THIE U. OF M. DA ILY. schaIIelrs Bookstole! Formerly with George Wahr, 19 B. Washington at. Headquarters for everything a Student needs in the line of Text-Books, Stationery and Miscellaneous Stock to general. MRTIN SCHALLER, THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, A.9 E. Washington at., one block east of Main at. IGYCLES. ARvTEHIHSTO ALL HIGH GRADES. Warraintedsiperiloi to any Bicycle bull in the world, regardless of price. Dloinot be inided topav more moiiiytor an inferior wieel. Insist on booing the w irerley. Built and ,.ainteeii by the Indiana Bicycle Co., ' a niillioii dollar concern, wiosie bond .is ood as gold. 21 lb. SCORCHER, $85. 22 lb. LADIES', $75. H. J. IBROWN, Exclusive Agt. TrUaRKISH BATH SOAP FOR 5 CENTS A CAKE, Several other varieties of good toilet soaps at the esme prices. BATH SPONGES from 10c up to l1.25 each at A. E. MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE, Cur. Fourth Are, and Washingtoii 0t. 4 '95 0 LAWS! RLAVE YOUR CANE ENGRAVED WM. ARNOLD' S, Jeweler. For Men and Boys, 4 Hl ARKNII LAMB'S WOOL SWEAI[RS in b1ltck, navy, white, gasrnet and gray, fot Boys, up to 32 inch sires, For Men, all sizes, $2.00. Strawbridlge & lotliler PH-ILADELPHIA. Sweaters Sliohan & Co.'s STESM LAUNDRY CO. Htighs Glass and Domestic Finish. 'E. S. SERVISS, Manager, 123 SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE. CUT RATE RAILROAD TICKETS to all points for sa by ANN ARBOR R. R. TICKET AGENCY, 33 E. Harn St. :Member af American Ticket Broker's Asso- Ciation. All 'Irnportiniannr.- anteed. Tickets bought and mild. HAVE V SEEN IH[ LIHOSAY BICYCL[ "'The highest of the '95 high grade wheel Sold by J. .P A L 104 S. Main St. _A'Samples Coming. BITER a IDIC-TA WANAMAKER tauors 20 milos of cloth per dlay. He liuys at enormons discoiunts. You buy of hsimnittd you aivoid the preulits of thi wbllesabor, the Jobiber, the riddltlemanll. 500 sample". Up-to- dtite tatiloiring.IFit gular1anteed.Swell Snits $18. W'ILSEY'S O)I.D STIAN D. STATE STREET. HO1W 'TO IECONOMIZE. Buy Dean & Co.'s Faily Flour for $3.00 per Barrel. Buy Bent Western Patent Flour for $3.75 per Barrel. Buy Bolted Corn Meal for 23 cents per 1-16 Barrel. Buy Hulled Buckwheat Flour for 31 cents per 1-16 per Barrel. Buy Six Pounds of Crackers for 25 cents. Buy 74~ Pounds Best Rolled Oats for 25 cents. Z} A.LN 8& O2 PIASTTX 44 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Ninety-sit will play Audrian College .ut the athleticfil-d ucttSaturdlay. Game c . allcd at 3 o'clock. Admissioni 25 cects. P'rof. Staley's Walgnicr ictlure whiich wao to hat-c beenihclid this of. tceiinoon 'ciii bc postoneucuntiil aftcr iii, Atay Fc shoal. T'he Kapphla Sigmia fratcrnityv 'cill centcrlaio Scnator Daniels, whlo lec- tarcs ini thi S. L. A. cotirsc tonmorrow- inight, duing liastay iin10town. Thec Adelpi society 'cii l gian cs- puecially attrao-tivc, programn next, Sat- urlay evening. Thcre wolto a solo by hs~ls Alto. Beach, music by lihi ILidies-' Banjo anti Glitar club, anil otther things of iltercst. Tlhe song recital to be giveii by Mtrs. tfedzie antda, chorus of i'oiicge girls for the benefit of the 'coman's gyal. uaoiuii is luring pre'parcd for tby frc- queint rolwaorsols. The enterainmenut will probablyhi' giveni May 23. Tho Choral Unioi social has 0 rio chianigeid from Fritday to 'Saturday' evo inig of tis'ceek. A short imusi- cal prograili, live