-tIJE .,o..Waln VOL. V. No. 152. UNIVERSITY OF MVICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. EDD~Y, THE ORGANIST. A BRIEF SKETCH OF THIS EMI- NENT MUSICIAN. A PuPil of Dudley Buck, and of Haupt; Pronounced by the Latter. "The Peer of the Greatest Living Organists." Among 'thie artists of _world-wide m-putatiorb who figure in the Mlat Festival, Is Clarence Eddy, the esain- enst organist, born in Greenfleld, Mass., inst 23, 1851. Clarence Eddy was hiut a. lad of-live or six _years of LAg' when he, gave evidence of the poss's- sion of mariked munsical cility. His fondnkss 'for nmnsic outweighed' the chtarmis of the customary shunts and gasies, and his greatest delight seem- eii to tie to listen to miusic and to attesipt to reproduce it. "So manifest w~as his talent tiiat lie was escouraged end given the host instruction the qiet litile home village afforded. Afthr studying coder Dudley Buck, iii 1871, Mr. Eddy went to tGermniy ts perfect his studies under the rec nowvnedt August Haupit, one of Ciie greatest nansters of the isstruntet the world las ever knowns. With the zeal of youth and the ardor of liii true enltusiast, Mr. Eddy plunged itot his studies anil was raidily tushteil ahiead by the elighted mtier, who reoes- nizeid in, his young piupil the aitility anid pierseveranice necessary far the tic- complishiient of great work. With- out the possession of a. rensackahie phuysbiue, the young mn conhl never have! suistained the iniiiinse strain upon "him cosecluent npon eight. tea andi even "twelve hours of practice daily. Having flished his studies, Mr. Ed- dy was given a letter hy iii great nmaster, in which occurred the follow- ing words: "In organ hlaying the performances of Mr. Eddy are worthy to he designiated as eminent, and lie is undoubtedly a peer of the greatest living organists." When we consider that these words cause fronm Angust Hlaupt, it' is doubtful if anything so thoroughsly conaplimentary has ever hieeia written'about M1°r. Euddy, desite the volumes of praise that have bei n penned. Mr. Eddy has made two trips across thie'colauitry to the Pacific coast, every- where being greeted with enth'usiasm. is last tour was in time autunin of last year, end so successful were the engagements that a Californian iman- auger urged him to visit Australia, but this offer was declined. if sisfilcient money can be raised, the. Vniversity of California Athletic leistiixt'ih be Increased froni ten moem- taers to twelve on their Eastern trip. ALL FROM' AN'N ARBOR. WESTERN BASE BALL. Enterprising Journalisms Not Dead The Indications of the Ball Games Here Yet. So Par Played This Season. Yesterday moning our friendl the Tintes-H7erald tarintuedte following seciatil isant: "AninsAches'. Micih., May 1--An in-' msate of the Washtenaw countly Jail constructled is ruse dsummsiy aasst dusk hunt it uip by the neck so tbhat it dangled freely at. the cnd of a cord intshue corridor. Before: it had swstsse tiaraeinanyty nsutes hollow groanis is- stied froms a cage its a remote coruser, soon followed by a sound of feet issaillisig aboust. Tue hollow gr-oas wore repeated at intervasls ansd shire :wtts i sosunud of shsuling feet, unitil at last a ltgssro that loomied gigantiic in thes gleans setizel the swineinguglm- mny, tore if dlowns assu heinit viio- is-sily sipon Cise floor. Te'lso Iess thCiion hunesg itself ansdiwvent tihsousgihsll of lihe cosstortions of dyinsg by strange- lsation. Finaslly it descended asnd triampedel back ito its cell." Anid yeosterday- smorsnisigstir friend lii- tReord lirisnted a specialte'le-gr-ame of whirls the wvholestay ho judged tby ts.portiona: "Ants Arbor, ,Micht.,'May 1-Asnmall se-nsation was creatted insel- anatomt- ical latboratory of the mesdical detanrt- sienat of lisa University today u-hi-i it h--cause known that otto of else siu- sCets had ietsn asatsage, -lit illinig of ivhich was the' saeat of a sisassns toetag." Stirrisngitmaes at Ann Arbor. MEielt., iatitat of the ingosaisuas ant imitpe- e-uttioues college boy. Bitt thsis is noet all, for on yesteriday maornainagour trinthie Inter Ocesan psrinated ai spec- il telegrasa frostsAsia Arbor,Mit, tesnder thae followiss eaetdisag: AND THtIS IS COLLEGE FUN. Brutes st Ass Arbosracrenste Stin Off of a Studest's Feces. We infer tisat the younsg gientlemns at Ass. Arbor is untacquasinted aith 'Gerssasn, as we findie us trace of itis lively asnd gracefusl fancy, uasnier Arts Arbor elate, isathe, teliegrasiph columsas of our friend the Stants Zoitsasg. P'er- hsapis the yousng gesatlemasn's concep- tions are too airy and sublil'- for Ger- mass ise. However, te younag gesslesuan hs clone very well. Eacia smornisagipaiper in Chticago was esnabled to presesat its reatders with an absolutely novel and exclusive news item frost Ann Arbor. Astt it is seedless ts acid thsat as trutg- inniigyousng corresponenst its thie city of learsning has since beets enabled to indulge his healthy fancy for aspara- gus, green peas and the othae luxuries of the, season.