THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICHIGAN G!NTRni Tiese Table (Revised) Nov. 18, 184. F EAST WEST. P. M. A. M Sail and Es.3 50 Ml _- 43 N. Y. Special- ,5 1S N. Y. Special...- 7 30 Eastern Es---iS1 25 N. S. Limie..9 2 A. M. Pacific Es. 2 15 Atlantic Es .1 41 P. T 1. N. Espress....- 5 40 Westere Es.___2 123 Go. R. Express ___11 03 Chi. Nt. Es.--10 25 0. W. RUGoLcES, H. W. DIAYnS, tG. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agl., Ass Arbor. T., A. A. & N. X. RY.) Taking effect Sunday, April 7, 1894. Traiss leave Ann Arbor on Central Stand, ard time. NORTH, SoUThI. 7:03 a.min '715 .m, *122 p. m, 1130 a.m. 4:19p. m. 9:00 p. m. *Trains rsn between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. All trainn daily except Sousday. R. S. GREENWODI, Agent W0. 1t. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo U. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST, RY. Time Table, October 7, 1894. Leave Ypilanti from Congress s., 7:00, 9:00 and .00Oa . m.; 12:d5,2:15,5:00, 6:45, :00 and 10:30 p. M. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:30, 9:0 asd 11:30 a. m.; 1:15,2:d5,5:30,7:1,9:0 and11:00 pan. SUNDAY TIMIE. Lecsve Ypsilanti from Congress sl., 1:30,3:30, 5:00, 6:30 aud 09:00 p. . Lecsve Ann Arbor Junction, 1:00,4:00,9:30, 7:00 and 9:30 p. m. Casc rsn oncity time Fare: siulolripi1 cents; rouned trip tickets 2 c~ets WM. F. PARKER, Supt FLOWERS, FLOWERS F'or Everything and Everybody. COUSINS & HA~L[, flists, 20 . tuiavesy se DIETAS & SCHAZNZ, U. 0111 L. FAILSOMB Our Springf and Sumnier Woolons are now on sale. Prices Low. Gall Said ore us. 48 S. State St.-,eornd Finur, Antn Arbor. 22 Years in the Business;-MM01S.. CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. MERCHANT TAILORING! Cleaulag, 1ressng and Repairing done neatly by AUG. SCTHOENiIWAI,is,, 26l.. Wasintgtotn EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY ! 2a EAST HURON STtREET, Cord Work Guaranteed. Goods called for anud delivered. A. N. COVERT. Protp. ANN ARBOR STEAX DYE WORKS. Ladies' and Gents' Clotting Cleaned or Dyed. 3 W. HURON ST., ANN ARBOR. Mlembers of Guaraneer Ticret Brkers' Asso- clation of U. S. Conby & McKeon R. R. Ticket Agency 50 Adams St., Chicago. Reduced rates to all poin~ts, Branch Tier Kindergacrten No, 3 N. Blain St. Ann Arbor 31ichig:an. $256.00 for a 51 Days Euro. pean Tour. We are organizing a select paty for las- meortour to Europe -leaving NewYori, June 22:cc,for Londone, Antwerpt, Brussels, Cologne, tolblente, tFraskfost,-Iheidelberg, Stronsberg, Bafrlen-Bladen, Fu-rls ands.Dieppr,. reurnieg. sailing from London August 2n. The punty sill be conducted by eand antler else persomal charge of MS:OA'gv ENacwFs,R$N of Conmbus, swell known as sue of -thle Sct tmusi:':l li- structors of America. and a genial gentlemnu of large experience 'in trovel. IEach paron will have a berth in a large promenaude dec'k stateroom, and the ships 'selected are new 8,"1' ton teen screw steamers, provided with electric lights and steam best. Complee Itinerary and information mailed on clpt of self-addrensed stamped ;envelope. W53.00 says every expense of sights,'travel and holeln.. 