IJE U. off VOL V. No. 1517: UNIVERSITY OF MJ CHIGAN, -MONDAY, MAY 1, 1895:. pRScj-Tmrim CExiTS __ _ i , COLD DAY. FOR ILLINOIS. i'TECilS" HAVE A BANQUET MEN FROM CHAMPAIGN TOOK HOME BUT TWO RUNS. 5Vichgan Scored Eleven Times in Three Irnns-Errors Frequent, But the Game Wan Interesting- Visitors Were Outclassed. The cold and the vhd,_cue of the wind was largely re.sloolsile for tie large number of errors in Saturdays game. Although many, the errors were seldom costly, and the, game was& very interesting. Michigan far out-clased Illinois both in battin amul stealing bases, to which act Is largely de the decisive victory. Sex- ton pitched a remarkable ganm-,, giv- ing but thiree bases on balls, striking out nine met, and having but one hit uade ef him. Bloomnigston and McKenzie: ld he batting, Bloomiing- stna beiug four tines at bat ludl iiiak- lug two singles a1n(1 a dobl, and MKelizie Iin three times at bat mak- in g a ingl aid a dotble. The i-tns were scored as follows: Iil Illinois' firt inning. Datin got first oil an error, stole second ono Dean's imuff of a throovn ball, and scored on a ball passed second. Ill- ino'S failed to score again until te. sixth, when Httff hit safely, was ao- vaitced to third on errors g&ivig ('oo1er seconde, and scored oil 0 lilow to secodilto atell Coop~r. Michigan faile o score 011111 the fourth. In tils iiniig Rutssell ws lit by pitcher, aodvaiie(S Sy Shields' lit alldSsoreid tyBloolliSgsto's it. Slielits antI Lloomiuigstou oer' sered Soy McKenzie's two-bagger list cei- ter. n thle sixth, .a two-lagge r by Bloonoiingstion, t lilt Sy Mc~o nae, bases on balls to Dans andl Wakis a sacrifice by °Itlnis ad a it by Rsbasel scored four runs. n te ev- cithi t it ty Bloomingston, a base on balls to McKenzie, a sarfie Sby Deans, an error to Watkins, a two- bagger Sy tolules, and 1aSit by Sex- too netted four ioie, wviche ended thle run 'getting. In he last half of St' ninth, "Illinois by twoobass on bialls and aSO error hd three men oii has-s aiid no one en, and it began to look as if sile were about to roil 55p some scores, but Sexton struck the next two out and the thirdt was retired at first, ending the game. The tabulated score folloovs: lehigan. ASS R lBI SB PO A E Das, ale-a t 5 1 0 2 t a 2 tkins,r.tf-... 4 s2a03 5050 0 hloios.,,>--- 4 1 i 0 i5a Oi Seto, p -a____ i 0 51 5 1 01 1 Rissell,ss.-...4 10 1t 1a 2I2 I 0 Shield, c.f-....4 1 a 0 1 0 a Waterman, . f__4 0 0i ii200 1 Bloomngston,2b. 4 3a-3 1-3 1.a a MKnze, 5 a 1b..2 7 051a Totals -a..... 7 ai 5 5 27 75 Illinois. An R as SoiPO A E aowes,ao- a 5 -- 0 0 0 a 1 0 Dam,r,s ---5 1 0 1 0. 0 0 Freese ct;----4 0 0 t 4 1a Dstr,e-......4 a 1 5 4 t a oomer b ..-..4 i0 5 0 5 0 0 Hasellos.-a n .3 u 0 5 0 0 a Flton 2b - a-3 0 0 053a3a a Kingman, p-1_ 2 0 5 0 0 2 5 Hothkiss, p.