I ti , ' . 1a lU. VOL. V. No. 1418. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1895. 'PRICE-THREE CENTS. MAY FESTIVAL NEXT. OUR ANNUAL FEAST OF MUSIC BUT TWO WEEKS OFF. The Course Includes Four Con- certs-Several Old Favorites to Be Here-'"Damnation of Faust" to be Sung. The recond annual Maytt rol iof ii, Tlrive-sIty Mirsiclil society is ro', lifttle lilore Ian two wet.s off, and it can safely b.! said 'hat lastrSyear's grfeat sue c swill l. far piore than diuplicated, tIrdeed, it wouIld seem likely liii t tirt seating ctl)O city of Vnuiversrty loll will be axed to its uitniost dalritir'thesi' concertre Copies o tiotrstival Joturnal chloe the frill prlmo ait of the series rif coin- Ci-,rts Nwirlii erC ris f lii: fou ssolo- tots and otlls 15 who twill tbarliheie ima;t still be obtaineriatithlie sto-Nwar('s office. They lann~ounce, xatprogratmiof fouir conceits, viz.., a symphllonly ceert on the evening of Masy 17, in rgan~il re- cital at It o'clock o lii'morning of Mlay 18, an oreli eli-al miatie at 2:30 that afternoon anid tih' productitn of Berlioc's "Damnrtioin of Faiust" in the eveching. The fe'stivarl forces inclmde a irorotr"v that of Faust by Mlr. Ithego r, of Mephlistopheles by Mtax Hteinrichi and of Brander' by Mr. Clarkie. The University Mtusical society is prepsaring a honk to lie oii sall" before lbhc Festival emutlaiirg inalyses of all ltii works to iere1rformed during the course, This hook will contain thre full text of the "D.,13111"0011onrf Fauslt." CORNELL SATURDAY. Make-Up of the Team Which Leaves for Ithaca Tomorrow. 'oimorrocw- afteriiooni the 'varsity Irriaccoiipaniied by Mlacocgr Weehs and~ severril oilier osipporters of the gamer, will leave for Ithaca, N. Y,, where they ilay Cornell Sattirday. Several ecnanges irave beenii ade in lire mrake-upl of the train durinog- tir week that will attn imnterially tor its strength. Blooiringtors, -who ha~s rrl- ci iys until this year pilayedrini the its- f eld, was Itriin leftfildnion rrc- count of Lc , who it wnrostrtriposed wouild cover secotnid. Hrswever, the latter'srrnjurry will Irevent.iris hlay- inig tire remrindrrer of ther season, tortd Conrsequen'itly 1llooirg-ston.whoirrs r shrownt tp wel11li ractice., will prob- aby-or-er- the secoanibagiidrinthe THE DEPEW RECEPTION WILL BRING OUT THE WHOLE UNIVERSITY TODAY. The Distinguished Orator Will Be Our Guest for an Hour -The Cleveland Reception Will Be Re- peated. As cvas at bir-st suggested, it ccouldr set iii probrablr'nacv that University hlrl twill be too smarrll to ri'corrorart- tire croct-htlrrtccill assemable tir r this afternoon tor celcomre tire. great Amrerican, t'laruncey tDetpcc, to -urr Unit-ersity. 'lre namre of the orator himseif, tire occrisiuon ort tirer'bjoet fr whlir-h half thre mioney receitent is to bre' rsed, cia., for tin' cvrrrrn's gymr- itasiurrm, are pocta-fril attrnrctiorrs, arrd it is srafe to snry ithac-cry fecv sttudensts cwiii be outsirde of University irell at 5 o'clock tis afternoon, tri-of. '1Tueblotorlheard frrrmt -Mr. De- trr'cc last irigirt thrat lirectill airrive hrer,, frromr tKnlamrrarro rtt4:31) starrrardr. 'There ccill be nro demnistrratiorn at tire r!.(,Itt, burt Presidtent Argell rind Pro- fessor Trurebloodi ccill condrulct tire ti5- tirrmtishrertgtrest tirecttoFUicversity htall, cwhere Ire ctill tre lii lhanrrlto be- gti iris sprch-rat 5 o'clorck, rity timire' qEE OUR WINDOW! "THERE MAY BE SOCDETHING IN IT." 51 South Main at. Employ is distribunte oradvrtis- sisss is part payment for aligriraedsAcno bicycre, wi errris olsentsmo spprovai. go worone until5th bicleburssives asd prver satirsfactr. Young Ladies e ame~ is mnoded. Wtl~e fr prtsiclars. ACME CYCLE COJIPANY, ELKHART, IND. H~OT TOJN~C=h8S LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES + ~TUTTLE'S, 48 S. STATE ST. JUST ARRIVED! A SHIPMENT OF Cents' ['Inc lano Shogs JACOBS & ALLMAND Washington Blosk, Ass Arbor. P. S.