THE U. 01? M. DAILY. Time Taible (Revised) Nov 18 1894. EST. WET Ml ans~d Ex__ 3150 Mail _______8 4 N. Y. special---- 5i 15 N. Y. Special.-. 7 .0- Easterna Ex------ 10 25 N. S. Limited.... 0 25 A. iit. Pacific Ex-IT __121 Atlantic Ex -7 47 a'. at I).N. Expvess_... 5i 40 Wsteve Ex-_2 2 G.11. Eaxpvess _._11 05 Clii. Nt. Na_-__1 '? 0. IV, RUGeGLES, H. W. HAYS, G. P. & '1. Age., Chicago. Ag., Ain Abtor. T., A. A. & N. M. RY. Takiag effect Sanday, April 7,-191. Trains leave Ass Arbar as Cventral Stand ard lime. 7:0s a. m. 715 a. mn. "22:25 P. il:i40 a. In. 4:15 p. m. :02 p.m. 'Trains van between Ass Arbor ad Toleda only. All traina daily except Saeday. 14. S. GIIEENtVOODl, Acent IN. 11. BENNETT G. P. A. Taledo O. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY, Time Table, October 7, 1894. Leatve Ypalaetl feem Cengress t., 7:00,9:00 at:: 11:00 a.m.; 12:41, 2:15, 5:00, :45, 9:00 and 10:30P. m Lceice Attn Arttar Jttnctittt, 7:30, 9:30 antd 11:80 a.tsm.; 1:15,2:4, 5:30, 7:15,:30andil:Owpa." SUNTDAY TIE. Leavce Ypsilatnt~i feam Cangressaat.,l:30, 3:30, Lecave Attn Arboe Junction, 2:00, 4:00, 5:30, 7:0 an~d9:30lp. in. an oal city time b's' c sieci trip 1 clnts, rouad trip tickets 2: cets. AVM. I'.i RER Sot FLOWERS, FLOWERS Fore Eveerything and Everytbody. H HM~S & NkALL floiti,2 T11 S.inhoiveete DIETAS & SCHAN)Z, UT. ®m =. AI'LO RS Oar Sdpring' aind Saunimer Wooleins tee 1n0w 011 sale. P-rices Low. Call acid see us. 48 S. Rae et.. Secend l01iee, Aron arboie. 22 Years in the Business..--5itttBs CITY LAUNDRY, N1. . SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. MERCHANT TAILORING Cleoaning, Preeming and Repairittg done neatly ty EXCELSIOR + LAUJNDRYf 20 EAST HURScON STREET. God W Iock Guaranteevd. Gotods calledl oe ad delieeeo. A. F'. (:11tS'.T Vrop. ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS. Ladiea' and Getoi' C.lothiitg tCleanedl 3 W. HURON ST.. AN-N ARBOR. Mle:):hert at Gaantee Tick~et Brokeres' Asto- ciatioss at U. S. Coaby c& McKeon R. R. Ticket Agency 10 Adamttts et., Ciao, Redosed rstes to tll Po:in:ts. Brachl The Isbitd o'totttet No. 2 N1. Matina t. Aiii Arbor Mihigian. $255.00 for a 51 Days Euro- pean Tour. W~e tie organizing a seltece patrty toert sue- ttee tovr toEturope leavittg Ntw Yoer, Jue 22ndl tor Lontdon, Antwerp,BrsIles t'tolocte, PootltiniBades, l~rrs and Dieppte. ng tttlittstem Lotsioti Asgust 2tt. Tte party "ill be ectducted to and utndee te peesoaottl Oltaege0of Mn. Ocno ENaWEnsio, at Citoloobs, nelil konowen an one at thefiet taueiit- slescenes ot America aned a genitol getlemn if largce experenece in 'travel. Etieb pastron will htave as berth is s laege peomenade deck tateettom and Hie ships eleted avenw 'fltsn twin streew neemeen. povided witht eletric lights snd steam heat. Cample'e ieoleysd information mailed on receipt tt selt-addensed stam ped envelope. .3255.00 ast every espensne oftsighen. tsvel atid ai,1o c att sel-addrenned esevelope. WARD BROTHERS, Gen. Tourist asd Steamship Agts., 272 N. High St., Lo rates everywhere). -Columbus, Ohio. Advice to the Laws. At the Grand 0perm Houso. Jud~ge J. INDonor-li, 1li1 15 1 10101 htd Alt t'e Grtiitt topetil liolls:tit'wxI tl. ltr~ge 1tr11iaptilt antitbilistod tour dayt ('reiilg 'A Night tzilto' I icciuss it ;al wsor'ks thtttlite soldl ttyondtiAsill Itoltdsway. 1lto' Dt Osthat tll the 40,000 lO itt, lltadds ist- "dots tio'latilt hadlthol lititorltto tof : tIt)n to his mantiy totool hintsto lou111 ilt~ ltte o lokIel i:'l'--tlyi, yo'1s. H-Ieithteoy tre: s':ri~'ti ttyii.iltll:clt 1. Don'ttdelay 5you11'ooitliilgsta0: lctn ti lyIl,,iiia ii itt: st utillthe jnlty 1112re:'t'in t Itoi it Ito nlitlt:ll. Tliii'Itly-is :1 f:1ce 0)01, 10 the. lilllit Ib:totii 11152i00 o' oiutcy, btit i is ati, clol lo ticlsnfo wihideniotce. Lot lteittkitos t tkre olteodl''yrno htcaso lo atit 2 sle tliiltonyIply,. -Milos .N:ll'ie clIcxtic, a fttsoot- 2. Doi't0worry lt'e cout. a111)2Coltin- itt' wilti 1e tiii 'otcccstiltgpblie, 11110 oil liy 1m1ny7'obltihes titd teachi111;_ou'lt:'elrio'It i olricull talr oft Sls- jur ll~s 201 o'i' 011titerttlr~ s.)'burys '.Tootrolbtidtls is itl ile ('ast, lto, tilt t I, illand1just aofllii Itof 'r to tWile. ill 3. Dol'thilll yout cae b olt~eocosstOto n ,11"i" hmra eei o'xauitii~i~iit t.'.whre'by you oiootl l ithalt fivsherii trtty opporuniity ss'ili t':tsslt~r 11:) ti. til for lt:'e:displaOy itfliei' iioarl.abltetew'- 210011101 01 111100 111 'h10 0 1 i Ote i r The Clover Leaf AWPlease keels ini miund the 'toedo5 S~t. Loulis & Kanas City I. . The Clotver Letlt ItRol', 'Fast Linle" for St. Lostis, tle., and, the. 'Pest and Southw est leaaves To- ledo Union D~epot at 5i . m. daily, arrives New Uniocn -tatio (the largest ins the world.), St. Louis early next suoruaitig. CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR. antIMichigan Central lhues aoh Toledo. Buffet Reclining Chair Cars Seats Fromr and Vestibuled Sleepers with- 01ut clanote. 'w oul(l 1J<' tin