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May 17, 1895 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-05-17

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Time Table (Revised) Nov. 18, 1894. COREIO.EADD OFR ri., 4tliy ii --1 si ty vs. Viiolli-
P.M. A.M NISH ADVANCED STDNS r. Ii' 1.-Syiiphlii conceit, E U I L m" L[
N.Y.SEci-l______ 15102<iN.N. Y.Special73.70
Easters nEs-x 14N S imt 5 Prof. Greene, elected Dean of the Myay fesil corocse, 8Ilitversily hail, ANt) - -
A. ci. Pacific Es---i- 1 i2i5 sohool of Teohnology - Three P. mO.AHSTIGGE'SCNCIO
Atlantic Es._--7 47 r. S. la 8-fa siaUi
1). N. Espresx___ 5S4 Westera E.___2 i2 Year Law Course Formally Adoot- 5itiy4.-'i FciclUn- AHSINAGTSCOVTON
G. . xpes 0 i .N. Ex---.1 57 d-$5 Tax for Course in Post verify 'llioll, i011 lrcial, 11a 11. My sakssalive, box the "bSmalley" bas
0. W. IiiTOcrxs, Ii. SW. ilsias, lortems Dropped-Other Matters.tOrchiestral lalineis.1I1). ii., "Dainl- che btoswitlktseaboysistirovl, fsincis
G. P. & T. fgt., Cbicago. Agt., Aiii Arbor. lion of Fillet", 781). iii, is the becaotifuli alumnusm enamel-a secret
rye r1T' Ma Oirziig if 11tw board1ofif M:ly 4-25:.-Wc steco Itrip of 'varsity procressiinoiiiiooly to the oi'.ibcrs iof the
T., IKA K & N l . M RY. rig: iii 37be411 loot cseiing. Irol . basebaoll frilim. Smalley." IDo you ct oin to tihe newiomethod
Taking effect Saaday, April 7 1894. iil'E.(liiooniithuo ''ic.li-21'artylt y of stiobing tihe welist Coibror gets on ito
Trainoslcore Ass Arbor oa Control Stood-' them and11into0thionanildeer onthm
andi 111time.'h. elty ''reated choonl ote h'il1p,8Illii., Oliarpi. clims upa on ill lie focrkcciwnald3umpsecn
NORTH0. SOUTH. ogy. li-ofs. ireli', 8 'arlia:ii nhut Fri.,hMay 20.--S~lotiii see' sic'ty a0to rrsti aniger; swins sthe wailibe-
8:27, a. 71540a. cM. 8 'iili 4 wi'te piniiiltdto forioulati' a (raog p40. tiscro Ito boixes andjums onctho fracme aoi
4:54 m , 1:0 . . 11o rgnc3o i ii'is Sr. a 1 'r'il~i110ifci'thec 'Smallery"' iicyclcsemtto l0 itle it.
pl~y m. 0:700.taio o l~'Neverea ak1, noti armoan,on'c'rea tbreaks,
ociiy. Schooisl whc-h will bepti'n111lotraliollsCooley Pblst:11 b 'y O 11en 1iorlycls. lollthe-weighti is 15 to 21 poullis.-Wester
All trainss daily except Sunidaly. i1 O tb r .)()l. IFri., 411 14'i. -Wiebotcr- Adithi di'- Sardosare t'osioanviSa,0iltic SCity, 7 tail
tiVs IT. 1BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. 1lt seas decidedl ioiioaoguirate afour Pato, last lcctuire'roonS. i.iii
yy A eal'x' i-ocirsi iiin hamc1(ai' iil11 to Sait.. Junei' .--teiroIntercolle'gi- AN EASY' SELLER,
ANN ARBOR &YPSILANTI ST. RY, tilestd'gre'e'of Pbii'liliiiof ii 11s0line' -ci ii.chlanpiisiipo. ('iutcaio114 iGT e m0ey o 18
pharly.__ sisxdone'osuply a tt''ed.,lJuei-Dlial iel laCl-:3 y of
Time Table, October 7, 1894. liii' oc orn's'tlirl ricilss. 'elido 'tfal'iii'. mu:'(1. a, tltic icitl lit
LeavecYpsilasti from Congresxc.t 1009'100 lfre 7ii i
acid 11:00 a.mn.; 42:44, 2:14.,5:00, 0:45, 900' aod liii's nt111:7 c ' vt~ 1'i'.slont Friezcc 4rii ha1111.
Leave 'cAciciArboseJaun'tiio, 7:0 :0 a1n1d YOTHOOEMF,
11:300~ . 1.1 i:15,2:45,5:30,71J: 0:a 11 0 lp. iaditinl :1:1 i li'151. ath1ltc ftiltil.:3:40 P 1)..P Y O T
SUND4AY'lIMlE. 1).:1.1 1 llcinx' 111a1n of theiiithree S8latiue,1:'V4. arsity c 'sPLYMOUTHo,, IND.
