THEm U. OF M. DATLY. Published Daily (Sunda excepted) daring the Colle.,6 year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIIGAN. OFrime Times buil1ding N. Mdainst., opposite' post office. E D lQR RB. J. A. LERoY, '46, Managing Editor. G. B. HAInSOX, '96IL, Assistant A. W. SMITH, Special, Assistant. W. A. PenA, '06 L, Assistant. iH. COLnuMs, '17, Athletic Editor. J. S. PEARL, '95 L, Basiness Mlanager. Associate Editors. H. A. Dancer, '9.5. .E. L. Evans, '95 L. E. R. Sonderland, '111. Carrie V. Smith, 'SI. L. A. Pratt, '96. L. R. Hiamblen, 'O L. C. A. H~oughton, 'SI D. G. A. Heath, '91 P. Minnie Thompson. '57. HI. B. Gammon '9S ft. C. H. tFarell, '9S. S. E. Knappen, 'OS. J. S. Finlay, '98. Subscription pri :e PS 5'er yearS, invariably in ads'ance. Sisgle copies' Scents. Iuscrip- tions may be left at the officp of .the IOAt.r, at Stofflet's, at-Witlan sat.' news stand, with any of the editors or authorized olicitors Communicatiossahoald reach) the office by 7 o'clock p. m: if they are to appear the nett day. Address all matter intended for puhli- cations to the Otasaging Editor.. All business communications should he sent to the Busi- ness Olanager. THE U. OF M~. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Mich. "COLLEGE STORIES," Judgo Cheever Plakos.a 'iappy Col- lection Of U. of M. Reminiscences. A book has just becn issuicd by the Register Publishing Co. wvhich will tu of great initerest to all Michigan stu- dents and aissnii. It is a coleion of "stories and amusling in-cidents of, the University of Mtichlgan" coimpiled lay Judge Ciaeevor, of this city. Mainy stories are told of the class of '61i, and other war-tinie elasses, aind some of later tines. The. -stories .are gioupt-d together under the naisies of the lire. fessors hy whin..they: were told or to whomn lbhey apply. Dr. Willianis, otir first pi'ofesser 'of ,tameiaiics, has the largest share., He was a muan sintrersaily liked by the studeiits both for his kindness and his keen wit. On, one occasionr his students reanlagd .to. get a donkey up into his roomu which dent'snmade possible by guarding the churcn ashieca lie spoake, ithlihick' ory clubs. Tile hook contains 6)8 pages aiid is illustrated with pictures of the University and professors. S. C. A. Sung Service. Next Suiiday -afternoon at 4 o'clock 1(he S. C. A. male chorus of slab ii voices will give: a song service in New. berry_ hail. Mr. Ftliternian, tenor, aind Mr. Beadinger, baritone, ill assist. The program is as follows: I cainiot ohsways tract_ the wisy Dow Sentence.-Ileaveniy ttatlir.- eetieveti Lift tuine eyes-f roe Elijah-... Mendessohn Solo-Israfaci ........ Oliver King Mi'. Bendinger. We piraise thee, 0 God (To Denin Landainus) ...................tDow Mar. Flinterm-ni anti Chorlis. Father in Heavens'............ Dow Mr. Buridick and Chorus. Intermiezzo fiom Caivalle ia blIush~- elti................. RMasagr i (For Violin, Piano and Organ.) Leaid, Kindly Lighil...... Dudliey Buck Solo ... ... ... . . . . . . . . . Mte. Flinterniasi. Reemmernaenoss'thyPCi-liter-..tD)wT Jehlovahi, great. Jehosva-from 'fhe Magic Flute.. ............. Mozart Mr. Bemidinge r anil Chocus. The dos'e let loose iii east:eta skies.. Witt Nearer My (God, to Thiei'... (Arranged foi' ilic oes.) BICYCLES I BICYCLES T GIVEN AWAY ! If you wvish to buy a Bicycle at $10 to. $40 discount from regular lies comniaid see us. We caii sell you Motiairchis, Snalllls, Raleighas,' Wauesicks, Aciels, Uiiionis, Lindsays, Marcus, ''ribunies and near- lyn any mlake on the uiarket at re- duced prices. Also a full line of ladies' whveaels. Ladies, send us 'a postal and we wiill call. WIe have madte arrangeanents to see purchasers at the Daily office any night for liar next twvo weeks frotal 6:30 to S o'clock. THE CUT HATE CYCLE CO., U:. of IH. Daily Office:. Subscribe fear the Daily. Th i t LegeBl _14 ismdco hefnetmlralsadwil' Th VictortLeacgoodsall (Wae favoritcs amongithe athletes,'ad the Vactor trade-math as a guarantee of the# ,~finest quality. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. r> Mahers at Victor Bicycles,. ' B5oton. Norkh. DOtroit.Dner.a Sa I nc sto. tos Ageles. Portanod. l. STAEOLLt AgentIS1'iNV.5Washnstona 't DITSON MUSIC. "Sax Love Songs," ny Franh E. Sawyer. Traanslaataons of Sax of Heita's fiest lyers int es sisitensusical settitigs. H-eavy Paper,.7V cents. COLLEGE SONGS." The stanodard collection of College Pans.I Over 30o,000Sold. Heavy Paper.'g cents, Cloth. Gilt. $1.00. "COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." Only boot of- the hind' published. The songs of the leaditng colleges for women. Heasy Paper. $1.00, oAO'tL CO[L[CION INSIUENTIAL CITIAd W.Ri l Eighty-two pieces for the guitar from the beat sources. A spleandid collection. Hand- ome Cover. BO conts. Any hook sent postpaid on receipt of price. OLIVER DITSOC.N CO., 453-463 'SFsiatgton St., Bnutnn. C. H. Dtson & Ca. N Y. ~THE ANN. ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Ann Arbor, Mich. Caspital Stoch, 150,0. Surplus, $150,000. Orgaaized ouaderthe Generial'Bash ing*Laws of tis Stale. iteceives deposits, bsys aad sells eschaage on the prntcipal cities of the United States. Draifts cashaed aponmaproper dentificationa. Solely deposit hoses to rent. OFFRtS: tQaristian iMasck, lees.; W. 0. lartiesaa, Vica--Prs .;tbha. . iseoch, Cashier: M J. Fitz Assistant Cashier. 'WM. R_ DTJLXJ FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING Conner of State ad William sta., Willatoost.eetrance. PNEUMATIC BICYCLE SADDLES, "the Perfect" Isflatable Saddle, prevents; Chafing, Nsmbness and Saddle Soreness. The, Cheapest, Easiest Hiding Saddle in the World.. Poe Men. Women and Children. Circulars, Free. Address, PNEUMATIC SADDLE CO., 107 CliaanbesSt., Sfex,'York. THE. GRAND OPERA HOUSE,. SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1895. H1ezbez't + Cawthon COMPANY OF COMEDIANS, Uunder the masnacement of 1t. S. Mitchell in the ness farce comedy. A CORK MAN." Tharee Ilearty Laughs. Each one housr lonag. Prices, - - 35c, 50c, 75c. iteserved seats on sale at Wcatts'Jewelry Store. FIRST NATIONAL BANK.- OF ANN ARBOR, Orgaoiaed 1003. Capital, $100,0t0. Ssrpls and Profits, N0S,000. Transacts a general banhing businems. Foreign, exchanges bosght anedmsid. -Furnish, letters of credit. P. BACKPrens. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. To arrange fee private or SPI3CIAL CLA SS, lessotns in Dancing, call at Granger's .Aoaden~y.. Office hours 111to 1 and 4 to S. No stairs to inount. MRS, ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S School of Danacing and Delsarte. samrday, 10 a:m., Gentleman beginners class. Saturday, 4 "n., Lady beginners class. Mondlay, 7:3s p. in., Advanced Ciass (Ladies' andGenotlemen). Tuesday, 7:Ws p. na., Beginners Clsn (Ladies uaa entlemen). Private leasons by appontment. SCHOOL 46, S. STrATE ST THE Lovell Diamond Cycles Are unsurpassed for BEAUTY, SP'EED AND WORtKMANSBIP, Good allotnceomaeon s ed- iasnd wheel* GEO. FISHER. Agent, 5E.Univ. Av HANOSTERFERI CATERER, 2KE.Was ing- was on the fourth floor of .thI south - - wying. They tied it to "the desk, Put- tiag,51some hay, before it to keep it tik, mnd then took; their seats and awaited the arrival of thec doctor. Ho finally caine ini with his usual bland smile, and appreciated the situation i nmediatly. "Well, young genitlemhen*," lie sanid in laisniost deliberate way, "I am 'extremely delighted this morn- ing to see that you have chosen one of your own number to preside, and consequently do not need me. You msay take the next fourteen proposi- tions toe tomorrow," and he turned and went delia the stairway.' 'The students worked half a day to get the doankey down amid mnerly all nigh~t to get their lesson for the next day., Besid's Dr. W ilhiame, stories are told of Dr. Tappan, Peef A. D. White, Prof. 'Winchel, JudgeOtifibeil, oaid svk al other professoe nd promin- ent studens.Esp5 cj03y iteresting is th accuo tOheanti-slaveryhectore FR YOUR OUTING 00 TO PICTURESQUE JIfIOGCKIi ION. ONE THOUSAND MILES OF LAKE RIDE AT SMALL EXPENSE. Vinit this Hlistorical Inland, which is the grandest summer resort on the Great Lakes. It only costn about $111 from Detroit; $15 from Toledo ; $18 from Cleveland, for thn round trip, includinig meals and berths. Avoid the heat and dust by traveling on the D. & C. floating paliicea. The attraction of a trip to the flackinac region are unsurpassed. The island itnelf in a grand romantic npot, its climate most invigorating. Two nesv steel passenger steamern have just been built for the upper lake route, costing $100,000 each. They, sin equipped with every modern convenience, annunciatars, bathsraoms, etc., illuminated throughout by electricity, and are guaranteed to ha tie grsndest, largest and safent steanmers on i reub water. These steamers favorably compare with the great ocean liners in con- struction and speed. Four tripspear week IT'S HARD TO DO WITHOUT elnoraefsin~asrwenaennenrf CEO. S. PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN. Yourasrler isikelyrto havesthemtfth asnat, wrieustanelmtsend roe san infoatanan owsnt a5' sur hamdsan ilasntrmned canslogu e. on PAR>tSKRPlfaN COMP'AFY, Jaustanlte, 15' SHEEHAN & CO. Exclusive Agetnts for Ann Arbor. rH B -F.Co' P F m A 0,O FISK &GCO, 1,000 POSITIONS FILLED, IN 1t 14. Send' for Agency. Mhanual. Boston New Yerlt Chicago Len Angeles Toronto Wasitngto-O