Chfa fttun p~a il Pblished Daily (Saday exepted) driag day lis beain s(t fr AMay 15, onej
the Clliege year, at weeit from inest Stutray, b11 illilili_
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. st 2p1.CI. This dale wax tiled upnto° " ' ^G
P ecce: Tmesabuilding N. Mae t., ppaite last winter, but ha not bearsIIa-
pet office.
Ittillilt ,dtintil iow iiti1 astht
EDITORS. titxa iileb oitt.a-i
soeWyniItbefn oaod^. A. Lettoy, ', Sanagieg Editor. Ate superior to any othera. The '
G. A. CACC5CCCvx'CCL, Asitant a coinlict with th, rcsi-tral Mlaisiee f
A. WC. Suas, peia, Assiant. ait for that aterileon iii theI~ 'May Vitor League Ball and the Victor -
I. A.SiCllC,,'55 LAxsistant. The Prtn- iflatabsiaddule pCCvQeiCC
H. COEAN, '97, AthleticeEditor. PCesival sC it. This wias founid tinbhr T'ennis Bali show the finest ion- Chafing. NumbneC~ssiCndtSadle torees. The
J. . EAR,'5 , Bsies Maagr.C heapetF wresirCdng' SddlI'e futhe wrsd.
I. . PARL 'S L hlxiexaCtaage. litsasbh-, its.5itr OliliI i~si-l--Fre. en. dress ess ed thilddr-e CCcls
Associate Editors. auto n iegetetdr- Fe.Ade~
11. A. DactCCer, '95. E.L. Ecax,'as L. iPNEUMATICtC . MiyADDwLE iC-O.,s
E. 0R. idedriaed, '. Carrie V. Smith, 'C. otie OpenCC ihti, itndthis itllttilay ilty. ThereCis but one et- 10PCamers1St, ADDewCo.
L. A. Pr aI, 'i-. L. R. Hamle,'9t L. fist the AOutittin Itoerolt git' our trade-mark esuarantees it
C. A. Ciaosiis, '555I. . A. Heath, '056 .
lliiiiie T iaipsi, 'C. C. B. Gammesne'98 Al. i-cl~liiiiiilCst NewCCFortk, to shirts
C. 11. Fe el , '9. . 0E. Kappeel,'H. erne attswo of ota u its i xiiiCi -et .
J. S. Filasy, '9,9.
- It is, lao, buot 'a we Is1 lib-tire Clii-
Th iso enotlhldi themsmxeixssr. spoe-v n~eyWHE
siletr teopielo sors tttemetsseot carets- Vsst'stiii ts'tstl' ilstie u OEMAllHE~ o
peadeats, appssoriss CCill r e.Aix akr o ice
sAli'cepy must e it ele oficeefhrer8:30Cascculdinot tie tllowe.d to Col]) t,:'o MkesofVctrBicycles.
i. at the eday Cof publicatios. This spacis reserved so eoeli t ht .Bso.NwYr.Dtot evr
Don'stOfoig JthClliitiy Glob ba'si- Our Aspilring Corretsondsents. PCIFt COASTs for the GranCd Oera
fit toi Che womanis's e-oi luisss iian -oSan Facisc. Ls Agees. Prland.
l6straiti~ ck and tsi. stll C sCICICneltX-AS0there uha s c-ics i5555i'siIn - H________________________ ouse.
Fidalsy eissst. IitC is s lg ilri-Y 5as15tsiwIo tr--fliit/ c: rreetssssst 11 S esresis, Ages-is, 1CCwC Wasingxlstonist
evxt-y i-spec-t wori-ily of )a-ousprt. s in iitin Un~vix-rs- forIji ili-tl tr 1)1,i'7S iN M IC.
- Or sidcppr,~ itI'e olw h olelDiy u omnsil lt Ft-o. lesi--comte sttsiHA-
thuisoilt theConeilli-ich'gn ataii etii-ot 1-y, ti- s, A1'. AA-. "ix Love Songs,"
af tsast Stusiay: 'C'sstia: Dtoit Trilissit H-,I. By hrFrsislskE. ,Paa-yr. Tsss lisxo sFIRST NATIONAL BANK.
