THE U. OF M. DAILY. Published Daily -(Sunday excepted) during the olleg year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Orroce Times building N. Mule s., pposite Post Oice. EDITORS. J. A. LOYo, '156, Managing Editor. A. W. Snoy, Special, Assistant. XW. A. Seitm,'S6 L, Assistant. E. It. S DEon.nis.s, '6, Assistant. H. COLu ,9'1, Atleic Editor. G. B. ilsoussoN, '51 L, Business Mlanaer. .S. Pcciii,,'50 L, Assistant L. R. IlAssnon, Assistant. Associate Editors. 11. A. Dancer,"'5:. E. L. Eans, '(L. L. A. Prat,'C. Carrie V. Smith, 'S. C. A. Hoghton, '901. . A. hleat, '96I' . Minnie Tompon, '7. I. B. Gammon 8 M. C. If. arel, '1. S. E. I1nppen, '. J. . Filay. '8 SENIOR LAWS MEET. Appointment of Commtles for Com men ce m e ntArrangem en ts. Tbe osinior lsss hld 0achico iii.t- ig ystcoday nsling aiidltrnscted considlerailelc utsiiis s.The plt. al readiy fiiished1, 0o be loc sd"on li Ccoey fost15'lsl p iroe'dlrepelloit to the seuoro ic iea, o othei.'clss aniit it Wvos uilailllotily vo'ted t ht tei" iesc of thic meimbes of lbh' clasSsisolid bs.incribed sii lie plte ints olib itl oidx. 'iis will ic- csitoete. ipurscciasilig'of a1ewilaltei. Pr es. Wa~lhlipointeisid 11e following parcsn~s osrs'con iles' sosis cci- liittes for. coilic~nc'liimeit: Invilottion-Messrs. S'lc te , Sell iing XFine, Wirsaiid Vantc. Arssguielts - Aficooco.. VcI iin Fliint, Bao, Doyle, hd Bcics. Decortions-Xlesssfs. (croole, loslg ico, Alhef-, Hog ndl,'Tllison. llecepfion -iesrs. Deckc.Shofaltr, Kinightf, Hedeson aii. Wier. Mtsic-Uecsfs. Relynldil, (Cary, Win- iyvitlltioli-1VoIdtll yr. I.Brown, Evans, We'clls and Smiley. The preosoitlsosapolu~ited a eoio- isiffe consisting of Alcsr. Down- ing, INiiiif, 11r, Whiter, Mlash o ansi H1e,-fls to tdfaft slllroprlie resol- tios of ,reeco n (le occasion of DeaniiKioslo's rsigfation as deni of the loss' s. lsclclilct. 196 Wins From the High School sbh" lrt of the itrlcss clamp ioshiplsgamieos wasiplayssd oiilite oati- (leie ld tyssterday lftcfni nn e- Issemn '9653andI (le H'igs School temis reeltivg Ill 0 vicory for Thei, former by a score. 8 to 7. Tie golo. ws hotly conteoted and was tied 7 to 7 until '196 clle to batith le lst blt of the lliitlliiilg. Tleml ssithire m1Cen lbsostDoooilly Bade 0 ivld pitch which lost the gain. i1 sple cif tiie hard gaiie which hieipitche'd lst 'alurday agnst Orciacord-ae, Donnelly pitccd'a god ganse-, as 1did 13ryaht for tl . heo' sas a a rge crtwd. at 11he field Lid the omo nt'ot objectiouioIbsh'guyiuq was arid al- togthrtAm f. Prof. nowltand lProf.' (Infof 0will lecture today. JUDGE COOLEY'S BUSTI WILL BE UNVEILED FRIDAY IN UNIVERSITY HALL. Addresses by' Governor Rich and Win. B. Hornblower-Music on the Organ' and by the Glee Club- Souvenir Programs. The uiisv ling of (lie Cools's'bto.ocr rdy _tn nUiest 11a11. All larranigemients, hose los ci madse ailol the lass stisl:oils expccl too imake: it a.,slay 10to b_,.lng 'eanici li sd ini t'onnectionO withi their slcportsnli't. .Souvenciir ipfoi rain5ssae bhen lprinted andl ssillthe tdistribuot(A.laonig tie lass cla ss-s,55'hic l v)11entell~ethesir'los' s00nor toa rceseedesoc). Thio'follosw- log7 pr0o-rlilliabooelen o si-aroill: Muoic oiiurll-:(Columbhian orgoso. Prof. iStaley; prsentialtionl of (liehtuot on _ I V (tn ,q (0 _,/ Ut'' 1 ((t ,/ (tp "./ l(t J lirl, You see them everywhere. PNEUMATIC, BICYCLE SADlDLES. bhlalf of claos. 11. B 1arr: rCsonseJO Oil behoilfof faculty, Deals Kinowl'toni; muisic by tile, isisersit SiG'e'club; aoddrcso, IJsde ' 'osol,. 