'uliI Infomaton and Ititnerary mailed on receipt of self-addressed envelope. Miention thin paper. WARD BROTHERS, Gen. Tourist and Steamnhip Ags., 272 N. High at., (Low rates everywhuere), Columbus Ohio. THE '95 CASTALIAN. THAT An Attractive Volume Full of Good TeThingfs Soon to bo Out. BEAJOL M~LY Te'l95 Ccctcilicuaslwichli will imiike o U IUL S ,L I I l 1 r i it paanilitice in thicoue:tc of a foss-AND )- - dayso, will b' is handootet. voluoie of A HUSTLING AGENT'S CONVICTION. thie uistuatsize, botndilill 091217linitn. Sly sakes alive,lhowc the "Smtaley" bha cwills a design prit ii in dasrk blueo caughot on withs th~e boys antd: girla, as wellil a1n1 wsithi ili. titlceniliossedtilli silver' tite 'grown fo:lko, an:disuet it los-ely, finished isnlice brautifal alutoinucm etcamel-:s secret As waos t be exlpelc lct in.Sv iewoftli prncess bunown ontly toc ite maksers of thce prizes offerctd for compictiiv:e cotllli- Smalley." Do y::ct et o:: to thIe sew m~ethotd Y of spokinig ite whecels: Co:nibeare gets onttoa buionthe iiccontnts of thie(c a" t1ti1ll them anstinto i theandtlets-ri on ltem; for tIhis yc'1roreccslt-crior 10, tlbs clim~bs sep ontthel~ fork c rowcnt::td jttmps en to the crankl hIancger; swings th~e wheelifprasay e'lU.eiin Teebe- of ~cilct~ ciisitc-Vois ililo. 'lioctweent two coxes atctljutmps os the ftramce ed wcill b"c, biographcies of Regecnt Bir- the 'Smaulley" Bilcycle seems to like it. 9Sf. 000 ~ ,,,, ~,levecr itela, nt a ccgross. never itlbreak, icotit', Plofs, LI S. adF.M atheeightc is 13 to 21 potnds.-Weoterec Taiylor', scilh shotr sketchies ttf IHardwoare Compacny, Saslt LaClotity, tUtahc. E. AV. Doswcand11 eo.(10c. ibt'c.Sitr. E. AN EASY SELLER, Dceby.'' Ltha.ale l ciiarticie oncR Euca- ( tioo illtChinatwichliis tof inchcilli-'Th3.e SM alley of 1895. trsf. '111cc-c short. stotries tof s Xcc i _______-___ tiocncl e'xccll. icc captearcci vccc thil Hae o . 1'. Mc('lclli I ci IshoeI-PLYMOUTH CYCLE MFG, CO, iet' and S. 5W. .Sit:itlc, Nsctt1 tl- i .r1uxtsvuvA7t, AITTi) c'.i1 part if the ltiltli1:111: M~r. F-itzpacicck. 11is ieraitive-ly necessarytthti candliatels Iappea~r ev-ery tlay-fromtinow35 Ill. T. A. LE IROY, Capte. All inicitaltil is oxiee(to atttlsill- ,ti, il caciiigfo~r l t'ePacific cttnisititer- ln e ic'wcothi of lure t' i t: inroomi 11 of tlaw :5c tsiltiiig Slcciilay (ccii ig. May IG, Ill.58c'clcsIcfcr the:'ce'- 0. Lippn'~a., Agont, 46 E. William St. COTRELL & LEONIIARD, of1 i i iX c t ii h . V.MIURRELL, Local 6Agent, The Clover Leaf Route EWPeaee keep in mind theTiledo,, St. Louis & Kansas City It. ., The Ciover Leaf Route, "Fast Line" for St. Louis, M., and the- West and Soutihwest leaves To- ledlo Union Depot at 5 p. um. daiiy, arrivee Now Union StaiomD (the iargest in the word), St. Louis early next morning. CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR. and Michigan Central lines at Toledo. Buffet Reclining Chair ars Seats Freer and Vestibuled leepers with- out change. C. C. ,JENKINS. General Passengr Agt., Toledo. 