THE U. OF M. DAILY. RMIGAN GCLN2 4 Time Table (Revised) Nov 18 1894 EAST WEST Mal and Fx... 3 50 Mail ________ di4 N. Y.Special--- 5 15 N. Y.Speial__ 7 30 Eastern Ex...-iS 25 N. S. Limited._- 5 25 A. M. Pacific E-----12 15 Atatic RE-__7 4 PM . N. Expresi._. 5 40 Western Fa __2 1 G. R. Express -._.1 S5 (h. Nt E-----10 21 O. W.RUGGLES, H. WAYS G. P'. & T. Ag., Chcag. Att.,AnAbor T., A. A. & N. M RY Taking effect Snday, Ape)) 7, 1894. Trains leave Ann Arbor on Central Stand- ard time. 8:7 a.m. 7:la. m. *1225 p. m. 11:30a. m 4:15 p. m. 9:0 p. i. Trains rn between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. All trains daily except Sunday. R. 5. IREENWO OD, Agent WF. H. BENNETT G. . A. Toledo O. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST RY Time Table, October 7, 1894. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress St., 7:00,9:00 and 11:00 am.: 12:5, 2:15, 5:00, 0:4, 9:00 ad 10:0 p. M Leave Ann Arbor Jnctioin, :0, 9:0 and I:0a.m. ; 1:15, 2:45, 5:0, :,:ad1:0 p.. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Coogressst.,l:3o,3:30, 5:0, :0ad 9:0psi:. Leave Ann Arbor Jnction, :9, 4:0, 5:2, 7:0 ad 9:0p.m. Carsrarnoin ccity time are sigle rie 1 cents: round trip tickets 25cnti. WM. F. P AKE, Spt FLOWERS, FLOWERS For Everything and Everybody. COUSINS &UL, lrissi6l .Uiesiyae DIETAS & SCHANZ, U. OrF:A. TAILOB.s Our Sping. and Summiser Woolens are oss oil IOcicsOLis. Call aid sce u. 49 S. State a.. Seeiinid Flor, Ann A risr. 22 Years in the Buines..°.EZM .. CITY LAUNDRY, Mt. M. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. MERCHANT TAILORING ! Cleaning Pressing and Repairing doie neatly by AU a, .H9Cif01N .WAL;,26. 1V ashigisi. EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY ! 20 EAST UCRON STREET. God Worke Guaranteed. Good called o and deliveed. A. V. 4CI( liT rp. ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS. Ladie'and Gents Cloting Cleaned or Dyed. 3 W. HURON ST.. ANN ARBOR. SMembers of Guarantee Ticet Brokers' Asso- ciation of . S. Cosby & McKeon R. R. Ticket Agency 50 Adams St., Cicago. Reduced rates to all ponts. lranchi Te Kidlegrtei No. N. Sain t. Ani Arbor Sielcia. $255.00 for a 51 Days Euro. pean Tour. Weoee rganiinganselect piey for assier- meeiticr io Europe leaving ew Yisels.Joie 22ed, foe London, Antwerp, Brussels. Colone, tobleiit,Franlfort. edeleg, Sraisberg, Bden-Badei,-Paris and Dieppe, rerineig. nsiling from London Agust 2nd. Te pcry v il be conducted by and under te peroal cicrgeof Mot.OTO OvRONo.of Columbus, veli known a5s eeof he firs musiecl is- sructors of'America and ai geal~c getlemni of large epriese in travel. Ech aron will havena berth in a large promenae deck stiteroioim, and tle ships slecidarene 85,5m on twitl screw steames. povided with electric lights and stam het. Compe itinerary and informaion nailied on receipt of sef-addiessed stamped evelope 255.00 pays everpv expense of sighs travel and hoers. hll Information and itiierary mailed on receipt of self-addressed envelope. Miention ti paper. WARD BROTHERS, Ge. Tourist and Steamship Agts., 272 N. igh eL., Lw rates everywhere. Columbus, Ohio. Communicatien, iFR YOUR 0O1TING 00 TO PITURE5OP THA.T CONTIN FDNI) FROMSECONDI A(l. : JUOINICILQ D BEADTIIRI 1 ® lie:, Iso ilicllther oliicl u reispon::d- P O __________ , nit o tlDciy. 1 ure 1Eno1101l? ON ONE ANDMITSOFOUSAND 17 it11MILESllt OF11 t LAKE,1 A S ARIDEESE iiis, e Ixcptinig thei: lliili1lgillgeditor:D -- of 01cc 1Dally. whoi ceitedi i l12 visit this Iistorical Island, which i the QHSLN r OVCIN \vt big .cwrspn~m n ecatgrindest summer resort on the Great AHUTIGAESCNVCi. Laikes. It only costs sout $13 from Sy sakex tlie, hosth11e "Smalley" an edition of thatlpaper1 . I tinti 1iv tl Dietroit; $15 from Toledo ; $10 from caught on wih the bo:yandsii gils. s u'sl a ii gedtottp la:k 'for 11111. No ( lidt ttat Cleveland, for the round trip, including the "grosn folksandusn'ct it bovcly, Sni:its hlicisef yestterdiay, covetrtg lhimcsl iseas and berths. Avoid the etsad in te beatifl alumin ~cum cimel-a ses-ovi. wtiu ii Ill guey lit .-,dusit by traveling on the D. & C. loting process knowssonly to iihc mkiers ofC 0bs- withall or gory ie :1. As an111 lesr. The attractions of a trip t the Smalley." Do yoge, oi: iccibnewmehns4 t niliecxliii il picclicltosvariosDoS-. iickinac region are unsurpassed. The ofspokiglie whiels? Cniilc :r gets oun la troit anitd (lhlt :170ictiuc cx t Cclep t :o ,lad itself is a grand romantic spot, its tei adl emm ales: i l ctoci s 0n ttom;ng tiiim it to prt ps-. e 111 i ni- c d1 'in lnate most invigorating. Two new cimbs up sn toitus- fok c n i d sisljumsutas' iti-ilcils . .. iel passenger steamers have just been to the cank iuser swis the sieel b- tor Sis t after alill,: hat siugse of uiiitfr the upper lake route, csting Iseesi two bosxandclumpsn te fceinicma whcat is icvs-a,100,000 each. Tiey re equipped with the "Smalley Bicycle seems iia ike at. It tt-h 11:11:w's 11115 iot rptels-ed Il-c-'very modernl convenience, annunciators, Never cm scuil, icitci go-an, iever ahlresh,> ciath rooms, etc., illuminated throughou'-c icclte ieigt is 1 Io 21 pus.-westaa lttiugils of t1cce Dcily boacrdlill fll by electricity, and are guarsnteed to be Ilarulare compiiy, Sut Lake City, Utat. cciil i cld abori tic:- oe rlutliprogr: :hle granidest, largest and safest ntemers____________ iiadelu iy ci:' gentlemenic on- tatuuoici ifresh wter. These steamers favorably it is b1: s t15-ii:pulicit-iiiiiuot liike iiiompare with the great ocen liners in con- A A Y S L E , tructiou nd speed. Four trips per weeky Iio rscud1thact sosct ofcl' ctier. It is ietieen Toledo, Detroit, Apena, Mack- The Linalley of 1895... Ii poltlitc ciiti notI i c-the ic::tuc- citor :sac. St. Ignuce, Petoskey, Ciicsgo, "Soo, tic-corri:sic::icl 111: wh111: c:-1.rintic: trtuuete aid Duluth. Dauily betseen - slc~~iil IL- 1 Ct-cc) 71w: Clvelaiintln Detroit, and Cleveland and tic l~cas:f l1: s pricu:ed. Hpe:",Pui 13.Tle palaial equipment PLMOUH CVEI I C19(4 I should ike toureind-"JI 'L tIitr ciakes taveing on these steamers tor- PLYLLTHC 111 M . ta h UiJ.nel J~u, o uby noal. edfrilutae whlichc I asoccrlet:-idurintidc-ilthrce dc-riptive pcmphet. Address A. A. PLYMSOUTH, IND. ccliiit~a :11 i:- ll it ccc,: 0 1 CIIA T, G . A., D.