THE U. OF M. DAILY. .MJGHGA ~~'fAL ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS. 'YOU1R OUTING 90 TUOPiGT R T TueTteRvsd o.1,19. Regents Made Several at Satur-iKN ~IS . EAST. WEST. day's Meeting P. M. A. M ONE THOUSAND MILES OF LAKE SIDE 1'T1U hL [ SMall and Es_-.3 50 Mai------- 8 43 N. Y. special-- 5 10 N. Y. Specil---7.30 Alt the lotjgsin'OOses-401ofth9117 3117 AT SMALL EXPENSE. Eastern Es---10 25 N. S. Lilnitell 59 25 AN-- A. Pacific Ex ___12 15 m 10 lng of thie Board of te'eC' 115 1 isitOh's Mitorical Island whichs is theA Atlantic Ex--7 47 P r s 5A DHUSTINGAI NTSCOIITIN 1). N. Express---. 540 Western Es--- 112 (quet'i01n of til-ol' Ol-ti )1011 h1 l grandest Summer resort on tilt Great 15IIO EN' OVCIN G. 1t. Express __11 05 Chi. 1it. Ex__ _10 5 1) u'. It only costs about $13 frons My salves alive, how' She "Smallry" has G.tR. Ex... --_ 557 chalir,,; of Osu-or~Y 111111lnalll1 in9 1till Dti-ott ;$15 from Toledo ;$18 from 01150111 on 0w111 the'boys 11nd1 igalsa ll 11s1 G.P g. hicago.SAo.. AsArtS, Iler. ic(l d- rlinent Was g'Is-cu cous1d td velttnd, for fthe round trip, inicludtilg111e 'grion folks, 111111sn'tit Itlostelyisliell G. . &T. g., hicgo.Ag., nn.Arbr.ofls an111berthss. Av'oid the heat andi in the beautifltuislnisn1111 01111ti--asecret A ~ T ' itklllloill lciltsis 10 'Te- A n h .&C.lo~oprocess tknown111 only to 111e11111tes ofthe T., A. r e±e~RY twithW I i thylapproval otfthe t- c,alill-i'.'Tile attractions of a trip tcthe Sma~llleiy." in Yoiiti l oth11 I niis0110etllo Tnking effect Sunday, Aprii 7, 1094. tl it-vi.le ~ IIat cregion are tinsurpaosed. HI'l(, fspolilgtheelts-d Coitt-e rgets oii to Trainssleave Ass Arbor an (CetlSta- gs, - 111h1 cs 'oCan'lriditself to a grassd romantic spot, its them and inoth111 lemliaoil)teont- i te;adtm.lilusinbil;;i' otoaant'srrt os nioaig w e lmsu o otefr rw n up' NO~rsO. SOUTHI. fueli iobt-11cr steamers htave just 11101 to Slie craichaisiiee; swinlgs stslit-cl be- 0107 a. mn. a7:B Ai. m. it. I' ir o ile0tipper lke route, rosti~tit-e150t1o11boxlssndsuit ps on 55the frale sod 9soo : lt lt .11,00earls. They are cqsutpped withl the "Sma1lley "Bicycle -eins to list it. *Trainls run between Ass Arbor and Toledo vilt o i 101ys ilctl i°t'cy siodern onventlience, annunciators, Neve assiat., ilt ai groian, nieere:1albreakt, tnraiss daily1 = extye11cmeup 0011111. acrrl, etc., iltusninated thlroughti ndtlI 1111 iueo-itos15to 211pourids1.--Western Al risdiyexcept 55151111he Iliclooili.' re 00 dil .T W. crlclIrieitv, aslir110guaranteed to he Ilardwalre 11111011110.Salt Late City. Utahi. WH. R. S. GREENItO10I), Agent lirl;ididS litrgeat andsfest steanmers ________ WH.BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. G10er,-1., ilstlrlcov ill lilllliltt ll, t..,, f i-clt walt-v. 'These Stesmers favoruitis'AS SLLR -I s-i-il)of $511:) A. S 33 uilu u iwithss111the greast oceasn lslers in 01 AcASoSLLR QN Q, a A 7 T Ty / asttllr3'of .?ti; A . ai'hit:, l - 11111 sonad speed. Four trips per week ANNAROR& PSLATIST Sleul-tileisittilogy, salary-i 0, 11''". t IenllToledo. Detroit, Alpena, t aci . 'The ralley of 1895. r:-,t rnePetoskey, haoo,"o" lL.Cabui, en- taa 11ch 1 rlltc n Dilt.Daybtwn Time Table, October 7, 1894. oradpatceo ntle.1.1l ry.1 171le .31n11Dtoitt.aTdCltee________and__ Leave Ypsilasti from Cngrss st -00, '1-00 l Is-~t'r. Thll palatial rqltpnilelll IJt fR I asd 11170a,.in.; 111:45, 2:15,5:00, 6b45, 9:00 asd $071011; .0. I- ,s'ii, ev, mo'n1111lst11111toir- 0 hsest'inr 111- LI1Uol YLEMG.C. Leavse Ass Arbor Juntions, 7:30, 9:110 oaid thil 'llll-, 0s111y', $2,0);1 C. 5). A. llgtiiy -ijiiyttte. 8Sd fur illustratle( tl10a.m.; l:15,2:455:30,7115,:anldi:00p.l. decrip01tiv0 j-ieiniillct. Addiress A A1. PLY2OT1,N. SUNDAY TIMEN. 33 iilt, Os islltanli o111lrtllrlollll'3 - HANTZ,(C. 1'. A., D. .10. D.troil, Itich THID Leave Ypsilanti fromssCosgress st., 1:303:30, n11salar111110 A.Itlotneli, dmn "°"'s'+' tO0, 1.23 gi1d 0100 l . B . I:.111 '~"0. Lpp~an, t", e t Leave Ann Artbor Junt-tioni, 2:00, 4:00, 5:30, stratorlvill nei orr is i'11505. , THE COLLEGE OF 4dt, 16N. William St.. 7100 alnd 9;300p,.n- Cnes ran on eity thms Fare: single trip 15 Q- 0; 17I .T. 1,*111, asistat ill 110 t -Ito us ~3aLI Pf ~DfM rents: round trip tikt 5(tell 1o. r PHYS.17 1157 ICIAN~lS AND U RGEONLS.. ~hIIr~ AnnutTAiF Ifi1,susaoo~~u'~ lItal Seasionibegit'is ill Se plel- UU ) lUIi j, C) , I., iJVIIAafisA il 1oI'i lhuhlo inIi er 11nd(1continieos-swetslstotnths.o 7 ) J TO I t :111:1 ld i-e:oslotysaitaivyFottr years graded utitrse.ILahora- Ftrinei lv with George' thyl, 119. B F FALO. 0 I) 17Vt'.I-ol-N, anostan in 11 (1101- tory', Clinicaul and(1 Disptensary asd- F. WawhtoIl ft. IleadtilhIaterfocr VIA ant-esexe tina~lS god. verythintg a Stutdent neodus in the VIA."C. B INE. It 0 1013;~ 3331175. lihu1t- b annuaeltocptino ~ene angood.o t xis0le 1111111, Statilonery and Orstii i sht-sie t-e l~ies 0'ill 'lilollly. 0salry, $111011; A. J'o ltt I tnttclHel tt tiscel' IeO-is Stock in genl't'I. .Mgiietsd-he te tae skIosttertiformsatio)tniaddress orrsiies- State of Ohio and State Of mew Yorkvlt 11, ~l . 71 atuIttyl 11111 111is Nuti,pen~ding Secretary, MARTIN SCHALLER DAlt5Y TI:3124 'i-lIkIE. 155a111s17t.inlatomy it, allan~ries if DR. BAYARD HOLI S, THE DO N-TOWN OOKSELLER, Ar.AY V~ httDio. .~ . D. 11.; __>t)() tc -A1 ' . l111 1 -Its ,ilitiilill J ~ sl- 10 11.tWashh111g0015 51 1 I ti toek LI- lvln -------------- :0p . r uflO . . . ..------------ :0 a.1 m 1. 31-is t iii lit-us. Mallt ns, ass 'ista c.In19 E as nt o fit.llonet o k Ar. thrs'1111111 -------------72500. mI. es fMi t A.Ceead___________7:0am.naraII:>1 1adGG.Coe, a y Cenll -tStandardl'fint'. assistati1 ll ysilIogy. WrN- Tak'lth"C.<.Liue" steaer nde-iL o arufeht-rihtsret c 11,111 011- ppo r511 Vwrelad2 U l'i2 tHWN HERCAE, Siuttorlo, Niaga~ra, bolls, Toronlto, .Newo rlku - Bostonu, Atlbatny, 1,000 Islanud,tor 11117asternl. toeo111110for tbill- ti 'n lotu 1111,-1111a -d H blu LeIb olsby3 or(hdlt1015 0011ftor scale,.sit thie-botilt-r lotte'. D~onovan. T. & 0. C. RyT. K. & M.L Ry. CH[AP £IQRSIONS WEEKLY T IAGARA55W [LLS - Sesd dt- postnge for tourist psil e.'The 111xt ii l;'eilly Otttilhe 101 11 Bo111ardI t«1112 1111et l'ledlObe W. 1F. HEtRMAN, T. F. NE3O1IAN, b,- hel'dttuu:-, I(). "TAC0T IN COURT.'' 111ndllI-111ol. Va., ieoutolus st Cetut IIass. Ant. Ge110Mnagr:-10 1hre. 011-le. 11.50. FosrthbiIVE Clhteeasdo.Satturdayns Athletic Events.'EitTole7.1:do111, tsitt. Mtagnificetlue' strashsip etow suder co- Find- T la 0. stesetlos for thtis routse. Darnotti jjt3011lii - .Nets-l~iiglil is 'SKILL IN TRALS." sda,0 F LOW~ERS, FLOWTE'ES 11011 ~l'l11t{1 '00:Rlel-1hdIa ..titlul: I., .,, f0111117e1:pc0 X1.00 NI-Is Ken~ton, 0. and15very lruu,:iasc. Columbus, 0. For Everythisg asd Everybody. "M110 ioti1111Aibeo 01 Athens5 0. 