THE U. OF M. DAILY. jV1IGHIGAN G"YENT1 AL WILL BE WELL PRIESENTED.k Time Table (Revised) Nov. 18,18e94. DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENT TO PA . r AM BE PREPARED TO PLEASE. Mail and En-I II3 5 Mall -8__ 43________ 4 N. Y. Special----. 5 15 P. Y. Special- 705 Eastern Ea---10 21 N. S. LimIted 1 9725 Proceeds to be Divided Between A M. Paciile Es--12 15 Woe'Gy FudadBlan Atlantic Es-___7 47 1. 1 oe'1GmFn ndBi n 1). N. Espress.... 5 40 Western Es.___2 12 Track Teams-Tickets on Sale G. R. Express __11 0.5 Chi. Nt. Es.---10 21 G.R.E-s .--- 557 at Fifty Cents.1 0. W. RUGGES, H. W. lAvES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chilcago. Agt., Axe Arbor. Those whll 1lot 50011 itri' l isal-. F11"',1 .. A.".. & N. IYL. p7, 'Of 11h0 Ceillody chillfor llhoir rt111-1,1 A W t If il Taksing effect Sonday, April 7, 1894. 1-inet 111t11e'Grandlloper11001 111)110lioxtI Trains leave Ann Arbor as Central Stand- Frilay inigiht saiy 11111tI:t11e0lc" lliaiolli ard time.< NeRH.SOUTH. of the chalracters is imlprovig- daily. 7:05a.m. 7:15 a.i e12:25 p. s. 11:30 a. m: . Ax 0117 0117. ilniiliii is a btiihllflS 4:15 p.m. 9:0p. M. th1 iollgontohebsalad *Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toledo i2-liotligolg1 Eli t~llli111 All trains daily escept Ssnday. l:o 1110,ll-1iltilsi i li iR. S. GREENNVOOD, Agent llet--as'soci~iai11halveilii helitt111- W. 1H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. BY. 'o-es :1a1e ifly Bntb 71111tit1and :1111111 __________to 11e0flo:or. Tie)iy oei lii i-lltigiel Time Table, Octsber 7, 1894. lit Siiehain'i for rosrv.1 llss- helii Leave Ypsilanti from Congress sl., 7:00,19:00 prlylil lit of twenty-fire o i nls xtral. and 11:0a. in.; 12:45,2:15, 5:0i, 1:45, 0:0aod" 10i:3i p. m.n- lii-gall1:ry Owill te sol 111:15 0Oi1111 Leave Ann Arbor Junctionl, :30,9:3.0lnd a01111t-fve 0ens5a 55a. As 11e:: 11:30ia. in.; 1:1,2:45,:, 7: ,:0 il tlrol SUNDAY TIMiE. othelialf of liii lrioleell o into1111li- Leaver Ypsilanti from Collgrcssxt., 1:35,5, 31 iilll11' lll5 siil fund . u- wel Leave Anls Arbor Junctios, 7:50,4:050, fti.55i -s wl udubel 7:0111119:30 p. i. '' i i iiriyXiiliiillil Cars ru1n01on ityhierPoe: siogle irip i15lpatroni11(ize he et00ti10111 lt wXli. cenats; rond trip tickects 25 conto., XWM. F. PARKitne, 5. '08 ORACLE BOARD. FLOWERS, FLOWERS 9 Etors Elooted for Next Year's For Everytbing and Everiybody. ohmr nul COSINS & HALL, forists, 26 t nivesi~y e SohmrAnul Til Tmsool )sptose 115'i 0'lcl DIETAS & SCHI .zj 1board111 itl'idy :ifliteroin. lxotickl- R i . 11. ' eiiOur Sprig and Suiisiiior Woolens 110 in1:1rest 1v:10siitvtoi. The : 0:1) Ilily are nhowTon sale. Prices Low. i:::lio 1. Iit etu S isos (la:1x111:i tnd Call and see us. bor. 11t? ~ i:o,8111 li 48 5. tate st.. OS-oni loo, .AnnAr4boe. YI-ltlt '