& C., Dtroit, Mic. tirse.f ah.e'dii ll( lut icacl cctc: ndcc::d- site s-THE 1STANOARU"CYCLOMETER AR 746 E. Wilis Hn.t. cip ri fi l l. i:uiii ts:t l ci::-11_Af- -- y s. ::ad :l 'ccc:-. 11:Danicclus u::cdcc lue1 t-c.. c te ti1 11 l- i e i--i 9 1:15:o 1 cccl :1a cee tic:: f pace i till ': cc: c- ta I Inga..021do1: 1 ii: l I'::-. :1::.ofil :- 1f ; ht A cl' t-t 11. se t rii,t" e 1: c l 1cm ly pi cl "d 1-.11isc i:- tc ~sc t' -sciid ___________________ 'ti~ lp-:-Iud tc-ii:llitas ndcl -10ils-ii i luCORELX1LON0D1 ml:tll:n ledtoru to a ic cillic i: incarclyci lvc:noAt-sF910 aiccizie nystgaciufji'.nd :,inked -cRETAIPI'CEiOLYc$$2u.00.i::: c: V M R E L oclA et itcs.A ndi fu' ther itc was.dniutoItheLuDevscsitoriAccurately r egistor- ce ~and Sc able throughud-111 r ii5 5tble.11 ist I ey rv eslrri'. SE lilian s5' and: fucceclcuci ll,'e191 l ly Ic icc yel. ITR LL & L ON AR , 511a the1 c laterf 551c ifi to pr: i ntlirclili'ki, pr~to 1 m rh seccuouu,:,rI:ve ccit i__,uccconl SiiALiNY, NEV YOR1 excep i~ ac-:- citlv l-it-lei fi rma doi 'd tptowi r t l~ic aeso asa dC wi otettiest l ii:::le. b i.till It cuu ;lit I:of !I .a:t - Thcahchh o f the'1)5 Ii h i tpc: iliun ,llc lmil - 1-d ror, t t ..,JN ES. ilams.A nA bo,'1l ic4oiic t~iig uIte cciii 1~n11 1 cut Dt -ills1 ;adi; lutiel attrie( 1:1111-C 11 51_iiio911:iicltdidl J. S.PiE;ARI1olio 11cc lic" i-i-cirv ciriclil 5:111 c e ti cuccHAVE . MaiS t.N ec t 11::-r uunl ndt of tic I tsly oried ,y hio dCyiOSRILOF5l :lndS cull tht't1l il ici cicdetis Ga ' 55 . legifieuih clutig leNMckis: at c -c. 51:0e y ie 5b cli' . IuteMnsatodniepiuc upeis oh:i cro ell I Iis t'uue- c c-11th Ilinun up:lid 'xucuc rom:daly etoeeldol4ya ohrl slt the arou, 1 ii1.. suigeeucu:oe c mt ee ue The uI ll ucc: Ic la-1u c is ie. Siiue cr pueo islan O lO c Poecanyone coomiislIabsao erpeeIweek4in.pMiinlSt MAY, lth eior fiteVailyoray sth EAIG COO FcUINSsdSO RT Pie Shamples Bookstoe! N~l2SiN .1. A~ci~iON. HeND.Mgi fiTee buahing e te cho eru s ll lio l ill' Ili lucuc i Xy, li icislcli spi ed"readiFormerly waily Georgees;ahr, -I.. 111119 ci Ileceta0:: uiiiAc 111. evenli ng H e pn s;AF.oR heetieyaVI .G EANKScsintr t.hediiutr a i it a ux lloIedul sudwil i A1acibrom lac c piuetio si000ti eyhigaotdnnnessnte Bo r in o m $ $. 75 p r wein pi a 0 0 A l C . i o \ . a ii = h s ae elcc.d to50 .10(b sel la o f 1e t o Sto ery ,5 Mu AYing scii Mc ' hiR.u:.lii CLv Eposit, lirys.ue (cnecy(11 Aliclc ccd-i Scy- tC~(~l lciS il Ncu'$1,5 'uat(:, e tc.1 itle o OWex t o s ttoeyai goodretuningAlay20 istea of'ca- rimoiuc. Viii- i e: tlcci. n isc~to'tscla -sSokOW n geel.l~ EI pi0in onCashloco iese: S el. Iveh c dsaicitsCuy ind UUSLLL sells_________onheprncial_____e 19 the AsINgt t, one block A.AVA\1L:.-nistMs.rt, abed upon. astrofeain --t 10. -Creri: 1J.ite A: icuiiu st., L . no y e ~TN ~ A~TNOI 19TE Was hingtin PsIt.,oGeRAPII r POG-iFISTECAMSLUNDMTARICO i1gbGloss and DinmetiesFinish. B EBRIR IFY lIA. N' S. s E. lHuron st. Special Rate toSenios. EW COLLAR, E. S. SERVISS, Manages, 2 OT OUTIAEU Subscribe for Ie Daily. ' ' b :R. V $pP R mw