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May 18, 1895 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-05-18

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I"1 V, U. OF)1M. 1DAILY.


Published. Daily (Sunoday 'ex'epted) during
the Collreeyear,:it
OEFnen Times buildinig N. Male sie pposite
post ofh'ie.
J. A. Leiloy, '96, Managing Editor.
0. 13. H AouloO , '0961sI., cioto;t tt
A.W. SMITH, Special, Assitant.
W. A. Sret,'950 L, Assitant.
H, Cones es, '9, Athleti' Editor.
J. S. PEAuR., '05 L, BiusinessMSasoger.
Associate Editors.
H. A. Donoer, '95. E. L. Evooc, '9:i L.
E. R. Suderland, 96i. Ctiei V. Smith, 'S(i.
L. A. Pratt, '0ll. L. R.. ilomblen, '96 L.
C. A. Houghton, '9601). G. A. Iheath, '9l P.
Iiusie iiompsos, '10. 11. B. Gamoenoco98 M.
C'. H. Farreil, '98. S. E. iooppco, 'OS.
J. S. Finlay, 'O8.


' Ylo see them everywhere
n. r1895--c
e)°e(olumbia l6icycics
C) r-HERE'S a whole sermon is C
$ T1 ihe above. Ii preaches the "The Pert" I te is' Co 5ddle, prey 515
s economy of buying the best-a h* ' r hosNmeis ad CoC(ieSorees. he
ci ht aWsl1lzdn iadOdle is thiWord
t, - .) wise ecnomy thai every one CJ Ior Ile'iom e i tnd iihilre. Ciclars
j1J can practice wiih Columbias ® C 'eAdi .c
® at $io. The sow Coisiobias are PNEUMJATIC SADDLE CO.,
1117 ChmbhrsS. evYo.
E' marvels of sregh, lightness, ®C."e. v uk
C symmetry, beauty aind speed. THE GRAND lOPEBRA HOUSE,
M1 S POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Con. ; p--
suPtn, Now Fork, Chiago, MONDAY, MAY 20th.
Penem, 'sedee Iual.STUART
i, " An Ark Ctloge of tolumbias c he lid
gesy or ituilli (O®O
sampfo iels, tleof
HPiurewBrsice~rs U dt he liii li'i ,,0 1 II liyde,
A IT N M USIC. ;Ole.ri'oiiciBiinsolierile lil) h
1111CA liir(5'ici lli ii 5illC50 Elite lice ~ ccss eoii ihe. :1 entesic. o
''Six Love Songs," Frtv osi ru 5;blneo
Is Ir'lein ' ;111 a sto l ir lillll as i liiflp ownitacilis, 1.00.
iRiservedseto lse eat iWa.tt' Jewelry
I.1wn(1 inlit' Ati -. itielifiiit ls'mre.Bli rkI' Sawye i i ir, rasl'atioic of Sic PlSo,io ines nalrc necu.i~ ula
whalot is 1liii' Niss-iing 1toido wiethe t'setiiigs. Heavy Paper. 7 , cents. FRTNA INL A K
ihlersiirii'cs liithalt llav'apluc'i'll1. COLLEGE SONGS,"01' ANN ABOtR.
w et.io n cnfo mmntd, The scidaricoli'ileitioni of College Songs. -Orgnied 113.
feud, foriisni,(l, the iiis'sii OverI 011,000 sold. Heavy Paper, SO Capital. $00,000. uplus nd Profits, $40,t00
cents; Cloth, Gilt. $1.00.
story _________ oreigis esetlaicgs lougltedsoid. Funish
"COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." leter ofcredit.
PLAYERS IN CLASS TEAMS. Pnybuioftekn pbihd Te_- Als Per. . W. CLARKSPON Cshier.
ongs of te ledig colleges for women.
Names of Men Who Will Play in Heavy Paper. $1.00. To arane for pivate or
Assistant ManallgerC Rich has gtveniFlighty-tico picec for the 'uitar from the lessois in Daicin call at
besSiiiices. A splesid collection. lhad-
iutith ol eit'iitomen lil0formingiow t.'ovr. 500 oents. ag
ti'ClSI IOiitkpotthie Any ook sents postpaid on receti of price Cr n ers A0o84,9=y"
Office ors St to 1 and 4 to .
itei.c'lasi, gamies: OLIVER DITSON CO., Nso stairs to miount.
'1101-hplil'0e 's''uy, Devitt, 45-46a Wahingoni S., lBoston.
iHovey, Bryant, Howe, St. CliiDvis C' tilon)01 w& N Y MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S
Vacixoinll 1.Btrittenl,Kis~ Culboii School of Dancing and Desate.
ANN ARBOR Saurday, S0. to.,etemnbeghcnersclans
I ol, l i liie, ous11e1. S E M D E'T ns atudy, p. n.,Lady begnnesclass
( 1 Ajl 1 WOR S. Monday, 510 p. in, Advniced Clan (Ladies'
'11-imnsas 1 , ittluetriogo, ' Ladies' aid Geetse ClothingI Ileaned , 550 htlemen.
or yd Teday, 7 30lip. , eincers Class (Ladies
lull, Frnhm. tukild alla'd ic-and Genteen)i.
l'l5' S~'il S~ill, 'hliiOilLau3 W. HURON ST., ANtN ARBOR. Private lesorsa by apponment
Clay 5tiibPato, Matlad, CainSCHOOL 46 S. STATPE ST
lieu', AtmCS, 5'iii flly. Sllnshrs of tcareitce Tiket Brokes' Ass-
'O5.--iobtiry, iIllinli Laeiinby;,eltiton of . S~. 1'n 1-1T1es
(Clkiits, Hiealii's. Wo isreilLea1i~f, Cosby & XcKena R. R. Ticket Agency AI(I .
C~t:\leaHughe, Ca pbell Dob ins, 50 Adom est, Cliii ioRed icid raese to all --'-- -
ti vle, inges,1'iiipleIi Dobuhspiins. sBanchs The Kider gui tellNo S The latest Sim,, isPHOToGtIAPHY
('oolilg' Cella. NSlicest AcnAbor Alihci'an at
Pro'iteisimuslttoble iandin tou eMr. B/ R _ T 1DE- BBER RY 141IC .
Ihililiifori' thi' duy sf lii'gheisue. FIRST CLASSCUSTOM TAILORING ( ehiP roc s t nus 5 RtsI tto Seiors.
F'Pehi'si.duliiiof tflinttecClss Corier 1oOS ite a0dWiliamo ske , O T RE CATERER,
Vltlii:~s. et lesante 0 'C'. ashng
g1151 halsLi.e'iislightly <ilianlged,uiw-'
ito i lt'edropping ooit of 'f)5 ildithe110IT'S HARD 'TO DO '1lOT 'j t ci siaorfl"'i.kururFed-e Pertti
lii'hlliiiil litot h lie lsld day. It CEO. S. PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN.
nowsI stans:
L. '19(15s. Hugh Schosil. fluay 2.
'05 I vs. '1111 L. May " . or aa ,ere etl~afe.teifanto
-'~~IABfL' bodoe u eti noemtc A k OC® coes :7, Jun'te, WI.
,. 'l9t vs. 'h, 51115'2. SHEEHAN & CO. Exclusive Agents for Ann Arbor.
1. 'Winner of fltri gsiiiitCs. s5Iloilr is
ofthrdgaeJu, . heFikTeachers' Agency
:.Winner of fouirthigaimei'vs. 'lil-'

