THE U. OF M. DAILY. JAGHIGAN GENTIAL ime Tab~le (Revised) Nov. 18, 1804. EAST. WEST. Mailand Ex --3 50 Mall ________843 N. Y. Special.... 5 15 N. Y. Specil--_ 7 30 bastern Ex---10 25 N. S. Limited.... 9 23 A. M. Pacific Ex--.--12 15 Atlantic Ex -7 47 5. h D. N. Expres....- 5 40 Western Ex-___2 12 G. St. Express ___11 05 Chi. Nt. Ex---10 25 GIREx.-----5 57 0. WV. TtUGenES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor. T., A. A. & N. Xv. RY. Taping effect Sunday, April 7,18914. Trains ceave Ass Arbor on Central Stand- ard time. 7:3a.m. *7:15 a.n. *12:2 p. m, 11:30a. as. 4:15 p. m. 900 p. am. *Trains rua between Ann Arbor andlTolcdo only. All trains daily except Suindaiy. Ht. S. GREENWOVO0D, Accot W. H. HENNETT H. P. A. Toledo 0. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST, RY. Time Table, October 7, 1894. Leaive Ypsilanti fronm Congress t., 7:00,90:00 ansd 11:0a. m.; 12:45, 2:15, 5:00,16:45,09:00 and 10:10 p. m. Leave Ann Arbor Junctio, 7:30, 9:30 and 11:50 am.: 1:15,2:45,5:30, 7:15,0,350 SUNDAY TIMER. Lcave Ypsilanti from Congresoost., 1:50, 3:30, 500630 ainds9:00p. m. Leave Ass Arbor Junction,1,0,4:0050,1 7:00 anod 9:30 p.m Carissrunoscity timeeFPri:single tripi1 cns;, round trip tickeots cnt. Won. F. P~iisco, Supit. FLOWERS, FLOWTERS Far Everything and Everybody, COUSINS & HALL, [Flrsts, 56 T5.inismnity 'e DIETAS & SCHANZ, TT. O0 . TAILORS Our 151 intr ais I Oiiissir S'Woolens ar hoW nun sale. l's ites Low. Call and oee no. 48 S. Slite Rtn.. Second PFlior, Anin Armoir. 22 'Yearn in the Businsess.--lE2 CITY LAUNDRY, X. M. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. MERCHANT TAILORING ! Cleanilng, iresoing and Riepairing donse neatly by A 'i1. SCtI0EN4'W,.LIG,i i0F,. Washiingtoi EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY ! 20 EAST HURON STRIEET. Go 4d WorkiGouaranteed. Good-,cilled for aindideliered. A. r. (,535'', Proep. ANN ARBOR STEAMV DYE WORKS. Ladies' and Grnts Cloting. Cleaned or Dyed. 3 W. HUTRON ST., ANN ASIBOR. Members of Guaraintce Tisket; Broksers' Asso- ciation of U. S. Cosby & XlcKeon R. R. Ticket Agency 50 A dsams st., ChiecoE. Redoced rates to sll poi::ss. BranicohiThe Kisdsrg~rten No. S N .EMiii t. Ass Arbor llici);t. $255.00 for a 51 Days Euro Webster Society. A ile 011 cilllsro-raslilwill it' riven by lies Webstersosciety ini their luill, Wedsdao~y (eveingil, b,,"=ining -it 7:45. .A11 aic inv-itesd 10 attenid. 'lit' isroorais follow-s: Vocal solo, 'liss ('alilb Il;. 0 elaiioasioii, lin. L.ochier; '1,,s St. EL t. G(isislies'; 1115s'ontsllll. 01. AA'. AMe('skriii; oratimoil,J. L. Doe; club basket, Il. 0-. (58lioar; vocail slo. A1:(:iiliampbell; r. 1:tatin..SIo.I.. 0)s;rgaiii; dliebte, slsss, 1 theOi: - ilioisasl Bankuoii'sysemi sosul b aibolish:it1, ai., A51 s. 1. J..A ssl,1:. sissiC. O. D1)siir'snegis., A1 Srs. (I. NOTICES. STAMP COI.LECTIONS. We want 10 buy stanlip collections andeluill Ipay rash forItie osameono reccipt if pricecaskied ios satisfactory. Collectionls should ho scent by regis- tercd mail or expr'css with lcttser lnam- ing priceeuder sepasratecrover. We oceid sup~erior aipsrosval shecets to rc- sponsiblcelparties. W. J. LAWAR1:\C E & CO., Kalaima~zoo, Alelh. Cosmsdyis lub'110Aliletic Ilniii, Alaiy 10. BICYCLES ? BICYCLES!T iISVEN AWsAYf,! If you i wishlss 11115y 1 Bieyele:at$111 to $40 CdiscountlOfresm reglar p' rices colne iiislse's us. Ws' ':ca1 0111 you loinarchis, Iiip:eiilo, f1R:li'illi, YIAi'55'ieise, ,tlsls, I 'liulils. 1.91105550, 51ii'ois,Tibuneiissand1:1iica.r-I 1y aily makile 1111lii' iimarkt t reil- Also ai full liine of laie':ss iie'ls. 1'.:is , seiis 11 pistasOllalis w1' will dill. 0 We lhast,' to lealr'.llleiesicl to see' pure l'0:ses atiithe' 1D111y ofse aiiy ri~ ii fosr tli ext two weeks from i:2i0 10 08 ('c)o1k. BUSINESS LOCALS. WABASHt LO.' W RATEI1.IZ1rVEN't' wcill b".. riii:from «:11 stioislls a11111i vabai~sl i :lilroasd on 1Apirl 111,0h 1:15' 21st andune ls 111 tothe v55',.o:~rt i- os's(N1. South aiiiilotllltlsot. Farll l ptcl ar :0.1 pp:1 ly tois uli;s coil 11'0'ilirine ls: or ts: C. . ('lkA:NE, (4.I'. & '1'.:A. 5 'ab St . 1i. ihll:abloraitsory feessfosl.8Csiurse'1isl Phy~sic's, prima1'ry' mnds .ssiilasry al- t .-'l:osswill lb- $1 :ald :o1:0i01 :1' summilier schoo~l. SIF'AI.S O\N Y'ABAtSl1 II.0l Al-lile.tails 411nd15,' Is..'ti 11:1: Louis1:1111:ill i-si'lsani I''Is m11: 111l1l 1.szix :siisr (,(,t. do. al : ' .101"I ;lu1:1to ily 1s5:11 :11 at0: - 1b) sthI"ISs an tnoe t pnic S.-I1ool cl~lour'ein G(lierail IPsysellog 01101l10not ir ed''1111cred(it,"11but1two ihours credit. G(14111111R11511.C. SUlNDAVY 1ExCtIOON. Stllsll:t', 51:1y 12. (lo_:T . .& 51. 11y. will un itistl81111siiil. .c'x Trasn ls Ises An Dn Arbo m11:20il is 1118 N-1 f : se wi chI ,ltl Is 111. loss)' 'Il 11:-7 s.111 Ir : . 1o11 toritll. 0 ot5.lltl~tcr il '[THLAT T_ S RLLY -AND - - A HUSTLING AGENT'S CON VITION. Mly sae:s slie, 1ho1w1the"mllsy" l::s' 011gh1111nithhe bouys :and(1girls, asoweal] :10 th~e "g'r'wn11fislks,:aniisl't it lovely, fi sle ini Ill. beautiulot0a:luinum naml--acre lilt process0knownsoly 1to 11heOmakercs soc the .Sssalley." 0)011oilt, iltothlnewle hod111 to tilrrn neiilr swings te elellb- tlsecen two lox us 0rd11lum1s50n teIoil:e siind thec "Smalley"BHi pcse(emsnto likeit . Ncver a sqal, noIaigroan era break, 1500 the weight is 1lsi 21 EpoIIi.-wesen Htardware Comparen/, Sal(t Lake Ciy, 11:11. AN EAS3Y SELLER, The Smalley of 1895. PLYMOUTH CYCLE MFG. CO, PLYMOUTH3, IND. 0. Lippnian, Agnt 40 E., William St. COTRELL &66LEONARID, Lilt'NEWVIIYOR, 1':kollt C,(:tPs ad:o~stto 1-0itheO:lcT~aist-.y V. MU.RELL, Local Agent, -41 iIl:'titts. Ani AorlA i, Sic. You see them eveywhere. 0 -18595-..- a ol0umbia icycics $100. STHlERES a whole sermon in 1Itie abo. I preaches lie e conaoity f byig Itie bes- 5 w ise eoctnomy Iiat cvry oei an practice1 wills Columbis s 1 $100. Tecnev Clunbissari C" marvcls o srengh, ligtess, symmetlcry, beauy 5110 speed. POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Con. San rencilne, i'csidce af SElic An ArtCatailge oi Clmba cn e hald recatalls-ue i osre' it wlbs stmlt dls, teof01 Platinotypes Tile latest ting ii P10TG A 1111Y at BERRYI\/AN'S. 6 E. Huron st. Special Iate to Seniors. T'. of -A1. Datily Office. ITHE "STANDARD" CYCLOMETER HAVE USEEN T'Ii1 LINDS Y ICY ILE The highlest olf(t'e '195sldoh gradiG wheli. Sold by J. S. -PEAR. 104 S. Main St. r'. 'Sampleo coilning. schaIIe's ^bookstore! peans Tour. _____ O~earoesnolnunoletti~yfurssgs NForm erly Wui Cdcortere Wahr. t9 cccr sur Ilo Farolue leavincgNoic Y< rk, Jue. Ws n~t f ~aqiiur e 2'1uns, fi:' ruLolo, Antwci ptrossct Coluiuine 'lverythini a tSUdelit liells in the Co'tlzl, S'raunkfort, lleidellscrs, Strasosbl-r inse of rex hooks. Sl ationerv and 11i511'i-Ba1den, Paris and Iieppue, returnin°, NXtSellaIueOjiS SlOCk in general. 5'itlill fromLonldlmn Aourust gull. Theu party s ill bseuon duced s'ysodunoder the personltuul TIN SCHALLER, sclua'Ii're of liR. O Ovo '1tWeil5MONof Coumbns, MA Welt kn'ounasoeioftheefirse 0niel lii- St.II'ctorSoflreofAnirica anldasgeil enuiut i n ofisiere oxpeience io travel. Pi pu Ililli KSELLER, will have a berths isn1a large liruwiel.dodeck FE u NTW O thue shipseorbs-ed lre neric 19 E. WIashingtOUs.,one block 8, 0) tons Owlnscnrew steamers, providled wituuas 51Min. leceiric lightsaned steam heat. Conpiees o aie Itieary and information mosiled on reciptis of self-add, eosed stomped eiuveluipe. $2:55.0 issyo everX expenae of sights. eruavel ond A'I N 14 ©R hotel. - Shulliinformaltion and itierary - maleooi7e pt of self-addressed envelope.ST A L UN R CO Meto hspaper. SiE .TL 1.1V.T O -WARD BRO}THERS, Hig Gudos And Domestic Finish. Hen. Tonrist and Sleamnlp A-gu;s-,. E S E-IS, aag 272 N. IHigh t., ..SIVS,2~ugr Low rates Pverywherel. Columbus,, Ohid. XISSOUTH FOURTH AVENUE. REAL R i' OL $10 A Dis'hee for Acculraste', ly oister- bIn;Itie Distanuce Tralbcled on alB icycle. Ie is as pireciscehuu ito o.c-cseiouu ass'wach "vv thl~les, eir1 nlys, 1 less: ha.;s while 'ni- c il :1.111 Mlsleas sslu''. quuick ly :aop ied:: 01 L-,,:t rt ci 1som l as nc lu-l 0:-11: :1:1.1 1- atsssiilll~c alsteed -ersesni us wthuoo cinsse Forr .ale by oil h-reil l i~l( eir a~li-rn. R .>NEWCO LLR