0 THOTBAHSPRINGS, ARK., TEXAS, LOS ANGELES -AND- SAN FRANCISCO New Texas and California Sleeping' Car Line. THE WABASH AND IRON OUTAN RYS, hlave inaugurated atees Daily Line of FIRST LASS SLEEVE RS from CHICAGO TO LAREDO. TEXAS, Via Little Es-k. 91-Ilece. Tarkaus Pal estiete, Austin and anteonui.Passeges focr Io Springs5aeonly oe change of care ccct Mlvuern, 9:5 a. tc. et day, arriving at Ilitsplringsn at 1:10o sLm. sishourthe- cquicktothrougslesiepitg car tie between Chicago and SMalvern. Aso daily line of Tourist Sleeper, leving Cetaato on saron traine, thro-g to San Francisco via LOes Atgeles afl For map, tickets and full informatio~. apply to J. H. GREEN, J. HALDERMAN, Micigan Pass. Ag.- Tree.. Pas. Ag TICEET OFFICE: 201 Clark St. CICAGo- F. H. Tistram, P. E. ombasga,. Urn lass At. Pass. &Ticke Ag:.. Cor 7t ve td Smith- 307 Ml(~ field St itsburg Pa. Tedo, d ' --' 9' R _- HOND,_ leguckoe lIildna; en se-ohest: largs,. sited ne-e;eal'dcsiime; sapl .erior, wr eit: i::cc'led readingecroom:n; ,l stntoma; atr,1a1' eitrcetos pethe eutre versrEe- tinlicielcece'fteeplacing stutdents insyeuliea "ciardand room 82to nsy75per wekit pnivcus 'amtc-lcc-- Tese raessredsmei by self- -icci. or Caloigu aebless a itIFMERYi Pder- THE "STANDARD" CYLOMETER RETAIL PRICE, ONLY S2.0). A. Dlevice; for Acrately IRegister- ing the Distance Travelled on a Bicycle. Illis as prreele In ts perationias )wath~y will outwear five bcycles, weighsoly30~ ounces; in dts prof,. alr proof aad nise-- les; hias while enamel dial. saue ilawaciag regters 100 mls a nd repasl; ieailyauei quickly tpp led;. ajstahle 10 read from au-p po itlqiuathe saOste ladef,*2cl4, 2sei "B0inc t R~ieelasimdl0 ieahnl c~ygaaraptee4$ -repsired withoutchitl'ee Fosr Sale by all Retail Bic~yel Deal,,,_ I lost' tof sclnpcit-il::' setrotigxisenia sisor4409111-cc:: st. AssesArbior, Michc. cbtctisined ced ractesol'. Per r(ricr iof (Cmmiitee. I spac17e4 The Ide I A-VS, AISI. '15L, (Chairman.iii. Thei e:lectincf a5boa~crcdof editors t p'9'e for list- 'I 9s rzcle ccill tice l o -si: nlcothers ry toI f0a Sctutrdacy cat 2 ocslto-k in, cth el: I. lo. selittarceipeib usincss, Feridayi n '5113 ', C ' ISH sea~t t.ic. int :0oom11). scutilin . ± y 1 5. Fi~)N.cetITTEDcITH E-LLI PTIC CRANKS. IVEliY iDAN if ytoudiscto be::onvicedtlofeethestisof Excuetrsio~n raeto thle-Virgiis tatd thse cbocvesottoe, c all an t1hc Sccttll t t. Illnsfr -I upl ili(I: W'. P. DISTLER, (IhiC ent'al l ine1(s! tu:ht-; lic171 lrtce': 31 N. Uniercsty clve. s(caily bectweei'llledoana Chac 0iseli Oct11 «'. Vat., 1:7 ('olumbuhts. 3 ii i sh C y -d shlortest oncelmistcoldirect 1011:te. L a,.1V3Ter sclt ag-ets O.1, Li'.-1, ,osrcalrss AV. A. lIters, SI. P. A., Detroc:t. WHO WIN THEIR CASES, V"or SaIL.-Tw'co eeccfte'i SiesecihtY hicyc'hs's 1894IpsatI-illIi inlcondition. Oie' at $30) stid onit ii$101 if taklktl ilnl- ieitlis~y. ('sll at 4(0 S. Universitl Loot-A.Ielect botck, Aipril 1O.,icon- tiinlg steapsa.$4.85)its cah, ticke'Is 0151 odd9 coi. Findleriplesase 1.ceIa) 10 iS. lllcelsiI Awe. Platiotypes The latest thing in PHOTOGRAPHIY at BSERRYMtAN 'S. 8 E. Huron at. Special atestoSeniors. read thio Letgal Wortks by J. W. Dontsoen. "TACT IN COURT." 100agres. 5lem)' $ 1.0.Fourthe Edieione. 17,000 Sold. "SKILL IN TRIALS" Las- iecep. 175 panes, $1.00. Ne: and sery IDramacaic. 'MODERN JURY TRIALS AND ADVOCATES" 700e, r. ILoswOSheep. Fottrth dltion, x.04.0Combined Trials tel 23 years. Address, Williamson Law Book Co., Rockesle-, New Yorkr.,