-Sea our Show Window. ED. A. CADIEUX, Latest Improved Barber Shop tn tbs city, E. AasohisftonSt5., 1st dosr est of Mainsti. Anr Arbsr. MAMMOTH-A PIPE SALE .JOLL.Y & Co's 10 SOUTo STATE STS Dnst fall is corns- )fot a+ituuC('uloliuuirlisiat All Hous.o PROF. JOHNSON'S ]Illustrative Cases on of old-tine favcorite's ih-t're ndsimile lhr dorrs of Unriveroithy irulillihbte niew, bunt well know%n artists. Olh riot of the year'.tHe is clowrtc'rtirrr'o, innntigl 'tolobtpisehotin" t~nr lrt4:>0, and cstudetr'rs ari'renirist- acrhutaintnne's arc ttrrie',Ltiin nr dnrr-te al -utIlsthoi 'iotcm'be ini their seats try 151u)'hock. dices. andtMisstt ose Ste'wanth, spnilntos; - t'li r irtcas.Wntr resider'nt Antgellctill prerslid' at tir' Max einich baiton;-ad Mss . rrMali, cchis played left fielrt last sc a- Max tcinriclr, anihoir', in itil~acuti-re thitoni undcrill irtrorluce ,tr, Dc- Crd a-Str'inrcontralto. Nectsciii'hanis finally resumred hinc positiont Irniho --init ccill ceonr~rilry he tnrur to pr'w. 'Thit'sutbjet of thn-'laiti-ro art- laces ctill to' those of WilhiarirHtI111(ie- 'anidsoic-asacfcompariyytthernteam tin ttlr-rr'sHeasvleftaddttoehire hinstlfnagd ge-, thie celebrater tenior; WilhionirHItha'c'a,:Heiotwr'tlkadrcvroin',hItcbaitpinh - tr'ghrof thre tea-nitSlhr-Ids ites so Clatrhr, liaos; itartirritoSirri Inint, hiiiii t rerghtalyblie-hait r nhour orrsciin heiigiir, i t V.fi. RL~e arpst;an abvefrilly recoc-eredh fromrihits inijury is to lot;1', '. toger, hiirtisr; it rboteAfter tire airdress heie llctli: tea.hrn at all larece ddyAmerca' gret - able to takneIis ol place inicentrer all Carene Enity, nnit'ic~rs greri treotr- nti1irgell's heftierheaving ftrr organist. 'fie Boston tFesticval nrchr's-fildr. Thre learmccill hi' gir-en its itnal Ira will again apptear hirre aid ccill Ihrncta. today before heat-tigfor fcr't vne-Ieouai tti hnut her of Cri.rtire banqutst toinigiit. again be conrductt'd by EmoUilhollen-Itaa It is ti-ehithuis e hrat Mr. tDtpewt rcill hauer. tProf. Stanley ctill coinducet ti h ohc'rgcl r treirke-ihsot conic store, but otherdihtirgurish- CoaUnofor Saturday's garli: Holmes, c.; S7ex- ChoaUnin.etl geirtl:-nurist front the Enist ccill c-cry The sylttphony concert set dclonfor toni, p.; tRussell, so.; Miteueni, 1t.; 5lkl ewt i..e---I fty Frittay evtning, May IT, ccill tie plar- BorrgtnIs, ers b;Wtregnts' bwill' i he.pSryI ofltlr thcitd in by iss Stein, iss Ste- Jua, If.; Shrielits, cf.; Watkints, rf.;rgntoc-ltelittein'yiTr cwart, itr. itieger, Mr. Clark', thre 110- Conudon, substitute. Tickets for Comedy Club Out. toni testicval orcherstrarrndrtthre Chioral A t- Crnllths"ea -tei 'fe ickets fortire Cometd'ny Club 1burneft Unioni. the organs reital thin' next cwithr Princeton last Mondatry gore tim' for thre cwomnrras gyiiiuisiiiirantiltire uvernangcc-lltuetic CaruieErtlyfirst chnantce to obtain dte'inite knottI- tmc'rrlmtl'rt am ieotsu int tire ColunmbianiorignnaandtIh~e hpro- wng ftercrigli i ui i'ci till tue oursalt' tomrorrowr. 'fhey ninny ons gamnes had been withnsmall col- gram incltites six nutners, sortie of ' beticotbtainrent of airy of thn enembers r lesmil.Ith gaewtanMr. Enddy's owic transcripthionr.'theoee iil. t tegtl wtrof the Comredy Club or rufaty of the' -- - .-" - __ - n___.,__ _ Princeton Cornell batted out thinner -f, +I- . ,..+-V t ocetsral mratinee of Snaturiay in- clurtes eight nunmhers, anrd thus partici- pants wcill be the Bsston Festival or- chtstra, Miss Stein, Miss Stecwart arnd Mr. Sk.,'eking. The great concert of the Festival, hoccever, will be this closing one Sat- urday ec'ening, May 1S, whuent the "Damnation of Faust" will tao ren- dered by, the Choral Union of 3 00 v oices, assisted by the soloists and 'the orchestra. The part of Mfargare- Asa will be taken bsy Mine. Nordica, ruins ins thre fourth muni5 anidIto mote in the fifth, keeopingthre lead of lit's to thrree thuts grinred until tire -eighth, whlen Princeton halt-ed Sniith, Cornell'aspichrer, hitacily anti won the game. The annual freshman bsanquet cwill fake place at Granger's tonmorrocw night, beginniing pronmptly at S. The connmittee on arrangements aunronce that those wishing tickets must obtain theme before tine dioors open. Seats mnay lie reserver tea1 Sheeh'lan's aftertiay3inrg thaee:tickts.o Althounghr there are nunaerous lr' neits of all bindtt beinig adtvertised it 1nr'rsentr, thn' interest that is bein-g nmanifisted inn the; revival of tire old University Dramatic club wvarrarnts tirecxpreeta- then Ithat the Comedty Cul.)wIcvi be greeted wvithn a full hnounse alt their psro- duction of "Woodccks Little Game" Bills and Notes AND NORTON ON BILLS AND NOTES NOW ON SALE AT WA H RS. U~p 'own, ' Dawn Tswr, UniversityBsokstore, Oppoite Court Hose 20S. state St 4 N.SMainSt.. ANN ARBOR and "Lend Me Five SiillinugW" at the oper's house May 10.