"'Iti ws antsidolsh (isiy fit bnsol-lltt Ii sis iss-ta Ct -''-tis o lBeses fieset lyris iii ext usistemuetals
Ilrimn a~~ c orFo! r., etitngs. Heavy Paper. 7e cents. OF,- ANN ABtORI.
an t ~ iwasssalt idea-l .gamne. Slslgsali andilN. V.Wotulit. .1. .i (1 )yDl P! -- trgssiszed 165.
caes tosi ,viatan th ls ot-iCli- it'Cii. lioil.ousrnsalandth cii- iii- 1LUCLLEGE SONGS,'Capital, $100,000, Surpls tid Pofit, 40,00.
Mliesigassi'o 0:55 was probly- thi e CscTan sactax geeallbseingssieses.
Ile rash),. AA. I. Downittnit iA Te taidard colletions at College Posss. Foreigs. exhanisisgb oght assd old. Feish
sati-eii-Yt aC th yi halte i-r si s tu INes .St ssronued\ .Ov erc30000 tld. lieacyPaper, 5SO telers oterrrdit.
sNle)1 h itii u Csustbi'lt1 Ni. It.IC. Cmein ('lretut.g centst Cloth, Gilt. $1.0O. P. CACII lrs.. CV. CLA01KPN, i-shir.
55wi ith u- of tIC C',siusul's ineso sinest E.C-. I'.'riatif. C ~ ~ ESNSFR IL, oarnefor private or
Iln fatthelist-siiss ssutdt/ r.s- C- Only book of ________________ Gi Sis ttee sud pblised.Tbe i c L S
sosgoft te ltisst "ealtes o emess
esis-c-t ti shiu tiaii atd it snot beenuHeavy Paper.00~o S I CIA L S
for Affitia 'hsierro is il tesw-nitit- FORYOR 0T11D00 OTO PICTREQH i FAL Clf[TIONIi IS1EJL M TH [U ES,' leson it Daninta, cl at
ping. 'Sts' 'CsCli's fild-d s-i usrts- JflCK iHl o5LBNDB. Esi~-m ie' rhs oli rmCit re ger's Acade=3.
ly, buosth lft- -,eriott cltsrgs'l tisuc hneeltsures. A plendid colecion.CHad- Office hors 11 1to1ISld 4 to S.
is-lyas~eC-tiriei-iI' hsItONE THOUSAND MILES OF LAKE RIDE isee Cver. 50 cents. No stairsto houlnt.
bil" orer'I~l eCUrrhl'.Sh'IS, AT SMALL EXPENSE. Asy ook setst paid tsontereeipte etprce
this-se i-titir rrs l et'Clidier sii, wa R.ANI'ADCSERS ei bl :ah.apfr: lnin Visit this isitorical Island, which is the OLIVER DTSON Co.,gadstsmeMesrRnth letSho o anigWaRdD FOSaTER ts sissusns ssi uti-xLaksles. It only costs about 11 from 45-dll Itoslils os St., I'eesten. atsrday,lam- Geetseroiert'es
Detroit ; $15 from Toledo;I $18 from Cu1. itDsoe & Co. N Y. trady, 4p. is, 1osy rginis i lss.
psut-oiurato ites-s-sdit. 1liisStory.titutCleveland, for the round trip, includingi Iod0507r3u5n .5AuistictitCilacs Ladies'
mii hiesucSihltssssi ii, eirs Ined berths. Avoid the heat anE"ndd VTesty, 55:0mep. iSstoesCseLds
lst by traveling on the D. & C. fiosing THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANKi5 ad-eeteeseet
Hit ats a isslsI itt a t s isid. palaces. The attractions of a trip to- the AeAbrhh asiioth, PriFelose s batO yapoiterus.
li set eld essi'' i yC ussissee ii- fIMackinac region are unsurpassed. The o iiust$10,LO iI.SC O L4 . TA'H T
itind itself 15 a grand romantic spot, is (0orgaizedu st'tte ee-,rss Bai.nineg Suw-
thu-l em ry dilslIslt t ushn 1< ,1 ' inate most invigorating. Two new oh Ibiso st. i eix-e sisis, isuys tssd THl-E
riI -s iss ntsl as is- i tIsssu cs ities oatheist
1 ftsstt.Sluht S'ofsCit sies -ue~l.!I-i reel pssenger steamems have just been tistir t iesis. Irsstcs"dtssmonlss priopeLovell Dimod c cls
islt Cisc thin upper lake route, costing dessuihistc'su s ossis-steiti-isert, ios to rent.
s-u S=1tush Crot r-:tostuds Isielur t-ir - :3M0,000 e. They are equipped with OrrinuAsatCisritiss A ssehiW'. P'C. iAre usussrasseadoe'
hu'fiitu assiutse i .-very modern convenience, annunciators, lists ititi, 'icIrirac l. S.hIiatttls
hesulutis roems, tsst-,:It as iiert a.J.1.F isa -isstlt.iCssldr. -BsEAUTY. SP'EEIDANDC 'COCICANSIt.
otrometc., illuminated throughout ____________________ Good tulosase maeonuseo,
Ihe-o htts ba ds '''tutu-sa a3 a ~i, Iri'.vscelectricity, and anenguaranteed to bha I isi i-co
h-ut C'i-ioiaisthd ivts-cr10'ti-cut-.-uegrandest, largest and safest steamers) W GEO.1F. FISHER. Agcit, 55 essiv.A.
n fres waler. Thesc steamers favorably t UTMG .F IHR
ceti. -ospare with the great ocean liners in con- FIST CLASS CSO TAILORING CTRR
Th'it ud rtts'55501:sOS rtilustp"i-C _trtction and speed. Four trips per week IIIftT ~r
,- etween Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Macki tCoreec i' Ste nd 'Cilliom st., flAN STERjj~FER 0 CEIixe g
es-Ierte tiu i ~utssdsisg the itisd-il isa(,,sl, St. Ignace, Petoskey, Chicago. " Soo,' ___I____William_______________t____.____en_____rance.________
lfte it-xsitorssd"i-t u i i--hip Iltacqeethe and Duluth. Daily betweenI hiodru~blreateefe
-ic i~~~~~~ Cleveland and Detroit, and Cleveland and IT'S IHARD TO DOD VITH-OUT lc eontrielsns~sd-spro
11ha1tlis' Ri--stsrI essrCs ilty thvslearn- 5Put-ia-Bay. The palatial equipment CO .PRE O NAN PN
nilsih~l -i asis uu sstuuuusueats~symakes traveling o these steamers thor-
eda tt Is;uu.uaamnu ouiryoughty enjoyabonle. Send for illutrated ____
tos vsiingutgaIs-u." -decriptive pamphlet. 'Address A. A. r n u N. ms
'tlslo u-ml suht tdite iA opTqZ, G P. A., D C., Detroit, TMob. sacoardeas: iilh to e e r, f snre. P155 cfso vand asPAssen yuIheifoeaioyu wanta
ours'oreals-hfriensl r stdill ci-li-ss SHEEHAN & CO. Exclusive Agents for Ann Arbor.
into ahnuhsisis y sss towod .for dsitiutg gr _R
ihm t fsotblsl Osf Ofatil. leu' sunigI5~SS s T a e sA e -c
stttet 3t o thltI-Ii ts in tg ths lot-oi,95 5,TeFa
est team eh v e iev r-i' isushwssi.;-Cu- , ' 'L
dicate ritites tut lthe(<'oi-eushi it's si 5, EVERETT 0. FISIK &C00.
is vsyfi'Ii Io hutl a st- ~ 355 'Wabash Ave., - - Chicago, Illinois.
bess betore sr thit teylarsfit'
listeeLEthNe SCysOLOFeBUSINES vdSORshAlbrtn Plae, 5tOFPICh Avenue, 8l3 Twelft tiuSret, 15Vtabash Avenue,
IthLEDNSCOLOBUIESadSOT e teald by us,-xitb uiibralt-'r".iac~- ,SAND. Maniicenth buildin; hes teacherslares 0BOSTON CMASS NEWIVYORIY, N. Y. WA.SHINGTON, 1). C. CHICAGO, ILL.
atedane god disipie; sperierxeork; el
ity anidiisati-h.ItIwill bIts sul'9o supplied readingrocan;:daily lentues; Saurdalr
eening erepost epes the etire ear.Esnep .01 ChrchiStreet, d20 Cetry B ldg. OLYMPIA, 10% pPrin gStee,
to michurigass}lien tha Shields io; aioal faciiies fer paig sudents is psitions TORON-TO CAN. MtNNEAPOLIS, MINN. IA5PPSINOTON. LOS ANGELES, CAL.
- I Board and room fg to 8.7per week inspclif
"ptfsstsonal," albaugh they' ha1't,"aamiies. Thiese raes redced -In $50 by self
beadis. Foc Ctalogue address-
head sch bilgP hdseret o Prest I -' 9 . CEAR. PE~t Send for Ag ency Manu al and Registration Blanks: