THE U. OF M. DAILY. i MICHIGAN G!EnTA1 Time Table (Revised) Nov. 18, 1894. EAST. WEST. Mail and Exs-_350 Maill-______8 43 N. Y. Special---. 5 15 N. Y. Special--__ 7 30 Eastern Es--- 10 25 N. S. Limited.... 9 23 A. M. Pacific Es---12 15 Atlantic Es-___7 47 P. M D. N.Expreso.--.- 5 40 Wetern Es -2 12 13. R. Express .__11 55 Chi. Nt1. Es--10 25 G. Ri. Es----- 507 0. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. A.ol., Chicago. Agt., ASS Arbor. T., A. A. & N. X.Rt. Takiog effect Sunday, April 7, 1894. Trains lrave Ann Arbor on Central Stand- ard time. 7:08 a. m. *7:5 a. m. *12:2 p. M, 11:30 a.m. 4:13p. m. 9:00 p. M. *Trains ran between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. All trains daily except Sunday. R. S. GREEN) 0011, Agent W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY, Time Table, October 7, 1894. Leave Ypsilanti from CongresosI., 7:00,9:0 and 1:0a.m.; 12:4,2:15,5:50, :45, 9:00 and 10:30 p. m. Leave Ann Arlbor Junctioe, 7:30,95:30 sod 11:0 a. m.; 1:15,2:4,5:30,7:15, SUNDAY TIMIE. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress St., 1:30, 3:30, 5:00,60:30 and 9:00p. ni.. Leave Ann Arbor Janction, 1:50,4:50,51:10, 7:50 and 0:30 p. m. Carsorun on city time Fare: single trip 15 cens roand trip tickets 25 ctets. WM. F.PAnnKEn Supt. FLOWERS, FLOWERS For Everything and Everybody. COUSINS & HULL, florists,2 ee oe nvriyae DIETAS & SCHAN~Z, V. 0O1 =. TAILORS Our Sprintgand Summner Wooleno are 11ow oH sale. Prices Low. Call aod see us. 48 S. State St.. Seronds Floor, Ann 4riser. 22 Years in the Bu~siness,-552~a Jeggersonian Society Tonight. EVERY DAY Excrsionratesitco thiii-Virgiias ,111d1 Tlhe followinig ilcolraisl swill h- ren- thie ,oltlist l in2e111.iii ti ilthe li ulered at1 iii - regsiiar wi-tily ilocliiig Ollio Cciitrail lii: ; thiriougli lc::: of JeffersoniaLiterairy sociely, thiso daily 11:10 'liiTol:edo10 :11 Ch1l st oni, evenlinig a17:31): Recadinig,,Ati-. H - 11W. Va., via C::o~lumbus. 'iluls 10slhe V~iill dcc~smili~ti Ai. iosii~lro sohortest an11: 11:0,7dire-ct routle. tos- siit asf011O. C. Liii-',, iriaddeslsIV. pap1e1r, Air. Hamoill; ...icwi, Air. Co- A. P:eters, M. P. A., Dclroit. c -rt; italk, Ir. ('0u11s; implr:omtu es l- Do youi want boarders? If so, ail- csosioti, off., Air. I'rllIh, Mr. As. ocrllso yourcboard in lichey:Dily. Piecilorl; debate5, "itesolced, lth:- siat dliozussiacy systemllis thle, t::H AT micthodl of conlroliiing ri o lquoirf-T' A'I fic," off., AMessrs. Itykec :111(1lt'sy. ''.UIU ~L neg., At ors. Crosbsy 11111110ff. UL II[I L Pinto for Cooley Bust. ANt) -- F. J. Flat,,-.-iand D. F. iLyolis were: A HUSTLING AGENT'S CONVICTION. in Detroitlast1.7Saitrday ina~king or- ran nicts or he ameplay fr te Xy saskes alive, b hoe S maOolley"thas rollg. lctlo oi-lie11:1110lilitef:: ll a cogit ono witlo tie boy:soand girlo, aswell as Cooley buist 10 b, "gro:wn lollk:, sad isn't it lovecly, finished: in the eraotifol aluminouom:enamel--a oecret O tor ~iw. T: c:ulo~c W~o 11 ~process ksnowneonly to thus esof: the J. E-. Bolles & Co:. for :a bronzeilate:1:-Smallcy." Do y:ou gel ci: to She new mtchlodl sO 1::cosl o ibill$170).lii- 1:111-sof spolkin:g thoe wheelo? Coo ibc::r gets. ons to at he os ofabut 10. Te alnsthemrnd lin:to tles-ndSOtitersoen lthem;: of theiofotcers of bhecl 1is', comitiiltl.eecliembs u0000 to 5the fork:crowns ansd:ljumsps o 1o tise croonk han:ger;osiogs 1t:e: osleeolbe- ::f:ir~ioe~i ilsc:iiiiiilc si 00 -tween twso booresoandljum:ps en thse lframe :-and molies,:andl imembters :of lt class will the J"se ::lley" Bicycle seems to lik~e it. Nevrca squak,:ot:,:a0sigr0oan, norareako, be placettlitOil lte1:1. an:dlthe :weight1 is 13 to 21 pounhds.