TagE U. OF M. DAILY. ELLI, T E T ILO 2200 to 2204, State st., Chicago Will be at the Cook House, Ann Arbor, from May 15th to May 25tH, inclusive, with the SWELLEST LINE OF "SUITI.NGS AIND PANTINGS I ,ever shown. Imported English Clay Suit, Sack or Cutaway, $20.00. Are you with me? P. S-Did you get a Liar's Diploma? Send 2c stamp. THE TAILOR. .As C.SPALDING &BROSI .r Athletic Supplies. BASEBALL, LW TNI, lc idieortoi Uniforms fer All Sports. hoainthe Wiverley. 1u RIDE THE SPALDJNC BICYCLES- H11 . J cx. THE LEADER FOR 18951 HANDSOIIEILLUSTRAITED CATALOGUE TiOXA70PC.) lE SENT FREE.'Fou i, NEW YORK, CHICAGO, PHILADELPHIA. Eat Tomat . 3 Pour '95% LAWS!3l HAVE YOUR44 South 1Main Street. CANE ENGRAVED -AT- MAYS JJAiD FOUR FIRSTS. WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. - CONTINUED FROOR FIRST FAGE. S WNir itti ws orce h EA TIE R S o1n;.r224$ n;.Icoan Lter1k For Men and Beys, ings 1by the I esli(live judges of the HM~DK~II LAMIH'S troad seci'ad honor Ilin: drl- WOOL SWEATERS Ery-3- - - ; total. 20. 14d- EIvuni-Thoiuolt, 3-1-5-4-1-4dc in black, navy, white, liviry.,-----:ttl 3 garnet and gray, Th itt is15vronIi for Boys, up to 32 I inh sizes, tiest the league has held. but 1latys A $1.50; leid in both tliotitunit nd &livery. The ForMe, ll izs, opposinglloleats adoaoseven For Mn, al sizs, uned-d thitlie had won fairly. $2.00. After t liiecontesl the S. UT. 1. gavite a Strawbridge & Clothier biatnuet in h- nor (if hs :nests. Tli PHILADlPHIA. alternates tnd others responded liap- ___________________________________pitly to toaists tiod nuny remiarked that (~A they 1enenbered Ino siiiilar oceasion ~ ~iit~ ~ ~. soensue sfully ecotdueteit. I_-AT- a E. A. MUMMERY'S. THE HIGHEST OF ALL HIGH GADES. tyOicye il itheyiiworld, regairdless of tprice. more .stoxieriaeii nfiieriioih til, Insis o whiose tiiis as goii as goldt ,R, $85. 22 lb. LADIES', $75. BROWNI, Exclusive Agt. ONOMIZKE . asung up. Tomatoes are going dlown. tees. (Is (Greenwood, 75 cents tier dozeti. nds Peninsular, 85 ceitts tper dozen. ids Riverside, 915 cents per dozent. so Fresh (oods. hPA T7 & COOJV1PAISF1TY if' possille.conliibtin.-to t funid, liii incomi ofivhhtihshiiilid te usei toI pay the prizes. Ste. .t. It. Quairles, if Mticiiguii was iteeteit seretury of liie leag ue. Ne xt Ma~y time icmiteosit i b hieldin iiChicago, lprioiaily iin(entrlt Music hull unit the treat st cntest: t1"i. ltis tito i ie;ectemt. U. OF Mt. CALENDAR. Thnrs., May 9t.-Faunlty recital at Frieze Memorial hull. Fri., Slay 10.-Wi bster-Jefftrsonia. tdebate, law lecture iooii, 58lp.om. Fri., Mlay 11)-Dramatic Club uati- letic benefit, (Granid opera house. F~i., Slay _10.- Ritterluinmani by Profs. Kelsey and Lainson in Presby- terian chutrch. Sat.,-Slay 11-Varsity vs. Illtinois, athletic field, 3:301 t. m. Fri. and, Sati.,Slay 17 Ttind1S.-- (Granid SMay Festival held tunder aus- pices of thioUntiversity SMusical so- ciety. Fri., Slay 24.-Webster-Adelphi de- bate, lawT lecture room, 8 p. si. Thurs., Tune, C-Faculty recital ati Frieze Slemurial hull. STAMP COLLECTIONS. We want to buy stamp collections and will pay cash for the saute 00 receipt if price asked is satisfactory. Collections should be sent by regis-. tered mail or express with letter nato- ing price under separate cover. ' We send superior approval sheets to re- sponsible parties. W. J. LAWRENCE & CO., Kalamazoo, Micht. Lost-Between the opera house and MC.C. depot, a pair of gold-rimmed eye glasses, on Friday evening. Ito-; turns to S. C.' Babcock, Psi U htouse. NEWN ART TILE SODA FOUNTAIN. Ice Cream Soda, Vernor's Ginger :Ale, sod all piopular dritiks. A. E. MUMMERY'S DRUB STORE, Cur. Fourthi Ave. adsitingtiiiiSt. CUT RATE RAILROAD TICKETS to sll points for sale iiy ANN ARBOR R. R, TICKET AGENCY, aa E. Huron St. Mtembier of Asiericas Ticket B-okuer's Aso-- cities. All I rzeitportatio, ,nar snteed. Tckts boultiad old. "THERE ARE OTHERS" Out sones of t ihem can cotnimare withi - -the - - THISTLE! Here Are a Few Seeds: Rtacers, lit rounds, Lighlt. Roadsters, 17 to 10 Lbs. Bloadsters, i21 to 23 Pounds. Call sod see them at lit E. Wvilliam st. D. B. FORD,. AGENT . MOORE '& WETMORE 6 S. Main st., and State st., cor- nor of William st., have a complete stock of NIYEBSIIT JT HOOKS New and Second Hand. N-to woos- andlether ,StudSents' O,,eptirs Fine Stationery. Sporting oodts, stc., which they effer at the Lowest Prices. Call and see 'ss before purchasing. GH.WI LD. THE LEADING TAILOR and hmoe ler hais received the largest and meat select stock of IMPORTED AND D OMESTIC WOOLENS for Spring and Summer of '95 in the city,andw old. be pleased to hava ,you call and examine the same. Full Dress Suits a Specialty., E, Wasin gton at. near Main. 1 OfF -AT- Sheehian & Co.'s tne juidge shioulid be chioseti fromttihe state in wvhicht the cotelist is thtat year hld utnor frotitapip city its vlicli one Of ili ittstitutionts inth ie leattle is to- cated. SMichtigatt hts suffered hereto- fete at ltoltantd of judges chtosen fiottt Chicago. WNe clainmed tht it would be just us fair to choose one judge from Anni Arbor. -Au amnd- uiettt was passed tmakintg the system of judges the same as is now in use htere, -wIith "three judges on thought and Itree different ones on delivery. A :committee was appointed to secure I