Lelavc Ypsilnti from ('sin gross sl.,i1:30,34:30, ies' I17 i-hill xi' 711aitil ii 11111 it atlttic'fielid. 32,f1p111. 0 ii.a , ge t
5:00. 0 an od2:00 p. ini. 0
L.eavecAcis Arbor Jucictio,,2:00, 4:00,45:30, wax4did(to have117'ai ie'w1i'esideti'i 6E ila t
7.00 toldy:30 p. cc. NTC 1 6E ila t
Cairy; runs incity tiiiio arn: isgletcrip1 15 1:' 05,11'. llthll no11111lii 7.1 01 s iE I') "I 'ap-1117
cests; roucidtrip tictets 25iclnts. itat lily (it:siraleitt 11111 li iickl
111017 ils e17:10 iir nl uropspediThe AN(4 111 1111 x.. iis fr saili or itoIrent O Ii ( S d o~to
T- addiinl x5frnxl i ii ii(tilllyearl'lii '''s pro d o unfurniishd.tis 'irs to lus
lii 815foirithie' anaitomiicllabora1)1toiry 0 ic vey rtsp:,it. ant cotains li Formerly -with George WNahr, 19
11 itLO.iiodrii'i~ ihlls . i kll alE. Washington ot. Headquarters for
VIA "C. &B. LINE." mte ii rS out v soeo et-okSatoeyad
a.iagiiceiit side-wee'steel oteaimer~s Pirif. (2tGibs pto s'it hi a'illmiili il Tui' -air ii'tsa's Stoci'kl'niiiieneral.
State of Ohio sod State of New York cathil on sig 11111tlii'bcgisvi'iureasonls Naval Acaemh'uy andtheiveri~~ sity of M:A.RTIN SCHL.LER,
DAILY 'fI~it'2TAISE. eh)'his 1hiric ssreimioved. Ilei also 'Peinsylv-aiai scill ti:'r'1ed7o'ithoile
ccsnsvixs~~m.n l~ssii fr to eoige tceitrtSevern'iver ils i m 1.THIE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER,
Lv. Cleveland--------N--:0p. m. ailsout him. 'T'hucimatter1' was laiiidil1 F01s1gonS.,oe1lc
Ar. Bultaho-------------- 7:30~a.ccm. - 19 E. Washington__St.,_oneblock
Lv. Blufflor----------------11: : c. h" taibti'. es fMi
Ar. Cleveland- - --___________7:40 a. m. Dr.4A'. IH. Doau'ruoce. of flu' ilental HO YOUR DOTING DO TO PICTOES~ as f an t
central stasdard Time. X1aui0d leve of boinc
Take the "C. & 0. Lise" steamers asd e- cho was grne ev fas~c
joy a rcfreshingcig ht's rest iwhe enrote to oii account of his Si'rions illness. Dr. ____
Bosou Abn,1,0ffsdo ayEsei~alo, Niagara Pails, Toronto, New York, C G. Darling haus tiesn grailled leaveBotnAlay1,0IsndrayEsen ONE THOUSAND MILES OF LAKE RIDE H1 B mR L LN
or Canadi' h peint. of abst~ccerr froni hune until O~ctober, AT SMALL EXPENSE.
CHEAP EXCURSIONS WEEKLY TO NIAGARA FALLS, that lie may go to Etirop:' for sdlidy Vstti ltrclIlnwihi b T. & 0. C. Ry. K. & M. Ry.
Send dc postage for toarist pamphlet, in continental lhospitolo. The board viratndes smerrel sortantih Greteti iriil riab enTireOi


Wf. 1F. HERMAN, T. 17. NEWMAN,
Geii'l Pssn. Act. Gen'l Manager.
Cleveland, 0.
Magnificent new steamsbip asia under eon-
struetion for this roots.
her Everything and Everybody.
COUSINS & HALL, floisitts,2 es~uoense 1 ve.
LT. O' IM. '_ AILOaS
Our Spring sod Sumnmer Woolens
are nowy 00 sale. Prices Low.
Call and see us.
485S. Slate nt., Serndc-loor, Ann Arbor.
22 Years in the Business,-~~
XI. MI. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave.
Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing
doe neatly by
411(. SCIIOUNEWAL5), so EI. Washington
Goad Work Guaranteed. Goods salted for
and delivered. A. F.I'I)V.1KT, Prop.
Ann Arbor, Hick. Capital Stock, $50,000..
