+ 11(1 i tiier lhlaiti str uggls, won hint.
1L(1' of Inot 3(,ancaltiest shld)(it'
Published Daily (Sunday excepted) durnn.1)i'-hind tin last innn in this i r
the Coiiego year, at edits t both iii delivery ,indi~i a;u-
TH'E UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. toetit? (Our sbi('nlois-vocelaiteil
OFeam: Times building N. Mlain St., opposite tattemrig wreesiiiietl
post off°ice.thtth a in swrso aifsl
itrtiai as1(o he almost aisilrd,t id
EDITORS. Mi'. on ,tin positioln i the L-ai~u,
J. A. Le ny, 'tt, Maanic Editor.
G.i. IRIi.l SiiO , '096L, Asistant t oiint sto is cctaiiily Strsmillioif tof
A. Nt. Siisnl,,Speciail, Assiotatit. their tiatt'iii'nts. Why is it tiitit
W. A. Sioto., '9iLC, Assistant.
H. CiOLeiAn, 'N7, Athletic Editor. Noeths'esiertn souttldiwilil its mutsil
I. S. itAiti.'93 PL, Business Manager, with jjplg;en of 1lies'ownssil leeetio,
Asnooiate Editors. ettosent tin lsilrt oire; fiind )".so 'Id-
Ii. A. itancet', 't7. E. L. Evants, '95i L. ly in ateti 'h. i - aiintty lotte'slt-
E. C. Sunderland, '9t6. 'arrieYV Smith, 't9i.
L.. A. Pratt, lit. L. R. lianthien, '9ttlL. Dis issway frimthi meitti Biioitfire ', i'll..
C. A.IHow-titoii. '9t 1). G. A. Beath, li6 P. Inre all right, blhutle erosstCssl' o
Mis'niettonitsoit, '9. it.B. tiGaimmon 'iiA.
t'. it. Faricll, 'JcS. S. E. iiiatipeii . ~eris'lstils s eAv'. sv' iiyisf
J. S. ltlty. '55. ltoi'urNorthss'ist'rn fri AI i hlte
Subiscripstioiiprice $2a 50 per yerintially ieltrkiisits ofttilit-Northon ern si" uoetsi-
in advnte. Single 'stis 3tcenits. Stibserip- les;t 1 lissiinseredIii .'iti t tl ' lt o
tiones nity blttat tte ofitte of tie Dli s',
any at the edtorins orathrizted uisolicitors lnt AMiettlyan Aniitsisnro itisirly t ll-
Coin imniltis shouild riachi the office bty
7o'clockso. in. if they tire itt iappeartthe inext elassiti ity Nstetiis't'ti Anotil titnli
ctttiinCsotie Dttngittis Editore. All bus~itt'ss
commne itietiitshitould bo senttto the Oaoi- siltitinit ciii n EtIsi ti ililhtt s'ttlt
ness Mlttanagr. 1ittirstirt.
AinitArtbor, Miichi. WELCOME TO MAYS.
It ito slion)ttiat ss iv a :-'11it por Enthusiastio Reception Co Orators
buly' ii o iyrt'otau ities'lst'ss'ii'and Dotogatos.
tti'fettt, hut sucie s 1liii'15eti ltregaril Saloritatnigty It it10t:2. 'ctiocik
lily. 1WIili'ot ' i' sutl ss'iot iiljt isistit eowosst t SttittliO ni t'e.1ilt.
czi'Xtl l sltait'esswishie'i, ss've e ttil. aC<iuty de i pitt, o 't' sit Psi
tsiulii lit i tloinilll3' skiiiha tleu ou e 'reit''tl i's troiso Itissa I 'i13
111'"iti. ''loi-atiltih y pel'tilsiip 5'as I(lay.,-ws ostiistidiito i' 11 titeitIofit
ItitAC sits tidi'sltfin tteit' f ir '3ytO 1'ii l"tI ed ii '<' ta'hiti tue,-It e'i it.~
tes'il hbys-toe1ConitnsNoftheiissini ' ir. 1tlts ns'hokeltiiiieit (°oitt
3'iy isttheissi Cetin'tos ev'etrtsreatitol I I2thutiat ansnsil Ul'eitit;,'ali( snAI-
eCr3'ht 'le 'istisatio'i'atygitti'hhtti('thif' w'o 55t'li t iilnd thii tutuk;
slit' th'.is'iiecondt Mtimetyan hn tt';'ii tihihtePretilet'.eDehlno' tl,'
13-.) tl-eisnu j ita i's-a i ai'1 Tt:,irt.onetitha- 1tTho'i orses itt "itaiti t tttl tte3 o.'1110
thia' of tltaost a.'l(, doi't-s fromileou i .iyi' siete. tint
te Un.ierityk 5f 3ihhi-its Nereit: ii ile i. '5'ttsi('1tpul stiet it .I1ilsetaisi i
lyotchise att'eeryt hi int.l''r itt'. thfudiil ad ibrt tts t
111 ittnto i si'hitist r ttttt1thlIee it.'yel'ls. Di'. Ant.''hitittmiae 'i t)Iuuse'
speart ,i's andbott ii eits lii Il ;:l t" spiehs titheo t il nttu roit huh't
tihithi:it Yu'iett. Nititeti, hitndlthetttse liii'CI. .1. .I tlanos-er ttiakinto' detis
Comined ais'il t es l' tiity (tutk, have dstoret. ihetreshttttetts of ice' 'i'ilhlint
thistfirst thtieet' anks, 'Asith tli'e,11C(
iht1.i,tit }'tyof It(lhigii n, hlitig cak 't'' eesert'( iatutuspe'e'thesi' al'(1t.i
forthfifthilianti sixthltres. Stunt fori. Addiressin 'it- in ttitt'by3-J. 11'.