iminuitescono~erca:'- lions oni ussigned subjects and danc- ing 'ciii formn the, entertainment of the eventing. At the imevting of the adnitlrative board, April 29, the following peti- tions were granted: G. D. Iladzsits, Pearl MDonalid, t. E. Petit, Jose- piie Powell, and Rt. V. Winterhurn. The following were referred to the echairnman: H. L. Hall, G. C. Leech, C. B. Morrill, and N. E. Osenburg. Prof. C. G. Taylor 'ciii speak before the Engineering society next Saturday evening on "Aluininums and its al- loys." An election of officers will also boo held that evening. A list of those who have paid their dues and are therefore entitled to vote ha.d bean posted .on tho society's bulletin board, f i. OFbi . CALENDAR. Thus's., lay 2.-Senior social lit Grtanger's acadeimy. Thunrs., Sily 2.-Chauncey SM. De- pew iii Uniocrosily hail before tho Orcatorical assootiation at 5 p. 01. Fri., Stay 3.-t-ri'siiian banquet, Graniger's. Sun., Slay 3.-Sonig service at Ne'c- berry hail. F'ri., Stay 3.--Northern Oratorical tLeague iiitercolegiate contest, Iowia City, ta. Fri., Slay t. -Lecture of Senator .IohniAV. Daniel iii S. L. A. course. Subject, ".Americasmo and the Mton- roe Doctrisie." Sat., Stay 4.-' Varsity vs. Corneit. IthlacaiN. V. Sat.May 4-Etertainmiesnt by tProfs. eleansld Lamnson in P'resbyterian chitrchs. Thunis., May 9.-Faculty recital at Fri-ee ienomial 11011. Fri., MSay 10-Wi bstkr-Jeffersoniar. debate, law lecture room, S p. in. Fri., Matly 10.-Dramatic Club ails- leti eeicit, Grand topera licust'. Sat., Slay 11.-'Varsity ons.Ilinois, athletic hield, 3;:30 p. M. Fri. and Sat.., Slay 17 anil IS.~- Grand SAtay Festival held under aus- ires of the University Musical so- ciety, Fri., Stay 24.-Webster-Adeiphi dr- bate, law lecture room, S p. us. Thurs., Juno 6.-Facilty recital at Friene Stemor'ialhl. We have ihe celebrated Swan Linen paper and envelopes to match. GEORGE WAHR. JUST A MOMENT, PLEA SE1. The progressive, and aggressIve rail. 'cay in the line of Interchlianeoble Mileage Is the Ohio Central. Among the first to issue this hook itr has al- ways been the lender. It now pub- lishes 67 distinct systems of trans- portation. Separated into divisional lines, as is' done by many, it has 123 transportation linen, represented. A full list will be mailed upon applica tion to any agent of lbe Ohio Centrai Lin es. MOULTON HOIJK, G. P. A. Tledo, O. R NEW COLLF R A. Il. SPALDING & BROS. Athletic Supplies. GOLF.TENS Uniforms for All Sports. RIDE THE SPALDINC BICYCLES- THE LEADER FOR 1895. HANDSOME ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE SENT FREE. NEW YORK, CHICAGO, PHILADELPHIA. BICYCLE DISCOUNTS $15 TO $50 Discount fruim regular pies. ighetest gra de::. Not the regular cut raeiwhueels. Son't bay before you acetiemi. APMADOC & MANCHESTER, 41S. State st., near cur. William. MOORE & WETMORE 6 S. Main st., and State st., cor- ner of William st., have a complete stock of- VHI[HIT XT 1 BOOKS New and Second Hand. Neste Brinksanailother Students' Supplti Fine. Stationary, Sporting oods, etc., shich they offer at the Lowest Frices. Call and see us before purchasing. G. H. W11ID. THE LEADING TAILOR and Importer has received the largest and most select stock of JMPORTED AND DOMESTIC' WOOLENS for Spring and Summer' of '95 in he city, and would be pleased lishave you call and examine t*alume. k' Dess. Suits a Specialty. E, ,Wshi'ngton at.. near Main.