THE U. 01? M. DAILY. MICHIGAN GNaR Time Table (Rvised) Nov. 1, 184. EAST. WEST. P. M. AM Mal aed Es-1 0 Mal __-.._-84: N. Y. Special-0 15 N. Y. Spe"1a1.... 77.0 Eastern Es__-1 25 N. S. Lmited.-192 A. M. Pacific E.....12 1 AtlanticE. 1 . 747:P;.at D NEspress.... 540 .WLestern Es. Ill 21 G. R. Express,..ll 5 Ci. N.. iS--10 5 G.. E----.-55 . W. RUGGLEES, ' H. W. HAES, G. P. x T. At., Chicago. At., Ass .Abor. T., A. A. & N. M. RY. Taking effect Snday, April 7, 184. Trains leave Ann Arbor on Central Stand- ard time. NORTH. SOT. 8:07 a.m. *7:5 a.m *1:2p. m, 11:0 a. . 4:15 pm. 9:0 p. *Trns run between Ann Arbor and Toedo only. All trains daily except Sndoy. I. . GREENWYOG), Agent W. H. ENNETTG. P. A. Toledo t. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST RY. Time Table, October 7, 1894. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st., 7:00,9:00 and 11:00 a. in.; 12:45, 2:15, 5:00, 6:45, 9:00 and 10:0 p.m. LaeAnn Arbor Junction, 7:0, 9:0. and 11:0 a. m.; I:15,2:45,5:,:15,:adl:Op.m. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Concress t.,1:, 3:30, 5:00, 6:30 and :0 p. m Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 2:00,4:00, 5:0, 7:00 and :0 p. m. Ca run on city time IPare: single tirp 15 cents; round trip tickes .5 cents. W'M. F.PAKnE, Sut. FLOWERS, FLOWERS For Everything and Everybody. COUSNS & NALL, florists 6 T.eb se 115.e TlDIETAS & SCHANZ, Mr. OF M. TAILOR.S Our Spring, and Summer Woolens ro now on sale. Prices Low. Call and see us. 48 s. S tate 8t., Seond Finr, An A ror. 22 Years in the Bsaiess "s~ CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. SEABOLT No. 4 N. 4th ave. MERCHANT TAIIORIG!? Cleaning, Preeing and Repirng AH. done neatly by Att. O110NIOWAL, l6.E. Waelhingtnn EXCELSIOR + LAUNDR!r 20 EAST HURION STREET. Good Work Guaranteed, Goods called for and deliveed. A . 101 lT tp ANN 'ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS Ladien' and Gtent" Cotking Cleaned ..eorDyed. 3 W. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR. Members of Guarantee Ticket Broker' Asso- ciation of U. S. - Cosby & Xeon R. R. Ticket Agency 50 Adams st., Chicago. Reduced rates to all points. Branch The tiderprten No.13 N. Mlain t. Ann Arbor Michigan. $265.00 for a 51 Days Euro. pean Tour. We arenorgnlizig a slect aty for asum emer lose to urope. leaving New York, Jun 22nd, for London, Antwerp rusels, Cologne Cobetz, Frankfrt, Heidelberg, Straosbrg Bden-iaden, Paris and Dieppe, reursisg --saling frem London Agust 2nd. The part will be conducted by and under the perona] charge of M. OTTO ' WESONof Cosmbs well known an one of the first musical in structors of America, and a genial gntleman of large experience in travel. Eac patron will haves berth ins large promeeande deck stateroom, nd the ships selected-re nens 85(101N ton twin mscr steamers, provided wit electric lights and ,steam eaLt Cmpet Itinerary and information mailed on receipt of sef-addreesed stamped envelope. M1.0 pays every expense of sght, travel and hoels. Fal information. and itinerary mailed on receipt of selfsddresed enveops Mention this paper WA~t) BROTHERS, Gln. Tourist and Steaahp Agts., 2714. igh t., iLow rates everywere', oumbs, Glioe BUSINESS LOCALS. r0$ Q YOUR 9jfjINl 90OTO P1TUBESQU On Friday aiii Saurday neOxt the JICKINfC ILN. Curtis & Ogawot comibined shows and Impet~rial Jalpaneisa circus will exhibit ONE THOUSAND MILES OF LAKE RID , onl 111e gouds at the corner of j. AT SMALL EXPENSE. Inigallts a1d E. Washilig ol ol., riv- Visit this Hitorical Island, which io the iiig twoo performnice's eachi day. ''he grandest summer resort on the Great circus shiowedl all last weekin ii ack- Like. It only costs about $13 from 0011 andi the Eveninilg Pitriot of tilat Detroit; $15 from Toledo; $18 from city so rias ill tile foloviiig t2011 s f Cleveland, for the round trip, incudig lcals and berths. Avoid the heat and the ptotoi-ance: lut by trveling on the D. & . lflotng 'Tile Curtis & Ogasa JTap17i:'o cit- plces. Te attractions of a trip to- the Illus 1is t vry lnrilot~riolss llldditioniito:1Mackinac region nie unsurpassed. 'The lan0d itself i a grand romantic spot, its theicircus world. 