THE IU. OF M. DI~LY. Make It Your Bsnes W~iiznyoulilby Mactcat Instrumnts, made it your business to get Value for Your Money. Its easy to hay some music goods low, but that kindl is not always1 Cheap." T'ise best is lb'elheipest, alwaiys wras, always will be, you know it and so does the entire 'World. We soil and recommend the best. AV E F CA N S LITI YOU A-AINDO LIN for $7.0-not the tbes -a Waslhbuirn or a Ricea will cost soe TX F CA S'1 YOU fL rj . jr for 11000-not the best, but eisod-a Martin, Washburn, or U. ofTAM. cost mote, but they are X E C7 N SF1 L YOU1.j , 13\NJO for $1.0.)-bitt a Stewatrt',iiairnksot Waldo is better value at $13.00 to $40.00. We want your trado an will make prices anod values to The Ann \vbor Organ. Co., gat it. 51 South Ma; n St., cor. Liberty. MOORES W TIMORE t rrr aeJA JA NOVELTY IN nI101,of Willia ll)S., 1, las''a NIVES1 R, t Q I'h fE* iris ta& Crescent Bath Robes; 1-.C 05;; - KEEP YOURSELF NEAT AND CLEAN. We will lieltiyost withi O NEW RUl STRE FIETOLET SAP 46 S. MAIN STREET. Corner Washtington st., ated Asieley st. Rates $2 and $3. '-i5110N ' 123. PRPIETORi. Gr. 1IT. WIEl) IHE LEAOING TAILOR Has the newvest Fall and Winter Woolens anid largest stock in the city. You can get any selec- tion you are looking toe. ZW-COME AND SEE US. to E. Washington st., near Main st. Second Hand Books, Newberry Hall ltist might. ['lieTBanjo elcib still hiolid in exammi- College Text Books, 'Thme foetball mniemwsill probably get iiiatiomethits evemimig in roomti 2:1 at 4i im the gyminiasiumte this sweek, bitt it p e.LtalImscsti 5mlit' Law' Books, p.sce l hs woZiht r ill not lii. tirossioenm to genei'al fur a plitereen(it tiieiisi-t.i's.iar's Medical Books, msc foerci'veral days. -~etciifrtbi iatlhmgtlr at cut rate prices at the lime memubers of the S. C. A. hiave' Yale geaduatimig riassi'stiblsim l 1 l ? f 1j ulcr S tI 1 (lb n usythe past sveek entertaimimeg5 1 el'" lase book; roidaitigRalf tomee photo- gJ\.l thl~ e Y. 1t. C. A. delegates, att'ndsing graphs of the e nesrs, bieif rissc BagisTATn StieryTand it' elate convrntion lirre. iof the metrnmdurimig their routse, a his- IDisks andmicidrocuies ini lhe ami- tory of time four years iii tolle.- i sch hooks. special reductions this week maiilmmorploigical laboratory ssililib' saltuable statistic. ,o K. & 's Drawing Inmstrmitents. assignetd to the begininimg class it ietnsesf-ofIuiestob 5We iave time best.TeUiest f assfobl Bilology this veek. Thsosc takinig a teame is very strong tihis year. 5Thie SPALINC'5 ATHLETIC CLOTHING lotiledl drawceemust. detuosit -y0 rents men hiave been practicing sinceem and Sporting Goods for time newvfor thie key. early part of September amid cviittakt' -gynenasinmn. Conme aned see us. We TeApaN edisuulme-adtrie fott i rmu are tiee largest dealers in time city TeAih uirdisuulme-adtrie fott st ru i and our pmrices ate time lowest. imig Saturday evening. A good sited, at Kansas City, Nov. 10. uurrmiau ~ .audience wsas present amid a very in- After titree mniths spent in repiris, SHEEH~fAN ~' CU., tret~ program wvas given. At time the Methodist church re-otpenesi its 'Wholesale and Retail Bookselleis bnsinies mieeting svhich followsed, time anditorium yesterday. The gallery L , ociety derided to remaims in its pros- has been extended and the entire en- 11 ' 1~ + 1IIAA -IL"Y ent quatters, and to *co-operate with terior decoratetdi, so that it is time Represemits Every Department Piof. Scott in arranging time furniture largest and finest of anmy in the city. of the University. so me to make roonm for tsvo nosy beok Professor Stanley has charge of thme $2.650 PER YEAR. c ases, which are to be introduced, organ and chorus.