2s-'uS.uuUnuiversitsy. 1SAOERN JURY TRIALS AND ADVOCATES" Ndlpr,0 C855SI S HLL Floristi~ .t s rt ae. Tlpoe115,. bsow-a C'ule;;; 3501iits fi-ofstul 70o t- .s. Law s 'n-epFourth oliyO linhll.x4.50. totbe' 1110Trs o p0.oosr,0 DITSv CI..wZi i uthlIboa'univei-siy-'sttr 25y (years. Pt. Pleasant, XV. Va. 17 O M. AtL y 76to 17) p011111 'l(iutit. Ofthus' A l1055es, Petersburg, Va. Uivioty, ditd21 eunoiuls initlit-1(1)0 Williamson Law Book Co., Old Point Comfort, Vaot. Our Spring and Sammler Woolens-.1 r d i s 3 are now on sale. Prices Low. Call and see us. 48S. Stateect., Second FloorAnnA rbor. 22 Years in the Business..-mm.- CITY LAUNDRY, X. X. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. MERCIIANT TAILORING!i Cleanhng, Pressing and Repairing dose seatly by AI11. SCHOENEtWALPS, 2s . Wsshington EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY! 20 EAST"HURON STREET. Good Wsrk Guarasteed. CGoeds called for and delivered. A. F. COVE 11IT. seep. THE ANN ARBDR SAVINGS BANK Ass Arbor, Mich. Capital Stock, $50,000. Srp1us,.$150,000. Orgsslsed sender the Geseral Basking Laws of this State. Receives deposIts, bays and sells exchasge os the principal cities of the Usited 'States. Drafts cashed apes ,proper Ideatl~catlen. Safety de oat boxes to rent. O1rriCEast Christian Mack, Ores.-W. D Harriman..Tt ce-Pres,. Chas.. E. Alscock; Cashier: sM. J. Fritz Asltant CashIer. ya171s1 11-311 'itI 2"''2--)> colitns Cs b:i. 220. Vsale dIifea~te'dl HarvarldIlSatutrday15ini theluc ~ auntluasl : 111115 ty-65 to 47 ploits. Hickok, of 3sal,, bruk'- 15 1 i1terl'etl-ilatl'1, torus. by ut t~ling-i shuot 4-4 ftel11/-,itcset 011d thi:152152 the hammubter 229 feet, 3tu, itcoHOoyt, of Har-vord, broke' thel al't111- -111 -- ord byutoitug 11 f[t 1)a111. Iutatle. of Havard.itthe high 20111111 1' 1-itith-11 ua jum~p sof 6 feet 3-8 intues. Prinetoti 33012its uannutuabl feltcsa' witls Cotlsumbia. Satutrsdty by (W12 to -8S/2paints . The Celebrated Swoan Listen is made for the typewriter and for the pell. tI's a good, honest paper. For sole everylvhere. Wanted-Agents for a. new article needed in every. house. Nothing else like it Send for circular and informl- atilon. S. E. Robinson, Fond du Lac, Wis. lbctetoer, NetsYork. Is te LEADING SCHOO5L 5F 5U515E55 asd 1H0RT aIAND. Magificest bulding;,enIraceruis; lar5-. attendance; tood disipline; superior wobk;ineh iupplied readinsg room; daily leetsres; slattudai evenineg receptions; spensthe entire year. Excep tinl fciitiles for placinsg students is posiioss Board asd room $2ato$2y75pet weekh is privat famuilies. Tkese rates rrduced tos$s.5shby self b5, sdilsg. Far Caalogue address -,IOSR-. EARY. Pres 'fhe faculty, of BostonUustniversity hias stecided to 511037 work osn.0171 jcollage papers to counu as a. eertain snur of lusrs towart graidltiIol. Mrs. Annie Ward Fosher's Oweo-step party will to-: given this evening. All students are invited. Wiliiamsburg, Va. Newport News, Vat.- Norfolk, Va. .Andutlll sosttu-uuteti points. Elegasnt- Nile furths-e i tilesnti ntlil uuyour toeal- TielselAnenrlt or srite-, MOUILTO'N hiUlKi, IGen't ars. Agt. Toleds, 0.- W. A. P1ETERS, ililiganl Putss. Agrsut, It-troit ich., STEAM LAUNDRY CO. High Class asd Doesestic Finsish. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE