TIJE U. OF MV. DAILY. Schallers Bookstore! Formerly with George Wahr, 19 M. Washingtor. st. Headquarters for everything a Student needs in the line of Text-Books, Stationery and Miscellaneooas Stock in general. XARTIN SCHALLER, THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, 19 E. Washington st., one block east of Main st. . ,; RE TE HGHES OFALL HIGH GRADES, $ )Waranted superior to any Bicycle built in the soeld, regardless of price. lDo not be induced to pay aore money for an inferior swheel. Insiot en Inaring bhe Waverley. Built and guarantee by the Indiana Bicycle Co., t a million delilar ceneern, wbose bend Is as good as bold. 21 lb. SCORCHER, $85. 22 lb. LADIES', $75. H. J. BROWN, Exclusive Agt. '95%9 LAWS!1 HAVE YOUR CANE ENGRAVED WM1. ARNOLD' S, Jeweler. SWEATERS For M~en and Boys, - 4 HMOKNITILAMBS WOOL SWEATERS in black, navy, white, garnet and gray, for .Boys, up to 32 inch sizes, I$1.50; j For Men, all sizes, $2.00. Strawbridge c& Clothier PHILADELPHIA. Sweaters Ir 4OF AT- Slieelian & Co.'s &.MTIST AEB~tR STEAM LAUNDRY CO. High Glans and Domestic JFinish. E. S. SERVISS, 79anager, Q33 SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE. CURATE RAILROAD TICKETS to all ponts zor sale by }ANN ARBOR R. R. TICKET AGENCY, 33 E. Hurons St. Membe.r oc American Ticket Birokers Asso- ciatlon. All Transpo~rtatinso .ur- anteed. Tickes bought and nold. HAVE 17 SEEN THE UINOSAY BICYCLE[ The highest of the '95 high grade wheel Sold by J. S. ]PESARL", OBITER FZ DIC'TA WANAMAKER tailors 20 miles of cloth per day. Ileboys at cnormouissdiscounits. You buoy of himetand you avoid the proslits of the wholesaler, tile joblber, thte midlemain. 500 sampler. LUp-to- elate tailtoring. Fit gusaranteed. Swvell Soils $18. W AAMA~n& :3ROW"I, WVILSE"Y'S OLD S-rAN D. STATE STREET. H-ow 'TO ECON1OMVIZE . Flour is going up. Tomatoes ame going down. Eat Tomatoes. 3 Peunids Greenwood, 75 cents per dozen. 3 Potiids Peninsular, 85 cents per tiozens. 3 Pounsds Riverside, it5 cents per dozeni. All good Frosts Goods. b D7EAN & OO 'NY. 44 South M~ain Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. The Choral Uniion social which woo postponeld from last itight oil accounlt of thie Dasniel ilectirc swill occur is- sli-ht. iThle class of li04ie thie isbsioness meinllg appeolitedta collilitilee of livoears to10tle full ecsarge of lihi '94 schiolarshlip flid, anld a tax ot 25 cernie was les iesI oil each mem11ber to meset this current -expeno es. Thse roii- uitlee conissl of I. (I. Halapliali, D. B'. Luiten andsl i. F. Wilcox. At tho Frederick Dotuglsssmemnoria~l service at the Unitarian church oiller- row ev'eninlg, addreesses wiilbee smade by 11ev. J.51. tHenderson, of Detroit, Judg e N. W. (Cieever, tRev. E. W. Mloore andl tudre W.ft. tHarrietilli. Thie leo coloreud churches of the city wililIparticipate ini tse exercise's, anid meussic of t suitale charsacter will be sung. Law Notes. Prof. Kirciener wiii lecturte the first four days of the week. Prof. Mecemei wants oldise note books in Pltrtnlershsip together willstile cases, handed in immiiediately ofler the txase.iisation. The examinations on the lectures in cosmmson law pleading and practice wilt be next week Friday in the lecturo roonm at 2:30. The examination in Torts wilibo