Surplus,: li50,0.
Organized under the General Banksing Lawn
of this. State. aReceivei depanits, buys and
sells exchange on the principal, cities of the
United Staes. Drafts cashed upon peeper
identification. Safety deposit boten to rent.
OrruCERss Christian Mack, Pres.; Wf. D4.
Harriman, Vice-Pres.: Chas. E. Hiocock,
Cashier; M. J. Fritz Ansistant Cankier.

reconvenes today. ihakes. It only costs about $13 froni and Charleston, W. Va., via Columbus, the
---- Dctroit ; $15 from Toledo; $18 from tsort and oily direct route.
At Aiihierst Wed niday, Yale failed Cleveland, for the round trip, including Toeo B.aEWNs
to secure a init off' Aohuerst'n pitcher, iato and berths. Avoid the heat ani led,
T'oasi, the result berinug a victory) for 'lust by traveling on the D. 8c C. ilostizng Findlay, 0.
lii'scr suidig lshilfen. The attractions of a trip tct his Kenton, 0.
thus luiifter trail, t sorStndn lhceiinac region are unsurpassed. Tic Columbus, 0.
2to 1. Otlier gaimues oii tiht(day: .iandli itself is a grand romantic spot, utsAtes .
Williass14, Dartuth 2; Holy Cross -liiateui moot invigorating. Two new Ahn, 0
7,Hrird1 'iciriyo Chlia oi'l passenger steamers have just been Middleport, 0.
?.Hrvr l ivrityo Cial fu fr the upper lake route, costing Pomery 0.
18. (Irimiell 4. 3 0,00t0 each. They, are equipped withiPt lesnt . a
'3' nssdern convenience, annunciators, PesnW a
OlRACLE BOARD. ,Al~i rooims, etc., illuminated throughout Richmond, Va.
Mleetig of '90 Oraces board Thorn- -w c shoctricity, and are guaranteed to bue Petersburg, Va.
duly it 8:13 p. in.. at (41 7L. Eingsley. Wir cctlldesl, largest and sfest steamers Old Point Comfort, Va..
I fiv______-:hsh water. These steamers favorably Williamsburg, Va.
C'LASS REAIlS. ,.o :acc with the great ocean liners in con-
iistiuin nnd opeed. Four trips per wees Newport News, Va.
All inana11gerl'5ior'ecaptainls of rilass liere Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Machi- Norfolk, Va.
biusteialhlteamOs imust hlia'e iveiniinue :i .'ct. Ignce, Petoskey, Chicago, "See," And all southeastern points. Elegant
theyiiuu'su name o ' he.ilaiyeirs in theire - 1SI-ilulette ad Duluth. Daily betweein drawing room crls on ill through trains.
(l'evelanod and Deriadeeand and For further informatElsa call on your local
spc hi e.11 y tonighit. Pu-nBoy. The palatial equipment tice.OULT ON HOURK, hGs 'iPuasc. A,,t
BE+N. ttt('ll. nakes traveling on these steamers thor- Toliedo, 0.
Asst. B~ascbPullt Itiageu'. olughily enjoyable. Send for illustrate(] Sw. A. 'ErTES, Mtichilganu i'ass. Agent,
descriptive pamphlet. Address A A.tDetroiMich.
Thue laboratory fees for Course 3 in $WHANTZ, G. P. A., DS. & C., Detroit, Fish ; ~ e. :
Physic', primnary and necondary Pat- -___________________.
tories will be $1 ad nt71~
given in the anuncemnt of the J~ - ~ I.
nunmmer nrchool. / p Kru i\L
K. E. GtTIIF -
On Mlay 21 and June 11 Agents of '
Ohio, Central Lines will -11l Home- -5~
Seekern Excunsion 'Tiekets to poiots LTRosE MARost
in Virginia at One Fare PotrItound- _________________
Trip. Linmit 31) days. Also tickets i he LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS and SHORT
AND. Magnsifceentbuiding; ten teachers; lsees 9 STN' AE?8BON
to points west and Southwest on saa ttesunsdasce;gzod discipline; superior work; wel TE ML
supplied reading reeom; daily letures; Saturday ST AM L UNDRY CO.
basis. Limit 20 days. Se01110 (en- evening receptiozn; spen the entire year. Ensep
troal Agnsf155 acilities for phasing studrnts in penitiona High Grcos and Doesztic Finish,
tral Aents. oard and room $2 ts $2.71 per week is privat,
W. A. PERTELtS, M. P. A., anislioc. These eates reduced to $x.50 by sril E. S. SERVISS, Mlanagr
bag n. Faz Catlogeeaddress "r
Detroit, Mich.t0 R. CLFSRY, Fees 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE1.

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