THE U. OF M. DAILY. ELLI Apr% I-H TAILO , Chicago. SUI TINGS and PANTINGS ever shown. Imported Clay Worsted Suit to order, Sack or Cutaway, .$20.00. WILL FIT. THE TPAIDOR. A,6 6.SPALDI_6G&BROSI Athletic Supplies. BASEBALL, LAWN TENNIS, GOLF, Uniforms for All Sports. RIDE THE SPA LDINC BICYCLES- THE LEADER FOR 18951 HANDSOME ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE SENT FREE. 4EW YORK, CHICAGO, PHILADELPHIA. '95%0LAWS! HAVE YOUR CANE ENGRAVED 'WVX.ARNOLD' S, Jeweler. SWEATRS ', For Men and Boys, G ANKNIT LAMB'S n WOOL SWfETERS in black, navy, white, {garnet and gray, for Boys, up to 32 1 inch sizes, X1.50; FrMen all sizos, $2.00. Strawbridge & Clothier PHIL.AD L.PHI.A. .Sweaters -AT- Slioelau &m",Uo.'s 1013, COL-D ICYCLES, -AT- E. A. MUMMERY'S. OU ; ARE THE HIGHEST OF ALL HIGH GRADES, ,Warantd saerto y Bicycle bit in h orlreadless.otofic, NEW ART TILE SODA FOIUNTAIR ilrroanrt be i:du-rEdtrpa auraermonery tan ineriorwheel. Insist on y av-in" therv r-W1'y.lBuilr.and -gu rcaab hIidi aa icycle Co., arrillioro dollarncrn whIose bond is as nodn a od. Ice Cream Sodha, Vernor's Ginger 21 lb. SCORCHER, $85 22 lb. LADIES', $75. Ale, andi all popular drinks. . H. 3. BROWN, Exclusive A gt. ( A. E. MUMMERY'S DRUG STORHE, Car. FourthAre.and ',xi aigtlnS. HO C~pW TO BI ONOIVIIZ.. Flour is going up. Tomatoes are going down. CUT RATE RAILROAD TICKETS Eat Tomatoes, toall pisfolr ale iby 3 Pounds Greenwood, 75 rents perd 3 Pouinds Peninsular, £5 cents perd 3 Pounds Riverside, 915 cents per do. All good Fresh Goods. ILEIA2 N & QOMVPI4 44 South Main Street. dozen. loen. UNIVERSITY NOTES. CAME STOPPED BY RAIN. W. W Vt~der'yer '>5 t, w~ill dlc- 'Varsity Plays Only Two Innings liver the graliatlug addresses to the' With Northwestern. pupliils (of the Chelsea intd Dettr high Tiregane with Nw-tlwesteru att (41111510. Evanston, Ills., last ti turdbly was 1' -marsns who last artlieles at allY of stolped by rain in tihe ni(ddh' of the ANN ARBOR R. B. TICKET AGENCY, 33 E. Mares St. Member at Americas Ticketroalers Ass- citioa. All ' a r tatim~ ome4. eo- antred.ies'.boa nsld.ld BICYCLES. KENWOOD. MARCH. R8FZELAY. $5,00 IMPERIAL $65,00 APMADOC & MANCHESTER, the Ma-y lesttvl allenerts lily recovter tills faound by tiley 11it0c5 at the shvtl'd's office. Alnlon;igItile Ilc5i-rtlei cid uttwitih by' tis Dtlita t'Isiillllfraternity Fri. dlay vening to twenty of their visil- il friends. IlliOaddition lto tile stucessalready repiortediMlrs. Prof. Pattk coon ims receidfill'hsac woman's gymrnasitum~ fond $30 fromo Regent Cocker, of Ad- rian, and $13 from MSr. an13 Srs. L~loyd. Challenge to Editors. 'rho horld of editors of the El'es Gestas ihereby clialltnfge till'editorial hblardiof any publlicationl onlt tie campus51 to a gadne of has'brrl; Clas- talian, Palladiuml or U. of Si. Daily psreferred. For parl ticlllars address W. 0. MeNa ry, 10 N. State st., secre- tary Ren Gesta';. There will he a mleetinlg of tile llte bloard of officers lad dir ectors of the Students' Lecture association toniht at 7;3 0 o'clock in room 12, lawebu ild- log. A full attelidanke is desiredl. E. G. IIYkEII.. Predent. Lost-In eastern pafrt of the "city a ladies black parse, silver clasp, ini- tials "H. S." Rleward at Daily cififee. slelnrdtI ininr. with tire scorr 'struiiilii o to 0. Watlkinslad11s truck outthr1eec mit l0 till'e two ininlgs. nlis11'fist innting, with the bases full. Sie-lds retired the sits by rontsemItly ditb- clt rulnrning catch of a highfl. tOn tire way to Evarosten Satrlrday 4.0 S STATE ST.. ANN ARBOR. Mlakh-ver -aas taken icktint, i all 0 ly- sician at Evanston Ilcolloolceli his MOOREE & W'ET L0R.E Ililill~t1011515 e ws acorilily 6 S. AMain st., and State sI., cor- obligell to return so Ann Al-hoc.'T'hi ner of William st., have a ethec players were sonmewhat alarmed, complete stock of as all wilre of course expose d to the f~ ~j~ ~ OK dseoase. CUI[ST IT BU EXCURISION TO TOl~uED). New and Second Hand.- Sundoy, Sily 261, the T., .A. A. & NoesBooks and e'the . 5tudehts' Supplies N. SI. fly. will rnti a ole-rid .x eursior SFipststiasrry, SpatIng Goodis, etc~ which 511 Toledo for' the Toledo. and K-ansas they offer at the towest Pire". City ball gamel. Train will leave Anln Arbor at 9:30 a. or. tare for Call andl see us before purchasing. roun~dtrill $1.00. W. H. HE1NNE'TT, G (ll.Pass, Agi G. H W'lLD We desire to call tile attention oflfllL studlents who. may iiei 1drlgal TH.' E L UINU ,TAlt clothes this ,season to visit. Sir. tinS e, at and li porter has re"eived the the Cook house Tuesday. For tile largest and most' select stock of past seven yearshleao catereti'to the stuident trade and Always 'gave pea- iMP09ORTMR.. DOMESTIC WIOfEN~ feet satisfaction. tHe is ;shloiving°a for Spring and Summeiyr of, '95 In finaer line this, season .thau ever -and the city, anidwould be pleased sony orders given bim, will receive 'to havli ,you 'call and examifle protopt -aitention. Everryijoing thelidsns.- ; -'olde Ea gle tuns 0o5tion uto. s, ;t' FiII ess tets a Specialty. prices always the 1Io.. ,. . Wsngonst,;hear Main.