ti , t . 1a . VOL. V. PTO. 149. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. DEPEW ON COLLEGE MEN. WHAT COLLEGE MEN HAVE BE- FORE THEM TO PERFORM. A Large and Orderly Crowd-A Fine Talk-Coin's Financial School Re- ceives a Drubbing-President An- gall Introduced Him-Trilby Com- mended Strongly. At S o'clock yesterday afternoon Ui- versity 11ail1was crowdeci by aicaud- ience eager to hear Anerica's mot poplahr orator, Cauncy AL Depew, andc when the speaker appieaed, a- eoiniaiieilby Preside of Auell, en- sloe Dcnniels W IK. andetCrneliso Vtandcerbilt, he woo received -with a trrific outburst of apase. r. Depie's address, wiill nit a stluied sieelh, was of a characer wel11 suitdi to the occasion.andelfoe overisntocir held the absolute attentio of his lic rrs. The main point wvhich the orator sought to cisipasine .was thec positioi whichi colege-bred men should acd do hld with respect to the eligte- ment anid proges of the Rocrlc.lie11 teseribed tie present lpeiod of history aolln eiocli of fads, foolihtiteoris. sod faiciful, unsound doctries, onhic it weas lie duty ofthlie America col- lege masn to Overhrowon id subtitute with souindciad healthsfuli ideas Th'is condition of tings to caused by tie fact that seanc and electricity hare cused such stupencdocus Cicang_ ill our socici nnd industrial ergauizetioi tlit civilization has n100 yet hd Tillie to sbject itself to ci c couchi- In this connecion Mir. Depew sonol of tie celebrated Con's IFiacneil school as embodyig se of these ilangorous and unsound iiocsyncasies of mcodern thought. A tbock which ias perhatps converted tonsuands of pceope to the ideas it advocates, bw iich is imade uptiof minssaenicent, lies, crudities, false premiises, and fclse conclusions. Tlie great Delcs strike of last summler, assci product of the prevailing lnwhloesoiieicc'of0 thought, found many sympathizers, a- though iiblckcled the peole's hig- ways and paralyzed our inucstry. Anarchy, ultra-sociaiinn, and kindred lereses of thought are still other pro- ducts of the times. These liings cannot be laughed, rid- iculed, whipped out of existence. It is for the university-bred plan to des- troy them by the strengthi of il in- leeot and training Mir. Depew, however, took a dleided ! stand agaist the proposition flit the world is degenerating in moral qr I- tellectual character. Wve ate outgow- lug Tolso, Zola, Isben, and olhexs of at like stripe, lie fadts of a ccy, and are getting ack ts wholesomneliing nature in sunchcbusies as Trilby. That. THE REGENTS SAID TO OWN IT. tin poitial orl isreginealtngThe Detroit City Hail Site Title Ap- t ninny Ice se in frcculctine overthrocw of Tcnmnnmcny andnciprogeso of civil ser- vie'reformc. Tilesipeanker clc',secl iy conng'otnlat- ing thce University oi its schcool of oraitory. thcrocughn the meedicnnc of an elecilltcit tribucte.to tlice'it of thaet erainde, old rccan--Glce'stone. "'hien on a niglhttwo yeacns or icore ago Mr. Deipeon'scowa in tt~le:,old imcnnrise.ic lice ounsn' of Cccncoics andclrising ,hcove self, above party aniiicefinic tine tradcitionns of tine E'niioli thcrone. Ice felt, clttcccngiln not.blcvicng isnlice tradciticcns, thcct hice' lcrcitical wichi calwcnys ice had long'ed to thecar- 11i10 techieci iy lice'iniger of(toll. Adelohi's Fins Program. 'T'he Aclelnii society' have beein pre- inrinng a veny nice roegcrain wichi will be gi-cnn icc ihc' pcclitciat til e i''nnl mncceting cof tine society, Scatuirciay ecnc- incg at 7:311. ice gener-alpubcic rein icct only adcititedl tco, but inted to niteie tlie society icietings. 'ftc ice cttnng will 'not be inn roonm U, cs wcns inadicvertenitly annnoucncedi, int inn roconm N. Thce piornci fcollowvs: P'icnoc solo, tin. Huighccs; inncicccnnicts spceec, Sin'. ancs; recitatison, NIr. ICmcptcell;t incusic s('le'ctedc, Ladies' Giuitcir mcnl.tianjo clubi; debate, "tie- so'e ci, thact tineinited Stales shlnd estccilishc cincctionacl unniversity ccl W'cnaslinngtonc, aff.,'Mr. 'l'homnas; cng., Mr. Louniscil; voccal solo, MisstBeach; pears to Be Vested In the Regents. D"'troit, Micih., Special Isottce Daily, Mcny 3.-Houn. C. i. Bunrtonn, whno hacs beenn examninnincg the title is tine Gris- wolcd st. portiscn of line city hail sitec wichclhins givein rise to nchc dispunte, hcas conmptletecd his resecirchc. Tis icor- lion of lice site wcns formierly lot 1ti of tine governor's accd jucdge'slst. 