7-I IF I TILE U. OF M. DAILY. For E. W evert line Misci I THlE Dookstor.l George Wi~hr, 19 ltsadqnarters for dent needs in the he, Sitationery and ck in general. ICHALLEIL, ~lBOOKSELLER, ton St., one block Main at. THE HIGHEST O AR H IGETO ALL HIGH GRADES, Warrasted superior to ainy Bicycle built is lbeaworld, regariless of price. ;( ont be induced to pay mere money far an inferior wheel1 Insist on havn the Waverley. Built and guaranteed by (he Indiana nicycle Ca. ' mllionado(ar concern, whose baud is as goad as gold. 21 lb. SCORCHER, $85. 22 lb. LADIES', $75. H. J. B3ROWN, Exclusive Agt. TH SOAP 5 CENTS A CAKE. other varieties of good at the same prices. B.ATI-I SIPONGES from 10c up t11,5 each at A, E, MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE, Cor. Fourth Are. and Washington St. I *9 l 1 T a t Wt S S. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. o I'TE R- DIC"TA. WANAMAKER tailors 20 milos of cloth per day. Hh by at enitrinotus discoouts. You boy of him atid yoo tvoid the profits tof ilie srloles~tler, ti jobb)er", the moiddlenian. 500 samplea. Up-to- d,,ts, tailoring. Fit guaranteed. Stroll Sttits Xi18. AT s . WANA2 SWEATERS 1VWIISY 'S OED STANVD. For Meun and Boys, HfO WMI TC lidx fflK I 1T[MB Buy Dean & Co.'s Fain ty E!N 1 AO'S Buy Best Western Pate tool Boy Bolted Corn MVeal lTD Buy Hulled Buckwheat Buy Six Pounds of Cray in black iinavy, white. Buy 734 Pounds Boat i garnet and gray, for Boys, op to 32 44 South M a Street. inch sizes, UNIERSTY_ OTE $1.50: UIEST OE FotrAfen, all sizes, The '98 toll '96 ttimsiayila- STATE STREET. ) ECONIOM~IZE. oily Flour for $3.00 pe Barrel. tant Flour for $3.75 per Barrel. for 23 cents per 1-16 Barrel. tFlour for 31 cents per 1-16 per Barrel. ckers for 25 cents. tolled Oats for 25 cents. DELAN & COMaf[IANSF ', S 1 Women's Gym Subisoriptions. 1 a five- Initerest in thiewontl's gyintiasiss ay atter- continsuos old the stork of raising;lt aly. re;qttied ftunds istiring csnstanily the sill: pushed fttwatd. ft is, nowsvproposeid I $2.00. Strawbridlge &Clothier P'HILAD IELPHIA. SweaterfS --AT- Sehn &Co.'s TEAM LAUNDRY CO. 101gh lt isoattd Domestic Finish. 'E. S. SE+.RVISS, Xaaiager, 123 SOUTH FO)URT,'H AVENUE. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK AlniArbort ,14lobchCapital Stark, $00,000. Surplus, $15,000. org anined undertthe Geoeral Bombing Laws of OhioStaic. Rtecives deposits, buys and sells e wcbnge on the principal cities of= the United sutetr,. Drafts cashed noon proper identific atic.Saftdy deo a it haxes to cost. Ore ti. Chrisistianlt P ens.;w.D. Ba arrninVice-Pres.; Chat.FE.Riscock, caubit M.iJ. Fritz AOcit1 tCasbier. HAVE 19 SEEN IBE LINDS'AY BICYC'LE[ 'Tho highest of the '95 high grade wheel. Sold by 104 S. 1Xain St. 'Samples comning. iliitgplractie gtiaie yiat -id. 110(111 wvhiil) the fiuirmer stomaoi Tennis i)iayiiig lt egantton iii ils' risurts onthe etaimpuis yt 'lit tact-lly couti-s have betei fsr .ooiie'tilm-. Rluacsslsfor tli.- 'otnet t-nter~ttiiin lit ott Maty-10 tre f rst rily. 11 in u1se ty ('itb going oil ev-ery idty maii eviryiting is Irorecs- tug fiiiely. The itist of ehaacters, will lit-as jptubtishted iii the Daily a fs aystia tgo, acidl t-isutrt-s ufit-st clas pieuiieiittiioti. Tilt tickets will be out sile a week ft-sit today it Sliclia n's, nanidlthe se ats Las-ibtinspiacedlit ite low psices of 35, 5 iii tiitiSCi-nts,, in oriltIsgive overyoui- acbaoce io Pt's it, Law Notes. Prof. (Iriflin Twill leite today. Tho eior laws cross bats writht tl IHigh School oni th-ecamipius this afternoon. Prof. Johnson psreorde-d over the practice cotort yesterday in the ab- sence of Prof. Rog;le. This senitrs fluisli Itearti's (riiuinal P1eatding this weet andl will stand a fitual enxtmtination Satuy mottling.- Instructor HughIes till htave a spec- ial qizi in Tonts Satuirdatyoft-mnoon at 2 o'clock, in retin 4, for those hav- lug txcoseo obsecres. The two sections which were to have beeifn examined in Partniership Thurs- tay, will nso be examnied until Sat- nrtbty morning at 10 o'clock, The) ,tetuaiitder cf Ithe ca) course two of the practice cot, he assigttcd on Wednestday, Tiu and Saturday of this week. Ca,. will soon be heard in the evelsha, aind ,by :so doing,, it is expected that the course will be completed early in June. to stat a stibscriptiontit iitng tie cot- le giogirls titeselvses. T'eiii- itttin Phi Boet's hase tzi-te t the li-ad its this otovei n nd soi ht-e iledge it$2-)to start tlielhst, wiliOith er i Isalet itt- cea-es of their surbsripitiion.,There ca beis oubiittthostthe iiili r strati- ti-s will sllots their intirat initli- work in Ithe si' tti-tttieitmannuer, andhiat tsa-cery crsai-ertitiii'simiwili tihus bto tdideidto that utlreaidyill hi' ha-isoof 'l'rea.stmrrS8oul,. Res Gestae Out Soon. The hoarid of ettors of the seioir lay: annual, tR-s (iu ar, nioutice Itat it avill appeairhaoaut the middile of May, The hook swill containi 50. pta5es sitvei by teninclhi- in siznetdi asillhe illutrbated by twventy ftull-page hlaf-ton-s, and, other smaller ruts, It will contbsin' ortlcics by Judges Coaley; Prof.. Knowlton, Prof. Meehemnamd Dean-Electstr~teins.iEssays; poeas , sketceis and grins wllmakale up tiea' rest Cf the vtlnlte. BICYCLES T BICYCLIBS T GIVEN AWAT! If you 'wjsh to buy a Bicycle at $10 to $40 d iWcount frion regular .prices -Soif~ end see ms, :We can s-il you Mtonarecis, Smaiheys, Rtaleighis, Warwicks, Ariels, Unaloot Liudsys, Marchs, Tribumies and near- any make on the market at re- - d prices. o a full line of, ladie' wheels sed us a postal and we. will -oeumade arrantgemueuts to, see at the. Daily, of-ie anm next two weeks fr o0:10 iATE CC LE't ,1. U. of M. DaIly Of ce. IX RNEW TCOLLI R A. C. SPALDiNG & ROS. -Athletic Supplies. BASEBALL, LAWN TENNIS, GOLF. -Uniformin for All Sports. RIDE THE SPALDINC B11CYW.ES- THlE LEADER FOR I89$, HANDSOME ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE SENT FREE. NEW YORK, CHICAGO, PHILADELPHIA. BICYCLE DISCOUNTS $15 'T0 $50 Dliscount from cooular.prtees. Highcut grade, Net the caniner cat rote whetels, Doat buy before you see them-. APMADOC & MANCHESTER, 42, S. State st., usreor. Willilam. MOORE & WM~MORE e iS. M1ainst., and Rtate st., cor- nor of. Williamsht, have a complete stork of ONIYASIT 111 HOOKS New and 'Setond Hand. Note Rooks and ebb-er'studests' Supplies Fine Stationery, Spov*14g Goeds, etc., which they effrat the - owslprices. Call aid see uis befbre purchasing. G. I-b WJL TH"'E LE API NG0TAILOR amid Importer has received'the largest and most. select, stock of I1PORTED 110 DOMESTIC WOLENS forSping andtSummreof '9 It the cit,and wouild. be pleasedI Iohe y ou casB and examine the ca~me. FuUl Dress Suits, a Specialty. E. Wshingtst.. near Main.