TfHE U. OF M. DAILY. .. . - Published Daily Sunday. ex:epted) during the Colege yea, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Orrio: Times biding N. Main t.,opposite "postoffice. EDITORS. J. A. Lnitoy,"'9; liausgng Editor. A. W. Ssssu, Special, Assistant. W. A. Srst, '6 L, Assistant. E. R SiNnsn.An, 'i, Assisant. H. COnnnAl,'1, Athletic Editor. G. B. HAnussoN,'SO L, Business Manager. I. S . PEARLs, 95 L, Assistnt L. R. HAsin~e, Assistant. Associate Editors. H. A. Dancer, '5,. E. L. Evns, '9 L. L. A. Pratt,'I. Carrie V. Smith, 'S. C. A. Soughto, '1 D. G. A. Heat, '50 P. ,Minie Thompso,'7. H. . Gammon '8 M. C. H. Farrell,'55. S. E. Eappe, .8. "J. . Filay, '5." The geneal feling amnog (les faccl ties and studet boy'of the Uniivc- ily inl~treg to thle ix ilosal of (is. HIoisioathic tdeprtmsent to Dtroit is lelitly in aceorsi with ,tbe position taken by the rcgns. Any step wicii tentis ttsVarcl a disiitgratton is ol. ously ha~rmufl to ue entic Uiversity. While the isisuitliate effcts of te r- sioval may be adantageosa to te boiiueopa.(tliie' tepartiiest it 'viwi net remedy the ral cause of its mnability to nmaintaini the standard whih the other tdepartments set. Te vraios departmnsts can only be successful as a university by keeping in accord anti ' onch with each oiler, sand teir faT' use to do so imust be sesthig imore than a mere matter of location. Senior Laws Win. The seod game of hai interclas (srits was woii" yesterday by tie senior lasv class over (lei ulior, tie score being 18 to 9 in thefotys,?r s fav or. Tiies seior laws eemued to lave a sure hold on the ,:;ame until tlies sixthliming; but aft -c that tLe playing was rinose and exciting util the ninil, when thit juniors swent to pieces. Slowaltei, for '9, and An- derson fr '90, 'bolh. itciied in first cass forii, the foriuc aing better cotol of fl itebll. Showater gave fix-esbases ois als, 'seven hitssld struck out six; Andersoi, seven base is onl balls, nines its and 'sruck 'out eleve. Hart anti Waters of '95, were tho hevyhitters. Quinn and Price made a double play for.'5. Errors were numerous. The score y innings: 1 2 3 4 5" 78D 9l5 Law.. 1 2 1 0O1 0 4 0' 9-18 ''tiiLaw...2 .0 0 0 1 2 3 0 1-9 Next'Saturday "evening at S o'clock Mr. Sw sin"'Will give is treuliico's entertainmnt 'at the 'Congtregateal church unldr t'be upr f 'the ChristianFn de aor'sI ft. Adiis- Sion, 1-, eats. J. V. Crum, of' Io~aS'l'tate Uinver- sity, .ho won ists, 100)andt 220 ldushwe 1n 'the Wstero In terohlitg mns last line, hias gone to Nllcv OVok to represet his unversity in ho Akmer- icann Inter oslL t~tes''tdlitpionshps next Saturday. No Yale-Harvard Game. ft nowy seems probable' fom news- Spaper reports that there wil e no Yale-Harvard football game next fal. Yale's manager would not arrange for a gisie unless Harvard would imke some sort of apology ot the strict- nies made by Harvard coahers and ohcials oii the playing of Yale in ('le Springfield- game last fall. As Harvard wiii not do tis, no arrange- mnents seem likely to be made for a mieeting betxeen the two 'niversities, ne-xt fall. NOTICE TO FRfATENTIES. That very' desirable, modern brick house at '4 S. Fourth ave., co. of 'Wil1liam st, is for sale orto rent oni very teases-able terms, either furnish- ed or unfurishied. It is first class in every m spet, and contains all iiodern impovements. Por Itinms call at 47" 'S.Fourth-ave. NOTICE TO TENNIS PLAYERS. Allimeimbes of the Athletic asso- ciation desiring to use tie tennis courts mst procures badgs of (le teunis' committee. The=bmdges'can be procuied by preentin ,athetic membership ticeets to any of flit following 'persons: E. B. Cakins, Thennis'Pfanager,'si U House; 1. C. Fritz, 27 NE. Liberty t; Isdore 1111; Wi. W. Htughes, Piappa Psi House. WANTED. Someonea to purchase sbmire in ten- Iis court. Terns reasonable. Lese lo Nthirotighiout college coirst. Call at 20 S. University ave. LOST. tBetwveen Inglls and Pa:ckard oil Mtoniroe, a siiall black leather aii silk handbag1ad cotents. TeViiinfuser wi'll confer a favxor by reurning tie oumme to' No. 43 Packard st. 171 A lady' of expeience desirsa to act as matron of a society Brous,, for the tominig year. Refeenets can bt given if desired. Inquire. at Daily office. Y70 Have you rooms to rent? If so, ad' sertiso them in he Daily The ide - 'We Are setting the :pace for'5 Wth otshers try to 101 .i ."'lbw. high .