stiitt'i-toment'iii ttiifor thit' sorkIhhBingham, '95 LIW. WI.'iXedoe'yu r.
of our nittit titu tsr:at ctethiitt tise's'( s I'.1 Meditri,', It L , ' .t
thi it th'eilni. tasiig lt'ei3 ti ub itl, '95,D. . Wilcox. the., It. J.
etse the 1w'11iveenif3' tt iehivati'i Barr, 'T5 L, iod othtes. Tite cro'i''
wotiulSe httoit11ltsSiiiti'0'
tot Northw'esterni to' htslteuig'«Itsrv_- displrsedt it ahoit1:30(1a.iii. 'Tue
ard, an insttittin eltiiftigthi'chan- cretditfor thiiillii'Otisp lread Yster
pionsipin tOdebtin ite estsiisht due almtost entirely to 1..P. Saileir.
Univ'e'sity iif Mtchiigtan, unltil of lutt,',}G.
has claimed it tli'et West.-The: North-'
westcern. Recent College Games.
The Daily wonders if the writer of Chicago, S; Wisconio, 2. Ytal",:t;
the above is still of ihe salite oiion Brown, 2. Harvard, 1t; Williamis, 4.
since the Noihern Oratorical League Wabash, 11; Purdue, 6. NorthwRest-
content, as Mr. Bennett, one of Nocit- emn 13; Beloit, S. Pensylvania, 28;
western's debaters, was also her rep- Colombia, 7. Rush Medical, 17; Lake
resontative in tim, oratorical contest Forest. 6.
T 1."Thtt' Perfect" Intaite Saddle, prenetit
t'tuutig, Nutbniessandutu d ule oeness. iTe
' 'uieti1est, :tuusee iiditug tc ithe i ' 5'ielt.
You Haven't Wings Free Addess, SADE ,
but - 107 CambershrmSt., New 'Yrk,
You 'can fly "(atmns) it yoride a_ Vicnor 'UGRAND) OPERA HOUSE,
Bicycle wighing 19 pnunds ISonces.
fThe ightest wecgtl.high-trade bicycle MOND~AY, MAi~Y' 6, '95.
on the maikc.r;,Try i. Tie Attotestie Ent he-t ofith ie Farce.
Weighti redced by accurate tcsts made C'oedy 'utorld,
by_ the wonderttul Victor Dyamometer. Nellie M cHenry
OVERNIAN WHELk C. oad iett circocoedy,
ti Night at the ~Circus.c
Potion. NonwYok Dethiatt, Deete.A iYgit
atiioC oute Se te 5Wid1 A ttan ittf ittrtico, he u ma
Satn acsco~ Lot Angeles. Prtand. Xytlohonte (titissi t titee.gte tomicaluu
ti 05'c uuuii, Agenttlt, 11. suihuta t sC t ieuu. te tOtly oet" enitus, t bMasstho
D1"ITSON MUSIC. Prices, 35c, 50c, 75e and $L.
lttescnueistents out stle'tatts' Jeely
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Bhy FiranktE Satwyte, fastuittons iof 5s Di'ANN ARB~OR
ofi ilines inetitst lyrics it esitisit'tmuescal
saotius IHeavy Paper. 753cents,, DguutedI
if'COLLEGE SONGS.'9Cptl$0,NO Srlsn~etsW00
Ovse osnen olutt.1-eovy iPaper, bD h i..5StCAieD'Cnu
centnt Coth, Gilt.00L. 5'lPe. .W.CAR.DDN asir
"COLLEGE SOFGS FORGIRS,"Jo a ittneisirpiv aft. or
Only totit of teind ubtlitted'Te'1' ,4C"! CL 'S
H ftelaig olgsfrwoe. Eceav Paper. $1.DD. eoninD cngcalt
tHYt hULLIthIOIF.WEITL CltLUSIC.' i O' Act ~:y
Ohoity-two pitee' foste guitabutfrootthue
bet suteuts. A sptleuidutoleiction. ituu- Oice hous 11 o I1and 4 to S.
ouni Coter.i500cents. Sn"o sttai's tiiintm.
Anyttbolsetntuusipuuuoureeuiptiof puicee
Schol of Dancing and Delsarte.
tis-tia '~a~luhtgtuiuSt. Ilntuti, Surnday, 1l am., Couthnanltegtiiernehss.
Ci. DItitnit Co. N Y. e.uu 'to. 41). i., Otdyteginnters lasts.
Souiduy, 7:W p.m., Aieaned Crssmnhktdies
THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK'nu..oa,:tou m., tBeginern Cha(ktdien
Ao Auor, 'iuth Imutith Soth riteitoeutitoby appointmuenti
An -rbr l.u tut-"gOf.Stok,$L0 0100,46 Ita. STATE ST
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Untd;tc Dat .ha pnpoe Lovell Diamond Cycles
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Good tallomuncmadeitnhemicund
wzvr. Z , GE, F. FSHER, Agoeut, ti FUiv. Ae
Corner o Pito anduu'Vi tiam ni., .TR 2 k,.ltasiug-
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IT'S _HAi[RD TO DO WITHO tri tat Tnuhshr ent3 oP~rhepctlO5
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