Of AW4M Vo. V. No. 151. PLAYED A PRETTY GAME. SATURDAY'S DEFEAT BY COR- NELL A BRILLIANT CONTEST. "VARSITY'S HARD TRIP AF- FECTED THEIR PLAYING. Score 2 to I-Pitchers' Battle Be- tween Priest and Sexton-Bril- liant PlayinE by Shields and Blooringston. What ',vso'aiiul to ho the lest con- teted gne ever plyth ot Pere lit id at Ithaca, N.0T.. took piatot'ato- srday, witn Mieligani wett dowvn be- fore Cornell by the core of 2 to 1. Althioughtdfeated, 01tourmn playet whot will preoably godown vo thlet olar tatergouto'of the eaon. The ptaiotig ti toy ot-laio'odt",ha of the IPribcetot-ornell gmte of to oeok ago, whttotity score woo "-titt favor of FPeloecon. Btot Pto lreente d their toest platyers, taoiotwith ite letilig tnot olharp pitying tall aouondto, the 'tonttel beanme a piteersobttle letveeot Sex- tontant i Pett. 'Ile ttter thtto at- ways proedoatOpuzzt~leto Mietigoolt otherwiseo lartd hitting btterst'o.toto thoe result of i'tttorotot'ogmtte sowso thatt thtoy founootinltt for otly ftttt hits, these welt seattteredoantool otot-i odotivo of rootia, heaser oth.l itnite onupport-affordedi te faoustotoleft-httudo- etd pither. Sexton, too, wos at losbesot, tlow- toolg lis oppIotsto oosixIit, tll of Vviiclo wereslinges. testruout 00 live otetolonodkept whtteftonhibts on- oell got wll satetreo. Ins the oeoodt antd sixt inooog otoly did ether ode core. Mieigon ottade the ciretutot M o ttlol'o loong thrte"bagger andol oot error Ity A ffed.' teitosixli with Otto totootototAAfettd it safe and wos advaonceod by a iity tilel adtoth scored ott a craththitt to left ty Cobb, the totl botonditg higt over Dean' eado, te secondo mtan~ scoring on Waterman'stslow fildinog. At tis juncture Blootonlogtoot iti- guied hitooif, tOs 11e dit tlt ltrough~t tte game, by a catht of at le iit ty Priest whichretireotte son oo dobe play- to tRussnll. 131laeight chainces, soome of whicho were exce- tionally dificult, were sceedA wiolh- ouot a fault. tHoloes, fuly rcovreo from his recent injury, cugt a fault- less game, moaking several cathes of" long fol flies, besides spporting Sex- toon to splendid soate in both fielding and throwing. Wakins 1ha1 only ;oe chatnoce in right Heldhoit it peted to be the sar catch of te lay. Shelds had five chances, &rooriee hoge whole territory froon second oost to tieco- UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, MAY 63, 1895. PRICEt-THREGgCENTS. i i teefitedt feotee aotd omaki'g soot ot1 diffcolt cattes . Mctentziec oc~t te lveotchaciteso w itouot tootrrort'.allotwosao ou" t oof thot-fortltotooesoo o vtouottoet illOtt PT'eerroor coltottt, svhih'sowstbuott otntt'rrorOtt' 'tolf0 Ollkt'at' tot,,aeviotencoe toVOt eof t 1s10p11112 lo' ot' bivbtthl tootoot. I toliot' ietotoooo, ito wotoa tr'ctottt'ntdtdl ty N. 1. 'iitog of tilt Natolleagirl, gavo' te'bet of tot- tOtrottoot plydtheos oot r otootk- otlolt'golot'aoftrlovigtnat-loO a11 Ligttbetoreo, raconog Ithacat'. It woil to' easily aottolir't t loot y wouldtot beo Io'itlt''betoot ditotitont looslo' fortpltyngtlihly botllosloto it tore e bee ''oo'ot'''thalt theyt's'loft loot oshortly tbforo' otidnigt, toavllngtoo to hootot losot' op itg ott' tototdthat lot goto t u t iogoirot toll:tttO0:0, withub ottolie't' oe six houtttt eeOnt Itto ott ovt'aog. .fler tot 'trly toot'okfaoot thoy tortedlorlot'Itloot. to.whe°theooy tarrivodot otatbot o 'clock. andtoot t inote, ongamoot'vysotontafte irenlon. MItCHIG OA N. AOB t R.II. . A. hR ileanst 3tt. ---- 4 0 1 0 0 0 Wttis, r. P_.---3 0 0 0 0 0 I loron 'e .______0_ 4 0t 6 1 0 Sex tto o.________ 4- 0 0 0 2 0 0 Rnsoll,. s.o -----0 1 1 2 t Shi ld , . Y---- --- 4 0 5 0 0 0 Watte ,t. ___ 0 0 1 1 Bloooo o'.so 0) -- 0 1 7 0 0 Mcotenztie 1 ---- 11 0 0 totoalo... .00 0 ;b 1 4 02 ' 10 2 At14. R . . A. F. tittalin, r .-to - _ . 0 0 0 to nstottt.tt ... 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 M ttei, 1l--t . ---- 4 0 0 9 0 0 0 ADie'hl,l ------------ 4 1 t 0 t 0 Cobbt, e--------------- 4 0 1t r01 t 0 tPolest. -_ .--- - --- 010: 1 0 3 0 0 annoto s.',........ 4 0 2 2 4 0 Itaotrod......0100 1 10 00 Totals------.___.....33 O 2 6 a7 It t lnisooiotg'.........t12 0 4 5 0 7 0 9 Milchigta-------------0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 Corlo.l............0.0O0 o2 0o0O-2 Three-baste ot, tRusel; stolon ass. Wt- kinst; first basoe ooball, Setonot2, Piet 00 irstae nn eroron tceoeh; trck ot. Sextont5. triets;toubotle lays.tIoooalogsono to Rlussell, iHarmontotoDieihloltoo OeNeiloild pitcesto.Prest. Umpire, Ovedmao. ADRIAN DEFEATED BY '0. Errors and Hits Many In Saturdays Local Game. 'T'e gotc Stray bet'wteeon'0)h0 otot Atdriaootaottot001a patrticularlybeil- iotot conttt '. Erroso ott aotoasto abtototaot tosibottbothitetatmt. try- st's topitching oa fair bot very'er- ratic. Briteon's wook ito the otielot wastoveryosay. Itovy's catchitnog tootiAle'xandetr'sfildiog adbitabttng we'e'o'10100featutres of the gttoe. tFor Adriaon, 10 gittolttoad Stele soo'e'd Ott the hot.Itt oas anybody's gote until thet'etd, '96 whinting ott by a scoro of 10 to 1. Tie'scoro by too. onings i.s asfollows: 1 2'3 4 560178 9, Nioety-s.1.3 '02 4:o 4 3 0*-Oh Adoilot... 2 4 0 34 1 0 0 1-13 Conoledy Club Athletic Benefit, Mlay to. HAYS HAD FOUR FIRSTS. HIS WAS AN EASY VICTORY AT IOWA CITY FRIDAY NIGHT. Markings of the Judges-Qurles Elected Secretary of the League- Next Year's Contest n Chicago. (iOt'rottlegatesto thoc NorioeuO'- 1a tortil o'tagueo'cotetto lelft for Ioota City lot Wo'dues'daoy torintg mattt'hot'ijoroey ilotaoogsa.sottlthe tlt 0100100oto att'too wilotoew gloy for tichtigatntatoth dtfettotheIld sittoutldt too io goottonditilotn. A stoploof too'el'e hootrsoottoo madtte'ito C'hit'tgo. jWitit' thero' te' ot tgotioto ctaldonOtoMto. Mlteuroody, tr oilcto of the Aumntoi AsocaOtiontoofil''hicagtt'0o, lit"I 'ott s'io', ity ora'ttoric'tl contott 0.'ITo' oto oal will btt' of lrtozo'1101d1001tof golt to Avsrpor otd.ots. hwtotth-lt bitto'ioito ariti otic 'lu. ' t oueton oto htvng it 101 gtot ootd iscuosetdtatooit w00-to t' oideoothaltoteh0aus00'of te tl'os'eon'd odatogr fromotheoft 01100 it loltbto'io litooze. 