THE U. OF M. DAILY. HULLY GEE! yu of tu go down and se ellis The chicago tailor at the Kuk Hous. He bes a line uv guds to show thet makes eny budy fele gud. but not the same kinde as when " u git. out an' git tite. there hes bin a big crowd uv ug peeple there and there was sum there wot haint been yung fer a gud while. Sum uv the boys wus got up like their muthers of tu be ashamed uf them and sun brot their sweteharts to help them chuse a sute the big gurls wor Kalico gowns and thare hare wus hanging rite down thare back like they wus skule girls and sum that was married did tu. The fellows wat hez wheels wer drest up offal an they didn't care a bit. Sum had close full uv hoals and sum he(I close wot must hev bin made for sum other fellew wat wuz- n't thare size, for sum wes to big an sum wus to little fer them. Ellis hes the reputasion of makin close tu fit, an don't yu fergit it. he has maid lots of close in ann Arbor an they all say "he is the peeple." A. G SPALDING &BROS. OBITBR DICTA Athletic Supplies. WANAMAKER tailors 20 miles of cloth per day. He buys at enormous discounts. You buy of him and you avoid the profits of BASEBALL, LAWN TENNIS, the wholesaler, the jobber, the middleman. 600 samples. Up-to- B OLF. date tailoring. Fit guaranteed. Swell Suits $18. __ W" N,88I R c& 3RtOWN, Uniforms for All Sports. WILSEY'S OLD STAND STATE STREET IDE THE SPALDIC BICYCLES- HOW,' TO BOONOMIZE. Flour is going up. Tomatoes are going down. THE LEADER FOR 1895. Eat Tomatoes. 3 Pounds Greenwood, 75 cents per dozen. 1lANDSOME ILLUSTRATED CATALOCUE 3 Pounds Peninsular, 85 cents per dozen. SENT FREE. 3 Pounds Riverside, 95 cents per dozen. All good Fresh Goods. MEW YORKCHICAGO, PHILADELPHIA. N zCDEOM & OO PAN T. 44 South Main Street. 95 LA W S UNIVERSITYNOTES. The eXcises connecte d with unveil- , " .. ing; the Cooley bust be-in it ')o'clock HAVE Y OUiR Miss Martha Sherwood. of Allegan, is visiting her brother, Bernard Sher- tomorrow iii University hall. CANE ENGRAVED hrrtrB adbr Walter Camp has resigned from' --AD, - Yale's athletic committee, oni which TPhe. following petitions w ere gr~ant- h WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. Te has served lifteen years, cii ac- ______________________________ed by ther FaCulty May 21: 1. W. Daniels, J. A. Lamont, Mla'i-y Mac-count of its demanding too much of S E TE R S-Neil. hIls time. Iudge Albert H3. Horton, '58 L and Orman M. Ca.meran,w ; who was f- For Men and Boys, LL. D. (Michigan), who has been chief - pelled from the University last week, .. lMBuas beci admitted to the washlenaw justiceof the supreme court of Kansas A } ABSfor twenty .y rha igndnd county bar.e ; WOOJL SWE[AIERS Dr. .11. Walker -ekeon "The iill practice law at Topeka. in black, navy, white, Doctrine of Personality of Hobbes, U. OF Al. CALENDAR. garnet and gray, Spinoza, and Leibnitz" before the Phil- Thurs., May 23.-'97 vs. 'OS, inter- for Boys, up to 32 osophical club in room 21 last night. class baseball, 4 p. m. inch sizes, Secretary Wade has placed the fol- Fri., May 24.-Sophomore party at I 0Granger's. $1.5a0 lowing notice on the Bulletin board: Fri., May 24.-Presetation of the For Men, all sizes, On acount of the large number of Cooley bust by senior law class. £2.00. dipliomas to be: prepared, all candi- Fri., May 31.-The last Choral Union I CE C:OLD SODA WATER -- . A. MUMMERY'S. NEW ART TILE SODA FOUNTAIN. Ice Cream Soda, Vernor's Ginger ale, and all popular drinks. A, E. MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE, Cor. Fourth Ave. and Washington St. CUT RATE RAILROAD TICKETS to all points for sale by ANN ARBOR R. R. TICKET AGENCY, aa E. Haron St. Member of American Ticket Brokers Asso- ciation. All Iransportations siar- anteed. Tickets bought and sold. HAVE YOU SEEN THE ThileBicycle? Here are a few points worth consideration: Bearings-Two points of Contact. Weights-15 to 23 Pounds. Frames-22 to 28 Inch. Tread-4 7-16 and 5 inch, Choice of color, Gear, Saddle, Pedals, Tires and mandi eas. Same as tkou khmade to order. Seel, Catalogue Free. -. FORD. AGENT. noEast William Street. MOORE & WETMORE 6 S. Main st., and State st., cor- ner of William sat, have a complete stock of UNIV[BSIIY TE[T. SODKS Niew and Second Hand.. Noe Books. and other Students' Suppies Fine Stationery Sporting tods, ste ,which theynofer at the Lowest PriCeS. Osil andsee us before purchasing. G . WLD. THE 'LEADING TAILOR &a impot'ter has feceived the largest and ripst select stock of IMP.RTE- _ A40 DOMESTIC' - - LNS for Sprbg an"SuFmil oerof '65'in the city, and wouild:b e pleased to have yon call and, examine the same. ill Dress Suits . a: 1 t 1k. Washingtoa sit. near Main, Strawbridge & Clothier PHILADBLPHIA. Sweatefs *011 dates for a degree in Tune are re- quested to pay the graduation fee at once. At the Adelphi meeting next Sat- urday,May 25, the following program will be given: Music, impromptu speeches, short story, declamation, im- promptu debate, paper, reading, music. The iwxt meeting will be a debate. with Websteir society. Prof. Peckham is to give a paper on Asphalt Pavement as an Engineering Problem before the Engineering so- ciety tomorrow evenni, fIn room 10. Mr. Peckhlam has recently been to TriIdad, South Alerica., to examine 4(e Asphalt lake on that island, in he iterestof a5stois firm. He as done a great deal of expert workt n this line both for private p hties and f the goveriment. social of the season. Fri., May 31.-Webster-Adelphi de- bate, law lecture room, S p. m. Sat., June 1.-Western Intercollegi- ate championships, Chicago. Wed., June 5.-Dual field day, Cal- ifornia vs. Michigan, athletic field. oY want tu see the Ad cv c6111 The, tailor uv chicago on the top uv this paij. He is at the Kook Hous rume J and we, rekomend cure frends t call an' se him. .He .hes got a jim dandie line;of suiteings for 18.00 dal- ars and more. NOTICE TO FRATERNITIES, A family desires to take chnrge of furnished .house during. the sumIner for the rent. Inquire at Daily oftlce, A -family desires to take charge of house for fraternity next year. ,ry quire at Daily °oftegi. Wanted-A position as matron of a frternIty house. Apply at 15 N. Sate st., between 12 .and2 p.m. 168