next Saturday in thso lawr lecture room. Sections 1, 2, and 3 will report from 8 to 10, and sections 4 and 5 frome 10 to 12, SOMETHING NEW. Most people appreciate a nice hune of stationsery. All printers carry Swan Linen Paper in letter heads, packet heads, nmemorandum heads, bill heads, statement. heads and enveopes. For a little cheaper paper ask for Buckeye Bond. Juno 5 With California. June halio at last beain sefinitely settled upin eby the ti-ac:rk ssi-go io-tseth e sdaste fur Ills sush ieIsldl day with. Califoria.This swas Itse dasy stet for a basebasll goale wilh lsiss. isesot. h ut lth- Ilatter tuniversity h1as esctii-lied its easstersn trill datcs. disc gashes wsill accordinigly tbe held heet- oni the sathletie cliel lithatday. Csali- foriail will taske hidtill the Westeiss Inter-collegiate associatlionl games. inl Cicago, Jtune 1, and wiiillitun here withs our train the followinigslay, re- litaiiisg here three slays for the gnsmes. U3. OF TA. CALENDAR. Sait., May 4.-'\airsiey vs. Corns 1. Ithaca, N. Y. Thsurs., May J.-Faculty recital at Frieze Memorial hall. Fri., May 10.-Webster-Jeffersonian debate, latw lectusre room, S p. in. Fri., May 1tt-Dramatic Cltub aths- Ile beisefit, Grsnopsl era house. Fi.., Mtay 10.- Istertaiusseut. by Profs. Kelsey asid Lason in Presby- terian chusrchs. Sat., Stay i.-'Varsily vs. Illinois, atlletic field, 3:30 p. is. Frit. ased Sat., May 1T and IS.~- Grand Slay Feestival held under ausz- pices of the University Musical so- ciety. Fri., Stay 2:4.-lWebster-Adelphii dc- bate, lawv lecture room, S p.mu. Thurs., June G.-Faculty recital at Frieze Memorial balk. JUST A MOMIENT, PLEASE. The progressive and aggressive rail- wsay in the line of Interchangeable Mileage is the Ohio Central. Among the first to issue *this book it has at- wvays been the leader. It now pub. lishes 67 distinct systems of trans- portation. Separated into divisional tines, as is done by many, It has 123 transportation lines represented,. A full list wilt be mailed upon applica.. lion to any agent of the Ohio Central Lines. MOULTON HOUR. G. P. A. ICE COLD SODA WATER --AT-. E. A. MUMMERY'S. NEW ART TILE SODA FOUNTAIN. Ice Cream Soda, Verno's Ginger Ale, and all popular drinks. A. E. MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE, Cor onthiiAsvead ashngto St Rk NEW COLLR A. C. SPALDING & BROS. Athletic Supplies. BASEBALL, LAWN TENNIS, 2- GOLF. Uniforms for All Sports. RIDE THE SPALINC BICYCLES- THE LEADER FOR 189. HANDSOM5 ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE SENT FREE. NEW YORK, CHICAGO, PHILADELPHIA. BICYCLE ]DISCOUNTS $ 15 TO $50 Dissout roosregslar pies isest grades Not else segulr ctatemitwhleels Don't buy beore you see them. APMADOC & MANCHESTER, 42 S. State st., iear cro. William. MOORE & WETMORE 6 S. Main st., and State t., cor- nr of William st., have a complete stock of UINI[RSITY THXIOOS New and Second Hand. Suse Rooss and other Students' Saplirs Fine Staionery, Sporing Goods, etc which they affer at the aowest Prices. Call and see us before purchasing. G . HMWILD, THE LEADING TAILOR and Importer has received the largest and most select stock of IMPORTE AND' DOMESTIC WOOLENS for Spring andi Summer of 95 In the city, andi would be pleased to have you call and examine the same. I