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May 01, 1895 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-05-01

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AL / /''IA At the Grand Opera House. Lost-Between cam~lpuIs.and M Thlle
t _! V_________ T __.ItIttio111 1 ilt2czrina.11tbu0ke
. Time Table (Revised) Nov. 18, 1894 Herbert Cawtor, in "A Cork Liberal reward if returned to 17 "'.
EASTM. WEST. A Ma" will be lhe attraction at thbe University lave. Clover Leaf
Mal and Ex --D550 Mall-......8 43 GrandS opera house. May 4 In the Wated -A wrunlg 1110au or lauy to
N. Y. Secal.. 5 15 N. Y. Special 7 3
Easters Ex --1 25 N. . 7 mte 30 sarole of t. A. Lony, ill "A 123k i.S iics ; ,cne assOill A:abIor. (alfor tar-
A. M. Pacific Es -H12l15 MIan," which was Waritell for iml by tinlars after 5 O'clock at 14 N. State Alni x-_ 7...R u e
D.NEx press....5,40 -Western Ex-IS212 Geo.Ileoy. AM. (awthiorn 218all to St.
G. R. Express ..l1 5 hi NI.Ex -10 71v viCfedi wiht l-:ly wm~rsam
0.-R.Es.-.. 7lae1 ieblS l hc od tyThere Will be a snnuer opeinileOf
. W. Ruocons, H. W. HAVES, his ailities as a mnery leakter. The Itne woolens at the took het uesfle- Please keep in mind teToldo5
-G. P. & T. At.. Chcg. At. Ass Arbor. character is that of an11 risllllall whose
ay aldl Wedesday of this wee , by St. Louis & Kansas City t tL,,
T., A..A. & N. IYL. ,Y.tatrilloli all adventures aIS 1cClfs of 5.l11ac, representingIkthe.lden The Clover Leaf iRots, "Fast
Takn ffcthnaAre ,81. 11 fun. Brighlt spcilie s Will be Ege Clothing Co., of Detroit. Al Line" for St. Loui, pMo, ad the
Trans eav An Aboren enralStad-sattored tlrlcnll11th e fl)ClIalC. the latest novelties mlein thll1)1e st West and Southwest leaves To..
artmonmu uz. a11nb the motlenjab -leeofich 11117-ahpoed style at poplar lprice. loeUnion Depot at 5 P. n.
7:00 am. 57ihia. m ilb atonscnetn ly-diy rie e no tto
*1:2p.m 11550a.m. ing. An exceedin ly trp~ cmpnsy Harry Simione has beeni eleted to daielarries nte wnonld)tatitn
4:15 p.. 9:0p. m. of 20 speialty p- hleas11-I tie cat,.the Inlader board. L(thelargv et imls orld)St
-Trains eon between Ann Arbor and Tolede oi al etmrig
only. and inclttdes 551-It 1)Atikniown-tfavor- ISS
All trans dalyAgentSunayites al ii (brbos WYoltttz.Ger ;O CONECTION IH AIANNARBO.
W. H. BENNETT G.P. A. Toledo . ale, iHarry SitltoeChdarles A. Ali- V V ~ ! n ihgnCnrllnsa
001, Sred Eckhtart,lners lM"n-Itdd'Mcia Cnrl oeo
ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. lotgi, se IForr: Rttenalt run- -L~ I:: , Tor
bull. Fannie bltiae, tlo rgia Enry, You see th"eerwee Buffet Reclining Chair Cars seats Free-
TmTalOcoe7,1894. Mel'ttIawkins, Lilliati(- lie, A'ma 1895 and Vestihulod Sleepers With-
TmTal, OcobeA7, M~y aS laIy ASotufrdt. r outhne
Leave Ypsilanti from Congrems t., 7:0, 9:550_out_______e.
