TIE U. OF Al. DA"LAT. this sort about the ivrsity. lwe '6 YOUR OUTINO B0 Td PICTURS . O 4 41 a liu+ at', no hesitation in saying that those JJIOXIXflO JOLHB. _- who have aisittd Itn spre'o~iig suo the College ye, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OriCE Times building N. Main st, opposite pst office. EDITORS. J. A. LolY, '6, Mtanagng Editor. t. B. FIAseisON, '50 L, Asitatot A. 5v. Puic, Special, Assistant. W. A. SiLs, 'Oil L, Assistant. If. COicos, '7, Athletic Editor. J. S. PER, '.0i L, Esiness Manager. Associate Editors. H. A. Dancer, 't. E. L. Noss, '01 .. E. R. Sasilerland,'0. CarrirV. Siiit, '5. L. A. Pratt, '. L. It.ilamblen, .00 L. C. A. Hougton, '01. G. A. liath, '6 P. Mli,i OTompo, '7. I. 1. Gammon '0 M. C. 11. Psinecl, '8. S. . Kuappen'N. J. S. Fiilay, .08. Subsciptiona price U50 per year, invariably nadvaiice. Siigo copies 3 cenits. Subcip- tionss may be left at the ofice at the DAsIL, at Stoliet's, at William st. nces staii, with any of the editors or atioriized solicitors C'oiouiiiecatios shold rach th office ty y o'lor.th p. i. if they arcioppia'iCtion'xt. day. Adress all matter i tededc for pbli- cation to the Maiagiig Editoir. All bsiiess Communicatlio should be snt to the Busi- ness Mlanager THE U. OF M. DAILY. AiiiiArbor, Mich. IRecptioni ts winner of oritricot cotest, 1. 11. Mys, at Miieligali C is teal 01t1025 onight. tOcio lor,' Micigan bhastprovdi lie sueriiority ini oraory ty tie Victory ot T. 1. Mayo initie NiieihruOl'e atoccal fleaguei'ltigt. For the fotrti tiniein live yiesliut'represesnativi' has woin tirstioio, a r coid ovhic itay wellI makieill trelliSof orora(el- torical tdepartenlit. All hoor, thn. to li. -ays andtto 'eof. Truebitioodt a1 well, wiloocutitring laos have niolti thelea~gte' a1111lilt will' Mi1chigans shiare in it a suc css. Whe111fi. leaiy returns tinight, thii'whloe Uiversity soutld geetimhu lt 1the ildepot al Showe 111111 our atpreciation of his oti- In commnentingiuponlthehar~e-facet falsehoootiaboulit alimlaginay meile studrent, now going te rounds of m11re- liatldetewoalies, ysteday's Daily faiil-it to state that till'tChicg Rsec- ord'sre guliae coespiondenltcher1was in'tio oay iliitcatdt witti the i- patch qutoted. Thre was little tdatger of his beiing ccsed of it, however, toe all wvho arc converant with news papie affairs hiee uidrstnid futll well front wvhat source such falsehioo coni. There are several reasons why a correpondetiitliirsort to sci news. Ii the: fist plcf', hispiipier may he of the "lEvening News" stalill and dmndra such stuff. iFurther, te loan himlf imay heelItitle too lazy to look up fats to sndt to il a pe or so ot of lottfli with the aInv2,,sily adi student life that le is really inconhe tent to write repres nttivSUnivesity news. In any ase one who will'rv- sort to such things for the sae of p few cents is deserving of odial ostra- cism hy his fellow studetns. here is a good field for a University press club, which shall exert its influence in pr- replorts are to a great extetit, resonsii- ble for the hiostile attittude of liie higis- lattice toward the Univ-ersity ando the consequent crippitlig of its resoturecs. MIICHIGAN VICTORIOUS.' CGNTINUEDI FROM FIRST CAGE. W, aiiierig Je."