TilE U. OF Ii DAILY. ELLI, T TAIOR,2200 to 2204 State st., Chicago Will be at the Cook House, Ann Arbor, from May 15th to May 25th, inelneive, with the SIVELLEST LINE OF SUITINGS AND PAINTINGSI ,ever shown. Imported English Clay Suit, Sack or Cutaway, $20.00. Are you with me? ELLS TH E "*TAILOR. T.~.Ddyou get a Liar's Diplomiia! Send 2c _stamp. At 0 SPALDING& BROS Athletic Supplies. BASEBALL, LAIN TENNIS, Uniforms for All Sports. BIDE THE SPALDINC BICYCLES- THE LEADER FOR 1895._: HANDSOME ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUEO I SENT' FREE. ARE THE HIGHEST OF ALL. HIGH GRAES. Warranted aeperior to any Bicycle hoblt toi the world, regardle-s of price. iDo not he induced to pav more money for an inferior wvheel. Tcsist on havicih Wliaerley. ,Bultand guarpcintedy the Indianao iyet Co., a0 milion dollar coocern, whose bood j as goccd as gold. 21 lb. SCOILOHERP, $85. 22 b. LADIES', $TS. H. J. BROWN, Exclusive Agt. NEW YORK, CHICAGO, PHILADELPHIA, '95 LAWS! IHAVE YOUR CANE EI-AT--- WM. ARNOLD' S, Jeweler. SWEATER S PPwt For Men adliloyn, - IMOIKNIUIR WOIOL SIV[AT[AS in black, navy, White, garnet and gray, for Boys, up tor 32 inch sizes, For Men, all sizes-,. v $ 2.00. Strawbridge & Clothier PHILADELPHIA: Sweaters -AT- ,h oan &Co.'s, WANAMAKER tailors 20 miles of clotd per play. lie hIys at enormous disconnts. Yon buy .of him an~d you eavoil the profit4 of the whole-sailer, thejobber, tile middlemnan. 500satpies. Ups-to- dlate tailoring. Fit guaranteed. ' well Suits $1Fi WILSEY'SOLD STFAND. STYATE STREEIT H1-OW Flonr is going utp. Tomatoes area, going dows. Eat Tomatoes. B Pounds. Greenwood, 75-etlts-jper dozen. 31 Pounds, eninsular, 55 seal-s jeer dozen. .t Pounds.-iverside, B95 cents peer dozen. All good Mesb Goods. DE. cN & CO'.PANT A A C _J.]t 741F . f 44 Sat n RoutStreet. ICE .COLD SODA WATER -AT- E. At. MUMMERY'S. NEW ART TILE SODA FOU NTAIN. Ice Cream Stoa, Vernor's (Itisger Ale, and IIl popular drinkls. A. E. MUMERY'S DRUG STORE, Car. Fourth Avwe, and Washnglon-St. CUT RATE RAILROAD TICKETS to all pohles for sale hy ANN ARBOR R: B. TICKET AGENGY, 33 E. HuoomSt t. Member of Americas Ticet Broker's Assn- ciation. Alt Irsansptsrtsttons '4~-aa anotred. Ticketesbooght and sold.: $ a500 IMPERIAL P$65 MNC ER:. 42. STATE Sr., ANN ARIOR. J00RE &WETMQRE 615. Main st.,r and State et.,;cr- nor of William St., have a" eomp~lete stock of New audSecond Hsa*nd. " Note Books 6 testeter Students SSohites Floe Statlonos, ,SportingGocod,.eteHchic4 ds#ey offer 'at the Aa~vent Prices .. Call and s"tebefore purelanug,. TH E ir ' NTOf 4AILOR arid I aa! eived the largest t et. stock of IV.IPoRTE#. - , STIC WOOLENS fo ,Spy drier" of '&)5 in the ei tit be pleased to* he land examine'. the s Full s a Specialty. F.. ,st.,Oner.Main. UIrPVERSFTY NOTES. E.. A. rWIitie tns; itolIffg bat the D. K. E. Imnet . II .Lewis.'J3' T . is ine;the city at- tending.eciecit court.. Air. L. - Stanace maitructer in BEng- lish, has gone to CSItige u to attend the funeral of aile uncle.. J. R. Moore, 4t40" _ nrss 1,' hs cbeen atdded to the list of tho track men. it the tiwlita hlbde.x E. F. L3tecrs, captadn of theI 'varti: footIill isaui ini''.O, is'a gns t at the, Psi iLpsjIen lioctes. J. W Lyons., V6 D, will return her tue01rrw frota Mft. Plettoa~nt, iMicl , where- he has been assisting ht&e comely school exatnining board,, of, whdch he is a minbr. Messrs. Neeley and MeLaclilan hve feinted a. paortiteeship and will pr~actice dentistry oh Marion, 0., wlscre they have alceady engageld a suite of rooms for their dental parlers. Th1e. rain and coldl yesterday tpre- vented any outdoer Iwaetict on ithe parI of either tile hasehall or trackA leans candidates. The track mten wvill 11 callted out z y 'gatrdl so tt'd t c. the. Aott$.150 wooth. cif instrutucisrts mete stolen fronat thedentldepart- imet laharatoi'y Sunday el-enitog .;. "They were the prperly ef tdursmd" iBois, H. B. Heept 'et'. antd Fri'- zh von Wideisird . Ther. ia uo,(A l0, the thieves. Dr. W. H. Jktcksoe taus prosa e the dtental department with a t ry ,valuabtle collectien cif dental joasritalt I nthis ,accuse latio of deiti lifer IaturiAs a tletr 1'fie n -t Denta1 ,MisenCu, a public a. thiatl_ originated 1873 Tand e dL'in! 1881, atid of, v O h the college lhaAd only four. nut en. The collIc tiasa ateels itludces aony tether valuable fjornl to . the,:membser of several hundred.. It is hoaped theat othter friends .andt alumni of the UniverIsity wll &ridoce the usefulness ef.. use departmnent in.. this wuay' by increasing the amount of literatulre at the disp)osal. of the tis- Do you want boarders? If so, ad. vertise ypur board 11n toe. Daily.