THE U. OF M. DAILY. Cik , THE TAILOR, Chicago. Has arrived. Now at Room 9, Cook House. 1,000 Patterns of the Latest and Nobbiest SUITINGS and PANTINGS ever shown. WWTIL YOU CAIJL ANDSE THEM?9 Imported Clay Worsted Suit to order, Sack or Cutaway, $20.00. WI LL FIT. A, C. SPALDING& BROS! Athletic Supplies. ' fm BASEBALL, LAW N TENNIS , YGOLF. Uniforms for All Sports. RIDE THE SPALDINC BICYCLES- THE LEADER FOR 1895. 'ANDSOME ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE SENT FREE. VIEW YORK, CHICAGO, PHILADELPHIA. "'95%9 LAWS!1 HAVE YOUR CANE ENGRAVED WM. ARNO LD'S, Jeweler.: SWEATERS- Awn, For Xen and Boys, HANDKNII LAMBS WfOOL SWNEATERS in black, navy, white, garnet and gray, for Boys, up to 32 inch sizes, $1.50; For Men, all sizes, $2.00. Strawbridge & Clothier PHILADELPHIA. I Sweaters I 4 F --AT- Sheelian & Co.'s l..ELLIS, THE TAILOR. ICYC LES. 4 AREHEHIGHEST OF ALL HIGH GRADES, i waon otAueo riortoa iycle buit i thewld erles0o1prce 21 lb. SCORCHER, $85 22 lb. LADIES', $75 H. J. BROWN, Exclusive Agt. HOAAL TOIECONOMIZBE1. Flour is going up. Tomatoes are going down. Eat Tomatoes. 3 Pounds (Greenwood, 73 cents per dozen. " 3 Pounds Peninsular, 85 rents per (ozen. 3 Poonds JRiverside, 95 cents per dozen. All good Fresh Goods. D7EA N & QO 00Mj=:1Y4 44 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. ' Boston Festival Orchestra. 'Pof liidale is Io give a leetulre P11(1 T Bostoi F'estiv-al Orchestra, b,-i 1)1 the V11.ltena-lwTeac(hers' as- whlich halinlce 11 ia~ged l or the 'MNay sis-iatiioii. whiceboet s oi11NMay 25. Festival, is once of theleadiag oarch-(s- Itecenltcollhge g'les resultedl: (hi- tras now before Ill) American piublic. (atgo 21, Northwvestern 1to:G"Iruiill 20, Every((ulsmr is a (competent. most- ite~oit. 10); Cuban (hlts 8. N Vr sWleyat'. eian, antI there is a larIger peren~ltage notice hais been received of(I0 f"ticc leomplishled virtuosi than is usual Aoathi of Ir. XeriloiiA. tWillitlns, in orclhestral(1organlizations. ritl)'or- tt3 1D, April 2:), at, its (nine iillove,- hestra tIelsIbeli in eistence for serv- (tle,(Ca1. eral yearls,1(an1d1Tfileuityandl polish lu-rnlt of the (C1101alEUimn (anI that it has attained is eevinced by its get4 their extra, tiellets forle ti'll)F i(- ever grow5inlg poplalrity. It's splecili Vlat the- Schlool of Mulsic lily time' i~datat~bilitv for festiv-al work bar tiefore Fridlay 1111111. ((hde thle ldemand111for its services vet-I Chicago 11115 won its _thrd 3(11 egre-at thr-oughlout the( coniltry. and1( 114111 7sortllwes-b-rti. 21-10, thus elosiag- th(e- onl wee*ks ill the slarillg;,Idurinig (In -series of ganles this year b-tn-ecu which th -, festivals come1I, 11e alwsay-s thelso' two1 Illversities. erlowdI-ted ith enlgagemeints. No Ibet- Tho(rIe will lira a 1111lel i)114e(tof terendoriIlsemeInt ner md e 1)11)'(f its lie ( lee20 1111(111 elwithl thoorctlestra evolrk 111till the rattfavor esitil evhich 10r(day afterillam. Altllinerse Ilel it wasreceieved ihere last; sprinlg. expoclod to IboI)ill 11e -hapel at 2:,30ll uell of estecess gl.ind by lbr oi-- oici(Wik. chostrll. 1s Illieto th1-eleforts (of ite 'I'll) stutli r~i enull of (ibe condutrIr. Mi Rilil Ml(l~llier. Ross li)Itlnillg or r orially illsill-Itoi-I I o-ngll heisinsical (careelr as fitst lIP--lid th in- slllltmr evellillg (tiess violinlist.illThieodore filail>lsfamous danicing party 11to 1 1e1111ell)atthl-Ilhstra ll. 1111was, foirseve-ral yeiars ((-sholly a-ext flmursday I-sI-llig. May (till)of tielel-)tling violiniists of the 23. BoIlstonilSynmphony lOrchestra. As 11 I1ra(-k tM1nag~er ItL C.itourland re-- cond~uctor 111-11a10fl-ceqais.tO Thte (1411515 thaltllmana~gers (If all elasss tracek work (If tile-Boston Fi he111Orell-stra tuins el-ioitto hIimlIit ((lie tilelist.tosasufticienit proolf(If lis excelilec- in of lie.lsli(-ctive roinill-illn, rs 00111their Ibis line. (aesIll till-'vs-a-ity If)ield la -Il (ext Tilere seill he anl implortanut businless 'Iuoksttly. _______m_ eeting of tile Castotlian board at 4:30 -lave you rooms to renl: if so, sd-.1)-in. today in room 9i. Every 111cm- lvertise them in the Daily. her is reqiuested to he present SODA WATER E. A. MTJJYLMERY'S. NEW ART TILE SODA FOUNTAIN. Ice Cream Soda, Vernor's Ginger Ale, and all p~opulalr drinks. A. E. MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE, (01. Fouith Ase. and(lWashingtonI5t. CUT RATE RAILROAD TICKETS ANN ARBOR B. R. TICKET AGENCY, Aileer of Am~eica icTOkteotroe's Asso- Cialtiell All taprtatliillions i~nar- iiitrrs.ick~iets-bgteantt(desold. BICYCLES. $QOKENWOOD., M 1ARCH. RELAY. $65.00 IMPERIAL $65.00 APMADOC & MANCHESTER, 40- 5. STATE . l, ANN ARDO]1 MOORE & WETMOR: 6i S. Main at., and State st., cor- ner of William st., have a complete stock of LJNIVESIJY 1[U BOOIS New and Second Hand. Note Books and ether Studens' Supplb Else Stationery, Sporting oods, stc., whi they offer at the Lowe-st Prices. Cali ad see us before purchasing. G. H. 'WTLD. THE LEADING TAILO-. and Importer has received the largest and most select stock of 'IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WOOLENS for Spring and Summer of 595 in the city, and would he pleased to have you call and 'examine the same. Full. Dress Suits a Specialty. E. :Washington at.. near Main.