THE, U. OF M. DAILY. Published Daily (Sunday -excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GrFICE: Times buildig N. Main t., opposite post office. * EDITORS. J A. LotloY, 'P,'Managing Editor. .. B. IAmiotN, at L, Assistnt A. XW. SITHv,-Speia, Assistant. W. A. SeILL, 'Pt L, Assistant. H. COLEsAN, '7, Atleic Editor. J. S. PARL, 'M L, Buiness Mtanager Associate Editors. H1.A. tDanscer, '9.i. E.L. Eans, '5L. E. R. Sndeland,'Sit Carrie V. Smith, '. L. A. Pratt, 'tO. L. R. Humble, .11 L. C. A. liougiton, 'St t.O . A. Heath, 'Si P. Minnie Thompson, '7. H. . Gammon 'S M. C. If. Prell, '0. . E. Kappen, '15s J. S. Finlay, 'S. Subscription price $210 per year, invariably is advance. Single copies 3 cents. Subcrip- tions may be left at the ofice of the DAIY, at Stofiet's, at Williams st. ews stand, wit~ any of te editors or authorled solicitors Communiations shold reach the offce by 7 oclocks p. m. if they arc to appear the net day. A ddress all ruter intended for publi- cation to te Magi,,c lEdior. All bsiess commnicati ons should be sent to the Busi- nessoiManaer. THE U. OF M. DAILY. Ann Arbor, Mic. Wisconsin's Legilature and Univ. 'Thc slat' ligisltrc of Wicosin loap rcogizied and lprovield for tie recentexiatsion of 1teGi' 'ily, 0111 hals favoetd it with libral apiropra- tilons. A oon-llfthihlll l:1 forctwoi yoars ,vXill flrnis hiiess to grealy iniproe liiiX'0tiy all; to marki' larg asdditionslo 10ludilis' 11al,,icldigla s$yisiotllllto adlto tsthe lalreadyl polatilr Collg of Agricutur, 011d to 1ma1e0gnera~ lio~clillnts 01n11 providie for inc~reasedO expnss of at- mlinisration. The laty-makers0 failed 1to1p00sscebill lapplropriaing $30,0000 for joinilt library Buildinig for the Hnil- 'Vsily library 011d1 h t t11:1 stori- cal socity; but tby ciii ib next bot thing, land~, ctting dowi ii" laioiit one-hall,001011 for a bildig for theo itiorical socity, so built thiat a fll- 111l0e lgilature Olanl iaily udil 0o ii to aliollliodats the'univriy library. 0', will bo biliupo11010 110 musll. Francis Bacon's Ciher Story. Volumi~e V of "Sit Fracislo *l'lisl' Cipbi-r Sory," as dsiove'rsed adi doollhrod by Orville A. O15100112. D., is nowout511. Wlaere'r ily be sai of the crdibiiiy of theso ciliesr stors's anid of lt'clains of IBaco's authtlorship of the plays-1100ibe05 to Shakespeare, 0110 Imust fone0, th110 they have gainead csli'lratleO pious. 11001100in10pit110of as ' "L'erC 'iii1i15ill and ridiolle. Dr. Owe'l, whlo la, taken s atve a palr i inl 0c0101- 0101n 11101,IBacon5wr01e Ill' Siak- epearian plays, is a Dtroit pbsiiall and his wIorks are tpublised in- lDe- trot by th Howard Pnlishing Co. The mieting of the Kansas studet, to organize tht "Kansas club" will be hed SatrddfyHihtin Newl>"twy hlall. Tba club will have ucubeslp of about forty. Comedy Cubs Ahetic Breofit, May Actin oftheLitearyFacuty.PNEUMATIC BICYCLE SADOLES. The literary faculty 1100 last night T "~,~, sod suspended three' of the young men ( Qt(_Umllxn 5vr'll a . _y imsplicated in the recent kidnapping 8 You see ther everyw'here. 4 scraipe. Ev.aus Holbrook, of Onawa, 1 95- la., Henry P. Herdmoan, of Jonesville, Ohio, and Frank A. Ketchiuml, of Dec- Wimbi de logo year. " rH R t'S a whole nerion in They were0 not imoplicated at all in ~ the above. It preaches the " The Perfect" tnflatable Sadsile, preveists" itse paintinlg of a classmate's facoeXwith * econy of baying thef best-a * Chahfing umbess and saddle soresoess. The Ce pessest Hiding 5Sddle in thes'Xorld., nitateofsiler Itis ndrstodtha ' wise ecsoomythat every one "1or en. ' X'somen and Children. Circulars Ilitaleof ilvr. t isundrstod ila Freer Address, itie facnlty has s0101 clue as to the* can practice wits Columbias " NUMTCSDDEC. olotdr l~i~srocsbinigIlcO at X100. The newvColumlbias are 107 Chamhers St. New York. offndrsandpupoes rigig tex * marvels of strengih, lightness, a to 11110 shortly. symmetry, beauty and speed.~ Law Notes. POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn.o " Bnston, New Yorh, Chicapo, 3 The practice court was not1in sc5- " Inn Francimco, Providiee Bufnalo. Q 01010 yesterday afternoon., Thero willd An Art Caaogue of Columbias censhe had" lreer at anyCsoumbia " This space is reserved be al soSion tonlighlt and Prof. irob- agency or it nill he" maiedfor twro2-ents Q iner will 1)0001110 itames.tell,,too, o ri rth ra dOpera The laws are signing a petition to be HARera aBICLS "o o teG a Sao, tsl, o. " presenteod to the regeilts, recltuosiili, y"" oo "" * a House. thast a drinskinlg fouta~ilin hoe p1aced in the Ilw tbuildillg.DI ON M S C phast's of thic11me111axCin10'011iller i ''; ', . esltliiln c ~rto theo 0011100lavoe7s ys's- "Six Love Songs," b-rdss i5 l00lilin1'.ByFrsanh N. Saswyer. Transslatioins of Six Prof. Kirchneir has offered 1111(000 of ttcines fteest lyrics in exquisite musical settings. Heavy Paper. 