" THE U. OF M. 1)ALY. ESLL, THE TAILOR,92200 to 2204 State st., Chicago Will be at the Cook, House, Ann Arbor, from May 15th to May 25th, inclusive, with the 3WELLEST iNE OP SUIT1IN S AN/PATIgS ever shown. Imported English Clay Suit, Sack or Cutaway, $20.00. Aire you with 'me? r1 S.-Dlid you get a Liar's Diploma? Send 2c stamp. TAILOR. An 6, SPALDING &R BRSs Athletic Supplies.I BASEBALL, LAWN TENNIS, GOLF. Uniforms for All Sports. AIDE THE SPALDINC BICYCLES- THE LEADER FOR 18951 IHANDOSOME ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE SENT FREE. ETORKI, CHICAGO, PHILADELPHIA. v95 $LAWS! HIAVE YOURI VANE ENGRAVED. ror Xen snd Boys, HANOKKI LAMB'S WOOL SWEATIERS in black, navy, white, garnet and gray, for Boys, up to 32 inch sizes, Strawbridge & Clothier PHIL.ADELPHIA. Sweaters r ~ICECOLD. ICYCLES, -AT- ALfIH RDS oB. A. MUMMERY'S. l Warrantedisuperior to any Bicycle built is the wrld, reaadless of pi cNE ARTIESD U AN l I14) otlbinducedatol oe mosey for as isferiiorwheedl. nist on, havino'lhelWaverlsy. ltand uaratteed y the dianaBilhesCo., aimillion dollar conern, lhos bond is as g.ood as gold. Ice Cream Soda, Vernor's Ginger 21 lb. SCORCHER, $855 22 lb. LADIES', $75. Ale, anid all popunlar drinks. H. J. JBROW.N, Exclusive Agt. A, E. MUMMERY'S DRUG SIORE, Cior. Fourhi Ave. a idZWashisgton St. OITErSR DICT**A WANAMAKER tailots 20 m~iles (If cloth per lay'. le buys at entormous discounlts. IYou buy of IhimlIa1d0111 aoid ilthe lprllits (of the wlielerlll, the jobber, the mitdtletman. 600 sampljles. Up1-to- date tltiltlrili. Fit gtiiraunteed. Swell Suits $18. W It SiT N S 0)1OTD .STAND. ST AIAESTREET. H-iW 'TO ECONOMIIZE. Four is going uap. Tomatoes are going down. Eat Tomatoes. 31 Pounds Greenwood, 75 cents per dozen. 3 Pounds Peninsular, 85 cents per dozen. 3 Pounds Riverside, 95 cents per dozen. All good Fresh Goods. SEA N 8&COMIFANY. 44 South Main Street. CUT BATE RAILROAD TICKETS to(a11 points fur sale by E ANN ARBOR R. R., TICKET AGENCY, 33 E. Huron St. Mesiber of AmeiecanilTicetlBrokler's Asso- ciain ( 1011 9til I r xi o el tna - sneead. Tickes.bough;(litad oold. Biecyci es!. *15OF Nz rsrfSnn' lrNsoPgNna'NTS ELECTED. Men-sters of the Executive Com- mittee. of then Women's League. At the illeetilIg ,.of tilieitl llililltls of 1110 Womanll's Lei'igit. lthelyo,,;er- daly in the chap 1 iat 4 1). in., the tol- lowin~g lieits w-ore elected on the' j , etitr eo ilillilitle: lMetses tiorgil Baconl, 1. May Taylor.,l1W, Louisx Stickucey, 'li9t. Klihllrilo eediti,'1, (lerirud{G Boynltotn,'0tS. and Ellen Bieh,"'118. 3Miss: s Tenn~lieWhite. '9)7, undt.IDoa:Fishler, '97, who have seirveil onl tkea oilnittee- for tt(- ) lst yeart wero reelitd. ''hli list of sorority minihei- rs is not tslplett' us yet. New S. C. A. Officers Installed. A lorge attdiencew pe tlS11sent at 1the business m1111 tng of 110Stuitelos Chtristian Association 011 1ast eveninlg 'T'l ,new officers took their plaices Tlle rcevised collsilutiil was tilalli- niously acceptedt. UP11(r ftilt 11ew1re- ginlt theladity vitcetpresidtent shall have Ientire charge of the ladies' woitk in iiiheassociation. Ti- l 11 ititd wotnent shall each have, their own de- votionlal mleetings dnriing purl of the m~onth,. tlio rest beiiug tog iller us usual. NOTICE T'ropE\'t S PLAYERS. All nmembers of the Athletic asso- MARCH, IMPERIAL,. RELAY. 4OFF.. -AT- Jeffersonxian Society. ciatiolu desiring ho uso= the tennis court must procure badges of the The JIetersoinan Lt itt~y society tennis committee.. The badges canl socirety will he Bld its regular ,v eekly be procured by presenting athlletic metling 1111ls evesnn at 7:301. The mnemnb- ssip ticleets to any of the folloing, prog-tam will be rend-red: following persens: B. ,B. Calkins, Leading, Mr. Kirby; declamnation, Mtr. Tennis Manager, P'si U Dotese; H. C. Savage; essay, 31r. Wiutkeeileer; ira- Fritz, 27 B. Liberty st.; Isadoro11111; tion, Mr. Corney; speech, Mr. Bice; Win. W. Hughes, Phi Kappa Psi biegraphy, Mr. Truenian; imn'promptu House. discussion, alL., Mr. Cross, n gi., Sir. MAY FESTIVAL IIATEPS. Norton; debate.. Resolved, that lwe The railroads have extended the sould adept fne coinageo of silvir at limit of tickets to Ann Arbor. for the ther ando, Smi6t , afg., Mcssr. Alri- rato o it to1, ft, Mssr. tlan Say festival. All tickets sold willbe and Norris: ood returning May 20 instead of ex and Nrris.piring on May 191. Subscribe for the Dally. A. A. STAN ' Y. APMADOC & MANCHESTER, 42 .tatest.,iiearecor.. Wiliam. MOORE & WETMORE e S. Main at., and State at., cot- nor of William at., have a complete stock of UNIVERSITY TEXIT BOOKS New and Second Hand. Noes oshRandsodthrr Siidasa SsDe,e rise StationeerySorting Coeds, ate ,whiceh they offer at the Ltowest Prices. Call and sea us before purchasing. G. Hi. W1ILD. THE LEADING TAILOR and Importer has received the largest and most select stock of IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WOOLENS for Spring and Summer of '95 in the city, and would be pleased to have yen call and examine the same. F'ull Dress Suits a Specialty. E. Washington st., near Main.