THE U. OF M. DAILY. X1GHIGAN GN Time Table :Reviaed) Nov. 18, 1894. EAST. WEST. :Mail and Ex-_3950 Mail-______8 43 N. Y. Special.... 5 15 N. Y. Special...- 7 30 Eastern Ex---10 25 N. S. Limited.._- 9 25 A. M. Pacific Ea---12 15 Atlantic Ex.___7 47 P. a D1. N. Express.... 5 40 WesternEx Na.-2 i2 G. R. Expreass.__1 05 Chi. Nt. Ex-.----12 l.REx__s.___5 57 0. W. RUGOGLES, 11. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor. T., A. A. & N. M. RY. Taking effect Sunday, April 7,1894. Trains leave Ann Arbor on Central Stand- ard time. NO~RHSOUeT. 8:07 a..m. 7: am. *12:25pm, 11:30 a.m. 4:15 p. m. 9:00 p. m. *Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toleds only. All trains daily except Sunday. R. S. GREEINYGG, Agent W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. Time Table, October 7, 1894. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st., 7:00,91:00 and 11:00 a. m.; 12:45, 2:15,51:00, 1:4.5, 5:00 and 10:30 p. M. Leave Ass Arbor Junction, 7:30, 1:30 and 11:30la. in.; 1:15,2:d5,5:30,7:15,l9:30 andl1:00p.m. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Congresut., 1:30,3:30, :00,60Mand 9:00 p. Leave Ann Arbor Juction, 2:00,4:00, 5:30, 7:00 anid 0:30 p. m. Cars ran on city time Fare: single tip 15 cents: round trip tickets 25 costs. WM. F. PARKERo, Supt. $2.501 CLEVELAND VIA " C. & B. LINE." Mdagiicent oide-wbeel oteol soemers State of Ohio and State of Now York DAILY TIIME TAi3LE. Lv.Cleve tl ------------- 0- :00 p. m. Ar. Bufflol:: ------,. . . . .-----7:3: a. em. Lv. Buffalo.------.---------:0 p. m. Ar.. Cleveland----------------7:30 a.m. Central Standard Time. Take tse "C. &01H. Line' steamenz and en- joy a refreshing nigkt's rest wen eroote to: Buffalo, Niagara Flals, Toronito, New York, Boseton, Albany, 1,000 Ilads, or any Eatern: or Canailiab point. CH[AP ECURSONS WE[KLY TO NIAGARA FALLS. Send do postage for toarist pasmphlet. W. F. HIERMIAN, T. F. NEWM1AN, Coo'l Pass. Agt. Gen'l Manager. Cleveland, 0. Mlagnificent new steashsip tow under con- struetion for tis roote. FLOWERS, FLOWERS For Everything and Everybody. COUSNS &HAL F~iii S. University ar. DIETAS & SCHANZ, TT. OF Tom. TAILORLS Our Spring and Suimnier Woolens ame now oH sale. Prices Low. Call and see Hs. 48 .Statr st..Second Floor, Ann Arbor. 22 Years in the Business.-'24XtS CiTY LAUNDRY, M. M. SEABOLT, No.. 4 N. 4th Ave. MERCHANT TAILORING ! Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing done neatly by AVG. SCBOENEW'VALCI, 2Q5E. '*Vashingteez EXCELSIOR + LAUNDXRY 20 BASTBUNON STREET.' Good WiVork Guaranteed. Goodu called for and delivered. A. F. COeVEET Frop: THE ANN ARBOR SAVI NUA HANK AnnArbor, Woh. Cap! - tok, 100. SuriliunsI~SS,0. Organized .nder theenral ts~g ffass of th sSratsa . ecen ds eposits, buys and sells exchange on the principal cities of the United States. ,Drafts cashed uponn'prosper Identification. -Sagety deposit hoses ite renl. Gr~CuRS: Christian Mack,-Prens.-"W. ) Hlarrimoan, Vie-Pres.; Chas. E. HIlsceck. 'Cashier: M. J. Fr~iz Assistiant COahier. i BUSINESS LOCALS. T. & A. . . lii._IATIFN. JUS' ' MOENT N'T, PEA~a.. For the excsiisioii eo l1ot Sprin;o, JI'S A 103ENTPLESE. Ark., May 21, 1832.l'., A. A. 30 'N. To the Iiiterchisiigeable Mileag.' ticket isosied by the, Ohio entii IoiT3. 173- will sell tickt t e olloe ftis: for. Lines, already tile boot iii the marlket, lb roundli trill, liiited to retuirn wills- has b citn itdied tthe entire B. & O ini 20 odays.'Ticketsbooliloil Ma~y 2t systeii west of Pittsburghl, incr~luing 3 K .G2INV 77,AO tbo Pittsburgho &0 Westein Ra~ilioadl, maskinlg 11 inlcomlparably thic best iiile- YOUR OUTING 60 TO PIOTIIRE ji age ticket isoueti by any line. I o ~It YO1 IBLOND. ililt a. ticket1111hat ildes tile B. !U~i~ 30 U. systemlas0 c-ll as Big Foule, Osich ticetsareissed y UtiOCenralONE THOUSAND MILES OF LAKE RIDE ticet ae ss~t byOho eitIal AT SMALL EXPENSE. 1 Agents only. HO)2E-SEEREIRS' EN CURSION. Visit this Historical Inland, which is tho OH May 21 and June 11 Agents of gads umrrsr nte(ra Y b ~lcecs. It only c0010 about $13 from Ohio Central Lines wii sell Home- Detroit ; $11 from Toledo ; $10 from Seekers Execursion Tiekets to points Clevelatd, for tie round trip, includinig in Virgiiiia at One Faie for Rtonnd iiealtoand berths., Avoid the heat and lust by traveling on the D. & C. loihing Trip3. Limlit 2(8 days. Also tickets ri:ices. The attrnctions of a trip b.; the to points West and Sonthwest tin saeeloebtoiac legion are usurpaosed. Thke basis. Limit 20 days. See 01110 Con- eO.oiad itself is a grand romantic spot, its tlioaoio moot invigorating. Two now trai Agents. .-fel pasaeger steamers hlave just been WI. A. PEIITEIIS, M1. P. A., guitlitsr tile npper lake route, cooling Detroit, Mlichi. 1.300t000 each. They ore equipped waiths sect' modern convenience, annunciators, A fanilly desieots to tak1chac::rgeot .oa l roims, etc., iillminated thlroughlout house for fratcrniity niext year. In-iii':.e eletricity, anid are guaranteed to be qizir! at Daiily ottice. :0' groodoot, largest and safest steamers ~fri-oh water. 'Thleso steamers favoraibly STAMP~ COLLECTIONS. , :mpar:'ssitli Itie great ocean liners in col;- We wvant to boy stamsp collections ' "ti:ctionads ipeed. Four tripe per wrete aiidwilipay ash or Ie 0100 0 (Mvteens Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Macki- e. S1. Ignace, Petoskey, Ciiicsgs, "Soo," receipt if price asked is satisfactory. Ni~Iritietie and Duluth, Daily between Collectioiis should beo"sent by regis- I 'lerelasrd tod Detroit, and Cleveland and cored mail or express wills letter 17110- Pi't-iii-hla1y. The palatial equlipmnent ing ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ae prctldrslaae oe. W oir raveling on these steamers tlisor- ing riceundr searat coer. sesogily enosyable. Send for illustrateid send supcrior approval sheets to re- drscriptie pamphlet. Address A. A. sponsibie pa~rties. 'SeCInaTZ, . C.. A., D. &0 C.. Detroit, Alick. WT. J. LAWRENCE &0 CO., Kalamazoo, Michs. THE COLLEGE OF A fancilyydisirs-csto 1:a1e1els t st HYIA S ND SU GEN 'nsods:s dtse.U e 11tnr OF CHICAGO. for Oh; renst. illiliir iat Daiyoi~, Aninusl Session begins in Septem- Thse labloratory fecs for Couirs:' 3 Hiber and conltinues sevens molnths. Physics, primnary and secstdary 13:1- Fonr years graded couarse. Labora- teries will be $D10(nd0'lot $1st 0 tory, Clinsis'al and Dispensry ad- given ini thc annsoument of the vantasi e xceptlionaslly good. sumsmner school. Fo'sr 1111 eal anniounscemsent anld K. E. (7tTIJE. other iniforimationi address Corres- Wanted.-Ageisorf::a,1 new article poinding Socretary, nereded in ev-ry lhouse. Notiisg else DR. BAYARD) IOLXtES, like it. Sened for circlallr anin lfor'im- ,,n ws sigtssnS',Cieage. ation. S. 1E. Robisssons, Foind1du1La1c, Wis. For boai'ders advertiso in the Daily. Lawvyers THAT BEAUIIRIL SMALLEY -AND--~ A HUWTING AGENT'S CONVICTION. Miy satles live, owethe "Smalley" han Caught on with the boys-sind girls, as well as eke "grownfs k,:snd lsIt t isvely, finished In the leutfs llimosamet-a secret proeess knisocstony to Ilhe ma~kers of the Smalli-y." Doti eil ot lensosmethod of spokig the olieels? Coolkcur ges on t tisem soil lintliim aidioues n tiem climsbs op on to thsefort:crowncsad jumsoon to th licranklolhaiger swings teseieibe-' taees two toxssanid ;jump;ofebe fraoe and eke "Smaley" Bicyle eens to like it. Neveiiasstoa, tot:s groa, soer a break, acid thie weigh~lto12 to 21 psund.-western Ilardwnare Coomoasss. Sit Lake Cit. Utah. AN EASY SELLEi'R, The w malley of 1895. PLYMOUTH CYCLE MFG. GO, PLYMOUTH, IND. 0. Lippa%, Agent, 46 E. Wilianm St. SchaIIe'rs Bookstore! Formerly with George Wahr, 19 . Washiisgtor s. lHedileirtere for everything a Stiident needs in the line of 'textBosbs, Stationcery and Miscellaneo s Stock in general MARTIN SCHALLER, THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, 19 E. Washinigton st., one block east of Blain 51. T. &O. C.Ry. K. &M. Ry. Soid trlicisglns cobetsw'e ToedocOio. acid iChailestoni, \Vs. shot sniilonly diret rote. Toledo, 0. Findlay, 0. Kenton, 0. Columbus, . Athens, 0. M~iddleporat, . Pomery, 0: Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. Richmond, Ve. Peternbutrg, Va. Od Point Comfort, Va. Williamsburg, Va. Newport News, Va. Norfolk, V. And sll sotheasternis lussiccs. Fslegant drsewig oses cars iossall thi-ogi rass Fur frther inoriatioisll os yuroal Ticket Aget or write, SiOULTON 1i0iUN, G'e't Pas. Ag, Tld, .. W. A. PETERS, Michilgans Pass. Agent, Detroit rih Rk NEW COLLIR High Goss and Dnmessle lmie. E. S. SEILVIS, Nasage, 28 SOUTH FOURTH0.AVNUE. Sensible The society or organiz~ation which has its PROGIRAMS. MENU CARZDS. ETCV., Printed at tho WHO WIN THEIR CASES, readthes Legal Works by J. W. Dlonovans. 'TACT IN COURT." 160 paigeo. theep, 01.00. Foiurths kEditioii. 17,000 Sold. "SKILL IN TRIALS." tLaw Stheep, 175 pages, $1.00. Noew aind very Hraisatic. "MODERN JURY TRIALS AND ADVOCATES" X00 p 0'- Laiw Sheep.iFoorths 1dulsoss, i2.50.ombinted Tcil~sof 25 years. Argu.s Office.' WE CAN' SUIT YOU, TR y,24 h e ider+ l We are setting tie paefor 95.XWatrio ° teds try tofol- low. ±gh 4=x .t 3±oyorcle I your wish 0o he convinced of the truth of the above motto, call on W'tT. P. DISTLER, 81. N. University ve. Aciidrrs, Williamson Law Book Co.., Rochiester, New York.