--Chic'ago News. Weeks at the Psi U. Convention. Baseball Manager E. C. Weeks dlid not return fronaIhaca withtheCitet-amu, but went to Clintoin, N. Y., where the annual national conventions of the Psi Upsilon fraternity is beiag hl under the auspices of Hiamilteo College. Ti conventioss lasts three days, the 8th, 9th and C1ils inst. W.- Morley is th eother representative of toe local chapter. .Although the' imsportant g;ames of the western collegssace; still tn be played. thse varieus city papiers ate conjectusring on the possible chstaspien for lisa season. Michigan has so far suit only the minor teamas of the Nvest, but its those site has shtowsn groat strensgths, espec- ially its battiag. Hoewever, te gasis witha Cornell clearly dosaonstrates that our leant will be able to sneet (Cii- cago and Wisconsin with every pos- sibility of success. Wisconsin has been defeated by Chicago, asd the l- ter team htas also bested Northwestern in two contests. From this it cast be ,stated thsat frenmte prosest out- look, Mtichtigan and Chicago will de- cide thse chanmpionship. Stage's suea ,aro showaing groat strength with tie, bat, asnd in addition Co tlis thsey are well equippted with psitchsers. Nichols is agaiss doing tise bualk of work isa thei box acid itis record of last season line been stiuchim aproved sposa in the gasae s titus far playedl. The Showing of Our Track Team. Wsork with the iracek tesam eastei- dlates is psrogressintg very raidely, ande som:e sire ittakisig fine somevitage. Trials in althue events hatte, steottruni by- saost of ihe tanediedati';, atticof whticht have been exceptiosnally good. 'Iwostaetshase i-tee saeteredl ini Cit AmterictnsnCstc reelie-giate chsatpiett- sips to be hold isa Now York the. 2sth of this smnthandselbot u-lbe senit if their shtow-ing warrants the expecta- tiosa thtat they wouild win ta point. 'Bte tr-aining Cable for lice, track teamn has net yet boost fully arrangedi for, stt will be. started soont, and menoa wiii be taken to it as fast as they snaske a geod enougfi shtouwing. The smeoting with ihte Californa Unsivereity track t-ant here Juno 8, wviii beyond dotubtiJwtue i'finest field day over held lierce. The Californsia muen nmeet Princeton next. Satutrday, uad it will ehtena be, possible: to forma an opuintionof tii-r strsegh. Review of Reviews for May. han "The Progress of the World" of ths May Rteview of Rteviews foreign affairs receive, considerable atteniona. The Japanese treaty, te British cant- paign In Cititral, French aggression isa Africa, the peace outlook hn Europe, te attitude of flue powers in .referese. to the Arnmenian atrocitiesi, thei change in -the Siae kosshi of -they British House of -Commons, the, question: of Welsh disestablishmxeut, end the. greet boot and shoe strike in.Enugland, are among the subjects discussed. ~EE OUR WINDOW! "THERE MAY BE SOMDETIHING IN IT." 51 South Main st. tsosdistrbte «.+++ cc.,.«ou dretise- mcetshe pat payenst fo s ighs rde Aces bicycle.ertuich e sedtheeonsapprol. INo work dseeUntil he bicyce aerives ad poves satisfactory. Young Ladies epoe onmt If boys o grs appyrtheyrmussebe welrecm eded. Wieicor pattsctas. ACME CYCLE C01rIPANY, ELKHART, IND. H~OT 'ZTTCE:ES LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES + TUTTLE'S, .48 S. STATE ST. JUST ARRIVED! A SIIIFISENT OF Gents' rine lan Shoes 7O:R SFIIC. JACOBS & ALLMAND Wshngon Bloeck. Ae Abr. P. S.-See our Show Window. ED. A. CADIEUX. Latest Improved Barber Shop Is the chty. E. Wasingston St., ltskdoor east of :list. Ann Acor. MAMMOTH-A PIPE SALE JOLLY & Co's N6 SOireH STATE S. Don't fal tn costs Holt and Coliauncrhssat All HMurs. PROF. JOHNSON'S Illustrative Cases on Bills and Notes AND NORTON ON BILLS AND NOTES NOW ON SALE. AT W .