--- 5 5 50 0 0 0 0 Boydon1.t..a..3 t0 0 a a 0 1 Totals --aaa 320 5 Innings. -a_1 34a5o67s8s MDlciglss ,:-0 0 0 a 05.4 4 0 0-1 Illinis - assssis...1 oo00 10 -a Sacrifice ht-tleas 2, Holes, Silelds 2. Base hilts-M,-Kennzie, Bloomingston, Home. Stribealus-By suexos , by Kinman Sa Base on balls-By Setoni3a by Kingman ,by o Hotehisln2. "Time-I bonI. ,Umpre-Stage. FIFTH ANNUAL FEAST OF THE ENGINEERING SOCIETY. Responses to Toasts Were From Professors, Alumni nd-- Stutdents -Ninety Memers ~" Gathered for an Enjoyable Evening. TheS-Lgillceing socety's fiftl an- nuali ba ltut't (fa-held at (i-fager' Satuarday iigit, iliety -ilsel b ig piesl'lt, Allladmiriably lltl'Ongl'dlor- grai ndminauexceent 0StlS ile t1' tiomullt a comnplete sucess. J H. Dye, '95; 15,tie presdet of tie society, delieredl the address of osel- coho. lResponlses wre llllio by tie floin-ig flculty liltililers: "'Sloe Newv Engine- r," Prof:=. XVH. Pete; "IKfidges,' tProf. C. SL. (re'o'le; "Shoals," Prof SI, IE. Cooly ; "er- slofotivo," 1Ptof. C. S. IJeiisloll;", ii- gincorlog inits," 1'rf.IH . . ('arit; "Axo-Ciiidin,"tProf. J.' B,tavs;' "bCagiilleiitg Ininity," tProf. A ioet. Thle freshiien'i he Soesoii-ty oore ri'preso'ito-d by (.,lM. Co,'18, awho, rn sloledilS th ~e100105. "'Thi'Dawn-i of Life"1H. B M1errick, 97, soke' for till' 5pho0111re5 011 "tealzatton," alid he jutlr tfost, "Coiocrti'ment" 00a responiddto by"(1G..TLiiiot, '1131 .Tht, si'iior rispo0is' to "'lht' Cares of Life,' by G., A. Daion,'1, aOsS especially gooudo,tieing olli' of tiii- bst of he evinllg. S. W. Wyckoff. '9:5, spook'SupoI "'lii 'lTchinic,"boSSt- IliningtheSla11111of thie''5 o-igillei'tg annuaill. Rst'pseis'bSy alumi were 0''tl to he toast, "1'rooihats of tie Saon," 05s follows: "First Fruit," D. B a- tel, '14; 1"Mcllooeo," C. G. We uS M- Ilorei, 'l; "Plu~ckedS" R. L. Allol, '12. 'T'hr oen Sage' of till' prgramI wovas inatly lllnsti'oti'o Sy ai"trowone" de- sign by G. A Daon, 'it. 'fhe frit tover was de sigieid by I. W. Wyckoff, '95. 'Phat the banquet oas a success wa~s mainly odue to Toastmaster L. F. Stemn '95, whlo arranged he program o h evening, aioi to 551e following coi- nittee: C. T. Johlnson, 9, chairilan; H. W. Wyckoff, '95, M. G. Barnes, '15, G., '. Lamont, '96, H. B. Kelly. '916, L. F. Mlorehous, '97, I. N. Bald- win, '97, L Goldsmith '98, G. K. New-- bury, '9.. TO THE TRAINING TABLE. Fifteen Track Men Will Eat With the Baseball Team. linigr o loirland a altn fifteen_ track henl So.fiet triig tble owith tilebtaseball teamn. Those selected aire: W. . FHodgilan, It. NV. Baugh- 11011, J. l. Thonas, sprints; J. A. Le~toy, A,Iii, Wolcot, DIt, Stuart, hurdeis:;1. N. Muilleron, broad caump; P. H,. Verner, high jump; P. Smins, It. D Horton and L. Itubbari, dis- tance runis; L Hutchiinson, pole vault; F. 2. Hall and J. S. Finlay, shot aind hammuer; J. B White, ovalk. This list will be added to as fast as th other candiates makzeSle showing tecssary. This is not a seletin of he Scam that oill go to Chicago r will meet California at all, bt chlanges or addiios are likely to lbo imade at any tume. HAVE SECURED ONE-FIFTH. DETROIT ADDS $700 TO FUND FOR WOMEN'S GYM. SEnthusiastic Meeting in That City Saturday-Appeals by, Hon. Don M. Dickinsoni, Mrs. Angell and Others-512,000 Yet to be Raised. There oas a good attendene at tlie alumnae imeeting at Detroit Sat- unlay, President Angell was to have presrided, but ws uniable to-do so, fid his plalce oas admirably taen by Don D1, Dickinson,' t1, L.The address of Mr. Dickinson oo-os easy and grace- fill, antd ovwa-mly in favsor of tb'.co- fort to obtain funds for the woilas's gynuiasiti. The too papers by MrIs. 'T'hompson and Surs Sumeriand wer ery 00-ll recelo-d, anld umucl etus- iaast sooaroused Miss Winifred Laioe, of Doetrot, sal a f-s o vrdo about tile proposed plans~l of tie yii - lnosinm., It is desirable that bosiils St' r-gillali'gymnasimi-romithere' also le social rooms Sand S smaoll s- semiblly 11011. The chairmian also calle upon bimrs. Angell ooho spoke of tie aidvantages he gymn~asim in votll f- ford in furnishinlg a hiole-ike Slace for the girls. Thie'lmuSsicaSlSSumbers so-ilth were introducecdt betooeen tie other parts of Ibor program nd wh s-iichi ocesiieiS 0011hour o' molre aftr Clii'paprs, we'lre' viry finle, butS00-re to-,i liir- ious. 'Thc- nc r2tg illnot begnl-till 4' ocleciaiS it coitinued uati 11:0, s0 hill manily left Sefooe it wasl5 out. As it vas, owing o Mr Dickisonos Vigorotus appeadl, it170)0iwas soho riblc iin 1111 slot. This, togoether OwitI 1111 V.20)whsichis in the11'tresry of he ti0'omiSO's gyImniositiI coi lliii, itaks approloximaitely $,o00t1olnd:0, so in $ot512,0001st il rmlains to le raised. Acommiittee'e olsisiig of Is. CG0 tRobinsoi, ex-pridhent of the Detroit Briiich, aiel iss -Wini- red Lane, 00as appointed to co-operate owithi a conmittee from hic University inl caaisssilg Dttrot for further sb- sem-ptions It is thought that SIS-re owill he no serious diIliculty- in raising the aimou~nt. deshed. CLOSE CONTESTS PROMISED. Will Be Many Entries for Field Day Events. The track inmagers of the varicis classes are req~uiredS to 1posf the it of thteir -citres for tie 'varsity hield ely net Satrday All eties mulst be madeo withi Tr'ck SManagr Bauslanel1 liefore ext Thiormday-mnigt The list of entries for tie fieldsay w oill hprobbly bho considerably I- rger' than ever before, oih te.erta ity of tile closest contests ever held li, T1he list of Ivents will inlude the115d yards dash, 220 yards da, 440 yards run, 880 yards run, mie run,.- mile ovalk, 1240 yards hurdes; 220 yards hurdles, running broad jonmp, running high jump, pole vault, shot pt and lini-ner throw, No bicycle rces oill Soc i-tn proably, on account of tho running track being -ithout gool turna. The bicycle men will probably too giveni a trial on thes true t'lt Ypsi-I lanti intead, to decideoho will go on the track team, SEE OUR WINDOW! THgEB MAY BE SME-THING IN ST. 51 South Xain St. FASIONABLTt ALORING0 Elegat Graduating or light Suit made from Imported or Finest Iaom tc+ Woole~z pr $42.Q and up, Full ress bot $27.010,owork made at omne be-ws inspection by any High Class Tilor .and Cutter. Will be pleased to have yin call amd be couXinced. JO S. W. KOLLAUFI 10 E. Washington st, up stairs. HO0T fLNCH8ES LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES JUST anElEvEn AS +TUTTE'S, +48 S. STATE ST. JUST AR~RIVED A SHPENT OF Gn IN Tao :shoes JACOBS & ALLMAND wsmhngons Bock, Ann Arbr. P. S.-$ee our Show Window. ED: . . ADLEUx PRORIETOn Or THE L81atstiE-pxoved Barber So? Is the city K.wsnblngon st. Ist door east of Main st Ann Arosr, MAMMOTH PIPE SALE S6rO $Ooorrn" STATSSr ont fail to smae MHot aloi 1l Inmlis at All Mur. DUCK PANTSc $,40 $2.00 ANDl $2.50 BEST QUALITY. LAWN TENNIS GOODS. SOLEK'AGENTS XFelt WRIOHT & DITSON'S CELEBRATED RAKET WYA H RCS, tp Town. Down Twn, Pslversity~eokstore,oppsnite ort Besr 208S. Stale St.. 4 N. Main St. ANN ARBOR