50nitonl r di- tlioniiHo. Winl. 13. florhlos' q,oc flossN(ss' Ycrks hoc; music', son solo. Piof. Stoo l X'; address, G~os'enor Rlich; 101icstoy (lieO('ecltuh. Tielihoui' 1assioihichfthe ecx iss wssill c-oil oo'nc has list lbs'eil ofoillely s f- (bind, 10u1ts'beuiiloom' of ssill h_,ian' nounceds. NOTICE TOI ATIRN ITIRS. That e sery sdesirahle, iiiooriobricik house0 .a0147 S.lPourthl OX'.,cow'. etf WilliamioisI..Is for salec or (tocceni on s'ery reosonlohic oiso, elfther funishl- ccl 01 unlfurniishledl. If is firot claoss in esery frespect, ansd ccntainisoll mooderin iislosos'si5e115. Icr leiis coal a.t 47 Sf. Fourth av'e. Thse Celehrated Ssain Liiien is noode for (lie typeswriter aiidlfooctflo peti. It's a good, hioiiest pasper. For sole 'erywvhere: Have yon mooms to rents tf so, ad- vertise them in the Dalily. '!1 (oiummia licycies: $100.: " TFHERE'S a whole iermon is : the above. It preaches the : economy of buying the best-a " wise econonmy float every one " : can practice with Columibias : o at $100. The nesvCOllimbias are " marvels of strength, lgtes symmetry, beauty and speed. : :POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn. " Bstoew Yctohk, Chcaos, Sun iFrancisco, iProvidenen ufalao. An Aettlouiesof1Columbisean be bad: freesat nisyColumbia" agesncor lit ilbe" nmailed for twro 2-cool stnmps. Tells,.t10,0.01 $805, $0505. " DITSON MUSIC. "Six Love Songs," By Prank E. Saw'yer. Translations of Sis of lieine's 'finest lyrics ino exquisite nmusical settings. Heavy Paper. 75 cents., " COLLEGE SONGS." The standard collection of College Songs. Over 3050.0 sold. Heavy Paper, 50 cents; Cloth. Gilt, $1.00. "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." Only boat of tise bind;' published. The sonogs of else leadisng collepes for women. Heavv Paper, $1.00. I~ OY4L CO[L[CTION RSIF-TM HilL CIH HMUSIC Eigbty-tswo piecrs for tIse guitar from the best sources. A splendid collection. Hand- nine Coves. 50 cents. Any boot sent postpaid on receipt of price OLIVER DITSON CO., 450-463 Wusliingn St., ]Bonton. C. H. Ditson &Co. N Y, ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS. Ladies' and Cents' Clothing Cleaned or Dyed. 3 W. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR. Mlembers of Guarasntee Tickoet Brokcers' Asso- ciaotioof 1;.(S. Cosby & Xce~eon R. R. Ticket Agency B0 Adasms st., Cbicago. Reduced raten to all psins. Branch The Kindergarten Bo.3 N. Alain St. Ann Arbor llichican. FIRST CLASS CUSTOM'TAILORING Corner of State and XWilliam sts., Willilan st. entrance.' This space is reserved, for the Grand Opera House. FIRST NATIONAL BA.NX. OF ANN ARBOR. Organized 1863. Capital, $100,000. Surplss and Prefits, W,5000 Transac ts a general bunting husiness. Foreigi.exchanges hosght andssl. Furnish lettrs of credit. C. BAChI' res. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. To arronge for private or SPECIAL CLASS lessons in Dancing, cahi at Granger's .Aoadei~y. Office hours 11 to 1 and 4 Wm& No stairs to maountL MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S School of Dancing and Delsarte. Saturday, 1f a. in., Centleman beginneesdss ,Saturday,54p. in., Lady beginnersa class. Monday, 7:30 p. m., Advcanoed Clams Ladies' and Oentlemen). Tuesday, .300p.m., Beginners Class (Ladies. and Gentlemen). Private lessons by appointment. SCHOOL 46 BS. STrA'rBs1 P latinotypes' The latest 'thing In PBOTUCEAPBY at 6 E. Buron st. Special Rates to Seniors. HANGSTERFERI. o'. } ) } "Thoe Cerfect" Inflatable Saddleirpre s cheang, Nnmb~ness and Saddle Soreenom. The Chicapest, Eassiest itidisig Saddlo inciselWorld. F'or Men.,XWosmen and Children. (srulas Free. Address, PNEUMATIC SADDLE CO., 1057 Chambuern St., Nra' Turk.- COTRELL .& LEONARD, ALBANY. NEWXYTORE. Makers of Caps assd Gowns to the University ofOMiehigan. V. XURRELL, Locul Agent, 44 William st. Asnn Arbur. MittS IT'S HARD TO DO WITHOU t h u"ndeinnTful urnsI.need-be0 CEO. _S. PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN. Yonr dealer iuiklsly to e tnssf h h.s wiensand wnil sens youthe Infunsation you vntc ear handsome illustre((nicatalogec free. PAhSER PE.N C0-UANY, J.T rm55 .I SHEEHAN & CO. Execlsve Agents for. Ann' Arbor. Temple Special. SAVE SAVE By baying a Temple Special STRICTLY $H3'i(3RADE r Examine ahs e bfre pers h ~gtq Ja o . L NEE & F. R. CUTCHEON, 11 MsORs=sErr. ;AC rts EVERETT 0. FISK & CO,, 3651 Wabash- Ave.a, - - Chicago, Iill" < Ashurton Plece, 70 Fifth Avenue, Sf3 Twelfth Street, 336 BOSTON, MASS. NEW YOHY, N.,Y. WASBINGO ND. C.. '32Churet Screet, 4SM Century hB'ld'g, - LYMjPI - TORONTO, CAN.. MNNEAPOLIS, INN., WASHINGTON:CL. S5end for Agency Manual and Registra'