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May 02, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-05-02

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° j. f f~'IA 1 jf ~Oratorical Contest News.
at f!~~'Z Our representatives to the Northen
Oratorical League contest arrived !in
Published Daily (Snday excepted) drngtovCiytimrngaerrael
the College year, at IoaCtthsmrig te tawl
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN.- ling fromtCticago by nigtt. Prof.
Orrics: Times bidtsg N. Mis t., opposite Truebtltod; will leav tonight at 10
pst office. o'clock.tit will arrive at Iowa City
EDIORSoly lust totimeil for tie cotest to-
J. A. LEtto, 'Oil.IMaaging Editor. uorrow night, as le stos to deliver
G. B. 1ha nesosv, 's L, Assistat laddlrsses at St. Mlay's (ollege, Knox-
A. W. Srra, Special, Assistat. vletl.an atPiiCobgtk-
V. A. Seie, 'tI L, Assistat. vieIl.anatP nCoegOl-
1. COL~EMAN, 'W, Atheic Editor. 1(100, I. The wle,.pirty wiii returi
J. S. PEARL, '01 L, Business Miaager. togther, leacinig here inet'fucsday
Associate Editors.-
I. A. Dancer, '5. E. IL. Evaens, 'il L. inighif.
E. . Snderlaed,'N. Crrie V. Smith, 'S. 'The S. U, . t.(Qill, a paer pbtlised
L. A. Prat, 'I. L. I. Iamfie,'9 L. at Iowa Uiversiy, unt. r whose all,--
C.i A. lHoughton,.'980D.d. .A. Heath, 'Oil P.
Minnie Thompson. 'if. H. B. Gmomes'so8IM. pilIs the otst is held tus year, sill
C. H. Parcel, '0. S. E. nappen '0. 1irate a full account of tie contest con-
J. S. Finlay. '0.
tamiing every oration ii full, togeheri
Subsription price SilO per year, ivariably with half-one ces and biogr2pi. s of
in advance. Single copies 3 cnts. Sbscrip
tons may e let at the effice ote DILYo, tine orators, aiidta it oriltioi of liie
at Stelllt's, at William st. ewosand, with contest itself, mlakig forty tag s ii
any of the editrsr athorized solicitors
Cemmnicatios should reach ithe offce by al hi' cprici' will betietly cluts
7 oclocki p. m. i they are to appear the et foi' single olis, or thri'ee'copes for
day. A ddrss all matter itended fr publi-
cation to the Managing Editor. All bsiness fifty cents. They wll ti' put on sale
communications shold e set to the Busi- hiire, or ily be odetd of the S. U. I.
THE U. OF M. DAILY. Quill, Iowa "City. a.
Ass Arbor.lMic. Detroit Will Aid the Women's Gym.
WOMEN'S ANNEX FUND. A mass meeting will be held ill the
The Subncription List Is Growing C'haiiber of tomnece' buildiig, D
at a Good Rate. troif. Saturday aftcruomi, AMay 11, at
41 o'clock, for the purpioe' of feirthor-
T1he following subscritioni lis, ug tle "coed" gymna~isimiiprocjet at
which is the latest detailed ripot Aim Abol. Pesideit Angell will
frin li hiaue 'iiiiiitt ' f ii prbtably attnd. iand unldobttely the
woma's ymusiun fed, ho-s cn-uiiiof ;1 5,00 wih is iiwd will hi'
elusively that the ithuilllii is dadly u'aized. Aleldy $5,00l loas beei
becominlg mo' genral: sbtscribed, conditional that $5,0t
Dors. J.1BI. Angel...51.05
Mu'. .. '1'..l~eeos. . . . more0c-will be forthcoming. TeDineIi-
Miss Auiuah A. Sule.2 . 5.00 trit laditeis who lare iitreisedith i
Mrs. J. E..lBal .....:..2500 piro.1 ci believe that thee will be littl'
Mrs. Iilollielll (.ackson)...25.011 difictlty ii procuig ile lneessiy
Gamma.iiiIPhi Beta. :....25.00) anionilland thmitclie'coric'so'aill
Mrs. L~oomis (a~cksonl) ...: 15.00)1 li tcnieneeti eod
Mrs. tG. AV. Platte'rson......10.0 i'li tciiie~(ilitilaccl
Prof. G.I. '.Iattcsooii.111..7.00 aiie itipresenlt tplas.
Mu. HenjamiiiIP. tBourlaui.lc. 10.00 'The electio of a borlof e'itios
Alir. e.nryic S. Carhart... 10.0,) for the '15 Oracle axill like llac' liet
Mlrs. Dr. iLal y ......10 Sattrdaly t 2 o'clock ii tei'ch1111.
ir. (Geo.I. IHarrison..... 5001_________________________
Miss Huldsonl (Detroit) . 50)) BICYCLES I BICYCLES ?
Lawx Sudint ............ 51.00 ALOSTr
Laav Sudent. . . 1.00 GIVEN AWAY!1
-- If you aisb to buy a Bicycle at $10
Total. . . .$277.00 to $40 idiscount froiii regular pricieis
'dhe Iamionit oil: etdfromtavarious comie anldisee ts.
soturce'sbefoe this y'ear, wa'ict'i tas SAvecanf sell yo i Moarcs,tImpeials,
bi'iiil th lllldi o ''r:aslcl' lik'Illeighs, ANrvic s, Ais, U'nios,
beenin he, and ofTreaure So l IiidsnysSMachi, Tiuies and nea-
for soul, timte is $1,4t66.9-4 while sub' ly any iake oii the iiarket at ce-
serilpiols to the liliounul of $21.80 duced prices.
were paid toSr. Sudelanld before Also a full line of ladies' xvliels.
the pruent uovemnlt was started. fadli, send us a postal and aexiii
In aditon o ths, ro ess hansixcall
In ddiioi t tis,10les tan iX We havenade aragemets to see
subsription lists ar. circulating purchasers at te Daily ofice any
amuong the younig aonen of tb'c Uni- nigt for the next two weeks from t3:0
versity, for xvhichi froii scsventy-five to S o'clock.
lb oBe hundred names have been, se THE CUT BATE CYCLE CO.,
cured. It is also runiored that svral ' 1t. of M. Daily Office
other societies arc preparing to followv
the lead of (laumaPhii Bta. PR. R. The18Ide
The eninzers wiii give their fifthle"we are settisg the
pace for 'I.Wath
annual banquet at tGranger's hll,laMay9 ohers try to tl-
11th low."
There will be a ineting of the Phil Nigh 8r ±Bi ycles!Y
ological socety this eveun at 7:30 in YITrTMI WrH
room E. Prof. Scott will red a papr 'BILEPTIC CRANKS.
on the plament of ")Day sod i~of. If on wIshtoe econvinced t the teth of
pe ~ . the truth of the shoe emnetl, call o
Hemut on lbs use of "T,' in te er- "~TT~IT''