7'iot' d 'ogot txe'c'ted'l ty Itr. Sullvais'oottoottll ht :1tho' bot ottoso intoIhatotinooe'in America't'twouoltlnototatt- temt'ot t 'to 't'h'tt' lt'eodie andttot w ill 1000' stoily too'eot ottoo t'aritoo bei'te1- grtave'd. 'Tt'etooo ttoa sill bet'hoefiett t'es'to truill oothisrou trtly. T'''hursdytoto' noontot hetoidtlegatono 010o0pedt off 0010 toe.sooy or oight. Prof. 1nTt'eloo od rivt-otjutst bfoe teo contet. No profesorfrototoaty otteot'f thelloeohgesa ex'(etting tt' S. LT L. 50s04hoesoott. If 001000'ottoer ochottttols lhad rofesorosoouold travelt 30b) milesotoowsitnesa cotelst to'y otighttotnotoe to ose ite 1',of 11. tokeo'ihst ioize fourlies000ot tof ive conto t. The o'utitosewspaocedo. Atotlautoo 50005 giv-enttlillty, tbut sobth trie-O- cootiol, of course, of te Iowspeooaher 0000110recoivedot tire hatry applauseoo thanoo Mays. Wheon h lo erosothet'auodoi 00nc0'0-tooclatry itohis faoro. tHio manonoe 50005,powserful andot1010aiong. tHe neoerotoke so wellh before. Yo forgot tatte wsodoeiveong 0000ora- tiono andotliteoteot to woht htelad to Whenotlte toos half throtughoteoel-- gation:ows su trethot MichigantladtheOto prizoe sotdtkpt tha faitthofromt thai time on. Thoo otcosio gaveo -iigano first place, agrteing toore sothlthe get. erslsverdict; Wisconsoin reeiveod sec- ond; lowsa, third;~ Oberlin, fourtht;Clo- caogo, fifth; sod Norhettooster sixtbh. Oberlin ws-soibst anounoo edoothlird, ws-ibthte others in thesine order be- CONTINUED ON FOURTH PAGE. ' SEE OUR WINDOW! "THERE MAY BE SOMOETHING IN IT." 51 Suh1Man st. FASHIONABLETAILORING Eegant Gradooating or ight Sit msade frono :Imported or Finest 1lomestio + Woolens for $22.00 and op Futt Dress Sutb $27.00, owork mtdeotoo tthooe bears inspectioto by any high ('hos 'ailor aond Cutter. Withltbe pleated to have you ral and ho convinlced. JOS. W. KOLLAUJF, 10 E. Washington St., up stairs. EHOTT z1TC1HES LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES +TUTTLE'S, t48 S. STATE ST. JUST ARRIVED! A SIIPIENT O' Cents' line Tlan Shoes JACOBS & ALLMAND WashitngtotoBltock, An Artir. P. S-See our Show Window. ED. A. CADIEUX. Latest Improved Barber Shop Is the city. E. Washigon tos., tt dose - east of tl a t. Ant o rs. MAMMOTH A PIPE SALE .JOLLY & Co's 26 SOUoTH STATE ST Do't fai to cots. blot -d olT ooto~obeseat 500l"oo-, PROF. JOHNSON'S Illustrative Cases on Bills and Notes AND NORTON ON BILLS AND NOTES NOW ON SALE AT WAH R'S, Up Town, Dow Tow, tQtverlty Bookstore Oppste Cortttoses 25S. StitS t. 4 N. Mats St. ANN ARBOR