je . o VOL., V. No. 163- UNIVERSITY OF ,11ICHIGA . MONNDAY, MAY 20, 1895. PRICE-THREE GENTS. VOL.'V.No.1t3.U~iER~TY O MIHIGN. MNDA, MY 20 185. RICETHRE CNTS MAY FESTIVAL WAS ' A BRILLIANT SUCCESS PROGRAMS PERFECTLY T, REN- DERED TO LARGE AUDIENCES. UNIVERSITY HALL CROWDEDAT EACH ENTERTAINMENT. All Was Appreciation and Applause From 4,000 Auditors-Detals of the _Programs tn- ' dered Saturday. The aigl rowdlof Ilite(oleinfg oi- c('rt of the May Festival wals 1' alitl Satuday iiio'iing t 11io'lck to hoar the erganoreial ty Mr. (lli'i c Eddy. It is been the desire of tle suidnts an1of(1 e eoi'pOtl' of Aii Arbor gui rlly eviir siiiceitheiii' ci'h of till Clmin ranOi'ill"iii liviriy hll uto leari plyd tby a nate, aid Ahip capabilities of theiiaiuel"t i- stritrl lt, allil'plt i gret leaure from leaaiig thiseiiiill'lt ltit. Not withisandinig thei dificulty gen rally experirtiled of rtaiailig complete t- tentioni throu~ghIotthelprgramlilof ill recital, Mr. Eddy was listened toat atttilyclyn apprtec iatively Si- Olalt's Canlon iii B millet adlCio- pill,'stitde ill C sha~r'minlo' were 's- lzeciaEg-,w iel rcivdt.. T lii' program closed with tie tilgrimi's ('lorts reilt 1iuiuliauser, arrngiied by Mr.- Eddy of the rgalillnder his attsolute cel- tfol gave-'a tily lli ffet. " Afternoon Concert. The afterniettnicoceitrtwas atior- chesleal maitinee't with val sols by isssSteini anidlStewart, atd t.ipiao cooefte by -Mr. Martius Seekilg. T lhe"tminuetto roniet.'s "LArks-, luicd," anoel fa a:ili's "Mobile Per- pectuum,' ill which all tie irs, ilis played alone wititl woderutl agee- aelt a quirk soil restless temne, were warmnly applauded. Miss Stein's solo -wOt , te aria f remounod's " a ftline de Saba;" Miss Stewart's, Po- lac front hellii's " turitain." V"oth fttgers. already popular witil the audience. were vigorously aplauded, XicM Stein failing to rauppeari,]ow- cvii,wt l accont of a slight cold. A Ptzzicto by Latann, prformed by tie rchetra, anddso ovrture, "Mt'Ilpo- ipu-,"by Chadwick, ended the pro- "Damnahlon of Faus." The "last and chief conet of the scrifs,, TheUlamnation of Faust. e- gan at 7:30 Saturday evening, but the ball was complttoly filled over an '!eou befcore that tme.' The crowd cotined to pour in util every inch .i zaldug roola was occupied, and b,, rie time Mr. Iieec began his epeislilga li aT+ amt frt'xPor th s- MAX HEINRICH. andilpeoplle were pieelii. Yitieii trofif TIED WITH PENNSYLVANIA. Staley atiaret i tl itiltifiriiiand toos i4phi~e iCosctctz, ip'\~lCalifornia's Second Field Day in the East, greetid twithi a cc ll-desereel 1 heer, ('lilifernili tied It iiist-tt- iches. Shlot itut-Koch. Califoria, "S feet, 3 inchebs. Hammer il' hrow-Edlgren, Clilfor'nia; Ile) ft'et. Htllning Ibroatd jumpi~--Wotilsey, Cali- fornia; 21 feet, 33-4 illclv"5, Runlnintghigh jtLltiti--Winsor, I'en- sylvatnia; feet, 11 inches, 120 ytards htirdle"-'Lie betwee'n Dyer and Torrey, lbothiof ('aliforttia. 220t yards hiurdle-'-'orrey, Cai ior- lila; -1m11, 0:20 t-5. Two 111110bbicycle--Osgood, Peilloyl vania; time', .:37 3.A >Do ;yqu want boarders? Ifs, ad- vertise your board 1n the Datl'. SEE OUR WINDOW'. "THERE MAY BE SOMDETIHING TN IT." 51 South Main at. FASHIONABLETAILORING Uegant G4raihatiog or ligt Snit made frominlipotrtedl or tinest D)OxnCtio + Toole~s fttr $2200 aitiLop Fnll Dress Snit 127,00, wtork miade at hihoeeas insptectieoi by any Might Class Tailor aind Cutter Will ho pleuased to havo yiii call and e conhvinced., JOS. W. KOLLATJF, 10 E. Washington st., up stairs. HOT LThZFOhE~s LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES +TUTTLE'S, +, 48 S. STATE ST. JUST ARRIVED! A SHIPMENT OF Cents' rino Iao Shoes JACOBS & ALLMNAND Wahingon Block, Ann Arbor. P. S.--See our Show Window. ED. A. CADIEUJX. enoPrnoTOn OTHtEl Latest Improved Barber Shop In the city F.Washnton st, lt dal estofiMain st Ann Arbor MAMMOTH PIPE SALE .JOLLY & Co's 28 SOUH STAT ST. Don't fil to come Mltallndelld.nciloneleat Allione. DUCK PANTS $1.60, $2.00 AND $250 BEST QUALITY. LAWN TENNIS .GOODS. SOLE AGENTS FOR WRIGHT a& ITSON'S CELEBRATED RACET WA H R'S, Cup Tow, Dawn Town, GnlveolllygBnokstore, oppoit qontuoola 20 .StaleAt, -4 IN. 5lMail,. ANN ARBOR..