THlE U. OF . DAILY. i hiag I isari. Nwa Ro , Cook hou se. 1,000 Patterns o h aet n obot SF.I',NGS and .PANTI G S ever sho wn. T 4 Iavo9JClay ko:tdSit to ordr, akorC aay$2t.D /S/<_ _.. 0 SI I 1L + ~ , ° 1:F:, K.~tM~i" -__ _ L J.8_ Z,.,.u N}94 _ddp - T. . ?;ka .~nw XwT r 9!Ji Sum G O LD . 9 /fI 1 '' _, m I ' i n ' ---- T HANDS _,W C LLUt?1 ITII, DCATALOGUE; SENT FEEC. NEW YU I A001, i:L'EL HAVE YOUR C. 1 E ' GRAVED 'WlX. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. For Men and Boys, 4 ANDW ITLAMBS FOOL SWEATERS in black, navy, white, garnet and gray, for Boys, up to 32 inch sizes, $1.50; For Men, all sizes, $2.00. Strawbridge & Clothier PHILADELPHIA. Sweaters ttJLL Lll EO c >' r>(;;. A.' Ttti(eJiz MEI i.In:t w ! d !' h t t ,I Ittilt i >>zo. oo ty thI 1 f l a I' c i cy(o, )J.17,J. SZCTOIH., $2 . 22lb.LADIES', $75. at eormous t (ti (L.00tt(. You lvo 61 i - 1oiIte pr~ofio t110 0 ll(11(O.le 1, 1he jobber, tilee Ottddletitant. 500 tsttl les. Up-to- (I~e ltc tIotlt . Fit noai-anteed. Swlell Suits $18. WIL-SOY'S OLD STIN D. 5,:SITbE ST1ET How Flour is going up. Tomatoes are going down. Eat Tomatoes. 3 Pounds Greenwood, 75 cents per dozen. 3 Pounds Peninsular, 85 cents per dozen. 3 Pounds Riverside, 95 cents per dozen. All good Fresh Goods. rxER. &$zOOM2E'ATYi AA 0-4-U 'Wff, 44 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. A meeting of 1110 Board of lie-gents will be told tomsorrow. A written examnination iln nacter- iology will take place F+riday morn- ing of lis week. Tie.eqtiz in orgtaic chemnistry which was announced for Tihursday will be postpsoned unsil Monday next week. Titere will be no ladies' classes at the gymlnasinm this week, but tile time is to be devoted to iennis and tihe physical examinations. Prof. M. L. D'Ooge will be unable to hear any of hIls classes nlext week owing to his beding :absent fronthtie city examining ihighl schools. The D~aily has nellgected to notelilac all railroad tickets .fr the May tFes- tival will be good for return up to and including the 20th of May. A copy of the Occident, a weekly paper of the University of California, has been_ received containing cuts Of their track leant now In the east. foulr fromt the literary depa~rtmlen~ts. Tile contest will begin at 7:30 o'ciock in order to shlorten it. Northwestern has a piainIllpenolress for getting up a univ-ersity song; book. A price of $10 is offered for 111e best sonrg suitable for such a b!etz, and it is hioped tll get mallterial on1ou1gb to pulblishllte book early in the" fal.- If the corner-stonle of the womuan's gymlnasiumn is laid as now expected on conmmencement day a friend of ttegont Barbour's will give those in chlarge $1,000 toward thle building fund. Tile regular meteing of the Phil- ological society will be held tomor'- rowy night in room I1, Univ-ersity ball. Prof. Hleinpi will speak upon 'The t' in Gormsan," and Prof.. D'Ooge wvill read a paper on "A Negleoted Syntax in Greek." Considerable curiosity is being aroused among tile Ann Arbor public by tbe appearance. of dodgers in dIf- ferrent places around tile c~il0piC bearinlg lbs inscriptton: "You'll findl me in it," and signed by Levi T. Barbour, Regent of illS Ilidvelahly.. .Aar, atid tttt itlt c t- A. E. tUi EL }4'(pf ii f, fO F( 1 t 1 -\( C ., 21L' it 1 o1 t,32 . 331 E. OHuronSt1-. temer',of Aoo-ricanTiktrlotker'sAsso- ciat)in, ll I1rnw1prt1.111t111a11- anteer.Tickts nl..t nd ld.t "THERE ARE OTHERS" But nose ocfthem can comocee with T 3"ISTLE!O Here Are a Few Seeds: Rascers, 15 Vounds. Liht Roadsters, 17 to 19 Lbs. tRoadsters, 21 to 231 Pounds. Call and see them at B03E. William st. 1D.. 1B.FORID. AGENTr. MOORE & WETMORE 6 S. Main at., and State at., cor- ner of: William at., have a complete stock of UVIYUSIJY JEI[ BOOI6S New and Second Hand. Noe Seoko and ether Studests' Supplies Flee Stationery, Sportinge Ooods, etc, aich they etter at the tLowest Pricem. Call and see us before purchasing. THE LEADING TAILOR and Importer baa received the iargest and most select stock of IMPORTEDk rAN0DQDMESTIC WOOLENS for S9pr ig anti Summer of- 95 in .the 'city, and .would' bewpleased to haive youz call and' x-amlne the same :.ual Dress Sits a Speciaty F. Washington st., near M ii. I -AT- Tbe Oratorical associaflon bas do- 1t cided l to elo eigbl contesladla in the 1J11. 'local cootest, -four from tbe law and