1:5 p.. NOTICE TO TIIAC~fIS IEN. * Et*5iccies
1 .Leave 1Ann,Arbor:3:1,Junction,a l710 :55 .and All andidates for(le 'varsity tracie" C_0.. . ENlii(I14s.,
. 10 SUNDAY TIME. eanlutraist aSpealr 0o il e atiltic feld 100 General as u5 nerAt. Toledo, a,
LeavenYpsianti from Congress t.,:a,3as, for pratice every day besveen v and THEE'S* ihoe irion in ""m" """-"
5:Leae:30 and 9:0 p.rm.ucin f0o:0,:0 jp l. or arialtgeolher hours wttb n" 1jH. R'S i1
LeaeAss Arbor ucin .5t:5,511 he above. It preaches he UT. S. C -YC u ,72 "
7:0 and 9:0p.. SAir Fitzpatrick. It is impe~atively , f ,lchs- 2U.i.S~..L~ t5~-'
Cars ron on city tIme are: single trip i5 " economy ofbynmhfbs-
cents: rosnd trip tickets 5 cents iecessary tiat canldidates Ipear ws cooySsa vryoc
S~it P. ~isns Spt C nyds~ roti 113' 01.cae pratie witt Colurnbiax
FLOWERS, FLOWERS J. A. LEItOY, Capt. at $100. The new Colombas arei
Poe Everything and Everybody 91L ITS. " mavel of srenth, lghness, n *,ti/ /Ir
CObSINS & illLhe 1111 iiitp Urlaeul meel- 'symmery, beaty and speed. i
Telehonaa5, oa heiteaycasoi9 ocnie . conship husiness. trilday, ly 3 POPE MF. CO., Hartfrd,CGen. DEA CAZ tp .i 8m ,suhwg otn e ok ciao 7 f.3.Td 1
DIT.. &SC. . t4piiil om0 15 I vi' * San itneis, New Sect. thicfalo.
U. OF . TfIiLOR O~INSMN .F ~N. An Art Ctlnogu1ef Coombias cnbx a OlI.NIAIN.fe tayo to te
Our Spring and Summser Woolens Alaitesslt vsiitr Iil snc r : il bto~+
are now on sale. :Prices Low,oied two5,00- c,:i li-sees i (at inrst,51mils.
Call and see us. egt isit tieto Icoluleicesue'ls t- iowiks. ea e,.o
48 . tat S.. ecnd torAa rbo. ill scull their 11:21) s ani thicntisber - lcTFORTiBICSscsci. 10000 MILEkSPRICE3.03.
45SSsro. rndl~rAnSin.befoic trieday to SisAnni L. tRich- $0 0.Ot , etpiats or a,e -reedtlaek
22 Yearn in the Busines s--3 .Ards, 77 It. Hroti. " " °' 0°' " °. ONEF OUNCE ONEL I N 12(1 LONG.
CIY LUN R, Coitsants vho caTe for their con ie by -'cting exta piece dc: ii
CIY LUD ; test orains 11es tl for them ait NO CHINESE PUZZLE TO SOLDI
odc. J .Q LLtLI:S eidsl iilycfcos e aa
MM. SEABOLT. No. 4 N. 4th ave. of bie way ad af)i),itwtidC'tI:t
T715t-A Sg Clh ~si01pn -tas isoliltic nacossaieiAttl ept
kl~ilo 5 C~lO l llfl , o ie . )I-.i0 tlce td wate -1 ot risi 1
MERCH.ANT TAIL.ORING ! fOwviir's niatelod lhiikii1 1ti~k C ph. IIC t koersy mtr to0 5 at 5 3 ise pr ou
Cleaning.Pressing and IReairlng leave t :310 tS Inglls ' ld,'i~tde n
done netly by p"g D o a- oresIfsn- .iTBEiAtiiyI ushe od&ae Ost~piti'ti
APiGS OHOENEWALiS. 26IF..Wahigto: oytss-u bue IfsfdBEN&LN, M Iti--. ts
s ertise Jouthbtaedtiit te Dlly 69-01 MN St I l. 1x7 LAC
EXCELSIOR .+ LAUNDRY! ___________?____
CooedWork Goaranteed. Goods caled for I ARfk
and dcivered. A. F. COVEiT, Pop. [_
Ladles' and ents' Coting Cleaned H T SR G ,A K
Members of Guarantee oTie.et.Broers' nn-LOfAG LEMitrlid.h5ign .ieodite1i5Cty
adofU5.-AND- V MURRELL, LcaS Agent, Is teEDINt SC9HOO901O BUS E tndSiIRl
T FRANCSCO. gin 11 HAN. Magifcesi bilding; tnSeahr;argIe
Cshy & Meoen R. R. Ticket Agency SAN FRA CIS O.Oi isnst An Arore, Mic. atedace; tead disiplie;sueiwre .. asek;
50 Adams St., C____________Reducedratestoallsuppiedeadng oom; daiy iectue; Sanm3'r
10 Aa-o.Cico.Iesdrtstatew Texaild Califorinia Sleeping pieemintg reepios; open te. - rveir. iBxnSph
oN. rac tArb (ihte No"3 Lmpiieecil. hlfacteds fom ling .-7 esxtsa iam:
N aini st.AnArbor Michian. C--.n.. Board and lis.oTbm e2e es edseekaIw by wsii
$255.00 for a 51 Days Euro.H AAHADIRNMUTI Y.brr:i5. Fr Ctalgu addssa
We saecorconig eeis¢ec t rlyfora sum- CH1ICAGO TO LAREDO, TEXAS 1b IA l", NY .