~ The method of treatmtisci of tiii s twoeorators, lie. twl«ard ansui i. Hanson, wats stik- igly similar. Each disclosed th10 glomy history of ancienti andi modern pllrs'cuitioni if the Jeivs. alldSe ach tiredtictedithit'fulture rinstate nient of lie Jew a11111till'remiioval of society's liat upon iimii. Sn closingl'Mr. E'lward said: "'lii tligic story of thi won- Iteilg Jewl is itrawing Is its dell's, fole humiianity is learning Ph 1iii an- nn'of tilecoinniandinent, 'Losve'thy neighbtor as thyself.' Truithi11111jill- 1ti1' 1a111tieleo1(e1'of 101111 forle11.i1 Last Night's Freshman Banquet. evillogwats a viry' ciJoyaili' ofl.-ir, bult ill the'l iitiiig'iiint didt e( ~ fit to Oadmiit Iarepreel ttive l o'If liiiir saty that the followlling ptlrsgi'illof 0010111 wall carriedi slt: 'lii ' I i , 11'. T. Rick; Idependntsit, '1. J..We'd- ONE THOUSAND MILES OF LAKE RIDE AT SMALL EXPENSE. 1 Visit this Historical Island, which is thes grandest summer resort on the Great Lakes. It only costs about $13 from Detroit ; $15 from Toledo ; $18 from Cleveland, for the round trip, including mieals and herbhs. Avoid the heat and duast hy traveling on the D. & C. Hoeeting pollaces. The attractions of a trip tt the Mackinac region are unsurpassed. Thle island itself is a grand romantic spot, its climate most invigorating. Two nosy sleet passenger steamers have just been bucilit fur the upper lake route, costing ,300,000 each. They, are equipped with every mndern convenience, annunciators, biathirooms, etc., illuminated throughout tiy electricity, and are guaranteed to be 11he grandest, largest and safest steamers in fresh water. These steamers favorably compare wulh the great ocean liners in con- -,truction and speed. Four trips per week btwieen Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Macki- iso., St. Ignace, Petoskey, Chicago, "Soo" Marequette and Duluth. Daily between Cleelandt and Detroit, and Cleveland and Pat-in-Bay. The palatial equipment mllites traveling oni theme ateamers thor- ouigly enjoyable. Send for illustrated de'scriptlive pamphlet. Address A. A. ICtIoANT, G. P. A., D. & C., Detreit, Mibb. DITSO4J'N MUSIC. "Six Lovo Songs," iiyl'eaiitiE. tawyer. Teaii-iotioos of Ste of ileioc''.finiest lyrics ito elo~iStiemuia settinigs. Heavy Paper, 70 cents., "COLLEGE SONGS." The sanodardl collectio,, of College Son,=s. Ovrc3001.100 soili. Heavy Papeor, 50 cents; Cloth, Gilt. $1.00. "COLLEGE" SONGS FOR GIRLS" Oely tiec, of the tild'publilshedl. loe soisofs the leadingioll'etec for iloweo. Heavv Paper. $1.00. 11IE{AL L111UON IUiRMIAL E EITU MUVS G. Eigh~ty-twoo pieces foe the guitalr hronlie bioti sources. A splenidi collectioni. ilsiii- 01110 toter. 50cents. Any bookiEocut postplaidl ciireceipt of irice. OLIVYER .DITS.ON 00., 453-463 Washington St., Ilniisss, C01 . lltiso & Co. N Y. THE Adz ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Ann Arbor, -Mich. Ctli Stock, $50,000. .iclai, $150,000. Organize eohr ttio'1Gener al Baiikit g iLaws )f this Stare,. tRec'ivs-idephiosits, tboys sand fel xhn.eoil tie eriiipi l cities of the UlltedStsrs. tiirftis esshiednoniiproper ileintificlotioll. .Safiety depoit loxes to rest. Girer~ices: Chrisotia lacli, lres.;5W. 1). i..ishier..1J. iuiAssistanit Casi. WibdE---i.F'TYTXEOD , FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAiLO ING Cainer of Seate and leilteam sts., Wiluhu istoi entaie PNEUMATIC 'BICYCLE 'SADDLES, "The Perfect" Inflafable saddhle, prevents Chafhing, Numbnessa'tSoddlr Sorenes.The thea p cot, Faiheist Riding Saddlhe in te W'lorld. Por Vieoll omen, snd Chldren. Circulars. Free. A'ddress, PNEUMATIC SADDLE CO., s07 Chambers St., Nen' Yoek.. THE GRAN D OPERA HOUSE,. SATURDAY, MYAY 4, 1895.. Herbertc + Cawthern COMPANY OF COMEDIANS, Uaunler the sohohuecencoe of Ii. S. Mitchell, in chiceuew frel' comedy. 'A CORZK MAN." 111eehetilly f a ii',Each one Prices, - - 35c, 50c, 75c.. Rieserved seaits 00n sate at Watts' Jewelry Stoic. FIRST NATIONAL BANK.. OF ANN ARBOR, Oganhizled h8t3. Capital, $1010,00. Surplus and Profits, $40,000. Tranesacts a general banhing business. Plorrigo excthangeCs bought anid sold. Furnish !eiiirsoef cediit. P. B3ACh hPes. S.01. Ch.AthhS0N, Cushier. To adrrdige ior private or SPEOCIAL CLASS lesos Oill Daticincg, call at Crangcrs Acadezy. Office hones 1110o 1 and 4 to 8. No stairso ho inount. MIRS, ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S. School of Dancing and Delsarte. Saturday. 10 a. m., Gentleman beginnerselass. eaturdaey. 4 p. ts., Lady begiiiiers clasn. Mouay,.r :b p. is., Advaned lass (Ladles' ana Genlemen). Tuesday, 7:301p.01., Beginners Clas Ladies anaGentermen)l. Presseate es., 7byappoiutment. SCHOOL. 46 S. STATE ST THE Lovell Diamond Cycles Are ausurpasoied for BEACTY, ShEED AND ORKMhfANSHIhP. Good allowitnice made on seeond- hiaudiwieels. GEO. F. FISHER. Agetit, OE. Oslo.Av. HANCSTERFERICTERER, A thih~ties, 5:. 1B. ('Ilthiiil 'lie' hFacllty, Richarlet loathi s; l-Girls, C?. It. W'rigt; 'hi -,,,loys, Eva lA. 1H1th; Tilt voluhhoiiho', C. 11. Woodrufit; YTio fBrtiwn. Ii. A'. Staliond d cted ll tollhs tin aster. 7111' nounlCcienlt of oil ' Summoie Se-hostldcourse iln tenierlt lyseihilogy shostul not read "110 dredit," btit twlo hourser cdit. tItEtt IEMEC. BICYCLES!? BICYCLES S GlIVEN AWtAY! If yosu ioito hbiy a Bicycle at $101 to $10 disceounlt fromliregulhar prics etolie and sei uo. tare dcinseth youi Monarchis, Imp1herilsh, Rlihgs, iarvssi-tia , Actchs, heainell, Liindsauys, har-ho,'t'ribuniiesilandlne'a- ly ety' makite on the inarktet at re- dutcdphricts. Also a fulltineiicof hlidies'ovheeols. i.,audis, seiiehus1a0piostal atiudos-cso-i 510 have made arralgemnts to see puirchaoses at thi" Daily officeony igiht for thie nmxttwiso wst from 6:30 to S o'clockt. THE CUT HATE CYCLE CO., U. of lI. Daily Office. Temn~ple_ Special. $18,0. x=__ ~$180 By buying a Temple Specil STRICTLY HIGHU GRADE ! Examine this wheel before purchasing your- '95 mount. I I uceP. c nI.IIrnhICnu IT'S HARD TO DO WITHOUT ctiheiuntidfaiTubudarFfed-leperf11~ CEO. S. PARKERt FOUNTAIN PEN. Yordelei ikein to aetemi ihasnt,cwiienusaed we'l edyoustelinformiion ysowntnd sue hadsoilustrateid ctloueifrio. PARKER. PEN1 COMPANY, Janeamrll, bite. SEEEAN& CO. Exclusive Agents for Ann Arbor. o 0 I - r1 01OHSK& coo 1000 POSITIONS FILLED IN 1894. Send tor Agency Massual. Ssestsos New York Chicago Los Angeles