THE U. OF M. DAILY. EAL R9j:LLIS, 'THETALR 2200 to 2204 State st., Chicago Wilt be at the Cook House, Ann Arbor, from May 15th to May 25th, inclusive, With the SELLEST LINE OF SUITI.NGS AND PAiNTINGSI 4Psver shown. Imported English Clay Suit, Sack or Cutaway, $20.00. Arc, you with mne? ELWLIS. I'7-S.-Did you get a Liar's Diploma? Send 2c stamp. TH~E TAILOR. K A ,SPAIDING &BROSU' ._____ L B C L AthlticSuplie. 1SODA WATER AtltcSple ° ICYk"CLES. -AT- --BASEBALL, LAWN TENNIS, ~ E. A. MUMMERY'S. r:X OLF ' AE TE HIGHEST OF ALL HIGH GRADES. Po notuhibertindiieedno-.tosNEW ART TILE SODA FOIJNTAIN, Uniforms for AUl Sports. hain te Wurorley. Built anti guLateet by thet lndiana Bicycle-to., a million (bolar concern, whose bond is at good as gold. Ice Cream Soda, Vernor's Ginger- BIDE THE SPALDINC BICYCLES- 21 lb. SCORCHER, $85. 22 lb. LADIES', $76. Ale, and all popular drinhks. H. ,J. ]BROWN, Exclusive Afgt. A. E. MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE, THE LEADER FOR 18951 Cue. Fourth Ate. ad IVashngton. St. HiANDSOME ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE C T E aF I c.'ii> .i' lT ~ "~" ~l~ SENT FREE. C_ _____UT RATE IRAILROADVTICKETSi touall pointsiforisaleby NEWYOR, CICAO, HILDELHIA itWANAMAKER tailors 20 gmiles of eloith per idty. Ile bu s NEWYOR, CICAO, HILDELHIA itenoirmus idiseoutt. Yoiu boy of lliln rod yo;, .aVoiiltlio hollts cif ANN ARBOR R. R. TICKET AGENCY, is th iie olitte , the jobbeor, thoesmiddtlemans. 500 eciniples. 'p-t- aa E. ise C L..\ VS!date taitloring. Fit gllrltrtntci. Swelt Suits x 18. 'ilexntle of Atoeri tn Tictet Br ob.. .1ss-- ra elation. x11lt ae,, .. tutn out.. HAV X~~ &BRO 7~,useed. 'Vicecltbouglttoxd sold.. NV LI - . ll s D '. I> 1. ZStALTE Slt8 E"I'.. UANE ENGRAVED - Flour is going up. Tomatoes are goinog down. i c y~>c1 et s!ates <>founids (Greenwiooid, 75 ceols per dozern. , W A 13 8"' S3 iouns .Peni nsular,855 Cents 11er doyii. iil'tiiies flii trside, bi5 cenls pet dozen. 1 or Mde n and B oys, A ll gtitiil resh (ood . - _ F 1([ItIL lBS 44 South MamnStreet. irenAs 1K NWO0D, IMPERITAL, ii lack. tonvy, blite, u } for Boys, up to 32 inch s-ircs, For Aealsrs $L2.00. Strawbridge &Clothier P}{II-tADIE.F'IA.. Sweaters AT- UNIVERSITY NOTES. a itlo rieil tur , "u1 hoi 9 ill1.11 11 lit -s - 1111111 lrollitnt * MARCH, RELAY. Tb 01111011 llbttnql o-ltofth lIt l7ttin 1- t ,i't-lc (1((10-1 lttttlttbl. 11.1 b'it- Uliti trle tf Clitieyr~r bttrIittItlilel0111 ut t I ti llt tppas- ntrit oileto tiob ",The Arb, iter l tnib liiti +.L1tl l ls hrs~a i- Thein eltrliou win e.itus fi toif fist-ill f fetotutwoivr kts agtta tyll n'icet itu lrt .Lo t lrcl of- t lir~er of theS.L.ya feornDea- trof. to~.het.oab"reAriteleana, wileboinlexts week irin the.awib- wllriment ht annal roursotof lec turfs Pr. 0. Davis, '95 whofas eently callegoisnatweekin Mcte bywIde death of his father, Nvill probably nob (it111'C' tuutt-u 's Iitilc urt-Il taSl l 24._ '11l ibi 1ll'r ofItttitir futwillit 111flyi;t tositabty, Sly . itay 1if. A.l & N. Sb. ily 1. tt-Cl ru ftsSocia botlllllit-