THE U. OF M. DAILY. ELLIS THETAILOR 2206 1to 2204 State st., Chicago Will be at the Cook House, Ann Arbor, from May 15th to May 25th, inclusive, with the SWELLEST LN OF SUlINSADP TIGI eves sh~n mpotedEnglish Clay Suit, Sack or Catawiay, $20.00. Are :you with me ? E;L-w I s. THE TAILOR. E'. 8.-Did you get a Liar's Diplomua? _$.Sed 2c Atasup4 1G . SPALDING & BROSI Athletic Supplies. BASEBALL, LAWN TENNIS, A-GOLF. Uniforms for All Sports. AIDE TNE SPALDING BICYLES- THE LEADER FOR 18951 IIIANESOISEILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE SENT FREE. NEW YouII, CHICAGOPHILADELPHIA. '915' LAWS! MAVE YOURI CAE E~t NGRAVED WM. ARNOLD'S,_Jeweler. SWE AT ER S For Xen and Boys, 4HANUKNII LAMBS W199lL SMAEIRS in black, navy, white, carnet and' gray, tot Boys, up to 32 inch sizes, $1.50; ForMen, all sizes, Strawbridge & Clothie~r PH=IILADEL1PHIA.. Sweaters I -AT. ff ,elin &Go' 44f tTHE EH TEI GHET Of ALHG RDS t wrranedsueror to any Bicycle built in AL ioldHIH reArDESopc. ti P otb ndcdto p synore emoney f00aninferior wheel. Insst on hain t eaeley. Built and guarantees by the Indisna Bicyclet., a mllin dllr cncenwhooe bond io ao good aos;old. 21 lb. SOQRCHER, $85. 22 lb. LApJI ',$78. H' J. BROWN, Exclusive Agt.. H:OV\'TO IBCONOMIIZE. Flour is going up. Tomatoes, are going down. Eat 'Tomatoes. 3 Pounds Greenwood, 75 cents per diozen. B Pounds Peninsular, 135 cents per dozns. B Pounds Riverside, 95 cents. per dozen, All good Fresh Goods., S1DEAN & OO ANY. 44 South Main Street:'. Law Noten. U. OF Al. CALENDAR. ,'The aeniors will be Exatnincs in Fri,, May 17.-Varsity vs. Wiscon- Evidence tis wook. sin 4 p. en. G- T. Wells, 'l95 L, has opened up Fri., May 17-S1ymphony concert, an etlice insToed, .flay Festival course, University hull, Tir,.-will ho throe night sosions P iii of te lracico our ths ~Slit., May 18.-'Varsity field day, 2 J"ry Sinopson.,'96 L, has left ihe ~ I'l i-eii ftyan, oend a ofi~tbin Sat., May 1S.-Miay Festiva], Uni- Pitsvrig. ndotnd noli nvarsity hall, organ recital, 11 a. is. t'isb rctc frg rilo n Orchestral suatince, I p. iii., "Dainina- th otatfraitloay pod-flion of Fa ust,"'8S1p. itt. estal for tho Cooley bust tins beenle t May 18-25.--Western Irip. f 'va rsity to J. L. Get lugiz & Soils, of ,Deoit. SIODA WATE R --AT- RA. XMUMMERY'-S. NEW ART TILE SODA FOUNTAIN, lee Cream Soda, Verooor's Ginger Ale, and all popular drinks,-. A. E.: MIERY'S DRUG STORE, Cop, Fonerl Ave, and Wanhington St:, CUT RATE RAILROAD TICKETS to asB pints gorsale by_ ANN ARSOR R. R. TICKET- AGENCY, 33 E. Huron St. Member of Ametrican Tichet Broher's Asso- elation.' All Trxasortationis 4oar- soitred. Tickets hought and sold. "THERE ARE OTHERS" But none of them can comare witht t-he -- TISTLE!I Here Are. a Few Seeds: Rtacers, 15 0'esnds, Liseitnodtesrs, If no 19 Lbs. ltosnnsters, e21tno1an Poundss. Call andasee theme at 24E. William nt. D B.FORD._AE T MOItORE & WETXORE 6 S. Main st., and State et., cor- aaer. of William' St., have a eemsplete stock of lNew a x4Second Hand. Netn R~lr o sod ether Students' Supplies Finn Stationery., SWitnlg Gottdnse, ow111hic they offer at the Loest Ftlcen. Call and see us' before purchasing. G1. lI1r WWID. THE LEEAD ING TAILOR anfd" bbporter has received' the largest andl most select. aok, of IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WOLNS' for ~p ing and 3Suimmer of,'9in; th 'city,, and- would bepl'eaed to have you call and examine. the~ smyt ; t - Full Dress, Suits a, Specialty. X. Wissbngton ast.. Bnear Mein. Pennsylvania-Cornell Field Day. Pennisylvauia itad a waills-overt in tse dutal field clay with Corniell Satnrdt.y. Cornell: secured but two first place, the high bturdlts and hlammellr throw. tPennsyh-aniia took first, second.11a11 third in the 100 anld 220 yards dashes and in te two-mtile bicycle. Mild Punishment. Several meii were arrested at hec Athletic field Saturday f'or, attemplt- fing to see' the Michigan-Illinois goute; 10111tlho outside of thie fence. T be- Athletic association had them taken before a justice, wilo teleased thetu onl paynlilt of' costs. College Games Saturday.. Chicago, 3S; Iowa U., 6. Princeton, 7; Harvard, 2. Beloit, B; .Wisconsin, 5. Oberlin, 6; Hirain, 2. Northwes tern, B; Lake Forest, 4. Knox, 10; Monmouth, 2. The second set of physical oxailna;- lions for the women students will he bold every mtorning Ibis week. All who intend to take the examination should do so by Saturday. ANNIE IVES,MH. D. Fri., Mlay 24.-Presenltntion of di1e Cooley bust by senior law class. Fri., May 24.-Webster-Adelphi de- bate, law lecture room,.S8p. m.. Sat., Tune 1.-Western Inlerecltl- ate clialnitionghips, Chicago. Wetd., :Tune 5-Dual field dlay, Cal- ifocnia vs. Michigans, atletic fieltd. Thure., June f.-Friaculty recital at FrIeze Memorial ball. .Sat., Juno 85.-Varsity vs. Beloit5 althletic field, 3:30 p. ni. Sat., Tune'1i.-V11arsity vs. Chicago, athletic fiel. 3:30 p. in. The laboratory fees for Course 3 in Physics, primary and secondary bat- teries will be $1 and not S as given in the announcement of the summer school. K. B.GUTHIE. hiOME-SEEKERS' EXCURSION.' On Slay 21 and June 11 Agents of Ohio Central Linensvillsell ItHomne- Seekers .Excursion Tickets to poaints in Virginia at One Fare for Round 'Trip. Limit 30 days. Also tickets to points West anti Southwest onl same basis. Limit 20 days. See Ohio Cen- tral Ageats. W. A.. PERTE+_tS, _ST. P."A., Detroit, Mich. i a