-Western At the Grand Opera House. Hardware Compan:y, 0010 Lakse City, Ciah. "A (:Crlan":11'will niake'it-.fir~st :llpleaiillcc :at li,- ilGrnaudooial 11b: AN EASY SELLER, 7Sltrda~y, 31:13 4. ,The Smalley of 1895. 4.11iii )Ic ll~lUt 11UL17 4oh:- so ill o osC .' 11: :7"u Ng: 1 is ii: ra tirosa" i lii:' 0c-leand ::vl::candb::oo xlyejoyable-sii ovrbdEANiO'l~l rch At eTiONttI PLYMOUTH CYCLE MFG. CO, PLYXOUTII, IND. 0. Lipp~a-., Agen, 46 E. William St. The Clover Leaf Route Please keep in mind the Toedo St. Louis a& Kaosas City P.I., The Cloiver Leaf Poole, 'Foost Line" for St. Lous, Mo.. sd th, West and Soiuthwest leaves To- ledo Utnion Depot at 5 p. m. dily, arrives New Union Staion (the largest in the world), St. Louis early next morningi. CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR and Mithigan Central lines at Toledo. Buffet Reclining Chair Crn Seats Free and Vestibuled Sleepers with- out change. C. C. JENKINS. General Passenger Agt., Toledo, 0 THlE WADASH RDUVI HOT SPRINGS, ARK., TEXAS, LOS ANGELES -AND- SAN FRANCISCO. Newv Texas antd Califortia Sleeping Car Line. THlE WABASH AND RON MOUNTAIN YS. hlave ieaugrasted is new Da:lly Line af FIRSOT CLASs OtEFlElRS from CHICAGO TO LAREDO, TEXAS, Via Littli e r. Oislrecns.Tcarca050,Pl esin:e, Astin dSan Ant:on:t::i. Pasnge, for IIt Sprinvs haveoonly oer changeof cars out 01-tier, 9:0 a. it). 0:-t day, arriving as !lo:t riri:ga at 11:i a.t. six hor te quioie:0 o1r:::ghlo-pi::,o car line eween t igo and hS loec: :. Aso: daily ine of Tou:ristSl1:-pre, lreaing Ch ialo:Snose train, thr:ogh to San0 rancisco via Lo A :t:1:-s Cal. For maops, tickets .sd fl lafofrmaton, appy to J. H., GREEN J HALERMAN, Alohigan Pas. At. 7iari assAg TICIIET 01R01C: 11 Cark sts., CICAO F. H. Tritram, P. E. Dombaugh, ( .t. Pass. Aft. Pas. & Tlkel At. toe. 51h av. andStlth JO70Mdion41 hold sl ittsbuPa. is Told, 0 s te LEADING SCHOOL F BUtSESS andSHOSf.- lHAt-D. Magificent bildisg; ten teahes;age atrndne; gooddiscipline; speior wek: well' sppliedreaodingroom; daily letres; Saisrclso-W eseningsrecepetos; open the etir ear. Enefa- ionoailiiee ler plain stdens in poisin. Boar and room E ts $.75 pe week in pwaa aosnlis. Thee rate redued t s.5 by self seocing. Pr Caalogue address - ~ ~ R . CFARY, Pres. THE 'STANDARD" YCLOMETER RETAIL PRICE, ONLY $2.3. A Device for Accurately Reistr- ing the Distance Travelled. on a Bicycle. It is a% precise in Ito peratiosnal a wtch will outwerar Seve bicycles, weis only 'l ounces; is dusst proof, water pi-oof ad noie- less: as white enamel dial, same ass waeh; regises 1,000 miles and repeats; to esily nit quickly applied: adjustable to read from any positon ilthe adde enade for2, 26,18 andS 30 inch wheels; and is absolutely guaraned- -repaired wthout charge, Foe Sate by alt Retail lBIyle Dealers... CIIY LAUNDRY, Te A-l e: ig f1 1. Mi. Mii. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. so ran , :Alay 2.,:at 7:30 it oo5111 12 of thol- ootsilsilisgfori't011purolse: MERCHIAN~T TA.IL.ORING ! sof 11rinillg liepor15tof lb:' 01:011- Cleaning, Pressing and IRepairlag iits's 00nt costitultionsi slosherloim1- done neatly ky hsotallt lsllsiss. APtO, SCt-0IMIlWAEt,.26,0. Washington '115.1' OYE 'cilit EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY ! '94LTITS. 20 EAST 11U11030STREET. TiI- re wili be tiii iiiiipsrtadt neet151 Good Work Guaranteed. Goods called for of th1e literay lays-ils of '111 0: 5solsider and delivered. A.8. CiaVEnaT. Prop. scii::blsl::l bulsitless, iiy, .flsiy 3, mmm N R O t4p l.i om9 ot ig ST A NYARBORKS1). 1i% lYONS. STAMDY W RK.COAJAILNI E \ENf INVITATIO'NS. Ladle-' -ad Gents' Clothing Cle and Alohll cs osii se.11 or Dyed.11snoswo ihmr hl 3 W. HURON ST.. ANN ARBOR. elght 1.10italtiols t os conslilw lelt 001wsildsendtheir 101.1115 101011theis-llllol.r Mlembero of Goarantee Ticket Brokers' Asso- be~fores triday t is li AnniId. Itich- elation of C. S. slds, 77 l'. ItrOcn. Cshy & Mcteeon R. R. Ticket.Agency 'thes-n - osill be: o l -thilgot:a11 00 Adsms st., Chi:cago. Reduced rates to alh 'll:-lil)erso of theiclcass f '":1;7.11:1 ar points. Branch Thio nd~osergarteos No. 0 N. 3Maint. Ain Arbor 31-ica. iontersted 1ills'e.tralcktatle:tic- ic:;. 1po-s-s nhof.ith class0 ini his o5-:r's filds $255.00 for a 51 Days Euro. boay Saturdasy hosrlihlg, MAlt-1.0 ) pean Tour. oclockc in room: ; ). AiANA(7E{. We ae ogsnilnga Slectpary fo a um- C0.l on1 10 ippman atsliso '.11 h -ibse mere raiigaslc ryfrasm t.adL in hwyute f .atone to Europe leaving New York, June 2210, for London, Antwer p. Ilesi, Cologne, pinhts of the Stollsy bicycle'. The (oblenlo. Frankfrt Heisdelberg, Strunsheeg, sl:ll 'i tityhgh-ae-vel Baden-Bade, Prs and Dieppe, returning. ' -i tilyhg roh'wl-l sailinog from London August 2nd. Thoe party ,:sold 00 oils' price.' ansI is tho is'neist will be conducted hy and Iunderthoe lpersonalfnseoshe i hemLl"t charge of MR.OTTO EERnSONof Columbus, ulidsol''1Olt.iiih- well known as one of the first musical in- structors of America+ and a genial gentleman Lost-Betoo-ellCn hHIampus 1and lA. C. of large experience in travel. Each paeron -h-i It.,0100100.n a silver czalrina tbulckle'. will have a berth In a loarge peomenosde deck - stateroom, and the ships selected are new LitN.3pl row-uard if returnied to 17 N. 8,05M tan twin screw steamers, provided witlo electric tights and steam heat. Complete' UnIiverity as-. itinerary and information mailed on receipt c of nef-addessed tuaped envelope. XSt-OS1 a. J X led A yonng 103a5or sausy 00 pays every expense of ights. travel a 4 e'tnvos- in A-oilArbor. Call for par- nouns, Funil information and Itiner dry mailed on receipt of self-addensed enve ope. ticloTrs after .5Oclocke at 14 N. Slate Mention thia paper. St. - Ge.Aoris d BROTHE ', Lost' A Sigma Alpha Epsilon, pin. Ge.Tu .s n tismh15 gie., EOwn'r' moarne on back. Finder please 272 N. Big -st.,. -leave toh 0S. Ingalls st. (Luw rates evervwhere). Coinm s, Ohli. I jCOTRELL & LEONARD, l ALBANsY.NEWV YORKl, Masers of Cops ansossi4os th: le Unisversity sf SbisogossT V. XMELL, Lo~al Agent, 44 O17'7:amt. olAnnllArbsor, Micho. TemrpleSpecial. SAVE SAVE By bllyonl.a Temple Spoc oh STRICTLY HIGH GRADE ! Examoine tis whleel before purchaoing your '00 mouont. J. L. MEE & F. R. CUTCHEON, P1 atino0types The latent thing in PHOTOGRAPHY at 6 E. Boron LSt.;pecillRates to Seniors.