THE U. OF M. DAILY. MJGHIGAN T AI4 INTERCOLLEGIATE. Y§RfTNGOT PTRE1~ Time Table (Revised) Nov. 18, 1894. I iriltde li1"ot. of 11 rain l,li, 110.CIN0 M0 EAST. WEST. JustY ilarn M111roiii l oreigni tripl)of.T _KI~GILO Mal Pd.x311 M ail .41 alxtt 11 w:Io ONE THOUSAND MILES OF LAKE RIDE N. Y. Speial.... 5 15 N. Y. Special' _1 0 AMr.Joe liiip Jeftir"ooli100is to i "1 AT SMALL EXPENSE. Eastern Ex--t02 N. S. Limied 92 A.,os. Pacific Ex- -215 Dr-ini Dills-ourse"'' 0 fore tihe Mai°- Atatc En---17 471.A r tdit i tY ch Visit thin Histerical Island, which is the G.. NRpr.a.54 WEsrn En 5 , itxlll'l01 x dci rndest sumnmer resert en the Great G, . fi.Express _,_11ii0 Chi. N t. Ex----10 2;5 I ii vinillow is Sooor to sto' Lake. lai Dic ake.It only cents sheet $13 frees (0. IV, tULESe, 110. W. uIsYe-,- iii SI iiil liit1itt IIjilt r- ciIt -Detroit ;$115 ~frem Teledo; $18 freom G. P. & T. dot., Chilcago. Ant., Aiiiiarbor. tu gfto~ tl el" oo .Cbeveland, fur the roend trip, inchluiiig th.~ttct-- lasofr . sliSsiind berths. Avoid the heat anti T.~A A A Q I"I v llcliii) huec of sore liii ont lM1io lst by trasveling en the D. & C. llioEtig T. ' ci:loal Ili ,lompl~lete ce.-eatio l-cln llaii~ces. The attractiens of a trip tc, the Taking effect Sunday, April 7, 1894. ti }D011r i McIakinac region are unsurpassed. The Trains leave Ann Arbor on Centralst and- Iiitiid; laindi tsrlf is a grand remantic spot, itsI ard TH lio :1:1i tclry1: ii) giliite mset invigorating. Two new acm-o.!OU-ce. i 010fortaldi ia~li 1g. l tot iii ticiitlheel passenger steamers have just been i2:235. m. 11:0.iitoilia.Iii11111, :l-giiofoilt~ llmlt for tihe upper lake rouite, P ,costing aystt~ ic rnilI;}i. 4:15 p. m. 0:00 P. m li. 1,113tiio xIiSW c-Io :104100 each. They are equipped wills} *Trains run between Ann Arbiir and foledo thingvery modern cenvenience, annunciators, only, fal iinth rooms, etc., illuiated thiroughiout All trains dail exe t SinioDget liilil i-hdof:oteit ihrov t11i~c° erival. iS' electricity, and are guaranteed te be4 5'. 11.BENNETT GC P. A.Toledo 0 iit. 01 011: S:otutihI : 1t!t ."esgrandest, lacgest and safest steamersI 11110101 ttlrdlnlgby a sooi-- otf , l ii fresh water. These steamers favorably . I ,ompaelic nitli the great ocean liners in con- ANN ARBOR &ritYPSILANTI ST, RY.I'I' i ic0 0:10 ckiitin "otI toO Ci l- tiction and speed. Feur tripe per week _______ t d1otO fnlniiioint to t:-he i ti. ::tweee Tolle, Detroit, Alpena, Macki- F:-. lSt. Ignoe. Petoskey, Cliceage, "Soo," Time Table, October 7, 11394. MAY lFl VAL-At.11I-ES. .tl-Irniete aind Diilutha. Dally between Leave Ypxilasiti cs-nm Congerox -., -00, 9:00 11' roilroc:) , lit ext ill Im, : eland and IDetroit, and Cleveland and and1 11:00 a.,in.; 12:45, 2:15.l,:603, 05 900 adPoliollBiy. Thc pabstial equlipment~l 10:30 p. M. liiiil oit hikectsto Al iiA tir foei ice !aken travelinig on ltlesc steamera tbor- Leaee Asia Arbior Junction, 1:30,90:30 and MnyAt 15 l rntil. All ticlts so01111illt 1),Illglily ojoyiitile. Send for illstatedl 11:30 a. m.; 1:15,2:d5,5:34,7?13 11b:00l lp m. i~cit aplt drs .A SUNDJAY TIME. ---1r 11 il).1g:1lou.ilif l-citiori mpact ddrss, AlA.. ~~TZ '...,,Leave Ypxiiantif roni Coocccsxt.,1:30 -1 o, pil-in .ol :11i3y 1 i. fcaarCi ADitCUtetici 5:00, 6 hO antd 0:00 p. m. - H lkiiiUJ lts.IILL 1:00 anoil:0 lOp. i. . a Carsx ran on eity time Pore: single trip 13, Do ytau waot boarid,-in7 It 00,11- centa; round trip tickiets 25 crois. - x r110:- your boaordl intho Dail. Wx 0F. 11A15E11, 00111. '_______________________ Por Everything and Ev eryboedy. CUSIS & HALLlfDI iifS, 5260S. unversity arve. BGATTRCTIO DIETAS +& SCI{ANZ, ic "U. OF M. TAI.LORa PILNI ANN ARBOR1 Our Sipringv mud Slimmer Woolensl -t } ' ore nioiciiale.l-. Uices Ecur. N d T T hun, d~&~a~~i Call aiid see 1is. i t 1 A E L5R~,ONY0.0 4$ 5. Stest.. srend Foor, AnneArbor. MAY 15-18, MAY 17-18, E i _111 NY 0 22 Years in the Buines f ro~sm l nr lork Sleanstlsome ix Ii ATcvl-ii l--rltliI:ine le