me Isse 10 Europe leving t.ew York, Jose ( i
22nd,, hr London, Antswero. htsm to Cologs , via lttle RIt°',SMSIviers 's a,ri is, Pal1+,- - -
Colentz. Pankfot. Heideberg,. Sty nseo, eoii,e,Austi -asd "aniAtoio. Pastsee ________ _
Badn-Hoe, Pris and IDieperturnig. for bot Sprihes onoly onechasge ofCaa BbuigaemlSp l ADviefrACatl- 7ei.se-
ailing comsLodos Agstd 2sd. The party l~d Ifloleie. :0 .son et d v, rivig yisig-T l 5cil ADvc u Ae 5 'itr
vitt becoiduetdedbylandsodoser cbs tpersonlt it edSprings at 11:11 a. M. ix hosesthe ISTI LYHG GRD ! igteisac '<crled
charge O it OTOvokWFSwONs,of (:olmhuS,. ielest throughi leepigcr ine between SRCL IHGRD nileDstneT~ohe
well knoin as one of the f irs lealin- s icago soid Maleern, Alo daily thne o on a icylces
st litlos of Ameica and iceenhah geteman Tourist Sleepers. leavlg Chiao on same Eamie thi sceel before prchasing your
f1,are cexpeecle inis tavel Each p eon tratn, trogh to San PFtinisco via Lo 15mont.d . UFi t ti.i5 preie in i so r t s :'aI,
will ihaves berhins a lrge pomen'0e dekiAneles C-a. 1 a a.F. HE witleattwear fle byles, weitIF asy i3
stateiom, and the aShips Sel eted are nerw____ _-J. L.M EE 1F . ITIIO, oncesl i ss sl o, weteesr: i rn-'..e
, mtntwin cre)w, teamers, providwith tcesadtt nomto, I ORESRE.AET e-s;eisiOh ,ite aau drtrra'-te imiua,
electric lights and steam let. Comptee oe maps, ttesadfl nomtin iBso v~t.Aueslsh.wieiass il xa - ateb;.
itnerry and information maled on reept apply o quiklyoapplid adjusti hldi madfrom anT
of sef-addressed stamied evelope. 9251.o p d!rti iL " ® msi position i nhead n: maF)i1, S, ad
y sevrexpense of sl-hsutrsvr and J . GEN J.* fLDRLUiiiili, E /a'it~-1 1 0Inclihel,mis:ad iski t o _ay -t
htl.Iu infomationsand itineay Michigan Pass. Agt Tra. Pams. Ag 1>Z.L 16- e CY-repair '0 wlitou. chre.
mailed on recept og self--addresed envelope.
B hsTIChET OFICE: 01 Clark St., CHICAGO The latet thing in PHOTOGRAPYT Pr Bale by l Retili 1151 -talea
WARD BROTHERS, F. H. Tritram, P. E. ]Dombaugh, at
Gien. Tourist and Steamship Agt:., Cen. Paso. At. Pas. &t Ticket Ag B EB F ?Y NM A..N'S. Have you room- to ret?.r sol-
71 N. High at., Co. 7th v. nd.Smith- 307Maisn t.,
ALowaten everyweret Columi7sn Ohio. feld at., Pittbsrg, 1a. Toledo, 0. 6 E. Hurn ao. Specia Rues to Senhr. vertiSe them In the Daiy.

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