'lie titic' was trasferredi to tine University of 'Michcigan sin condeiion that a school be maciintainned thcere. Thce conidition, it is climncedi,wans fulilled untlit1cc city was icermiittedi to retakee tine iron- erty on a pronnise to peay $151100 there- for withn intierest at 7 per cent.O.if tis amounut tine regennts hacve 'eceivedi nacsolntely nothing, altihoughln $,000tt hictrreguniarly bec'n paiic tinte stccte. Tineicrinceical and fcrtya'cirs' interest, makcieing, quite a sum, is thce ancount noon'cicne tine regennts fromnntine city, The Dental Journal. 'lie thnirdI numcber of lice Diental Jouirnani for 1893i is bc'ing nmaieci Ic snntccribers. The Jounacl cas. been punblcishcedlunnder lice -ansicecs of ti Den'ctanisociety of tine Univcr'ity 01 Michcignc, bcut thneogh so icuilishlecdtic' papccr' has niee' beecn cistrictly olci- d,,nticalce r.'fhe.Jounrnnal nnow'inacugun- rates a new policy ha' litcniing thli conntributors to mne'ccbers ef tin'eidet- nienit. Tine ncumbcer is a ceciti to thi-n ii- versity'. Tics leaidiing anticiesoare SEE OUR WINDOW! le-r THERE MAY BE SOMIETHOING INI IT." 51 gouth Main S. FASHIONABLETAILORING Elegant Gradcating or liht Sat made ron Imported or Finest Do~estic + "Woolens for $22.00 and uip, Fal Dress Suit $27.00, work made at hocus bears inspection by any High Class 'iailor and Cutter. Will be pleased In have ynea call and e convinced. JOS. W. KOLLAUF, 10 E. Washington st., up stairs. E[OT JZSTICTES LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES + TUTTLE'S, t48 S. STATE ST. JUST ARRIVED! A SHIPIMENT OF Gents' [ice Iae Shoes FR. ~sPR~nqc. JACOBS & ALL2MAND Washingtn Blsck, Ann Arbeor. P. S.-See our Show Window. ED. A. CADIEUX. PrasRannos or Tac Latest Improved Barber Shoe In Ike city. E. Wasieglton s., ht done east ef ManeS. Ass Arbor. MAMMOTH PIPE SALE JOLLY & Co'S 15 SOUTH SsTATE S, Don't fail t ca.. Not acich(',ld l 5 4. a~l~unt All I r. PROF. JOHNSON'S Illustrative Cases on Bills and Notes AND NORTON ON BILLS AND NOTES NOW ON SALE AT WA HR'S. Up Tows, - Dews Tow, Dnlverslty~sok~tbrc, oppesieCoeurlhlosr 2OS.ISae$514 4 N. Man St ANN ARBOR- sci d't rc'cding, dMr. toiessun; iulce, Ifetloho sof tBleachinig'fedetn, icy Mis Silos Wnitc'n; munusic sclectecd, Lhecs' Elizcabccth Vcc Breenc, '"57; (Cause'. Giuitar amid Bacnjo c'lb. and Treatnct of Pyorrhea :Ab-co- Kelsey-Lamson Affair Postponed. This cntcrtcainncccnt annoutnnced to be go-co innthne'Pre'sbyterinnchnnrchn Macy 4, by Profs. F. W. K-Isey aud Gard- nier S. Lamnnsonn, hacs beicein auq'ed to Fridny cvenning, tMny1.0 on ncouut of lice illnedss of Prof. F. WV. Kesey, nn- less dliff'enenty annunnced lcte'r lice I, cturc' oill oceunron Sicty 10, inc tic Prd'otytrdn nchiurchn. A line urognami hccs bee'nn cnancged. iHoldenrs of ''ickects notic' e' ,cinnne. Inter-Class Bn-ball Schedule. Tie schedulhe of inue.r-class bcaeball ganies for thne 'varsity cinnn-nlionshiic hia bees made out. by AssisatMitSan- nger 1Rich ans folloons: 'in5 vs. '96, Slay 20; '97 vs. '98, Slay 21; '95 vs. hcd L, SMay 22; Hlighi School vs.,oinner of Slay 22 gamse, May 213; woinmner of Slay 20 gamse vs. winner of iMy 2t gamne. Jutno 3; final for chadmpion hnipt ie- toneso winners of last too games, JTune 0. M11r. C. 0. Davis, '95;, nnabeen called, to his Iomue -at 'Macom)) by the death of.his fathe r which occurred Tuesd' .y. innis, by M1iss Malry B. Cectns, B1. S., 'its; W-lepnntatioun of Teethn, ut' Olnecy B. ilinmnnna, '95; Prinmittid' Dentstry, by II. H. Lauderdale, 'h95; anch tide- tenda of the Mlotlhi, by C. HI. Biley, 9. There are, also repiorts of 01cc dlentl clinic, diepacrtmntnoemites, 'te., onich are of intc'aest ho Icoth dic-ItaI stdudeunts amidIprmactitoners.. 95's Last Class Sochal. The lactt lass social of this class of '915. andl Iroicatchy i he ldst of its chau'- acdter ton be held this yanr, took tlace' last evennincg at Girantger's. About forty conuiclcs wo-re present, to enjoy tine trs- grain of eighnte'en twvo-stepcslund onatzes cwhichn hadi berm arraintgecl for the occasioun. Tine nusic wvas nil tlint coulid be wishned for, and withntlie' linmited numnber. present everyone wnas given tine best finance for enjoying rice dances. One; featunre of tine eveanlng ovas tine large number from sthner classes wino wero present.. Sleadames Beman. and Greene acted as chaps- routes. -Comedy Club, AthleticIBeniefit, ;Slay 10.- veut 'c cc