&2t 37B 'Id1di trep ~nwi u 'EL[IPT'IC CRANKSI{ . If you ishto e cnvicedof the trathof as N. tnversiy ave Sensi-ble The socety or organiation which has Iits PROGRAMS. MENU CARD . Printed atthe -AtgrruOff tce.; WE CAN SUIT YUI Wou see them everyrwhere. +. *10 ( ubi.l cckr " T'JHERE'S a whole aermon in " the above. It preaches the economy of buyingithe bet-a + wise economy that every one " can practice wills Columubias ; at $s00. The new Colunmbias are " marvels 'of strenth, lightness, " symmetry, beauty and speed. 00?OPE MPG. CO., Hartford, Coon.; An San FBncisc, rvkidene Bfflo 0AnArt Catalogue of Columbias cansbe had-0 00 fIre, at anyeColumbia+ ~agncyepor iu willibe+ maied for to 2-cent 'stamps. 'Tells, too, of" HAsRFODBICiCEnS" DITSON MUSic. "Six Love Songs,"1 By Franh E. Sawyer. Translations of Sis of lieine's Snuest lyrics is exquisite musieal settings. Heavy Paper. 75 cents.' ",COLLEGE =SONGS," 'Testandard collection of College Songra. Over 300001miod. Ha' Ppr,5 cents; Cloth. Gilt. $1:0'0. "C0LEGESOLOS FOR GIRLS." Only hoct of the hiend? pubihed. The songs of the leading colleges for women. Heavy Paper. $1.00. ii OY L~L Q if11ICK-1 MI~l[LU HMImsic Eighty-two pieces for'the gsitar 'fmm the heat sources. A splendid,,colection. Hand- ome Cover. SO cents. Any booS sent postpaid on receipt of price OLIVER' DITSrON CO., '453-403 'Wasiengteon' 55., DBestou. C,.H. Ditson& Co. N 1Y. AMN 'ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS. Ladies' and (Geats' -Clothing, Cleaned or Dyed. 3 'W.HRION _ST., :ANN ARBOR. Memibers Sf tGuarantee Tichet Brokers''Asso- elation of C.S. Cosby & XcIeonuR. R. Ticket Agency 50 Adams at., Chicago.. Reduced rates to all points. Blralich The' Kindergarten N o. a N. Main at. Ann Arbor Sliehigan. FIRST CLASS -9STOM TAILORING, "Corner of State Sod l*flllm'ots.. Wiiliami at. entrance. "The Perfect" anltShe Saddle,,prevents 'hafing, Numbness and Ssddle Soreness. the~epsEsetRdn adeite wor For NMen. Women and Children. Ohelca- Free. Address, PNEUXATIC SADDLE' CO., 107 Chambers St., New Y rk.. This space is reserved. for the Grand Opera House. FIRST NATIONAL B.AIXM OF ANN ARBOR, *Orgsoheed 516. Capital, $100,00. Surplus and Profits, 1MOM1 Transacts a general 'banhing IUusInees. ForeIgn exchanges bought andsold. Furnish letters of credit. P. BACH Fees. S. W. CLARKSON. aftner. To arrange for private'or SPECIAL CLASSK lessons In! Dancing, call at Cran~ger'z .&oadeii#g: 'Office hours 11(0o1 Said 4to & No stairs to uiount. 'MRS.ANNIE WARD FOSJEIIs Schaool of Dancing and Dkeln~ 'Saturday, '10a. m., Gentlemnan begln.Ser clas Saturday, '8p. m., Lady heglaaerselnss. Monday, 7:30 p. na., Advanced Clans (Lhdes' a~ndthen tlemen). Tuesday, 7:30p.m., Beginners, Chl(aiddes and Gentlemen). PrIvate lessons by appIntmeat. Patinotypes The latest thing in PHOTOGRAPHY at F N H.F~arent Spechal, Bates to Setiiare MANGS ERfERI E I T'S ARD TO D O -WITHOUCT maoni CEtO. S . "PARKER..FOUNTAIN PEN. Yosr dealer i iket eno iaei e a S ana't, wrise ss anatwe'll sd you the infsrn iosnn s .S oar'iSmdoose Iiurase estalogue. tree, PARKER PE3t IOCQ"iPA N Ys JssvU3.S W inR - «*BREEHAN & CO. Exclusive Agents for "4nn Arbor. . The Fsk Tach er'Agty EV~~flT 0' FSK & 'Co., ( x'6' ar3S~h 'Ave C AigO, -f' sis. Ashburton Place, 70'FIfth Avenue, (his Twej'ftSreet, 355 Wgbahtssonwue BOSTON, SASS,. "NEW YOR0Y, N. Y. WASH'ING'TON, D. C.r CHS(A f0Ja N2 Church Streel, 420 entury Bld'g, OLYMPfIA, ' (4S. SSprig 1~e ' 6aiONTO, CAN, 'SINNIEAPOLIS, MINN. 4VAFIPNtTON. "LOS A' hltE"SAJ... Send for Agency Xanual and :Registration Blanks.