'Pie3 o oh: lid idcll'- imate mot invigorating. Two new tiseis line, ring 0110w with (l:'1111111. steel punscnger steamers have jut betn etc., bultlhcy do advertise :a sinlegi oilt fo tietpper lake route, cosing ringcirus wth arveousJapae8,,-00,000 each. They are equipped witi s-ile irtlsWit siarolsso.t:11111 :very modern convenience, annunciators: perormelrs, woidrful feats iiittvaothl rooms, etc., iluminated trughu poz', bar and11sawdust workl, osd the:y %: electricity, and are guaranteed to ho bevel( it. Nevrci' oas n i It icce. prompstly, ain ssevery cs glx'(' 1t :s.spIc-ese Inits:15oetioas ssssct perfet satisfaicion. Wedo sot hesa- wil:) :1 :s-::eve Ibiey I" w e-i,5)t iyol o:c.,-.isll:st rier,w:t.o. otandsl:onise totes 10 1'csilliIt'lllIhim ,to tose:'o:less;b: whs :lieo-::..:: 1 d:, sae ~cis a1:0a110 ma ee nthn n htlisi. roglsler, ,00 i.Cts andsr, eat::::Sniessy:w iiia nool 117-llislginqIiat issloly 55~p:: llladjust l le, Io aronotsan p:itie i in :: the l s :itioe fo 42, 215 , :1 Tii: averasge weigtOf tie 'alifor- 'in:01 :: l s:os Id:is i :0 ::s:lltesato - reo~ird wi :otchar or nihilttrack eam1010is 1511 lpound;, lthe______ :isav-ergobheigt 5 feet,10 iscts, aind 5-'r a~o- by alzl l i Hiryle rters 1110 Ds'cs'slge ago 22 years. $.0CLEVELAND R VIA " C. & B. LINE." ,C tate of Ohio and Stato of Now York DAIL TIIE AI3Z,. Is Ie LEADING SCHOOL OF BStINES and 2HO1 - AtYWIsEWAH AND 01gtifieent bildig ten teaekrs; Ia SUNAYTIsaLtDEattndance;ngtod disipie;sueprir wrk; we f Lv.Clevelantd--------------- ---6:00 p. in. spplied rerding room; dily letures; Strd Ar. 5iu11111t-----7________ :0 a. m.evenig reepois;s open bhe entire yar. Enc: lv.nta- - - :5p .toat facilitis tee plaig studestaia pstoir -v ArCeveiasd- - - -7:11_________;a.m.Bord and room s o .5pee week in prva lit. Clvelnd ______________-_i3o a m. osiles. Thse ratesredsced i to 15 bysen Cvetra Standard Time. b aditg. ForCaalolgen address Take the "C. & 1t. Lie" stamser atd en- aR. CLEAR, Pe$, :toy is refreshig nigt's rstowheni eroslc to oisifoNanyasFo .s, 'rtot,No-osYork, itoson,AiasySiesldsroistrs THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BAN t n linLCIsador ayor atadlt pimnt. AnsArbor, Nhil. tCaoital Stok-0,000.0 C HEA ECVIIS WE AEKLY TOIAUA AAFALLS. G lasn ind stoloog L Send dl poage for touristpaplt. otil a.Iecrsdpstliysa Wt F . IIEEMAN, T'. F. NEWMAN, sells esNcloose 010 the pelipal 'itle of t Untied Stats iDrafts:'ashoed po prop G' eni1 Pass. Ac-t. esi Sinaer. idetfiain. Sfety oosit boxes to ret Cleveland, . Orerso: flrisbo-ol tsc, [re.: wI. S Magificet newsesohip sow under con- Sarcimn, Vice-leos.; Cus. N. lisoc structioss for thin route. ahe:MJ.FizAstntCher [1ADII1VL S LLET AND-- cA HUSTLING AGENT'S GOVITIOIA. I ty sakoes alive, boo lhe Sm Oallsy" beci l-caugt on siltiiheboys anod girls. as too 11 rthse '"g-rownfolks, anod isoit it loel'y, fii:.islsed is the beauiflool llminuos 01namel-a ccreL priocess tnownonly tI:: te smakers og ttttv 3Smloley.'"ieo you go-I on o :tiorooewiattlsod 3o~f ,p~oing the wesi~ol? C:onlllt :0gets, ooos See Sltiem aodiino:thent-: ::n:1teters ss thecrr; vclimb~supono 111the ooi:crownco and ljump sro 3io the crasnk hanier; swlings theO wteel be - twenoo 1hloses and umps onthle frarne a l Itill "Smalley" Blicycle seoms too likre a.- -Nevece a squIos io t a grson, lover a break., - S n he*1seiglol ls 15 ts 21 posoods. Ivestornam -Harsdware Companoy, Salt Lake City, ta-as AN EASY SELLER,, oThe Smallevy of 189i PLYMOUTH CYCLE F.CDO L. PLYMOUTH, IND. 0®. Lipp~an, gont, R ~46 E. WhilamSt. -d e- YE 01 'p e o. to- ,N COTRELL &LEONAR Dt) ALBIANY, Nyol Ytlil - .Makecrs oft'apsarooid('m ::,:toIsliei lvoits rc of Slicloig::o:. V. NURR.ELL, Local Aent,' 44 W~illiamst s. Aoon Arise, Micht- HAVE 'U SEEN 'TlE LINDSAY BICYCLE Tho highest of the '95~ high grace wheel. Sold by J. S. ]PEARLe 104 S. Main St. JWSamples criing Sch Ir's bookstore!l Formerly with George Wahr, IV1 E. Washingrtor. st. 3Hoadqluarters for everything a Situdent needs dn the: line of Text-Boook-s, Stationery aeet+ Miscellaneo is StGok in general. MARTIN SCHALLER,. THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER.: 19 E. Washington st., one block east of Main st. Plati1notyes The latest thing in PHOTo)GRAPHlY at .BERRYMAN'S,, 6 E. Huron stL Special Eates toSeniors- Subscribe for te Daly.( 1' 3 v e t b v ; WMk. - 5T120. FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING' Corner of State soiidiWill-ism ts., Wi1111' ,. at. ptanc AWMT A.OEL STEAM LAUNDRY CO. ]HightGloss and Doestics Finish. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, 2N SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE