIGHT & DITSO'S CELEBRATED RACKET WA H R'S.- lJD Tow, cows Town. Universty Rootre, OpposieCort~ousr 20 8. Sate St. 4!2N Main $t. ANN ARBOR M.f,