THE U. OF M. 'DAILY. I T H TAI "OR, Chicago. Has arrived. Now at Room 9, Cook House. 1,000 Patterns of the Latest and Nobbiest SUITINGS and PANTINGS ever shown. Imp orted Clay Worsted Suit to order, Sack or' Cutaway, $91).00. WLL FT. THE IOE0COL AtvID C ,P A AhetcSupis. WAAAKRtalrs2 mlsSfcot Ardy.H Al, Atlti uples ANMKE aios 0mie o 10hpe ay e boW T at enorit I~o It av ~l fliotil ooil the iii t. of --AT- GASEALLLAWN TENNIS, the Wvhl'el (l the Jobber, the,, Olldleil 10 500 5 ouples. Up-to- E. A. MUMMERY'S. GL.' date tailosogm. Fit goniraiitecd. Soweil Seu it18 Unifrr~s fr Al Sprts t ) = ANL.SI'.\,T ST EET Ice Cream Soda, Vernor's Ginger RID THOSPrDIG OCYCES-IZB. Ale, aid allp palm-drinks., RID THQPLI~ IYLS Flour is going up. Tomatoes are going down. A. E, UMR' DRUG STORE, THE LEADER FOR 1895. Eat Tomatoes. tsCr. Fourth Ave.and WasblastoSt. HANDSOME ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE SENT FREE, NEW YORK, CHCABO, PHILADELPHIA. HAVES YOUR CAN";E ENGRAVED WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. For Mess and Boys, 4 A HIT L!ABS forWOOL SWEATERS garnetiand ly~wht, frBoys, up to 32 in} i zes,~~ 7\ For Men, all sizes, $2.00. Strawbridge & Clothier PHILAD ELPHIAi. Sweaters 1 1F -AT - Sheehan '&.Co.'s 3 Pounds (Greenwood, 73 cr1115 per (1ozen. 3t Pounds Pein Isular, t350(11tsl)per(doen. 3 Poun1d10s vrsider, I95(c1n1s peozen001. All good Fresho Goods. 44 Sooth Mdain Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. U. 0-FAl. CALENDAR. P~rof. C 1 ile. w101 11beln ril11 1or iill is IOillr)1 ellw 10 )0 1) bellets ((ill N1). Il) 1' rret til.- It lie (0r11 10 Insetruletor Smith1 will hav,. a l(1(1111 (10110 011Private 1110010(00)F11 tLaw Saturday 1in rom 4. Sites -Slorv 1a10)11. 170000)010of 1I1. law )ldl))lrl 1v ,ii 11)10tsformledl a5 1)111 10~ri)0111100110ire. Dary 1. 1. 0 i.f Wich~itaRoll. E. 11. Esr)tt. '1)5, 11a1 received a11 applointmllent to0. fellowellip 11n 1mathe1- 10)1100 latthe11)' IliD (ily of 't lieelgo for next y-ear. 11. 11. Shoelmaker, *01 an 1'92?IL. the P10175 1110st0mlll.In3117editor, is visit- ing1 10n111e ciy. lie will renll untloil 00111110110)ment. Instrulctor 111i1h1will qzthe orjun- lore next wc,,k 011 all she lectures in Peronlal Properly Ilelivered uop to tis 00(010 Friday. in roomll4. EXCURSION TO TOLiEDO. Sunday, MNay 26, tile T., A. A.. N. M. Ny. vill 11111a special exculrsionl to 'Toledo for tile Toledo and Kansas City ball gamue. Train will leavc- Ann Arbor at 9:30 a. 01. Fare for roun~d trip $+1.00. W. H3. BEN NETT, (Ge1. Pass. Apt' There Will be an examaination for students conditioned by me ill l'rencll I last semester, on Satturday, M1ay- 23, at 9 a. in., in roomn U. " 1., B. P. BOURLAND. Lost-tn eastern part of the city a' ladles, black purse, silver clasp, mli. tials III. S Reward fit Daily officc. Toue0.,Stay 21.-'Varsity 1fiel1d ay, p. Ill., sharp, Fri., lay 24.-Soploloer . party 11t Cxr ano reI. Fri., lay 21. Presenltation of the Cooley bust b11y-senlior lbst=01l100. Fri., Stay 31. -W ebster-Adelphli dr- bale, law lecture r0011, S p. 11. Sa1., Julne 7.-Wesloro Inltercellegi- alte chlampitoships, Chicago. W~ed., Ju11. 5.-Dual i l10(lay, C)11 ifeoa, -s. Stichigall, athletic 1101)1. Thuro., June ti-Facu~lty recitaIl at Frieze iMeulorial 11)11. Sat., J00110 S.'Vaorsity vs. Beoi11, athleti0c fel, 3:30 p. 1n. Sat., June 15. -'Varsity vs. Cice1.go, atlletic fie1d. 3:34p. 1i1. NOTICE+.TO) TFNNIS PLAYERS All memllbers of the Athlletic lsoe- cliltioll desirinsg to use thle tennis coulrts mutepirocure badges of thle tennois comm~littee. Tile blldge call be procured by plresentlinlg ltlOelic lllllbrship tickoetslo I tiy of tile following persons: N. B. Cal1ktno, Tennis Manager, Psi U7 House; H. C. F ritz, 27 N. Liberty s1.; Isadore11111; Win. W. Hughes, Phi Kappa Psi House. We desire to call thle attention of students who moay intend ordering any clothes this ,season to visit Air. Rose at the Cook house Tnesday. For :tile past seven years he 1has catered to the student trade sant always gave Pe-~ fect satisfaction. He is ;showing a fine rnine this season than ever an any orders. given him0 will rece prompt attention. Everything the Golden Eagle turns out is up. to datei prices always. the lowest. The faculty of Boston Univers~y hiar. decidedl to allow work on :the college papers _to. eount as a. cerlaiin number' of hence stoward :grt Tiation. CUT BATE RAILROAD TICKETS te al) 101)1itsbfor -,ale by ANN ARBOR R. R. TICKET AGENCY, s33it. ButronStC. Alemlere of Aserk-n Tickzet llroker' Asse- ciat io.5A1 '"1" (sporions ,ur anerrl. 11e1l~eloughit andsold HAVE YOU SEEN THE Here srea ew)poinl1ts:worthlcons!eideratioii Bearioigs--Two points of Contact. Weights-15 to 23 Pounds. Frasnes-22 to 28 Inch. Tread-4 7-16 and 5 inch. Choiceof telo1r, (tear, Saddle. l'rd-s. Tires sod ialo ir ame 10s though smade tsoder.Seer Oata110gue tree. D. 1B. ]( FRID.AGENT. 20 East W.HssiantreeC. MgiOORE & WETMORE 6 S. Main at., and State at., cor- noer of William at., have a complete stock of UNIV[BSII I[XT BOOKS New and Second Hand. Note Seeks ad other Students' Supplies Flee Stasenieery, Sportiee Reds, etc., which Lhey offer atthe Lowest Prices. Cell and see us before purchasing. c.H. WILD. THE LEADING TAILOR and Importer has received the largest and most select stock of IMPOftTERI AND. DOMESTIC WOOLENS for Spring and Summer of '95 in the city, aud would be pleased to have yout canl and examine the sai e. iu Dress Suitp-a Stecialty. X Wash ingt lA ste. near Maim'