It is a pleaur. at lass t10 11011thii
Eveniog Ness rnillo ipi ' Iuoily'
anod taping a position that alIsh'noli
room fecrsdouht aIs lito ~cthi'y
stand, even it it is ill lilitioii ito liii
Utniversity.'heioir isscoiif yc ofirluy,
contained lon t oun 1marti1011111~ice,{
filled oith, tb ii' ehsuriro iis scu
ciounessanub falseood. Anyone u-
acqua~ite i 'tihei'fuelcts'(would infer
froms reading the Niews ilatl ulsiur icr
respoentlic was00a.5michii 10)10 1 uerson
who had institttd a ~grsat itrisade for
tight and hbo Lt uiivi ct'i'ihlim f in-
jutice by tho faclty5. iii itslieaid'
lines the News sags thas hat('amii
eron slutws rues, oslitli'stidon Ir
i-her to its eluiilis it say's it w~as
iisohasetantialyc trut' andilthaoto luihl 'oo
"appaa'ently coii'livin llii' pccf'oors,
so he aysi ,tiiilt tiieistiiry svis trus'."
The -Nesws,- and itetir Detrohit pap: s

as- --1e - , 1, l IC -- l-ii , '05 41-i 11' I .I I - I

as well, wriof singnlargyonre lentup.
reuceatihug the maltter', Nvoiuhllohvi'their n ___of ________game,___une_6
readers helieve thait h'siozi sil 51nomt Taniager SMitchaes hissoirdtred
expelled far 'writinig liis o Iltfltss'rtern ansI uniformslcfor the senior
Unisersity, hut because hue fac.ultyblli teamo.
though admoitting thiotruthiof Iliis. Theretrill be sleven cases tried in
stories, thought them idisgnsting alnd the practice ceurt noet week, thereby
harmful." Thi Daily denies thiat "it lenaying nine cases to dispoese ef and
oned on the News and its corre- undeuhtedly these will he heard be,"
spont without investiga-li, and it fore Junes 1.

EVERETT 0. FISK & 00.,

355 Wabash Ave., -

Chicago, Illinois.

Ashiburton Place, t0 Fifth Asvenue, 803 Twelfth Street, 35 Wabash Avenun
32 Church Street, 420 Century Bldg: OLYMTPIA, 120%25. Spring Street
Send for Agency Manual and Registration Blanks.


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