70 cents., Dillon's book 0)10 Jurisp~rudecetls oA11l erica.lto the s 10100laws, gusinc ;;tla "COLLEGE SNSj bost deiition of pulblic policy XXwih The stasndard collection of Collee Songs. Over 300000)1ssold. Heavy Paper. GO ii : 110 15007 Ofnli icioi051cent;ols,.othi, Gilt. $is0O. Tilie sOlialluro of ist'orniell i in' 'COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS," cal clutbs hasbeeooll p~oduntil Gnly boslk of the inid' publishoed. The June117thll, wilds they 'will sail forlcogs of the ileadinsacolleages for-,swomein. Heavv Paper. $1.00. Etnglnd 010 ties teameriParlo. Conuedy Chub Athletic Benefitl,may PA ;LC10INTIVTI ITMSC' 1(1Eigh~ty-twvo pieces for the gsitar from thse best sors .'A lesndid coliection.1Had- ooreCover.t5O centn. U. S. CYCLOI0 ITER Any booko sent postpaid on receipt of price. -AY OLIVER ]X[TSON CO., f' i Jrs/S 41f-43-2h3 Wasbingien St., Bruso. l / y H 'iy l41 C. H. Ditson & Co. N Y. Thnzy HE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK ' z 1"' aAsn Arborticis. Capital Stoch, $50,hS. 1 4 u la u ae 110,010. v v Oe"'snoedunder the General Baniing Las ~ ; : ii '' ofthan State.lDeceives depossits, buys and -esexhneothrh ncipaol cities ssf the 'yrr , ,fr sUted ta ~tes r.afts oasrd alson proper iertibisotionas fety sdcposit boses to ment. S10ICES:os Chisotioss 1blacik, iPrs.; XW. D. ti Earrian, ice-Press; Choas. E. Hiscoch, Figsusesosnollustrationoieod'2i350 mho'. Cashier: M.1J.Price AssiuatssolCashier. 10,000 SMLES. PRICE $3.00. ]Repeals oa a y 'b1snat bsaisk..~. 'J~ ONE OUNCE. ONE INCH LON FIRST CLASS CSO TAILORING it, 28 asod 80 isschsIn'erchon'rsbhr'toay CSO si eygeiisseat pore i~scr5'. Corner of Slate and 'WXilliaass, NO CHINESE PUZZLE TO SOLVE. XV1iaa s t. ersoce. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR. Grganized 1S63. Caoptal, $100,00. Surislos and Profits, $40,000. Trasacts a generial bashing bsins.s Foreier' e-wtscnses bossghst ooid satd. Furnish P. BACHI Pres. S. XW. CI.ARKOON. Cashier. TG arraonge 101 private or SPECIAL CLASS lesosOisa Dancing, call at Office huours 11 to 1 and 4 to 0. No 111105 to iiount. MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S School of Dancing and flelnarte.. Saturdssy,, Gentlrman beginnerclass. Saturday, 4Sp. in., Losdy begisners class. Mondsay, 7:30s p. r., Advanced Class (Ladies' and Gentlemeis). Tuesay, 1:110 p. ns., Heginners Class (Ladies an~osGenlemen)t. Private lessans hy appointment. SCHOOL 46 S. STATS ST THEl Lovell Diamond Cycles Are unsurpoassed for BEAUTY, SPEEDI)AND XWORKMSANSHIP. Good ailovosnccmode an second- GEO. F. FISHER. Agoelt, sa5iE. Univ. Av. [IA CATERER, E014 U TFRFEA 20(I1. Wunhiag- '9* tan-st. Heads plaisly from saddle. Least liblhe to tijury. Clamps on tons oat of the wsy asd safe fromo sccdrnt. Cose hisoiSdGeman silver. All other parts nncorrosive. Dust and scarer cannot injure it. Every meter tested at 00 miles per hoar and guaranteed accurate. Electrotypes, furnished on application. BEAN & LANG, MFCRS. 637-701 Mainn St. FONDBDt LA C, wneIT9S .HARD TO DO W T O Ti oth eusderfod Tubular fned-ihs perfecti CEO. S. PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN. Tour deriisolitely tohnvecthem, if hehasn%.,wrileusiand1weli 'end yocuthe isnfoton you wnstWit our iandssomeillustraled cataloue fe e. PARKER EN SCOMPANE, Jnesville, Wi0 SHEEHAN & CO. Exclusive Agents for Ann Arbor. .i TempleSpecial. SAVE SAVE $1850 .-.,. $18 50 By haying a Temnple Special STRICTLY H IGH GRADE!' Examine this wheel hefore purchasing year %nmount. The Fisk TeaChers'AgetCy, EVERETT 0. FISK & CO., 355 Wabash Ave., - - Chicago,' Illinois. Asbbuetnn Place. 70 Fifth Avenue, 503 TwelfthlStreet, 355S Wabash At'ente, BOSTON, SASS.. NEW TONY, N. Y., WASHINGTON, D. C. CHICAGO, HI. 32 Church Street, 410 Century B'ld'g,' OLYMIPIA, 10 S. Sprlng'eec TORONTO, CANl..IMINNEAPOLIS, SINN. WASHINGTON. LOS ANGELES, CAL. Send for A goncy Manual and Registration Blanks.