THE. U. OF M. DAILY. Published Daily (Sunday excepted) daring thu College year," an THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OrrICE: Times buiiding N. Main at., nppnite punt nffice. EDITORS. J.; A. LnRox, '96, Managing Editor. A. W. SuITe, Special, Assistant. W. A. SPILL, 'S i L,,Asitunt. E. R. SUNsANDnsn, '96, .Assistant. H. COLEMAuN, "97, Atisietic Editor. G. B. HARSONne, '91 L, Business Mlanager. A. . PEARse, '95 L, Assistant L. R. HAMBsEe, Assistant. Associate Editors. H. A. Dancer, '5,. E. L. Evsans, '55L. L. A. Prat, '6. Carrie V. Smith. 'S6. C. A. Houghton, %IID. H. A. Heath, '96 P. Minnie Tknmpsnn, '97. It. B. Gammon '9S81M. C. H. ar rell, 'S8. S. E. Itnappen, 'IS J. S. Fnlay~,'9. Dental Notes. Dr. HuTll is givinig the.juinior dlents nelle very initerestinig demuoisiationn on thom adjustilelit of the raibb,r daa and tr'atliielt andtlfillig of devitaliz- ed teeth together with the practical nae of this dental engine. Every niftenuonlinda they dental ep- elating, rooiii fiued to overflowing withi patients desiring io have, the selnioir clans do their dental wsvirk. The, prosthetic clinic in thie. forenon is well supplied with psatients desiring cleft palate, rcgnlating and ether work dolle. The '97 D's have just competed their coulrse' ill et~owlwork, anld Dr. 1-aidle. vvill give them their firat denionstra- Bess en bridge work tonmorrowv at 1- p. i., in demionstrationi room. Theree has heen no lectnre givea in prosthetic detistry dnring the mast week= cdne to the sickness of Dr. Dor- rence. Hie has heen gratnted leave of absence hy the Regentso for the .sum- nie mnlths aad Xill travel abroad wish his family during the vacation. The report of tine: dual examination giv:_n Frliday hy Dean Taft on opera- five principles Xwiii he posted; this afternoon in tite iniol' laboratory. Law Notes. Tine juniors will, have an examina- tion in Equtlfy Pleading and P'ractice in thec lecture room next Thursday evening, at 7:830. Profs. Griffin} and, Knowlton wili lecture today. College Editors at Chioago. 110HE LEGISLATIOQN. . THE HOMEOPATHIC SCHOOL ~ MAY GOTO DETROIT. r The University Apopriation Cut sA' ¢- to $40090- The-Ligenting Plant ~ Will Be Allowed $20,000-The s P~h IL 4 Law Library May Get $25000' The snate Uniersity coinuslittee, r Tuesday morning reportd out the i xnerst apropiatonill. i ce the ill wan received hy tie commuittee >t "II Victor ! aohr$25,000 has era lopped off A e ni al and the ill now stands at $43,000, of L nspem sayete.Nneln k isspro* oayote.Nn u h Xwhichi $20,000 is to go to the electric finest materials aer used in in contre- lighting plant and $2,000 to the lawi tin, and players who use it are conin- * ally testiying to stsnpeririy. ~ lilirary. Tuesday afternoon tie si- * It is mre resilient and more durable ~ ate, agreed to tie hbilt in eeomiittee of ihnayihr Vcr Ahletic Gods always gie*~ the Xwhoe.,4atisacion The ouse ways ,amd means con- A OVERiMAN WHEEL CO. itte asreprtd avraby n ] * Makers of Victor Bicycles. ~ ittehsrpre oal n th Bostne. Ne York. Detroit Dneree. ill to miove tie lomueopattii school * nir ons an: SateeFPenciso. Los Angeles. Potlsnd. ~ fromn Aimn Arhor to Detroit, vtli a ;5,000 appropriation for fth isnupoeoc rti;Aet t1 W.i~sWshntnsgo . .STEI. Sssen A n, 1 Thie Slie, colnlittee lion also reported favorahly the ill to establisha Iwo DITSON ar felci cec.( M USIC. The state Hoineopatie M edilel so- eioty is now in session at Detroit and "S1ix Love Songs," will' prohaly take action, on thesr- By rank . Sawyer. Translations f Sin of Brie's fiest lyris in ensite musicsl inoval. Every pitysician- present i swettings. Heavy Paer.7 cents. stronogly in favorof the reumeval. pica. II COLLEGE SOGS," LeSenre in his annual address dealt The standard collectin of Cllege Sngs. with the snhtject at same Lagili anilder 3000.005 sd. Heavy Paper, 50 expressed Himself as of e otinion cns lt.Gl.$.0 that the schiool would he inoveil. "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." NOTICE TO F'IAT1ElIIItS. Dly bot of tie kind publkhred. Tie - ~songs of the leadig colleges for wemen That very desirahle, moern brick Heavy Paper. $1.00, house at 47 s. Fourth ave., cor. o o iiRYC[kL[CIC IUSI[[W UII[ [IIIe. MUSIC XWiliamn t., is for sale or to rent onI verrasaiabl terltS eiter urnih_ ighty-two piecesfr the gitar from the vey raoal us ihrfrih best sorces A splendid colectin. and- ed or unfurnished.: It is Birt classinme tiner. 0 cents. ill every respect, and contains all Any book sent postpaid n receipt f price mnodern impovemenetsa For terms call OLIVER DITSON CO., at 47 S Fourth ave. 453¢13 Washigtn St., Boston NOTICE TO) TENNIS PLAYLEtSC .isnn& Co. N Y. All members of the Atlietic asso elation desiring to use the tenis ANNH ARBOR coonts must procure badese of thi' STEAM DYE WORKS. tennis committee. The badges cars Lades' and Gents' Clothing Cleaned be procured by presenting athletic or pyed. inenneaship tickvets 10 any of tie 3 W. MURON ST., ANNI ARBOR. following persons: . B. Cakins, Tc inis:Alaagei, Pi U ous; IT C.Members o uaratee Ticket Brner' Ann- Tenns Maage', Pi U ous l H C.elation of . . Fritz, 27 I. Liberty sfi; Isadore1011; 'Cosby & Mckoa R. R. Ticket Agency Win. W. Hughes, Pi. Kappa Pi ns Adams st., Chicao. Redced rates to all House. poists. Branch the Kindergarten No. $ N. Sain t. Ann Aror Michigan. 'ANTED. Someone to pul'clase sare in en- 'VTRIE 3-. . NTTI.D_7:, nis court. 'Termns reasonable.- Lease FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING lasts throughout Clege course.CreraSteseWilmse. Do you Xrie leters? Try SWAN WIlliamst. entrance, LINEN! All, Printing 'anid Stationery I'S HADO O" I House~eD -cE. S. PARKEE9 Se s C i ible TardalertiisskeYtoauheem~, tensias t,wre - - - ar lisnasosme Iiiiatraed esitee "fre. ph. - SIMEHAN & CO E iuki' the society1 or organizator ie -Whidh has its The tltSR lea( PROGRAMS. yIT0 MiI NTJI ICARDS. .EEET . ~'rc.. 355 Wabash Ave., - Printed t the - Ashbtne Place, 711 Fifth Aven, OSTQN. MASS NW YOR yZ, V A rg s ~ II Ok2Cuch Seet, 40 ii ury sld'g,' Arg~s ~il~e TORONTO CAN. MINEAPOLIS, MIN. PNEUMATIC BICYCLE SADDLES. "The Perfet" Inflatabe Saddle pevets Inahetig Nuataenen'. and SaddleSorenems.The tCneapest, aset Riing Saddle in theWrd Ior iMiss XWomrs and Casldre . Cruara& bree. Address, PNEUXATIC SADDLE CO, 107 Chsabers St., NearYork. This space is reserved for the Grand Opera House. FIRST NATIONAL BANS. OF ANN ARBOR. Organized 103. Capital, $100,000. Surplus ad Prefitas, ettoioo Trasacts a general basing business. Foreignt echanges bougt andsond. Furnish etters of credit.- P. BACHI Pres. . XW. CLARNSON Cashier To arrange for private or SPECIAL CLASS lessons in Dancing, call at Cranger's Aoade=y. Office hours 11 to 1 and 4 to & No stairs to mount. MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S School of Dancing and Delarte. Saturday,10 a. i., entmanbeginercias 'Satrday, 4 a.i., Lady beinner cai. Monday, 7:30 p m., Advanced Clams (ladies' andGentemen). Tueeday, ':30 p. i., Beginners Class (Ladies and entirmen). Private lesons by appointment. SCHOOL 165 S. STATE ST Platinotypes The latest thing in PHOTOGRAPH Y at,, B ERRY51M ANS. 0 . Huron t. S ecisi Rates to eirs. H A N S E F B 2 E. Was hing- RFOUNTAIN PEN. teste and welisee yenthe infeemtias ye .anetr s~ RtEER JJt UOMPdA'YJ, Jaesdile WI.. re Adgenanift'Ann ,Arbos' hers' Agencyv tFISS C&O0.;, :; 5511 Twelfth ret, 3Zi Waash Avenue