Visit thin Historical Island, which is thie
grasdest summer resort on the Great
skkes. It only costs about $11 from
Detroit; $15 from Toledo ; $11 from
Cleveland, for the round trip, including
imeals and berths. Avoid the heat anti
deust by traveling on the D. & C. floating
palaces. The attractions of a trip to the
-Mackinac region are unsurpanned. Tile
island itself is a grand romantic spot, its
elimnate most invigorating. Two new
steel passenger steamers have just bees
bueilt feor the upper lake route, costing
$300,000 endh. They are equipped with
every modern convenience, annunciators,
biathiroomn, etc., illuminated throughout
ovy electricity, and are guaranteed to be
the grandeat, largest nnd nafest steamers
one fresh water. These steamers favornbly
compare with the great ocean liners in con
-struction and speed. Four trips per week
bietween Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Machi-
mic1, St. Ignace, Petoskey, Chicasgo, "Soo,"
Maorquette and Duluth. Danily betwveen
lrvelnd and Detroit, and Cleveland and
I'et-ill-lBly. The palatial equipment
naktes travelisg on these steamers thor-
(highly esjoyable. Send for illustrated
dlescriptive pnmphlet. Address A. A.
'AruaNT'z, G. P. A., D. & C., Detroit, Mich.
"5Six Love Songs,"
ny FranEei. Sawcyer. Troeslatios of Sin
of Ieiner's Siest lyrics inex equisite musical
settings. Heavy Paper, T5 cents.-
The standalrd collection of College Sons.
Oveer 8000 sold. Heavy Paper, 50
cents; Cloth, Gilt. $1.00.
Only book fthe ien~d' publishted. The
songs o01thdiedinlg colleges lee womein.
Heavy Paper. $1.00.


"Ther Perfect" Itflatable Paddle, prevents
Chiafig,Numtbness and Sadidle Sorenses. The
'tieapest, Easiest 3iudign Saddle in the World.
For Mrs. VWomen auid tChildreni. Circulars
Free. Address,
1017 ChamberslSt., Bewerkn.
SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1885.
Hlerbexrt + Cawthorn,
Uuender the managsemsenet01fit. S. Mitchell,
ho the sew farce comedy,
11r100Htirty Lais. Bach one
Prices, - - 35c, 50c, 75c..
Rieserved seats on sate at Wautts' Jewelry
Orgonized 1863.
Capital, $100,tt0. Surplss and Prelts, $4000.
Transacts 'a geeeral bashing business.
Foreig,, roctoinges boeglit ndsahd. Furninh
ueters ofcredit.
P. BACH lees. S. Wi. CLARKSON, Cashier.
To arrange for private or

Bighity-two pheces for lhe guitar Iron the Ofc or 1t n o8
best soures. A splendid collectioni. Hand- Ofc or ih n oS
-omie cover. 50 cents, j No stairs to unount.
Any boshk'ret pstpaid on receipt of price.
OLIVE DITS N CO. IdSchoANol of Dncing nd Delsarte.
453-463 Wshingtuei St., Bcston. Satarday, i0a. in., Gentleman beginners class.
C. 11. Ditnos & Co. N Y. Saturday, u p. in., Lady beginners class.
____________________________ hRonaay, 7:w0 p. in., Advanced Clams (Ladles'
asa dilenleusts).
THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Tueday : .Iono., Beginners Class {Ladies
Ann Arbor, IMich. Capital Stork, $50,00. Private lessos by appointment.
eserphas, 415,000. '' SCHCCL 46 5. S'IAT'' STr
Organized under the Gleneral HasbiegLaw
of this State. hReceides deposits, ibuys ass THE
sells exchang e on tie p1,cipioi cities of the
Cnited Statics. Draifts easied upoen proper Lovell Diamond Cycles
Sidentitication. Safely deposit boots to rest.
OrreCIts:CbriseistuMacki, tree.:;VW. 1). Arenserpased for
Harrimni, Tice-Sces. Ghas. -B. HiscoclBT, SPEBD AND IWORKMANSHIP.
tCashiiir SI.J. FritzAssan t tCashier. n.UT
Good allow'asee mode os secosd-
iaedie lIs.
' 'W'Jkd R_ 1. FUIZe E, GEO. F. FISHER. Algelt,5I .e F niv. Av.
Corner of Stale asd Willi'am sn., IIANI'STFRFFR I20Etoshing-
willi' u, . ntrance. IIIU~*iii es


IT'S HARD TO DO WITHOUTcteotie f TblrFd-hpetr
SHEEHAN &0 CO. Exclusive Agents for Ann Arbor.

IO, FISK&lug,
I N 1854.
Send for Agency
'Boston New York
Chicago IosnAngeles
Tornto Washingsnn'

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