uso nniSot. ilie" the D1Iis:ice Iravelied CITY LAUNDRY, ISE t it t i>icON AND M. MI. SE4ABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. CU RTIS & OGFAWA'Stc :c. --li! l:i 1dit''Ali MERCHANT TAILORING! csss*,sisR ilroad -si lbsni p 1 lil0 dotil ofo "1,",sm libna, Prsonsd Repairinc EWiT[%tlvt etc THAT BEAVIIIJUL SMALLEY ANIS- A HUSTLING AGENT'S CON-VICTION. Sly :taks el ulyeiowliihoitSmlley" Isa-. Cle crams oil ts. theii liiindslrl v-. lt ius ill ile beasstifltal 11oxilmi en-iamsel-asecri-re Smaslley." Polou tani o the 1ne-il-s-illil si if xpaliiithelwe rls? Clibai orelsiotareU 1110h1mailnd : iiint ti:: andli-ic-s iusl 1sst ilimbsnisp o o theliifor-k o:1:it andiii lml.-ca jit tic-heuulmiinlinir: xaiiogs thie hli e- twentw oxaalijuies or, h: e f lu umleei the "Smalley" Ilicycle :115115 to lilac i. I \o'e- asqeak,otauc-T ouu, neaer a reak, an h n in is13 toi'31 pounds -----IVietria 4llnlare luuCompanyp, Sa2 ltiLakelily, 1Ulah. ti AN EASY SELLER,, The kma11ey of 1895. PLYMOUTH CYCLE rMIFG, CO',, PLYIIOITTI, IND. 46E.WilliamSt. A i f iii i- .ii r. a V. TURtIL, Lccal Agent, 44A Williamuui i. ,Anni Aibor, Oliei. 4 EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY ! 2d EAST HUR~iON STRIEET. Goiid Work Guaraeteed. Gooedo called foe anddlivered. A. V. (:tr iS 'I siop ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS. Ladiess'ad 0ents' Clothin. Cleaned or Diyed. 3 W. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR. Memlbero of Guaranotee Tiebet Brokers' Asso- ecutioni ohf1U.S. Coshy & McKeon R. H. Ticket Agency 501 Adams oh., Chiceago. BeducedA roles to alt poit. hi ranielsThe EiodergareneaNo. 3 N.OMaist s. Asnn Arboii tbilgass. $265.00 for a 51 Days Euro- pean Tour. We o-re ergaeniig a setect loon"y oashim- Mrs twir or 0Europeh leaving New Yorki, June I'ndtfor l~ondon. Antwern, Brussels, Cloiinl, (oleil,sie.0ratkfort, Heirdelbuerg, Siranidurg, ka~deuBiaden, Paris and Diepope, returingis ;,l:ilogfrons LonsdonsAusgustl2nd. Tle anert Will be eonducted by and iunhderethe personal e01:arge oc MR.nOTOEN ExoSO , Of Courmbo, Ave11 known as one of thse iso-t nesaial in- sructors of America. anil a genial cestlemoin ofnlare expeiriensee ins trasvel. Ealehipathroin Will hsave a berth he a lasrge promenade decks Stateronom, and tse ships selected are new 8100i toe twin screw steamers. provided willh hletric lights end steasm lieat. lompl-'e ltinerary and informatieos mailed en rec-eipt oh self-addrensed stamped resvelope. 030iil p S s eeryexpnseof aigtisu.travelad oea Fulinformation and itinerary Boiled o~n receipt oh self-addresned envelope. Me(ntion this paper. WARD) BROTHERS, tlee. Teusrist and Steamship Agts., 272I N. tHigh st., to aeseevervwhere). Columbus, Ohio. irnpeliai Japanse [61 I Iill tr-rIl ie HAVE U SEEN The Finest T Vent in Americar oruoe s 7 x ,' 4IIJIIIL ~SCORE ses ins tissir OinsNativneDrens. V. i ,10 101. 0 111tdb tie-u~~2 'i laisiusr ssahdlo ist ~104 S. MinI St. I Nuss Inuituse VeyIsiet heuoLEADING SCHOOL OF BSINElSS andlSHOR anus oe uIteVeyBet HAND.Magientsbuilinug; ten teahrs; loug t- rw;Suiltules rliiui;. eleeteul. atusndanoe; toad discipliune; soperior wouk; wel. ________________________________ supplied reading noous; doily lecesotu rcdci eeniungreceptins; opentue enire year. Mexl EV' etue Cla~ ue io~l ailtesfr laig tdet i ostoz I H I #t r ci ttouuoahdaiundromiee ptolSig ioesuee in pniious ~ fatseW&8 1r a mdBfia inies. Thene eates renned tos~shpbnelf IgII~IS I~~O~ ______________ ____ ____ _____bka tig. Fee Catalogueaddees Pe ______ ATiuoroaglly uleasnguloEotectaiuuuelit iraai sa for -- -THANN ARRCR FAQ"I; S BANK EFw 'hnets'R. k ldedu rtersf s LADIES AND CAILDREN AND THE MASSES Antu, Aibur, O~:MictptI St cock, otlo. rseery tiding a Stitlen~t ieeds in the u-:u~ulo. lice of 'TexthBuuks, Stationer'y andI -- - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r lzse d culudr cc licu 1. u- an-durig:sh l,Iwa Miscellaneaeas Stc ii er ml BEE OUR PRICES:s elif hi Lrr